Another Language you'd want to learn....

I want to learn German. Actually, not exactly learn, but remember it, because I used to learn it in the University, but later I forgot it without any practice. But I love German, I love the way it sounds.
Spanish. I studied some basics of the language years ago,and would love to continue some day :)
I would like to speak French fluently, I understand almost everything, to learn Italian, Spanish (I know only the basic), Arabic (basic too), Yiddish maybe..its good to know different languages.
At school and university I learned English (of course), French and Spanish. On my own ambition I started to learn Russian one year ago.. I think this is kinda enough for the moment :D

I want to learn German. Actually, not exactly learn, but remember it, because I used to learn it in the University, but later I forgot it without any practice. But I love German, I love the way it sounds.

I can help you out. You teach me Russian and I teach you the German language.. :D ладно?

and.. by the way.. I'm currently in Moscow and stay here for 4 more weeks
I'm studying Japanese a bit at the moment. I almost mastered the hiragana but I think I have to start over since I don't have time to do it a lot so now i mix it up :( So now i'm concentrating on just understanding conversations and such. I allready know some random stuff. Next to that I want to learn Spanish.
I'd love to learn German since I have some friends that live there. :)
French-i think its so beautiful and i want to go to Paris one day and eat their amazing food and see the culture in person..but mostly the food. lol

Spanish-because here in America its very handy...and a great tool for jobs to know it..not only english. plus i wouldn't mind going more to Mexico or even Puerto Rico.

im really not good at picking up languages though...sadly. i also was never taught more than one growing up..i couldn't catch onto Greek well either. it really kinda sucks for me. i tried classes but i think some people pick it up more easily than others..and i think for me it would have been better learning as a child. but learning a few new words is always great no matter what.
Besides Maltese and English, I was also taught French and Italian at school. I did quite well in french (I'm currently taking an intermediate course), unfortunately I struggled quite a bit with italian; so much so that I skipped out on doing my O'Level exam. I also took German for a short while although now I think I forgot everything. :doh: I would definetly take an O'Level course in German if I have the chance.
I learned spanish and could even listen to destinos and understand but then I got away from it.

I am currently learning Russian. I have been at it for about a year now. But not studiously. Now that i want to get very serious I am going to take a class. i live in brooklyn about an hour from "Little Russia" so I go there a fewt imes a week to meet with friends so I can get some real life practice.

I may eventually go back to spanish. But I want to become fluent here first.
i wanna learn more french i only know the basics hahaha
and german so i can understand half of my family haha
Spanish was my minor in college but that was a long time ago so I'm very rusty. I don't get to use it in conversation very often. Even my mother who was born in Puerto Rico (but raised in NYC) doesn't use it much unless she's speaking to a relative from PR.
I want to improve my English. I learned basics of English at school and University. Obviously, it is not enough, especially in terms of grammar.

I'm in love with Swedish language. I find the language is pretty fascinating. I love the way it sounds. It sounds like a song :) I tried to learn it a little several years ago. I'd love to learn it or other Scandinavian language, because I'm interested in the culture of the region.
I can speak just a little bit of over 25 different languages. And I am almost fluent in British English. I just L.O.V.E. to watch a lot of British programs. Mostly the comedies. And Spanish I can speak and understand that language quite well. I should since Mexico borders my country. But these are the languages I would just L.O.V.E. to speak fluently:


Mainly because I am part Polish, Russian, Irish, Scottish, and German. I am also part English. But English is my native language. And the 2 languages that I really want to be fluent in is Hindi and Urdu. Which are similar. And I still am very slowly learning those languages through the Bollywood movies that I so totally L.O.V.E. to watch. I already did learn how to say some things in those languages.
wow many want to learn Japanese. some people ask me why I want to learn that langauge coz it's strange.. not strange at all I see :)
I'd love to learn Spanish, I keep saying I will but it's just one of those thing that I keep putting off. I'd also like to learn Japanese, I'd love to learn how to write it too, it's like an art.
now i know only Russian, English and my mother tongue.
i'd love to learn
German, Turkish, Franch, Italian, Spanish,Arabic, Persian (i think it very beutiful), and old Egyptian language.

i know that's too many, but i'll start and who knows may be i'll make it through.
I speak fluently in 3 languages (French, English & Polish), I used to speak Spanish (Mexican) as well but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to apply that knowledge in real life in a long time..I can still understand a lot, but I'd have to do some revising in order to be able to communicate on a decent level.

The languages I'd love to be fluent in are: German, Portuguese & Hebrew.