Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII **Update post 32**

Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Kryiss was my fav dancer from the 8 with Nick and Misha , i known him from diddy's making the band and he didn't make the final cut , so i was so happy he made the TII concerts cause he maybe is one of the best at MJ dancing in my opinion and very humble , When Mike first saw him he was like "Look at that joker go" , he had both the bad arm braces on which is cool and you could see that he was feelin it more that anyone who were just doin the moves , I did hear from him though that he was a bit "iffy" or "unhappy" that Mikes rehearsals were coming out and i did hear that he didnt wanna be a part of it , he has a new single coming out called "give u wat u want" he performed it on 106 and park a month ago.

As for MJ taking control on the last night , it was more the last week from Mon-wed till the last day of Rehearsals , i even read somewhere from one of TII technicians that mike came in on Mon a different person , he was dancing his ass off , singing ,like he was 30 years younger and yeah he didnt start performing with them as a full show until recently when they moved to staples where not just the dancers but everyone , band etc... was rehearsing as a real show
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Re: New article featuring TII dancer Kriyss Grant, clarifies statement in previous article

Thank you for posting. The part where Kris reveals how he and the other back-up dancers received hate-mail from certain fans blaming them for MJ's death made me sad and embarassed to read. Those fans should be ashamed of themselves for behaving in such a manner and need to get a grip! :glare:
Re: New article featuring TII dancer Kriyss Grant, clarifies statement in previous article

Thanks for the interview. Its such a shame that some fans have resorted to hate mail and shouting abuse to people involved in TII. Its shameful.
Re: New article featuring TII dancer Kriyss Grant, clarifies statement in previous article

np :)

I think the article also provides a lot of rare insights into what the TII dancers experienced, from rehearsal to memorial to funeral. From what I've seen, Kriyss Grant seems like to only one to have spoken out from a more personal perspective, to give the rare critical insights. I think he's the newest dancer on the scene to be hired for TII, so maybe that gives him more freedom.

I'm intrigued by his comments on the missing footage:

"I remember watching Michael sing and rehearse Stranger In Moscow. He was trying to work out which one to do - if he wanted to do it as a medley, if he wanted to just throw them both in there or maybe include one as an encore. Michael was just trying out different songs, seeing what feelings he had for the songs, which ones were the fan favorites but also which one fit within the whole set list for the tour. There was a lot of that."

"He is also bemused by some of the choices that were made regarding what was and wasn't included. "It's funny because those bits you see, he's not doing the full out still. There were times where he was really, really doing it, like full out. There are a lot of things that weren't shown in This Is It. I really don't know why that stuff was left out."

I hope I can see the Stranger in Moscow clips and others online some day. They should let the TII performers post their favourite clips that weren't included in the movie.
Re: New article featuring TII dancer Kriyss Grant, clarifies statement in previous article

Hey mjjer, so we can keep this topic to gether, I am going to merge the two threads. but I will ref your post as an update. Thanks!
the TII movie was going to show us how Michael created the shows together with others.
Maybe they mixed the performances from different rehearsals so we could see how the performance develops from earlier rehearsals to the latest.
They could have put more of him in the dvd but it´s good to hear nice things about him.I can see he was appreciated and loved.Fans knew how sweet he was but it can be others than fans who buy the dvd.

Maybe we can expect this is it 2 later.
why do you guys have to go to the extreme? just because he was really hands on on that last day doesn't mean he was just a puppet before that... it's one guy's perspective. no need to hate on him or think that Michael wasn't able to keep the work under control.
why do you guys have to go to the extreme? just because he was really hands on on that last day doesn't mean he was just a puppet before that... it's one guy's perspective. no need to hate on him or think that Michael wasn't able to keep the work under control.

