Another new (Positive) trial doco to be released in July

I'll watch it most likely. And about the whole "reliving the past", I understand where y'all are coming from. But for the majority of the populous, the past will never leave. And the media will certainly never let it go. That's how they get their kicks half the time, by resurfacing old shit and reminding people about their famous stars' pasts.

Someone said it already, but if it's for positive reasons, then it's great to me. I have no reason to not watch it. Plus it will be informing to my younger sister and all her friends she is now converting!
Wow! You fans are incredible with finding the latest information about MJ quickly!

We, at Elbow Grease Productions, were approached to distribute (in stores) "Behind the Scenes at the Michael Jackson Trial" doc 2 years ago (first release, by us, only on November 2005--no one wanted to distribute anything positive about MJ at that time), but we decided to produce and release our documentary, "Barack Obama The Power of Change" first due to the timing of the Presidential election. We had plans to release this documentary despite MJ's performances at the O2 arena. The timing is purely coincidental.

"Michael Jackson The Trial and the Triumph of the King of Pop" has been upgraded, renamed, repackaged and includes more TRIUMPH information.

We've been following MJ for over 4 years now, so we decided to include bonus footage about what MJ has been up to since his full acquittal (MJ Recap 2005-2009).

Tom Mesereau has been a great supporter of what we do and is very excited about this documentary being released in stores because this is indicative that the "powers that be" are now willing to help rebuild MJ and allow massive worldwide distribution of positive media about MJ. We also included bonus footage/coverage/interviews of Tom, Aphrodite Jones, Linda Deutsch, and Jermaine Jackson.

Something must exists in the public's hands as a piece of history that tells the truth.

There are still far too many people who believe MJ is guilty.

Just keep in mind fans--this was the biggest fan-supported event in world history and we documented it for historical purposes! You all should be very proud of yourself!

Fans on these boards are very involved with MJ's life and happenings, but everyone doesn't know what you know.

We are very proud that we finally broke through!!!
yaaaaaay and i still don't understand how anything like this could be 'late'......someone care to explain that one to me?

u've had men on death row for 20 yrs only to be set free when evidence shows they are that too late?
I'm actually happy about the documentary being released. It just means that more people will get to know the truth about the accusations. More people will get to like him. And more fans for MJ for sure. There are so many people convinced Mike did those bad things, therefore these kind of documentaries are great!
Michael Jackson has been unjustly labeled a child abuser for the last decade and then some of his life...I don't see how setting the general public straight (fans or no fans) about what happened can be any worse than that. He isn't the only one that has been falsely accused of something, many others have as well. Although he's been aquitted thankfully, and has obviously moved on with his life, the accusation will always be a part of it. If someone wanted to destroy you and tried to incarcerate you for 20 plus years, would you forget that? Yes, people who have been wronged can move on and do...However, the truth in all of these years has yet to be told in it's entirety...this isn't about inconvenience as to when truths can be told, quite the contrary...truth never goes out of style.
truth never goes out of style.

But it did, concerning MJ. Media coverage of the trial is all you need to see that. People who think MJ is guilty, nonfans and people who just plain don't care about him aren't gonna watch this documentary. Perhaps the only people will be friends or relatives of fans. I find it hard to believe that this will 'set the general public straight'. That actually sounds plain deluded to me.
I doubt it will even get significant exposure, because of course the media won't write about it if it's positive. Most people see MJ as a molestor and will continue to do so unless one of the boys came forward and said nothing happened, and somehow I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, do you? The media holds too much sway over making people's mind up nowadays. I think most fans came to terms with that years ago, which is why many agree it's too late for this to have any impact, since no one's interested in the case anymore. They've 'learned' all they need to from the media.
i'm just glad to see the title. it's about time somebody admitted it in words. it's not the 'rise and fall of Michael Jackson'. it's the Trial and Triumph of Michael Jackson.

all in all, his truth is reigning victorious over all the lies.

he has the victory.
^^I second that about the title.

