Another video of 'The Illuminati murdered MJ'

I've been trying to ignore these threads because I can really go off on the subject...and it really agitates me. The Illuminati most DEFINITELY exists, there is no doubt about that...and I think people everywhere should definitely know about them and what really goes on in this world. Most everything we see and hear from the media and government is CONTROLLED and manipulated. Lies lies everywhere.

However, I do not agree with a lot of the "Illuminati Killed Michael Jackson" videos on YouTube. MJ surely knew of the NWO...I don't doubt that, and they've killed off artists...I don't doubt that either. But some people are going a little too far with the conspiracies and just rampaging with it.

Either way...everyone should research them outside of YouTube...with real reliable sources. It's astounding what you will find...and it's necessary in changing the world. We can't change what we don't acknowledge.

I agree with you amygrace. I think youtubes are a good place for an itroduction to it. It is very rare to find a you tube I 100% agree with but there is still often snippets of good information in them as well.

I certainly agree with reading other material if you really want to understand it there are many excellent researchers out there. Most are pretty united on what it is about. I also read the autobiographies of some of these people for my information such as David Rockerfeller and they do blatantly admit what some of these videos are saying, that is what is shocking, and yet people still deny it.

Here is a well known quote from his book Memoirs

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." -David Rockefeller

I'm all for healing too and being positive and dealing with this positively, it is the best way.

Have you got any books you can recommend?
I have to re-quote this too... because it's very true...and certain proof that MJ knew what was really going down. We cannot trust anything we are told or shown these matter whoever the hell is showing it or who supposedly wrote it years ago. We live in a controlled society folks...they choose what stories are told.

I also believe some conspiracy stuff is deliberate disinfo. even that is controlled. Knowing what is true and what is not when you go down the rabbit hole is very difficult,you have to be able to connect the dots. It is impossible at times
"Panem et circences":give them food and mindless entertaiment!Even idea promoters like David Icke are controlled by TPTB for to give each one what they need:some of us like to think and that must be guided too!
To Admin,

Could you please close these sort of threads so we can continue to talk about POSITIVE things!

Thank You!
But to learn the Reality and the World we are living in IS a positive thing!So we learn to fight and endure,make ourselves better and get self-consciousness!