I love your post. I am tired of these negative extremes. No one considers that Michael will not come in everyday from the beginning going all out with the dancers. There are different aspects of the show that has to be dealt with. He knows what he has to do and wants the dancers to work with Travis to get the rough edges off before he comes in. I performed when I was younger and this has been my experience. Notice that Travis and the other choreographer work in groups with the dancers. Many always fail to understand that people are giving their SUBJECTIVE view of things and the reader should interpret this only subjectively, not objectively. It is good to see that some of us have a more objectively and broad minded view of things. Peace
i know there are rules here that say no fan can make another fan feel uncomfortable with their own opinion.

we don't know the extent of the control MJ had...and there are a lot of people who look as if they took advantage of him. should we discount what Kryss says, cus we don't like it? none of us were there. i know we would like to believe everything was alright..but we just don't know...but we are allowed to express our opinions.
Re: New article featuring TII dancer Kriyss Grant, clarifies statement in previous article

Thank you for posting. The part where Kris reveals how he and the other back-up dancers received hate-mail from certain fans blaming them for MJ's death made me sad and embarassed to read. Those fans should be ashamed of themselves for behaving in such a manner and need to get a grip! :glare:

I feel bad about that too. I understand people can be judgemental and harsh but that must be so hard for the dancers. It's not like they were buddies with Michael. They really had no way of knowing about Murray and what he was doing. It is really unfair to blame them.

It's funny reading the part of the interview where he says the dancers were so star struck when dancing with Michael that they messed up. There were alot of comments early on about why Kenny didn't include the rest of the footage in TII and several people mentioned that they thought it was becuase Michael must have screwed up. But at the time I wondered why they assumed it was Michael who made all the mistakes. I don't think they would want to show anyone messing up in a major way. I am glad they didn't show the dancers making a lot of mistakes. I would have felt bad for them.

If it's true that they left out Michael's "full out" rehearsals, I am curious to know why. I can't come up with a good reason why they would have left that out without going all conspiracy theory.
i know there are rules here that say no fan can make another fan feel uncomfortable with their own opinion.

we don't know the extent of the control MJ had...and there are a lot of people who look as if they took advantage of him. should we discount what Kryss says, cus we don't like it? none of us were there. i know we would like to believe everything was alright..but we just don't know...but we are allowed to express our opinions.

I agree. None of us has been "extreme" here. Please read the article before jumping to conclusions. I think that Kriyss Grant gave a balanced and truthful account of what he witnessed. He stated that "During the final two rehearsals Jackson really kicked into gear" and nothing as extreme as "Michael wasn't able to keep the work under control". And I agree that the hate mail for the dancers is very unfortunate and the posts stating that were appropriate.

It's interesting that those who comment forcefully about 'objectivity' are often the ones that seem to be quite reactive.

I think it's important to hear some of these more personal accounts that can offer more insights than the official corporate lines when that you hear in the interviews promoting the movies. Given all that has happened, it's difficult to deny that there was "another side" to this story. All sides can be told without being labeled "extreme" and "only subjective" as if to dismiss observations that some might find unpleasant.

What's more, Kriyss Grant actually speaks more about the dancers' experience than MJ's. I think more information will be revealed over time and I hope we will supportive of these perspectives coming out if we want to know the truth. For instance, I hope that we can hear more from Karen Faye as she would have more information, given the nature of her job.

I hope that people continue to do their own research and think critically, not just take anyone's opinion at face value. It's good to see the efforts to get out the facts despite what may be promoted in the media.
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my intuition tells me mj's fingerprint was all over the making of 'this is it' and im not going to sit here and question that , i believe the dancer.
Re: New article featuring TII dancer Kriyss Grant, clarifies statement in previous article

I don't think they would want to show anyone messing up in a major way. I am glad they didn't show the dancers making a lot of mistakes. I would have felt bad for them.

I think that some of it may have been funny to watch. Like some of "bloopers" clips you see as extras on dvds. Fans can identify with the dancers being awe-struck :)

If it's true that they left out Michael's "full out" rehearsals, I am curious to know why. I can't come up with a good reason why they would have left that out without going all conspiracy theory.

I think most of the time it was likely matter of them having a lot of footage and also trying to show the "process". It must also have been difficult to work in a short time and also with the recent loss. Maybe they can release more as part of as series of sorts :) I'm sure many fans would like to see these outtakes.
They did not include those better pieces so people won't see how HEALTHY and ENERGETIC Michael was doing.

Didn't Kenny say he chose the clips of Michael at his best??