I think docs and stuff are pretty cool. In the end they do just that, for better or for worse, they document his legacy. And as every well adjusted reader(of film, books, etc) knows everything is looked at in context of the creator, and of the times it was created.

vncwilliam you said it well, "He has the victory"...
I agree i love the tiltle of the dvd too :)
me too.

can't wait to see it :clapping:. And I hope everyone watches it!!!!!!! alot of ppl only know what the tabloids told them, and that SUCKS!!!
Wow! You fans are incredible with finding the latest information about MJ quickly!

We, at Elbow Grease Productions, were approached to distribute (in stores) "Behind the Scenes at the Michael Jackson Trial" doc 2 years ago (first release, by us, only on November 2005--no one wanted to distribute anything positive about MJ at that time), but we decided to produce and release our documentary, "Barack Obama The Power of Change" first due to the timing of the Presidential election. We had plans to release this documentary despite MJ's performances at the O2 arena. The timing is purely coincidental.

"Michael Jackson The Trial and the Triumph of the King of Pop" has been upgraded, renamed, repackaged and includes more TRIUMPH information.

We've been following MJ for over 4 years now, so we decided to include bonus footage about what MJ has been up to since his full acquittal (MJ Recap 2005-2009).

Tom Mesereau has been a great supporter of what we do and is very excited about this documentary being released in stores because this is indicative that the "powers that be" are now willing to help rebuild MJ and allow massive worldwide distribution of positive media about MJ. We also included bonus footage/coverage/interviews of Tom, Aphrodite Jones, Linda Deutsch, and Jermaine Jackson.

Something must exists in the public's hands as a piece of history that tells the truth.

There are still far too many people who believe MJ is guilty.

Just keep in mind fans--this was the biggest fan-supported event in world history and we documented it for historical purposes! You all should be very proud of yourself!

Fans on these boards are very involved with MJ's life and happenings, but everyone doesn't know what you know.

We are very proud that we finally broke through!!!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Will this just go down the drain like Michael Jackson conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones? None of the bookstores even carry it. Same goes to these positive documentaries, non-fans will not know about it unless they're broadcasted in every major tv network in every country like LWMJ did. :(

And what is the point of releasing a DVD when only fans who already know the truth will buy it?
Wow! You fans are incredible with finding the latest information about MJ quickly!

We, at Elbow Grease Productions, were approached to distribute (in stores) "Behind the Scenes at the Michael Jackson Trial" doc 2 years ago (first release, by us, only on November 2005--no one wanted to distribute anything positive about MJ at that time), but we decided to produce and release our documentary, "Barack Obama The Power of Change" first due to the timing of the Presidential election. We had plans to release this documentary despite MJ's performances at the O2 arena. The timing is purely coincidental.

"Michael Jackson The Trial and the Triumph of the King of Pop" has been upgraded, renamed, repackaged and includes more TRIUMPH information.

We've been following MJ for over 4 years now, so we decided to include bonus footage about what MJ has been up to since his full acquittal (MJ Recap 2005-2009).

Tom Mesereau has been a great supporter of what we do and is very excited about this documentary being released in stores because this is indicative that the "powers that be" are now willing to help rebuild MJ and allow massive worldwide distribution of positive media about MJ. We also included bonus footage/coverage/interviews of Tom, Aphrodite Jones, Linda Deutsch, and Jermaine Jackson.

Something must exists in the public's hands as a piece of history that tells the truth.

There are still far too many people who believe MJ is guilty.

Just keep in mind fans--this was the biggest fan-supported event in world history and we documented it for historical purposes! You all should be very proud of yourself!

Fans on these boards are very involved with MJ's life and happenings, but everyone doesn't know what you know.

We are very proud that we finally broke through!!!

I do see what you're trying to do Pearl, but I have mixed feelings about it. Of course, we all wish everybody knew what we know about the trial and we wish that they didn't discount what we say purely because we are fans. I'm sure we all wish that a documentary like this had been aired shortly after the end of the trial when public interest was at a high point, but I just think that so much time has passed that maybe it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.

On one hand, I can only see this documentary being worthwhile if it is widely distributed across major stores in the US (and around the world) with a marketing campaign that will get itlots of attention and help it spread the word. But on the other hand I think that as MJ is trying to make a successful return to the stage, perhaps this will just make it more difficult for him to be remembered as the artists he is. Do we really want to remind people of those disgusting allegations? Do we really want that fresh in the minds of people who watch him or read about him in the papers??

