Another video of 'The Illuminati murdered MJ'

Jan 17, 2004
A friend sent me this today, and while i'm always very very skeptical about these things, i would do try to keep an open mind. I actually never realized that about the Heal the world video, of the Isralian soldiers and Palestinian children reuniting. That's from the description of the video...just watch the video. The only ridiculous part is where he questions if the balcony 'incident' was even Michael at all.
Michael was killed by illuminati, conspiracy or whatever you call them. Mike was dangerous. good that some ppl are starting open their minds.

PS. This thread fits better in investigative unit. I hope mods will take of it.
I thik the label illuminati is misleading in some ways as many people think it is a "conspiracy theory". The fact remains though that cannot be denied is that complex powers rule and control the world, they own the media, the economic system, and are advisers to global governments. They also make trillions of dollars out of selling weapons of mass destruction too countries across the globe so do not want an end to war, It is too profitable Many of them can be named ie Rothschild who own Reuters, media, and the federal reserve, they also own half the world's wealth 500 trillion dollars.

John Kennedy was assassinated for exposing secret societies and the corrupt federal reserve and it seems to me too many people who want to use their position to do good for the world do die mysteriously, usually those ones that can have an affect on a huge scale across the globe and are therefore risk to the powers that be. John Lennon is another that springs to mind.

I beieve that Michael with his message of heal the world was a real threat to tptb as he did have the global iconic status to make a difference. I think he had and could have had more influence than all the global leaders in the world which is why that message had to be stopped. I 100% believe that and this agenda against Michael began a long time ago, around 1993 when the first allegations started. Evan Chandler father said on that tape that there were others behind this that wanted to destroy Michael and it was not just him

Here is a youtube clip of a speech of John Kennedy exposing secret societies that are the real power behind global governments, and one of the reasons he was assassinated.
I saw that video maybe a month after Michael's passing
while I don't believe in that stuff but its a very interesting theory
The illuminati arent they the people in the movie angel and demons??
I thik the label illuminati is misleading in some ways as many people think it is a "conspiracy theory". The fact remains though that cannot be denied is that complex powers rule and control the world, they own the media, the economic system, and are advisers to global governments. They also make trillions of dollars out of selling weapons of mass destruction too countries across the globe so do not want an end to war, It is too profitable Many of them can be named ie Rothschild who own Reuters, media, and the federal reserve, they also own half the world's wealth 500 trillion dollars.

John Kennedy was assassinated for exposing secret societies and the corrupt federal reserve and it seems to me too many people who want to use their position to do good for the world do die mysteriously, usually those ones that can have an affect on a huge scale across the globe and are therefore risk to the powers that be. John Lennon is another that springs to mind.

I beieve that Michael with his message of heal the world was a real threat to tptb as he did have the global iconic status to make a difference. I think he had and could have had more influence than all the global leaders in the world which is why that message had to be stopped. I 100% believe that and this agenda against Michael began a long time ago, around 1993 when the first allegations started. Evan Chandler father said on that tape that there were others behind this that wanted to destroy Michael and it was not just him

Here is a youtube clip of a speech of John Kennedy exposing secret societies that are the real power behind global governments, and one of the reasons he was assassinated.

This scares me. :(
I also remember a video of Michael himself, giving a long and very powerful speech to a crowd. This was i believe after Invincible. He basically said that alot of racism is still in the music industry. But he also said that everything you read; the history books......that they are .....a lie. Damn.
There was a thread like this before and now someone else brought it up. The mods will close this very soon as it is B/S.
Ppl say the same for 2pac. He recorded a song called Killuminati and then he was shot dead.. the number 7 is assosiated with 2pac as well as MJ.

I don't know .. people were talking about MJ and the illuminati in 2007/2008. La Toya is now scared for her life apparently ..

I don't want to believe in this stuff. Don't ppl say they are behind the swine flu vaccine and the swine flu vaccine is really to kill people. I most definitely don't think thats true.

Blahhhhhhh. This will prob be closed/deleted because it's quite scary, and possibly dangerous..?

I'd like to think that this is not real.
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I have a friend in Australia who wrote me about this. I blew if off because it seemed far fetch... now I wonder ....could it be????:doh:
Are there other videos about Michael? If so post em in the 1st post?

