Another Language you'd want to learn....

I can speak just a little bit of over 25 different languages. And I am almost fluent in British English. I just L.O.V.E. to watch a lot of British programs. Mostly the comedies. And Spanish I can speak and understand that language quite well. I should since Mexico borders my country. But these are the languages I would just L.O.V.E. to speak fluently:


Mainly because I am part Polish, Russian, Irish, Scottish, and German. I am also part English. But English is my native language. And the 2 languages that I really want to be fluent in is Hindi and Urdu. Which are similar. And I still am very slowly learning those languages through the Bollywood movies that I so totally L.O.V.E. to watch. I already did learn how to say some things in those languages.

Wow & double wow, that's amazing - over 25 languages... Impressive cultural heritage as well, no wonder you know so much :) You truly are a proper citizen of the world, great for ya. :clapping: I love this type of 'mixes'; your particular one might be a bit closer to the 'safe' side of Aryan extremists, but thankfully there are increased numbers of marriages the kind of which get under the very skin of racist 'purists' - a Jesse Owens in their face kinda thing lol. That can only be a positive thing, especially for the diversification of the gene pool.

Yeah Ash and Kane, Japanese calligraphy is a true art, i think it takes a lot of years of practice and dedication to master it gracefully and effortlessly. I remember seeing a report some time ago about people of all ages participating in a contest in a really large high school hall and there was talk about the revived interest into this art. If i ain't mistaken, most of the Asian languages cause of the ideograms they have, use a different hemisphere of the brain (the one connected to art and beauty, don't know which one it is) than us, Westerners who use our 'rational' part of the brain to write.

I think languages, as countries and individuals, are all beautiful, and although there are universal 'languages' such as math, sports, music and sex (as a footballer once put it lol) it is also important from time to time to have the domination of a certain language which can be used the world over, the lingua franca of the day - used to be Latin, then French in the modern epoch and nowadays we are leaving in the age of English, and thank God for that cause it remains my first love.

Let's remember though the reason why we have ALL these different languages. For those of us who believe, all this diversity came as a huge slice of humble pie served by the Lord on 'good' ole puffed up humanity ;D

Yes, it's beautiful calligraphy and looks like a drawing. But I think it's a little complicated and I wonder how difficult it must be doing those little drawings. lol! :wild:

The Hiragana(ひらがな)and Katakana(カタカナ) I find not so hard to write down actually. If you do it in the right stroke order you are ok. But for some just copying is fine I think. The hardest part I find is remembering which character is with letter or lettercombination. It's not like ABC. Kanji is a whole other story.
I speak fluently in 3 languages (French, English & Polish), I used to speak Spanish (Mexican) as well but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to apply that knowledge in real life in a long time..I can still understand a lot, but I'd have to do some revising in order to be able to communicate on a decent level.

The languages I'd love to be fluent in are: German, Portuguese & Hebrew.
:clapping:This is good and you should be very easy to learn fast. :wild:

I wonder Michael, he traveled to many countries and must have learned so other languages. I remember there was a discussion a long time ago about this.

Yeah Ash and Kane, Japanese calligraphy is a true art, i think it takes a lot of years of practice and dedication to master it gracefully and effortlessly. I remember seeing a report some time ago about people of all ages participating in a contest in a really large high school hall and there was talk about the revived interest into this art. If i ain't mistaken, most of the Asian languages cause of the ideograms they have, use a different hemisphere of the brain (the one connected to art and beauty, don't know which one it is) than us, Westerners who use our 'rational' part of the brain to write.

I think languages, as countries and individuals, are all beautiful, and although there are universal 'languages' such as math, sports, music and sex (as a footballer once put it lol) it is also important from time to time to have the domination of a certain language which can be used the world over, the lingua franca of the day - used to be Latin, then French in the modern epoch and nowadays we are leaving in the age of English, and thank God for that cause it remains my first love.

Let's remember though the reason why we have ALL these different languages. For those of us who believe, all this diversity came as a huge slice of humble pie served by the Lord on 'good' ole puffed up humanity ;D


Hey this picture is beautiful :wild:, thanks for posting it. Japan is a pure art. Everything is art from the Japanese calligraphy, besides being a very beautiful country. :yes:

The Hiragana(ひらがな)and Katakana(カタカナ) I find not so hard to write down actually. If you do it in the right stroke order you are ok. But for some just copying is fine I think. The hardest part I find is remembering which character is with letter or lettercombination. It's not like ABC. Kanji is a whole other story.
OMG! :doh: I really would not be able to do that. But I think if you train hard for the calligraphy is perfect. :yes: (Thanks for informations. :)) The Arabic calligraphy is a bit complicated (lol!), Also seem drawings and is very beautiful. :wild:

cool! when you learn, talk with me in portuguese...!