Pearl, you said you were approached to distribute a documentary in stores 2 years ago. If that offer still stands, then where will it be distributed? Which stores? globally or US only? Will it be marketed? How will it be marketed?

How well did you Barack Obama DVD sell? (e.g. Amazon rank, copies sold etc)

Also, will you be offering any snippets of information for the fans prior to release? (e.g cover art, small video clips etc)
Will this just go down the drain like Michael Jackson conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones? None of the bookstores even carry it. Same goes to these positive documentaries, non-fans will not know about it unless they're broadcasted in every major tv network in every country like LWMJ did. :(

And what is the point of releasing a DVD when only fans who already know the truth will buy it?
This is what I'm worried about too :(
Why is this being put onto DVD and not aired then?

It's because the media don't want to put anything Pro-Michael Jackson on the air. Now if this was a negetive Michael Jackson documentary i am 100% sure that the media will be showing it all the time
Also because it's not produced by a professional production company. TV stations don't buy programmes from random people who have put together a documentary - too many legal issues could arise and they don't want the risk
I'm happy to correspond with Michael's fanbase, but please treat me as a friend of Michael's not an enemy. O.K.?

Experience tells me that due to Michael's comeback concerts, all the old accusations will be brought up over and over again. We agreed to release the documentary, "Michael Jackson The Trial and Triumph of the King of Pop" to combat upcoming negativities and perhaps stop them in their tracks. I don't think it would have been productive to tell them "No, we don't want domestic and international distribution", especially since we are still selling "Behind the Scenes at the Michael Jackson Trial".

Barack Obama The Power of Change was released in the USA on September 30, 2008 and Japan just April 30, 2009. It is available nationwide (USA) in Barnes and Noble stores, Wegmans groceries, Virgin Megastores and many other outlets nationwide. We also offered it for the blind and deaf communities, plus everywhere online. Since the Barack DVD was a success, we are now granted a higher level of distribution for this MJ doc.

"Michael Jackson The Trial and Triumph of the King of Pop" will be distributed in the USA as well as in the United Kingdom for sure. There very well may be in other countries, but those I know for sure at this time.

I didn't release the news item about the availability of this DVD and didn't plan on doing so until mid June. I guess the distributor got excited and released this information sooner than I expected. I was shocked to see it! Now listen, if the distributor doesn't believe Michael's own fanbase is excited then why aggressively promote it?? See, it is a confusing message to put down the distribution of positive Michael media because they will believe the fans don't even want it. We must be thoughtful of our messages. This is a matter of damned if you do positive so why not do the negative--it usually sells better.

We at, Elbow Grease Productions, do have plans on marketing, but so does the distributor apparently.

Over 750,000 people will see Michael perform at the O2 arena and we realize that they know MJ is the greatest entertainer that has ever lived, but we want them to also know that he is a divine human being as well. Michael deserves, at least, that much!

The haters will rise, but we want to be prepared for them. Once I stopped Bob Jones from speaking at the Southern California Black Journalists Association because he knew I'd be attending; so I do realize that the truth can eliminate or minimize a monopoly on the lies.

It would be nice for the distributor to have confidence in this project--that way, maybe they will work harder to market and promote it, plus ensure it is in more stores.

Our independent company can only do so much, we need the muscle of the distributor and the fans behind us to ensure the success of this documentary!
I'm happy to correspond with Michael's fanbase, but please treat me as a friend of Michael's not an enemy. O.K.?

Experience tells me that due to Michael's comeback concerts, all the old accusations will be brought up over and over again. We agreed to release the documentary, "Michael Jackson The Trial and Triumph of the King of Pop" to combat upcoming negativities and perhaps stop them in their tracks. I don't think it would have been productive to tell them "No, we don't want domestic and international distribution", especially since we are still selling "Behind the Scenes at the Michael Jackson Trial".

Barack Obama The Power of Change was released in the USA on September 30, 2008 and Japan just April 30, 2009. It is available nationwide (USA) in Barnes and Noble stores, Wegmans groceries, Virgin Megastores and many other outlets nationwide. We also offered it for the blind and deaf communities, plus everywhere online. Since the Barack DVD was a success, we are now granted a higher level of distribution for this MJ doc.