Makes me wonder why he said that, yet according to a dancer, that definately wasn't his best.
my intuition tells me mj's fingerprint was all over the making of 'this is it' and im not going to sit here and question that , i believe the dancer.

I agree. Note that Kriyss said that he had a problem with the way MJ was being questioned "early on" but confirmed that "But I guess people are people, you know, and sometimes you run into little situations. But at the end it was pretty much solved. MICHAEL GOT HIS WAY and things were sorted out." (capitalization is mine).
Below is the article. After I posted just the link, I did not anticipate the chain of about 3 posts giving misinformation about the article, some of which seemed to slander Kriyss Grant. I encourage everyone to read it for themselves.

By Charles Thomson

March 13, 2010, (Sawf News) - Kriyss Grant, the first dancer Michael Jackson hand-picked to back him up onstage, speaks with Charles Thomson, exactly an year after Michael sold out 50 concerts at London's O2 arena.

At 21 years of age, Kriyss Grant has achieved a whole lot. As a teenager he reached the final sixteen of P Diddy's 'Making the Band'. At 20 he was hired by Beyonce Knowles to choreograph her 'I Am...' world tour. Nowadays he's known worldwide as one of the principle dancers for Michael Jackson's ill-fated This Is It concerts.

His big break came shortly after leaving 'Making the Band', when he had a chance encounter with choreographer Frank Gatson.

"I was in New York and I'd recently got kicked off the show," he recalls. "Frank and I ran into each other in a store. He was like, 'Aren't you Kriyss from Making the Band? You have so much talent, I don't know why Diddy kicked you off' and all this. So we exchanged contacts and he kept in touch with me.

Working With Beyoncé

"He called me around a year later. Beyoncé was starting up her tour and he said he couldn't think of a better person to audition because he wanted something new, something high energy. So I flew to LA and I danced in front of Beyoncé. She loved it. She said I had to be on her tour."

The pair bonded immediately due to their shared work ethic, says Grant. "Beyoncé is a very hard worker and she's very hard on herself. It's funny because we both think the same way. We never think what we do is good enough. We always think we could do better. We say 'OK, it was good enough for that day' or 'that was the best I could do at that moment' but we are never really satisfied.

"Beyoncé always enjoys doing what she's doing. I mean, she doesn't use the bathroom or nothing when it comes to work. She's just always on it and she never wants to eat, she doesn't want to do anything - she just wants to work, work, work."

It was during Grant's time with Beyoncé that Michael Jackson announced his comeback concerts. When Frank Gatson got word of the audition, he told Kriyss he had to go. A lifelong Jackson fan, Grant jumped at the chance. But did he feel apprehensive about leaving behind such a big opportunity on the off-chance that he could dance for Jackson?

"No, it was Beyoncé who pushed me," he laughs. "She told me she was gonna slap me if I didn't go! She was rooting for me and so was Frank. If I didn't make Michael's concerts, I would have met up with the others and been one of the captains on the Beyonce tour."

'This is It' Audition

Seeing the scale of the audition was intimidating, says Grant. "I was very quiet. I was nervous but I was very focused on what I had to do. I just wanted to hurry up and get it over with; just perform and give it my all. But as soon as I auditioned the first time it felt good and I just wanted to keep doing it."

Grant sailed through the first audition and was invited to callbacks, where Jackson watched from the audience and hand-picked his principle dancers. But Grant says he didn't let Jackson's presence throw him off.

"I was very psyched about the whole thing - about him being there - but once the music came on and it was time to dance, I just let it go. When I perform I throw everything out of the window so it was kind of like he wasn't there. Then after I was done I was like 'OK, I hope he noticed and I hope he liked it'."

He did. According to Travis Payne, Grant was the first dancer Jackson hand-selected, exclaiming, "Look at that joker go!" After the principle dancers were announced, they got the opportunity to meet their hero.

First Meeting with Michael

"He shook our hands and everything. He has really big hands," says Grant, who still speaks about Jackson in the present tense from time to time, quietly correcting himself when he notices. "He was just like a statue. His presence was so amazing and I just couldn't believe it. I wanted to cry but I couldn't because my body was in shock.

