Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII **Update post 32**


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Kriyss Grant speaks and I think spills some "secrets" the others tried not to reveal. What do you think? This is puzzling

On Stage with Michael Jackson
Local entertainer Kriyss Grant, the first dancer chosen by Michael Jackson for his “This Is It” tour, discusses what it was like working with the “King of Pop.”

On the influence Jackson had on him: “I was really brought up with Michael Jackson. My grandmother bought me ‘Moonwalker,’ [the 1988 film that showed, among other things, Jackson in concert] which is something I watched every day. ... I wanted to be just like that. ... I would always try to perform. If there was a party, a family reunion, anything, I would dance and perform for everyone.”

On his audition: “I was scared. And I didn’t think I was going to get it. But I went. ... It was a three-day audition period. Thousands of dancers [4,000]. Michael came the third day. ... I had never been on tour. I was the newest dancer from Florida. Everyone else was from L.A. and had worked with and danced backup for other artists, so they had that on their resume. I had [MTV’s] ‘Making the Band’ on my résumé.

“Had Michael not been there, I don’t think I would’ve been picked. ... Michael saw me, he saw the feeling in me. I saw him jump up while I was dancing, but I didn’t know what he was reacting to. Later, they told me that he was reacting to me and how he saw himself in me.”

On meeting him for the first time: “When we stepped off the stage to go meet him, he was like the statue on his ‘History’ album. He was dressed in all black, he had the glasses on. And his hands were really big and firm; they took over my entire hand. ... He told me I was amazing. ... I was just staring at him. I think I told him he was awesome. I don’t know.”

On his personality and energy: “Michael was the type of person who would look at you and know, like that, what you were all about. ... He was say certain things like he knew you. He knew I was nervous. He’d tell me to save my energy for the crowd. Always positive, but it was also like [the comments were tailored] to us.
“There were times when I’d feel the energy of the music, feel his energy, and I’d be dancing all out. And he would stop and look at me. I thought maybe I was going too hard, doing too much. But he’d shake his head and smile, like whatever I was doing was a good thing.”

“He was very warm. I’d never felt anything like that. I was so happy. His energy was like no other.”

On rehearsals: “Michael would come in occasionally in the beginning. ... He didn’t start rehearsing with us until we moved to the Staples Center. He was killing it, going full out, doing slides and everything—it was crazy. ... As soon as that music would come on, he’d start killing it. We’d look at each other like, ‘Is he trying to outdo us?’ ... He still had it. He proved that. ... But he was nervous. He was 50, and he hadn’t danced like that in a long time. He had to familiarize his body with all those moves he used to do. I think he was scared; he couldn’t take the stage and appear fragile to us.”

The last rehearsal: “He was his old self. He was interacting with us, giving us suggestions, making changes. In the beginning, he let everyone else run things. Then, he was like, ‘This is my show. We’re going to do it how I want to do it.’ I loved it. That’s something I always wanted to see. I thought he was being taken advantage of in the beginning because he was older. ... And you could tell he had something to say, but he wouldn’t say it. But that last day, he took over.
“He knew what he wanted. The dancers were like, ‘Good, he’s speaking up.’ The dancers had Michael’s back.”

The day Jackson died: “We didn’t know what to do, what to say, where to go. It was this feeling of you finally getting to where you always wanted—of finally making it. And before you get to grasp it, it’s snatched away from you. ... It’s like a tease. I touched it, but did this really happen? I have memories, but there was no time to sit in that moment and really feel the vibe. Everything happened so fast, fast, fast in rehearsals ... And then, it’s all taken away.

“It really hasn’t hit me yet. I know I was a part of it. I know it was a big deal to be a Michael Jackson dancer on the ‘This Is It’ tour that never happened. ... I don’t think it will ever hit me.”
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Saying Michael didn't take control until the last night is contrary to what everybody on TII is say which is that he was hands on in control from the very start.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Saying Michael didn't take control until the last night is contrary to what everybody on TII is say which is that he was hands on in control from the very start.

Maybe he took control in some areas not in some, it probably depends on the the perspective of that person. Dancer vs technician, and such.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

So in the film every time u see Michael say what he wants and what he does not want to happen, that is all on the last day???? Didnt look like that to me!!
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Saying he didn't start rehearsing with them until they got to the Staples Center isn't consistent with what we've heard from others. Doesn't the movie show him reheasing in the Forum? I know he would rehearse separately and that was common with Michael so I wouldn't read much into that.