My mind is open as hell to this stuff. Like the Freemasons etc.
There are so many things going on in this world that we know nothing about.
Just think about many good people that were trying to make this world a better place are killed. And Michael was the strongest of them. Remember M.L.King, Malcom x, John Lennon, Kennedy, it"s even happening nowdays.
Michael was spreding the message of love all of his life. He was fighting for the world without war, without weapons, without racisam...without destroying our planet...all very important stuff. And yes....I belive conspiracy started in 1993.
Some people are just pure evil. So....anything is possible.
Theres sooo many things brought up by the Freemasons that just make sense. Some of it is crazy shit but some of it people should be more open minded about.
I also remember a video of Michael himself, giving a long and very powerful speech to a crowd. This was i believe after Invincible. He basically said that alot of racism is still in the music industry. But he also said that everything you read; the history books......that they are .....a lie. Damn.

I remember that speech. He is VERY RIGHT that all historical books are twisted. Never believe what you really read or hear on TV. You only can kind of figure out what is the truth if you have an ability to read between lines. This is how I read historical staff and everything. Sometimes what you read, has to be an exact opposite.
I don't know if I believe in the Illuminati in particular (don't know a whole lot on the subject) but do I believe there are those in power who are involved in the underground doing things in secret behind the public's back? Absolutely yes. I think the majority of people are blind to this. I really do believe all these high profile figures: MJ, John Kennedy, John Lennon, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated to serve an agenda and to shut them up. Those in power don't want anyone to upset the established order. It's a very scary thing and I think more people need to be aware of it. If none of those people had been killed, I think the world would be a better place. We really have to fight for peace. You can't just depend on one person to do it all.
Yeah Michael was going on about things in the New York protests with Al Sharton. He tries to open up in the 2003 interview with Ed Bradley but cuts himself off. He says things in the MJNI's Killer Thriller 2002 speech about the people in the music industry. Theres also TDCAU. And what that goes on about. No wonder he got in alot of trouble with that song.
The illuminati are the ones who have got all these haters brainwashed
its just weird how people dont even know theyre being manipulated
i love they dont care about us cos its the truth
michael was saying so much in that song
Remember, just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's not true.
the illuminati is real people..especially in the music industry
Yes they are this is what i was trying to tell every body but i don't want to go into full details Michael decided not to make the type of music they wanted to hear when I say they I'm talking bout the people who were surrounding him and controlling him they are apart of the secret society many of you heard about many of Michael friends in the industry are apart of them when their life is going down hill they go back to Michael for guidance cause he god like he can really help them cause he knows how it is sacrificing and selling your sold.

Michael paid his dues they wanted more this concert that never had a chance to happen and the money he wasn’t bankrupt at all he was a billionaire who was giving things cause he listen but things was taken away cause his wasn’t down for all that wickedness. This shit is real I know a few people who are industry up and coming artist some been in the industry for a few years. I am related to a Harlem rapper who turn his life over to Christ but it seems like he going to make that sacrifice again. You know how many artist sacrificed their family members for riches cause they wanted to live you have to be a heartless piece of shit to do something like that they will set your ass up if you don’t do what they say. For example Latoya knows all about them people but she can’t say much or her ass is next that’s why the Jackson’s are trying to move in silence.

P.S Thank of all the artist that you heard about committing suicide or was murdered even the biggest names in music gets bump off and if your african American for get about you not even worth a penny "they really care about us" pay attention to MJ lyrics go back and listen to that history album especially the song called money he explains more go watch this man speaches. I didn't even want to address all of this but fuck its apart of history they were formed in 1776 been deadly ever sense. I won't even address the media cause they is another media that they are apart of this is why all the bad MJ news got out its so sad and sicken. i'm out 100
Yes they are this is what i was trying to tell every body but i don't want to go into full details Michael decided not to make the type of music they wanted to hear when I say they I'm talking bout the people who were surrounding him and controlling him they are apart of the secret society many of you heard about many of Michael friends in the industry are apart of them when their life is going down hill they go back to Michael for guidance cause he god like he can really help them cause he knows how it is sacrificing and selling your sold.