"Michael said, 'You're amazing,' and he gave me a strong grip handshake that I will never forget. I never thought that day would come, you know? Being a little kid and hoping and dreaming of meeting this person and never thinking you're going to get to. But when I finally did - there was just no other feeling like it. I can't express how I felt."

Working with Michael

Dance rehearsals began the next week and were 'intense', says Grant, with only one day off per week. The group rehearsed without Jackson for several weeks, perfecting routines before they joined him onstage. "We would use the time to bond with each other, just building the chemistry between all of us so we could look good together onstage. Michael would pop in from time to time to watch us and give us feedback here and there, but he was very shy in the beginning.

"The first thing we rehearsed with Michael was They Don't Really Care About Us and a lot of us were messing up because we couldn't stop looking at him. I was really thrown off but I was keeping myself together. I had to keep whispering to my dance partner Dres [Reid], 'Let's just focus, keep it together', and he was saying, 'I can't - it's Michael!' After that first time I was OK. I just made sure I stayed focused and stayed on my game."

Rehearsals with Jackson were sporadic, says Grant, because he had so much else to do. "He had a lot of other stuff to do as far as his vocals, getting his voice right and he had a lot to do with costumes... He couldn't just stay at rehearsal all the time. He had a lot to do with the tour - putting the whole thing together."

Having mastered the routines early on, Grant says that the dancers often performed full run-throughs of the show without Jackson, with special effects and 'slow numbers for Michael' being inserted around the dance heavy tracks. When it came to choosing slow songs, Grant recalls Jackson facing a dilemma over whether to include Human Nature or Stranger In Moscow as his first ballad.

"I remember watching Michael sing and rehearse Stranger In Moscow. He was trying to work out which one to do - if he wanted to do it as a medley, if he wanted to just throw them both in there or maybe include one as an encore. Michael was just trying out different songs, seeing what feelings he had for the songs, which ones were the fan favorites but also which one fit within the whole set list for the tour. There was a lot of that."

Jackson was being 'taken advantage of'

Although Jackson was present and involved, Grant raised eyebrows when he stated in a recent interview that he felt early on that Jackson was being 'taken advantage of'.

"I just felt like sometimes they questioned Michael about stuff and I didn't understand that because Michael is the artist," he explains. "I felt like anything Michael says about entertainment, we should all just listen and follow his feelings. If he doesn't feel right about something or if something's not right, I felt like it should just go. He should just have that right to do that.

"For me it was just questionable... I'm trying to find the right way to say it... If they really were pushing him to do this or if he knew what was supposed to be done. I just felt like at the bottom line, as an artist, you should have your say. If you don't feel right about anything you shouldn't do it. But I guess people are people, you know, and sometimes you run into little situations. But at the end it was pretty much solved. Michael got his way and things were sorted out. I didn't mean anything else by it."

Final Two Rehearsals

During the final two rehearsals Jackson really kicked into gear, says Grant. "I guess he really felt it coming together. We all really felt it coming together in those last two rehearsals. It was just a different feeling those last two nights. Michael was very into it, very open-minded about things. He was just living on the stage. His whole vibe was just different. It was like he was really connecting with us and the music. It just felt done. It was like, 'OK, I can sleep tonight'. He gave you a warm feeling those last two days. We all left with a smile on our face."

He describes the final rehearsal as fairly unremarkable, just another day at work. "The last routine that I remember doing with him was Thriller. He did other things, other songs, and we ran through the whole show. I had a problem with my mask that day - my Thriller mask. It was very tight on my face and it was hard to breathe, but I got through it. It was a very good rehearsal. Before he left he said he would see us tomorrow and 'good rehearsal', with a smile on his face, thumbs up."

Michael is No More

The next day, says Grant, seemed like any other until word reached rehearsals that Jackson had been rushed to hospital.

"We were just rehearsing and waiting for him to come in," he says. "Then people started getting phone calls. A lot of people just cut their phones off because it was getting ridiculous. My phone never blew up so much in my life. We were all praying separately and then when we finally all started to get together to pray together, have our last prayer, they came in and told us that he was already gone.