I don't know what to think, some of it doesn't make sense to me. "The last day he took over" - only the last day? Again this doesn't seem consistent with other things we've heard.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

i don't see what is inconsistent. no dancer was able to give a 'scientific' description. it's all about a feeling. and there may seem to be something 'missing' from every dancer's account. there is a consistency of what MJ, once, himself, said..and that is..he listens to everyone, but the final decision is his. in the movie, i could tell that MJ was a pro at dealing with egos. that muscular guitarist has one hell of an was like Orianthi didn't want to drum up applause, but he made her help him do it...

i'm in awe at how MJ was able to work with him...and the keyboardist, he seemed like u couldn't tell him anything...but fortunately, MJ's music is forgiving.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

i'm in awe at how MJ was able to work with him...and the keyboardist, he seemed like u couldn't tell him anything...but fortunately, MJ's music is forgiving.

Aaww! You mean Michael Bearden, the "Put more booty on it guy"? I thought he was really funny. But I think it is just beacuse I really love that line.

BOT, I thinkas someone mentioned before, it is a matter of perspective. the dancers had to only focus on dancing. Mj had to focus on everything at one time or another. So sometimes it may seem that he is not being as assertive but it is probably as VNC said, because he knows how to be attentive to the ideas of others.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

The nervousness, lack of confidence, and fear were totally NOT surprising. Considering all the hell he'd gone through and this was his big comeback, of course he felt those emotions.

And yet the part about him initially just sort of following orders, suggesting he was some kind of a puppet with little input confuses the heck out of me. I know MJ wasn't in charge as completely as he had been with other tours, but no way would AEG have ever created a show as elaborate and expensive if not conceding greatly to MJ's wishes and his vision.

I'll never understand what fully was going on in Staples. But thank you for posting this article. As much as some of it saddened me, it was heartwarming hearing again how he was back at the top of his game.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Saying he didn't start rehearsing with them until they got to the Staples Center isn't consistent with what we've heard from others. Doesn't the movie show him reheasing in the Forum? I know he would rehearse separately and that was common with Michael so I wouldn't read much into that.

I don't know what to think, some of it doesn't make sense to me. "The last day he took over" - only the last day? Again this doesn't seem consistent with other things we've heard.

He said he was there sparingly in the beginning....I don't really see any inconsistencies with this story, just this boards members interpeting some of what was said or wrote wrong.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

The nervousness, lack of confidence, and fear were totally NOT surprising. Considering all the hell he'd gone through and this was his big comeback, of course he felt those emotions.

And yet the part about him initially just sort of following orders, suggesting he was some kind of a puppet with little input confuses the heck out of me. I know MJ wasn't in charge as completely as he had been with other tours, but no way would AEG have ever created a show as elaborate and expensive if not conceding greatly to MJ's wishes and his vision.

I'll never understand what fully was going on in Staples. But thank you for posting this article. As much as some of it saddened me, it was heartwarming hearing again how he was back at the top of his game. much as we'd like to see the greatness in all people, it's kinda hard for me to believe AEG isn't like most corps...they feel they are putting money in it,(although, in reality, they had MJ's money as a backup plan if they thought something would fall through) and they wanna run much of the show.. so MJ taking over on the last day...i don't know how much of the show he took over...

and, i'll always wonder how he felt after that last day, about just how much of the show he was controlling...

i do think ur right about him having more control over earlier tours..

i just have the feeling that AEG saw that this was the biggest tour ever, and they wanted in, too much
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

^^^^ Greed and wanting to be part of the spectacle that only Michael Jackson could create definitely figured in ALL of AEG's actions. It's just surprising MJ didn't have much say about how the show was being put together, even initially.

I know he didn't like some aspects they were telling him he had to accept like that thing in his ear, but the way this show was coming together, you could see MJ's handprints AND footprints all over it.

I believe everyone was overwhelmed by the frenzy and excitement his comeback caused, including Michael. His lack of confidence certainly played into his possible following more orders than normal, but from everything everyone has said whoever worked with him, he generally got what he wanted. He usually did it in a soft spoken manner, but he got what he needed to accomplish his goals for his shows. To hear he didn't "speak up" much and/or at all until the final rehearsal is again surprising and disheartening.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

The nervousness, lack of confidence, and fear were totally NOT surprising. Considering all the hell he'd gone through and this was his big comeback, of course he felt those emotions.

And yet the part about him initially just sort of following orders, suggesting he was some kind of a puppet with little input confuses the heck out of me. I know MJ wasn't in charge as completely as he had been with other tours, but no way would AEG have ever created a show as elaborate and expensive if not conceding greatly to MJ's wishes and his vision.