Michael paid his dues they wanted more this concert that never had a chance to happen and the money he wasn’t bankrupt at all he was a billionaire who was giving things cause he listen but things was taken away cause his wasn’t down for all that wickedness. This shit is real I know a few people who are industry up and coming artist some been in the industry for a few years. I am related to a Harlem rapper who turn his life over to Christ but it seems like he going to make that sacrifice again. You know how many artist sacrificed their family members for riches cause they wanted to live you have to be a heartless piece of shit to do something like that they will set your ass up if you don’t do what they say. For example Latoya knows all about them people but she can’t say much or her ass is next that’s why the Jackson’s are trying to move in silence.

P.S Thank of all the artist that you heard about committing suicide or was murdered even the biggest names in music gets bump off and if your african American for get about you not even worth a penny "they really care about us" pay attention to MJ lyrics go back and listen to that history album especially the song called money he explains more go watch this man speaches. I didn't even want to address all of this but fuck its apart of history they were formed in 1776 been deadly ever sense. I won't even address the media cause they is another media that they are apart of this is why all the bad MJ news got out its so sad and sicken. i'm out 100

I haven' t read about this before sorry I don't know much about it but it does scare me to think this could be going on.

Yes they are this is what i was trying to tell every body but i don't want to go into full details Michael decided not to make the type of music they wanted to hear when I say they I'm talking bout the people who were surrounding him and controlling him they are apart of the secret society many of you heard about many of Michael friends in the industry are apart of them when their life is going down hill they go back to Michael for guidance cause he god like he can really help them cause he knows how it is sacrificing and selling your sold.

Michael paid his dues they wanted more this concert that never had a chance to happen and the money he wasn’t bankrupt at all he was a billionaire who was giving things cause he listen but things was taken away cause his wasn’t down for all that wickedness. This shit is real I know a few people who are industry up and coming artist some been in the industry for a few years. I am related to a Harlem rapper who turn his life over to Christ but it seems like he going to make that sacrifice again. You know how many artist sacrificed their family members for riches cause they wanted to live you have to be a heartless piece of shit to do something like that they will set your ass up if you don’t do what they say. For example Latoya knows all about them people but she can’t say much or her ass is next that’s why the Jackson’s are trying to move in silence.

P.S Thank of all the artist that you heard about committing suicide or was murdered even the biggest names in music gets bump off and if your african American for get about you not even worth a penny "they really care about us" pay attention to MJ lyrics go back and listen to that history album especially the song called money he explains more go watch this man speaches. I didn't even want to address all of this but fuck its apart of history they were formed in 1776 been deadly ever sense. I won't even address the media cause they is another media that they are apart of this is why all the bad MJ news got out its so sad and sicken. i'm out 100

You so right about this. I been on this thing for about 5 or 6 years now.
John Kennedy was assassinated for exposing secret societies and the corrupt federal reserve and it seems to me too many people who want to use their position to do good for the world do die mysteriously, usually those ones that can have an affect on a huge scale across the globe and are therefore risk to the powers that be.

Too many were assassinated only because they had really somethin to say
If none of those people had been killed, I think the world would be a better place.

Without a doubt. The strange thing is, they rather murder those wonderful than to make this world a better place
I've been trying to ignore these threads because I can really go off on the subject...and it really agitates me. The Illuminati most DEFINITELY exists, there is no doubt about that...and I think people everywhere should definitely know about them and what really goes on in this world. Most everything we see and hear from the media and government is CONTROLLED and manipulated. Lies lies everywhere.

However, I do not agree with a lot of the "Illuminati Killed Michael Jackson" videos on YouTube. MJ surely knew of the NWO...I don't doubt that, and they've killed off artists...I don't doubt that either. But some people are going a little too far with the conspiracies and just rampaging with it.

Either way...everyone should research them outside of YouTube...with real reliable sources. It's astounding what you will find...and it's necessary in changing the world. We can't change what we don't acknowledge.
everything you read; the history books......that they are .....a lie.
I have to re-quote this too... because it's very true...and certain proof that MJ knew what was really going down. We cannot trust anything we are told or shown these matter whoever the hell is showing it or who supposedly wrote it years ago. We live in a controlled society folks...they choose what stories are told.
I have to re-quote this too... because it's very true...and certain proof that MJ knew what was really going down. We cannot trust anything we are told or shown these matter whoever the hell is showing it or who supposedly wrote it years ago. We live in a controlled society folks...they choose what stories are told.

Well said.