Anywhere in the world can be found a Brazilian. Brazilians are everywhere. :wild:
I know quite a bit of German but I would love to be fluent in it. I can just about get by with my German but would like to be way more fluent.
Wow & double wow, that's amazing - over 25 languages... Impressive cultural heritage as well, no wonder you know so much :) You truly are a proper citizen of the world, great for ya. :clapping: I love this type of 'mixes'; your particular one might be a bit closer to the 'safe' side of Aryan extremists, but thankfully there are increased numbers of marriages the kind of which get under the very skin of racist 'purists' - a Jesse Owens in their face kinda thing lol. That can only be a positive thing, especially for the diversification of the gene pool.

Yeah Ash and Kane, Japanese calligraphy is a true art, i think it takes a lot of years of practice and dedication to master it gracefully and effortlessly. I remember seeing a report some time ago about people of all ages participating in a contest in a really large high school hall and there was talk about the revived interest into this art. If i ain't mistaken, most of the Asian languages cause of the ideograms they have, use a different hemisphere of the brain (the one connected to art and beauty, don't know which one it is) than us, Westerners who use our 'rational' part of the brain to write.

I think languages, as countries and individuals, are all beautiful, and although there are universal 'languages' such as math, sports, music and sex (as a footballer once put it lol) it is also important from time to time to have the domination of a certain language which can be used the world over, the lingua franca of the day - used to be Latin, then French in the modern epoch and nowadays we are leaving in the age of English, and thank God for that cause it remains my first love.

Let's remember though the reason why we have ALL these different languages. For those of us who believe, all this diversity came as a huge slice of humble pie served by the Lord on 'good' ole puffed up humanity ;D


Yeah that is pretty impressive. But it is still just a little bit though. It is what I had learn over the years by reading and watching tv. These are some of the languages I can speak just a little bit of:

Irish Gaelic
Pennsylvanian German
and Latin

For what I had said about Pennsylvanian German. On my mother's side of the family they are mostly German of Amish and Mennonite descent. And from what I was told they are also Pennsylvanian Dutch (Or the proper term is Pennsylvanian German). Which is what I am as well of course. I just wish I could speak that language more properly. Even though my mother's family has always just spoke English. But I would still L.O.V.E. to learn a language of a country that I am a part of.

And as for Latin I remember took a class in it during high school. Back during the HIStory Era. But would you believe that I have forgotten a lot that I had learn. Even though I have forgotten most of what I had learn. But the one thing I had remember from my Latin class. Is reading Roman Numerals. Which I can fluently read now. Which is quite easy to learn once you remember which letter is for what number. I also want to learn how to fluently speak and read Sanskrit which is the classical language of India.
I used to be able to do a little bit of French but I was more 'forced' into that at High School & it was that or Japanese.

I have wanted to learn Spanish for so long.
So last week I took the plunge & booked classes! I start next Thursday :D
I'm currently in the process of learning the basics of Dutch & Croatian. But I wanna learn the basics of the languages of all my friends who's second language is English :) I can already speak the basic conversational Italian & remember a few phrases of Japanese from my Karate days.
I'd like to speak French fluently. I've studied it for about 5 years but it's such a difficult language! I'd love to be better at it.

I also regret a little bit not starting to learn German in school, I thought I would start it but then I took French and thought I can't take two languages :p So German would be nice too. But French is my main desire.
I want to improve my English. I learned basics of English at school and University. Obviously, it is not enough, especially in terms of grammar.

I'm in love with Swedish language. I find the language is pretty fascinating. I love the way it sounds. It sounds like a song :) I tried to learn it a little several years ago. I'd love to learn it or other Scandinavian language, because I'm interested in the culture of the region.

You like Swedish? How unexpected, and interesting to hear! Swedish is my mother tongue and I have heard sooo many times that our language sounds like a song, but it's so difficult for me to understand since I use it every day. And I also think that it's hard to believe since the Swedes tend to be - how shall I put it.. - boring and insignificant. But I guess that's the mentality and not the language itself.
Im currently doing a GCSE in French and I do enjoy that, being half Indian, I would like to learn Gujarati and also Arabic. I think learning Chinese or Japanese would be great, I love the calligraphy.