"We all just broke down. A lot of us just split up and went into our own corners and it was like the entire stadium was crying. It was just the worst. It was one of the worst days of my life. It was the ending of something that was going to be so great and so amazing."

Performing at the Memorial

Within days the dancers were back in rehearsals, this time gearing up for Jackson's memorial, where they performed Will You Be There with Jennifer Hudson. "It was something beautiful and we thought it was appropriate for his funeral," says Grant. "We wanted to do something that came from us."

The song was originally rehearsed for the This Is It concerts, but its inclusion was never confirmed. "We rehearsed it but not in the sense that we did it over and over," he says. "We did it a couple of times and he was just smiling. He was just getting back onstage so I guess he was reminiscing about certain times. It was a good feeling. It was like a walk through with the music playing and stuff. He sang a couple of lines but the thing with Michael is that he would always tell us not to do it so full out. Save it for the fans. Save it for the audience."

Rehearsing the routine for Jackson's memorial was an emotional experience, says Grant. "It was when we were rehearsing with Jennifer Hudson that it really dawned on me - 'OK, this is... really... he's not here. This is not a dream.' That's when I really broke down. I just started crying. I couldn't hold it in. I'm the quiet one in the group - they pick on me because I'm so quiet - so for me to start crying like that made it OK for everybody else. Mekia [Cox] started crying, then Dres started crying and then other people started. I remember Jennifer was looking at us like, 'Wow'."

It is clear that Grant was deeply affected by Jackson's death. His voice becomes hushed and somber as he remembers the aftermath. "To this day, it's hard for me because I have to answer so many questions when I bump into people. My friends and family understand so they really don't ask me a lot about it, but it's hard to talk to fans sometimes. I still haven't got over it. I still have it, you know. It hasn't been closed. I have dreams about it."

Grant also felt conflicted when the dancers were asked to act as ushers at Jackson's private funeral. "Me being so young - I don't deal with death and funerals easily. The whole funeral was very emotional for me. But at the same time, I had to keep a smile on my face for the family or keep a smile on my face for the others or the kids to let them know it's going to be OK. I was grieving but I felt out of place because I felt it should be their time with their son. I had a lot of mixed emotions."

The release of This Is It also inspired mixed emotions. At the time of release he gave an interview saying he would wait for the DVD. Today he says he still finds it difficult to watch. He is also bemused by some of the choices that were made regarding what was and wasn't included. "It's funny because those bits you see, he's not doing the full out still. There were times where he was really, really doing it, like full out. There are a lot of things that weren't shown in This Is It. I really don't know why that stuff was left out."

Coping With Angry Michael Jackson Fans

One thing Grant and his fellow dancers weren't prepared for after the release of This Is It: A barrage of hate mail from fans who blamed them for Jackson's death.

"You have certain fans that make it seem like it's our fault," he laments. "Like we're just supposed to know how Michael is, or like we were supposed to stop it. We were supposed to do this. We were supposed to do that. It's nothing like that. We have no control over that. We're brand new dancers walking into this whole thing. We're just as shocked as the world is.

"One time I just broke down because they just don't understand how it was. Sometimes I even thought about not having a Facebook and things like that anymore but I can't do that just because of some fans. It's not all fans, just some fans. They are so deeply involved that they just blame all of us. But I'm quiet and I just let them do whatever, because I can't... it's not worth fighting for. A lot of people have their own opinions about it and you can't change that. People are going to say what they want."

Grant says that although the dancers still receive negative messages, it has become less of a problem in recent months. Nowadays he primarily gets emails from curious fans, including a couple of 'crazy questions'. "I guess the craziest question I had was what type of underwear Michael wore. You know, that's a crazy question. I don't know that!"

Pursuing Dreams

In recent months Grant has been picking up where Jackson left off, he says, by performing in a number of charity shows. "I did a couple of things here in West Palm Beach for different schools, trying to raise money for different causes like children that have AIDs, abused kids and things like that. Then recently Frank and I went back to his high school in Milwaukee.

"We're trying to keep the arts living on and let the kids know that they can do what we're doing if they stay focused, stay positive and work hard. Nothing is impossible. I started just like these kids. Right from when I was 14 or 15, I just kept going. Sometimes I got discouraged but you have to just keep going.