I'll never understand what fully was going on in Staples. But thank you for posting this article. As much as some of it saddened me, it was heartwarming hearing again how he was back at the top of his game.

This is my interpretation. he didn't fully take charge of the stage, from the stage, in front of the dancers, musicians and crew until he felt totally comfortable doing so. He obviously took charge of most things much earlier than that as others have recounted and as we can see in TII.
I can see him being hesitant to do that initially, not so much because he was intimidated or insecure but he was incredibly nice and very shy. So, he would want to totally know the situation and be comfortable with everyone one and be sure he wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings before he took over everything. And Michael overcame his shyness by totally knowing the situation and controlling it. He was probably observing things and working behind the scenes until he felt comfortable taking over total. That said, you can see him in TII taking control of the stage before the last day......
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I did find a lot of the interviews in TII came across as being a little fake, like they all seemed to be seeing who could sing Michael's praises the most, it was like who is the biggest kiss ass and i think Kenny won.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I did find a lot of the interviews in TII came across as being a little fake, like they all seemed to be seeing who could sing Michael's praises the most, it was like who is the biggest kiss ass and i think Kenny won.

I look at it differently. They are just friends of a wonderful man who was trashed 24/7 in the last 10 years of his life and after his untimely passing he still is.
They pay honors, present MJ as he was and what you describe as being "ass kissers" in my opinion is presenting the other side of the story. The side that was never out there for the general public to see. MJ, in spite of his faults, deserves to be remembered in a favorable way.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I look at it differently. They are just friends of a wonderful man who was trashed 24/7 in the last 10 years of his life and after his untimely passing he still is.
They pay honors, present MJ as he was and what you describe as being "ass kissers" in my opinion is presenting the other side of the story. The side that was never out there for the general public to see. MJ, in spite of his faults, deserves to be remembered in a favorable way.

I understand what your saying and i agree it is good to here people being positive about Michael but i just thought there was a little bit of a cringe factor at times.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I look at it differently. They are just friends of a wonderful man who was trashed 24/7 in the last 10 years of his life and after his untimely passing he still is.
They pay honors, present MJ as he was and what you describe as being "ass kissers" in my opinion is presenting the other side of the story. The side that was never out there for the general public to see. MJ, in spite of his faults, deserves to be remembered in a favorable way.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too. They praised him greatly because he not only deserved it, but they were countering all the negatives out there about him.

I also think those that worked with him for the first time were genuinely star struck. This was the biggest entertainer in the world. And if in meeting him, he proved also to be a genuinely "good guy" as one of the producers said, plus humble and addition to still possessing his incomparable stage magic, I totally understand them going on and on and on about him.

I could have listened to 24 hours of nothing but stories about Michael.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

This is my interpretation. he didn't fully take charge of the stage, from the stage, in front of the dancers, musicians and crew until he felt totally comfortable doing so. He obviously took charge of most things much earlier than that as others have recounted and as we can see in TII.
I can see him being hesitant to do that initially, not so much because he was intimidated or insecure but he was incredibly nice and very shy. So, he would want to totally know the situation and be comfortable with everyone one and be sure he wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings before he took over everything. And Michael overcame his shyness by totally knowing the situation and controlling it. He was probably observing things and working behind the scenes until he felt comfortable taking over total. That said, you can see him in TII taking control of the stage before the last day......

Great points. Thanks for posting.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

The dancers were young and a few of them had never worked with any major stars. Suddenly they're working with Michael Jackson and who wouldn't get starstruck. I could still quite happily sit and listen to stories about Michael all night. But like you guys have said hearing these stories is so heartbreaking as well as this is a man who was on top of his game and was going to give the whole world something amazing, and it was all taken away by a reckless and negligent action directly caused by greed.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I did find a lot of the interviews in TII came across as being a little fake, like they all seemed to be seeing who could sing Michael's praises the most, it was like who is the biggest kiss ass and i think Kenny won.

I agree, and I heard all people associated with TII had a script (what they can say and what they can't say). Like they couldn't tell about Michael being nervous, not eating, not in control, etc..I'm surprised this dancer slipped these things, which I totally believe is big, for money, practically owning Michael, who was such a humble, quiet, shy person...he must have felt bad. But it's weird if true, that only in his last days was he able to be more involved.