"Michael Jackson The Trial and Triumph of the King of Pop" will be distributed in the USA as well as in the United Kingdom for sure. There very well may be in other countries, but those I know for sure at this time.

I didn't release the news item about the availability of this DVD and didn't plan on doing so until mid June. I guess the distributor got excited and released this information sooner than I expected. I was shocked to see it! Now listen, if the distributor doesn't believe Michael's own fanbase is excited then why aggressively promote it?? See, it is a confusing message to put down the distribution of positive Michael media because they will believe the fans don't even want it. We must be thoughtful of our messages. This is a matter of damned if you do positive so why not do the negative--it usually sells better.

We at, Elbow Grease Productions, do have plans on marketing, but so does the distributor apparently.

Over 750,000 people will see Michael perform at the O2 arena and we realize that they know MJ is the greatest entertainer that has ever lived, but we want them to also know that he is a divine human being as well. Michael deserves, at least, that much!

The haters will rise, but we want to be prepared for them. Once I stopped Bob Jones from speaking at the Southern California Black Journalists Association because he knew I'd be attending; so I do realize that the truth can eliminate or minimize a monopoly on the lies.

It would be nice for the distributor to have confidence in this project--that way, maybe they will work harder to market and promote it, plus ensure it is in more stores.

Our independent company can only do so much, we need the muscle of the distributor and the fans behind us to ensure the success of this documentary!

it's a terrific idea. preventive or pre emptive move. considering what has happened in the past, this is a great idea. at this point, it's a little hard to deny Michael has an audience, this time(O2 sellouts/him being mobbed on all Beverly hills outings). and if they do deny it, they'll look mental.
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The trial is in the past now. People need to get over it. Yeah he came through not guilty which is great, but why refresh the publics mind about it happening?!
I wish for one documentary, that would just be about the music and his charity work.

Roll on the "This is It" era.
The thing about this documentary is that, whether people buy it or not, they are only going to see what they want to see. Everybody has made up their minds about Michael 5 years ago. The facts about the trial have always been available to the public, people could have easily looked for the information and found the truth. In their mind, MJ is guilty and nothing can change that. You could produce 20 documentaries and 40 books, telling people that Michael is innocent, and it still wont make a difference. Because people who think he's guilty, think he's guilty. There is nothing we can do about it. The best thing to do is just ignore the negativitey and enjoy what is about to come. MJ has moved on, so why can't we?
^^^ I don't agree with you. Ignoring the negativity? It's like ignoring the truth! People make up their mind because of the misleading information from the news reports so if they have the chance to see what's really going on, I believe they will change their mind. How many people even heard of MJ conspiracy? The problem with these positive docs and books is they never got promoted and the public dont even know they exist! A positive doc is never a bad idea but I think the better way to get the truth out there is to have it aired on major tv networks, not releasing it on DVD which no one except fans will bother to buy.
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who would watch a documentary about charity work and music from a man they think is a predator? anyone?

ordinarily, nobody. but since we have the law of einstien in effect, MJ fans will watch it. i think it has something to do with a lot of shit flying in the other direction for years.:)

and..yes..i know....only MJ fans will watch it. i hear that phrase all the time, and people are used to that meaning a very small number of people, compared to the general public, when that phrase has been used for any artist in the past.(if it has been..although no one paid attention to that kind of comparison, until MJ came along, cus we were fighting the media, in our minds, with their jealousy, and sometimes, some fans were taken in, by it.) but MJ's fanbase is enough that, not including the general public, won't hurt sales. and quite frankly, there are a lot of closet general public curiosity seekers when it comes to MJ. and it's safe to say, they are fans of his music, or, can't resist it, which might as well be the same thing.
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I have mixed feelings about it...I can see peoples point who think it's a good idea but I don't think I am behind this. Michael sold out 50 shows...people who have a ticket don't give a crap about the trial I would assume. As for everyone who is ignorant enough or stupid enough to believe all the crap said, that's their problem imo. The fans and Michael who know the truth, don't wanna be reminded of that awful awful time. Especially when something so great is coming up. I don't think I will be sitting down to watch it anytime soon because I wanna move on from that. Saying that though, I hope it is a success and achieves what is desired, that would really be awesome.
I'm happy to correspond with Michael's fanbase, but please treat me as a friend of Michael's not an enemy. O.K.?