"I feel like with kids they just need that person, no matter who it is. If their mum or dad isn't there for them, they look up to artists. They look up to anyone who will give them time and speak with them. They will cherish that. I know we changed a couple of kids' lives in Milwaukee by encouraging them to pursue what they want to do."

With an album in the works, an invitation to choreograph Kelly Rowland's next tour and a couple of record deals on the table, Grant says he now wants to make it big in the music industry.

"My dream now is to become an entertainer. Just like Michael was. I just want to entertain, have my own music videos, music. Not even do it for the money, just do it for myself and for people who actually appreciate it. That's always been my long-time dream. My other dream came true, meeting Michael, dancing with Michael. Now my last, ultimate dream is to become a successful entertainer and to keep his legacy living on.

"He changed me right from when I was little but now he's taught me that anything is possible. Whatever you do, just go for it and always give it 125%. No... 180%! Just live on the stage. If this is your passion then just have fun onstage. If you're frustrated then let it all out. Connect with the music. Connect with the audience. I just learned so much from him on a professional level, just by watching him, listening to him. He was an amazing man when it came to that. I just want to take that on and use him like a father figure."

For more information visit
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They did not include those better pieces so people won't see how HEALTHY and ENERGETIC Michael was doing.

Didn't Kenny say he chose the clips of Michael at his best??

Makes me wonder why he said that, yet according to a dancer, that definately wasn't his best.

The article said "He is also bemused by SOME of the choices that were made regarding what was and wasn't included." He did not disagree with ALL of Kenny's choices. I think Kenny did his best. There was only so much they could include and it's hard to get everyone to agree. MJ was a performer who probably had a lot of amazing moments.
No one considers that Michael will not come in everyday from the beginning going all out with the dancers. There are different aspects of the show that has to be dealt with. He knows what he has to do and wants the dancers to work with Travis to get the rough edges off before he comes in. I performed when I was younger and this has been my experience. Notice that Travis and the other choreographer work in groups with the dancers.

Kriyss says pretty much the same thing in the section of the article "Working with Michael". No one is disagreeing with you. I felt you should have read the article before stating "I am tired of these negative extremes."
Coping With Angry Michael Jackson Fans

One thing Grant and his fellow dancers weren't prepared for after the release of This Is It: A barrage of hate mail from fans who blamed them for Jackson's death.

"You have certain fans that make it seem like it's our fault," he laments. "Like we're just supposed to know how Michael is, or like we were supposed to stop it. We were supposed to do this. We were supposed to do that. It's nothing like that. We have no control over that. We're brand new dancers walking into this whole thing. We're just as shocked as the world is.

"One time I just broke down because they just don't understand how it was. Sometimes I even thought about not having a Facebook and things like that anymore but I can't do that just because of some fans. It's not all fans, just some fans. They are so deeply involved that they just blame all of us. But I'm quiet and I just let them do whatever, because I can't... it's not worth fighting for. A lot of people have their own opinions about it and you can't change that. People are going to say what they want."

Grant says that although the dancers still receive negative messages, it has become less of a problem in recent months. Nowadays he primarily gets emails from curious fans, including a couple of 'crazy questions'. "I guess the craziest question I had was what type of underwear Michael wore. You know, that's a crazy question. I don't know that!"


no comments....

Nowadays he primarily gets emails from curious fans, including a couple of 'crazy questions'. "I guess the craziest question I had was what type of underwear Michael wore. You know, that's a crazy question. I don't know that!"

Well, there is a picture of him wearing 'Hanes' underwear in the L'Uomo Vogue photoshoot (Oct 2007). The photo of his back with him wearing his pants backwards and the fly open :)

I'm sorry I didn't post the actual article sooner. After I posted just the link, there were a few posts that really mischaracterized the article and Kriyss as well. He didn't deserve that after what he's been through. I tried to do my best to clarify some of the statements.