And to me, his dialogue in the movie with Bearden is polite, but there's tension, like Bearden had too much confidence and control, and Michael was frustrated. Also he was frustrated with Kenny a few times.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I agree, and I heard all people associated with TII had a script (what they can say and what they can't say). Like they couldn't tell about Michael being nervous, not eating, not in control, etc..I'm surprised this dancer slipped these things, which I totally believe is big, for money, practically owning Michael, who was such a humble, quiet, shy person...he must have felt bad. But it's weird if true, that only in his last days was he able to be more involved.

And to me, his dialogue in the movie with Bearden is polite, but there's tension, like Bearden had too much confidence and control, and Michael was frustrated. Also he was frustrated with Kenny a few times.

There was something about Beardon that i didn't like, he was too smug or something and i just don't know if i believed the story about Michael talking about the meaning of their names.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I like hearing these stories. I love all the positivity about it all. But do we have to keep slating Kenny about everything? Michael worked with him for a very long time, especially on other concerts, creative parties always will have the odd disagreement. We were never mean to see this footage at all so please be fucking grateful that we have it at all!
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Michael wanted to work with Kenny Ortega.He used to call Kenny early in the morning discussing new ideas .Maybe MIchael didn´t say much in the beginning at the rehearsals how he wanted it but perhaps he had spoken to Kenny and what Kenny said was what Michael wanted.
It was Michael who wanted the 3-D films and he got it.

It was hard work and they all could get frustrated now and then but I can see in this is it that Michael hugs Kenny more than others how he begin to sing in spanish for him.I can see that Kenny cares for Michael too.
It was for Kenny Michael sang and danced something from Porgy and Bess.
I don´t think Michael ate together with the dancers, they could see he got skinnier and assumed he didn´t eat but they don´t know if he was eating or not.
We know that Michael was working hard and he didn´t eat enough to keep his weight.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Michael wanted to work with Kenny Ortega.He used to call Kenny early in the morning discussing new ideas .Maybe MIchael didn´t say much in the beginning at the rehearsals how he wanted it but perhaps he had spoken to Kenny and what Kenny said was what Michael wanted.
It was Michael who wanted the 3-D films and he got it.

It was hard work and they all could get frustrated now and then but I can see in this is it that Michael hugs Kenny more than others how he begin to sing in spanish for him.I can see that Kenny cares for Michael too.
It was for Kenny Michael sang and danced something from Porgy and Bess.
I don´t think Michael ate together with the dancers, they could see he got skinnier and assumed he didn´t eat but they don´t know if he was eating or not.
We know that Michael was working hard and he didn´t eat enough to keep his weight.

exactly, i agree 100%....this dancer has no experience at all of about tours, how could he know how things move from stage a to stage b to stage c....i did not believe most of what he said because these are his personal opinion....Beyonce saw the movie and said that Michael was very hands on during TII and his reminds her of her way of dealing with the crew in her tours....she knows better than this young dancer with no experience.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

exactly, i agree 100%....this dancer has no experience at all of about tours, how could he know how things move from stage a to stage b to stage c....i did not believe most of what he said because these are his personal opinion....Beyonce saw the movie and said that Michael was very hands on during TII and his reminds her of her way of dealing with the crew in her tours....she knows better than this young dancer with no experience.

Well in fairness all she knows is what she saw in 111 mins of footage, i don't think from this she could know more than somebody who was there everyday working with Michael.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I think Michael liked to take his time and check everyone's ability out, give them time to work on their parts with all the instructors, from dancing to singing, to musicians, and then when the time came, made it his exactly the way he wanted it!
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

According the DVD of TII, meeting the dancers. Travis Payne said he saw something in Kriyss that reminded of lot of him. Not MJ. They did say that Kenny Ortega made sure that MJ ate and drank plenty of water. I can't see MJ not being in control. He has been in control of the situation from day one.
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I'm not sure at all if this has anything to do with the article and what was said there, but the other day Kriyss tweeted saying:

People take shit to seriously, when it's not, smh..... People love drama!!!! It's crazy yo lol
1:36 AM Mar 6th via AIM
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I'm not sure at all if this has anything to do with the article and what was said there, but the other day Kriyss tweeted saying:
He's damn right with that tweet :lol:
Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

Well in fairness all she knows is what she saw in 111 mins of footage, i don't think from this she could know more than somebody who was there everyday working with Michael.

EXACTLY! and he has had experience, apart from TII, although he may not have had as much as the other dancers.

i love kriyss, he's such a sweetheart! i met him at the best buy event a couple months back :yes:
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Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII

I believe the Memories of Michael from the DVD were very heart felt, except Travis Payne's (although I think he's like that in general). I was really really moved by Frank Dileo's and Tommy Organ's