Experience tells me that due to Michael's comeback concerts, all the old accusations will be brought up over and over again. We agreed to release the documentary, "Michael Jackson The Trial and Triumph of the King of Pop" to combat upcoming negativities and perhaps stop them in their tracks. I don't think it would have been productive to tell them "No, we don't want domestic and international distribution", especially since we are still selling "Behind the Scenes at the Michael Jackson Trial".

Barack Obama The Power of Change was released in the USA on September 30, 2008 and Japan just April 30, 2009. It is available nationwide (USA) in Barnes and Noble stores, Wegmans groceries, Virgin Megastores and many other outlets nationwide. We also offered it for the blind and deaf communities, plus everywhere online. Since the Barack DVD was a success, we are now granted a higher level of distribution for this MJ doc.

"Michael Jackson The Trial and Triumph of the King of Pop" will be distributed in the USA as well as in the United Kingdom for sure. There very well may be in other countries, but those I know for sure at this time.

I didn't release the news item about the availability of this DVD and didn't plan on doing so until mid June. I guess the distributor got excited and released this information sooner than I expected. I was shocked to see it! Now listen, if the distributor doesn't believe Michael's own fanbase is excited then why aggressively promote it?? See, it is a confusing message to put down the distribution of positive Michael media because they will believe the fans don't even want it. We must be thoughtful of our messages. This is a matter of damned if you do positive so why not do the negative--it usually sells better.

We at, Elbow Grease Productions, do have plans on marketing, but so does the distributor apparently.

Over 750,000 people will see Michael perform at the O2 arena and we realize that they know MJ is the greatest entertainer that has ever lived, but we want them to also know that he is a divine human being as well. Michael deserves, at least, that much!

The haters will rise, but we want to be prepared for them. Once I stopped Bob Jones from speaking at the Southern California Black Journalists Association because he knew I'd be attending; so I do realize that the truth can eliminate or minimize a monopoly on the lies.

It would be nice for the distributor to have confidence in this project--that way, maybe they will work harder to market and promote it, plus ensure it is in more stores.

Our independent company can only do so much, we need the muscle of the distributor and the fans behind us to ensure the success of this documentary!

Pearl, I would hope that most people here would know that you are a long time supporter of Mike and that you have done great videos in the past. Also, I think you're right that the allegations will continue to be brought up during the concerts, but it was my hope (and probably other peoples too) that it would be limited to a single line statement in reports (e.g. "Michael Jackson, who was acquitted during his child molestation trial"), though I suppose it is possible that the media will start to make more of it. If it is going to be an issue, and people are aware that they can find the true story of the trial by watching the DVD, then I'm sure it can help. it seems as though there are good plans in place for this documentary.
IF the DVD becomes widely available in UK stores, and it is supported by a meaningful advertising campaign, and I see it in a store then I guarantee I'll buy a copy, but if it becomes another online-only DVD or a DVD that just mysteriously gets sneaked onto an MJ shelf, then I won't I'm afraid. If it's going to be released, it must be done properly.
I still have reservations about bringing the trial up again, but I'm willing to support a product that can make a difference to peoples opinions, and the only way to do that is to get the right message out there through a proper marketing plan that gets the DVD noticed by the general public, and doesn't just prey on MJ fans who specifically surf the net for MJ-related info. I think if this had been released in stores 2 or 3 years ago you would have got much more support from fans, but I realise that at that time you didn't have the same level of oppurtunity available to distribute it.
Good luck to you.
who cares if it floats down the drain? at least it's on record for having being made....right?

im re-reading this book about men falsely convicted of crimes. u got a guy who was sentenced to death three separate times for the same crime and he was innocent all along....the truth can only be too late when the vindicated party cannot reap benefit from it due to no longer being alive. so as long as mj has air in his lungs, there is no lateness w/ anything regarding the trials

the same fans who say this is too late, a few are the same ones who talk about '93 and say jordan should say this or that...wouldn't that be too late? pot calling teh kettle