Again, I urge people to read/research for themselves before joining a chain reaction to a provocative post. How do you think MJ ended up being so hated? Through a similar mechanism with the media and public opinion. His story is another example of the important lesson we need to learn about thinking critically and actively working to promote the truth. There is much opportunity for changing the media with increased awareness and the new technology available.
Re: New article featuring TII dancer Kriyss Grant, clarifies statement in previous article

I think that some of it may have been funny to watch. Like some of "bloopers" clips you see as extras on dvds. Fans can identify with the dancers being awe-struck :)
You're right! I didn't think of that. Bloopers would have been awesome.:D

Michael did have that effect on everyone the first time they met him. Even people who weren't ultra fan types. When I met Michael i couldn't speak, literally. :shock: I know Speechless is a serious song, but I smile everytime I hear it. :)

I think most of the time it was likely matter of them having a lot of footage and also trying to show the "process". It must also have been difficult to work in a short time and also with the recent loss. Maybe they can release more as part of as series of sorts :) I'm sure many fans would like to see these outtakes.

Yes, you are probably right. I would love to see that footage. Michael was mesmerizing when he was dancing full out. It was like seeing Michelangelo's David. Fine art.
I'd rather believe this guy, I find Kenny and Travis a bit fake!! I think they are hiding stuff from fans!
exactly, i agree 100%....this dancer has no experience at all of about tours, how could he know how things move from stage a to stage b to stage c....i did not believe most of what he said because these are his personal opinion....Beyonce saw the movie and said that Michael was very hands on during TII and his reminds her of her way of dealing with the crew in her tours....she knows better than this young dancer with no experience.

Sorry but yes he does. He's not only a dancer but also a choreographer, most notably...

Before reaching the age of 21 Chris “Kriyss” Grant achieved goals that some would never dare to dream. Chosen by the most prominent female performer of our times, Beyoncé Knowles, Kriyss was appointed as Assistant Choreographer for her riveting I AM…SASHA FIERCE Tour.
Saying Michael didn't take control until the last night is contrary to what everybody on TII is say which is that he was hands on in control from the very start.

It might be how you take it. From my view it is consistent, with like Randy Phillips comments, for example -

"He was so happy and so amazing the final week," Phillips said. Phillips, who was at the hospital when Jackson died, said he was in shock after hearing about his death, since he had been with him the night before at rehearsals. He remembered, "As we were all leaving the Staples Center after rehearsals on June 24 at 12:30 a.m., he gave me a hug and whispered into my ear, 'Now I know I can do this.'

Perhaps the dancer was tlking about how he'd been with the dancers specifically.

It was during Grant's time with Beyoncé that Michael Jackson announced his comeback concerts. When Frank Gatson got word of the audition, he told Kriyss he had to go. A lifelong Jackson fan, Grant jumped at the chance. But did he feel apprehensive about leaving behind such a big opportunity on the off-chance that he could dance for Jackson?

"No, it was Beyoncé who pushed me," he laughs. "She told me she was gonna slap me if I didn't go! She was rooting for me and so was Frank. If I didn't make Michael's concerts, I would have met up with the others and been one of the captains on the Beyonce tour."
:lol: Funny!
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Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

He said he was there sparingly in the beginning....I don't really see any inconsistencies with this story, just this boards members interpeting some of what was said or wrote wrong.

Exactly. A lot of fans here take quotes from others and mold them into defending mj at all costs. We saw in the movie he was assertive with musicians and technical people, but not with the dancers. That's what this guy was reffering to.
Kriyss says pretty much the same thing in the section of the article "Working with Michael". No one is disagreeing with you. I felt you should have read the article before stating "I am tired of these negative extremes."

Since you have PMed me this post I will refrain from adding more.
I have a feeling which "fans" are the ones sending the dancer's hate mail. There's a certain so and so who use to use her facebook to rally hate on Kenny Ortega and everyone involved with This is It. That certain so and so told her "fans" to send Kenny hate messages on Twitter. I'm sure they were involved with the hate sent at the dancers.

I believe ALL the dancers were good, kind hearted people. The hateration needs to stop being aimed at them and Kenny.
^ that's true ,TII team are very proffesional and lovely they hugged and laughed all the time...they were having a good time especially MJ he was vey much foucsed and interested , you can see this in the photos not only the film.Kenny and Travis are great guys. but i do not like Barden (spll), he is the only one i could not stomach.