Annual declining album sales

they can't clone Michael, that's for sure.

if they could, i think they would've done it already.

This is pretty much the absolute truth of it. If there ever will be a next Michael that Michael will get there without the over zealous corporate support and the media's positive hype.
I may be the odd man out here but I think the reason music sales have declined so much has a direct correlation to the prevalence of downloading music. If you really look at it music sales have been in decline for the last ten years - the 1980s and 1990s represented a period when album sales were at their highest. Some of the highest selling albums of all time came out in the late 90s before Napster really caught on. And the drop in album sales is really drastic starting around the early 2000s when services like Kazaa, and Limewire were in vogue.

Granted the quality of major label music has declined in the last ten years but ive always seen this as a response by the labels to music downloading. This is sort of hard to explain but major record labels can be best explained as risk aggregaters. Meaning that the overwhelming majority of musical acts signed to a major label will loose money for the label; i think the ratio used to be that for every 1 musical act that earns the label money there are 20 that lose money. This means that for their business to operate the one successful act has to make so much money that it not only pays for the production, distribution, and marketing for that act but also pays for the other 20 AND makes enough for the label to earn profit. Now in time periods when people purchase less music the label talent scouts have less freedom with the kind of acts that they can sign. After all, the more original or visionary a group or artist is the riskier the prospects are of them making the label any money as the product is throughly untested. So the labels will tend to respond by signing only "safe" acts that have higher probability of making money. This means alott of facotry made pop music, rock-and-roll groups that just sound like a mish-mash of all their favorite bands, and less than inspired rappers rise to the top.

So the way I see things file sharing initially constricts the amount of money going into the music business and the labels respond by hedging their bets and producing increasingly formulaic music. This strategy is probably an effective way to make money in the short term but its long term effects have been the erosion of the quality and culture of major label music - which acting over time actually makes people less inclined to purchase their product. Its a sad little loop that I dont see the music industry working its way out of.
the music industry ruined its self by creating 15 minute fame acts and groups. who dont have any real talent and dont bring anything new. the record companies just care about makng as much $ in as short amount of time as possible.then moving on to the next big thing and going through the cycle again.the groups and artists are normally clones of each other


Is there even a music industry anymore?

The continued hype surrounding Justin Bieber is a great example of how the major labels have failed the music buying public. Actual music talent takes a backseat to youth and marketability with today's manufactured pop tart. Once there is a mere glimmer of success with one of these artists, the other labels roll out their clones. There use to be a time when an artist earned his/her reputation on the road/on the stage. They would have to prove themselves with talent and longevity and it would take years before music critics would "annoint" them. No critic would dare label a new artist the next Elvis or the Beatles yet there's a new King of Pop every few years. Most people (including myself) couldn't name one Bieber song yet the media has been force feeding us that he's the new KOP. How many cd's has this young man released, yet we are to believe he is comparable to an artist with over 40 years of contribution to music? I guess this is just one Justin (Bieber) replacing the old Justin (Timberlake) as the "new" KOP, lol.

And the fact that he's penning his Memoirs ALREADY thats to be released in October says what?

It all about cashing in NOW, nobody gives a hoot about longevity. Remember the hype of the Backstreet Boys and 'Nsync? where are they now? same thing will happen with Bieber.
It first started to decline in the 80s but this guy saved it several times, i can't remember his name, michael jackson or something not sure.

Yeah, I think heard of this guy. Someone said he could also dance a little and was kinda cute, but the person who told me is kinda crazy so I don't know. She actually believes his one album sold over 50 million copies. She's a real nutjob.
Maybe sales are going down because no decent music is being released.

Release good music. We will buy.

We have proved to stick to our side of the deal numerous times, you, dear executives, have not.
Maybe sales are going down because no decent music is being released.

Release good music. We will buy.

We have proved to stick to our side of the deal numerous times, you, dear executives, have not.

You couldn't of said it better!!!!!!!

People won't buy music because it's not worth buying........

Look out for Michael's new album........could end up becoming best selling album of the year (if not decade)!!!!!!!
I don't think its just the music quality declining, I think the personalities of artists and their visionary in recent years has become uninspiring. Michael (and some other 80s/90s artists) had a presence and energy whilst being easily relatable and humble too. Stars today are cocky, arrogant or the total opposite..too mushy and therefore patrionising...OR just plain mad lol.
The only one I like is Beyonce. She was the only one Mj ever really showed an interest in after all lol.
I don't think its just the music quality declining, I think the personalities of artists and their visionary in recent years has become uninspiring. Michael (and some other 80s/90s artists) had a presence and energy whilst being easily relatable and humble too. Stars today are cocky, arrogant or the total opposite..too mushy and therefore patrionising...OR just plain mad lol.
The only one I like is Beyonce. She was the only one Mj ever really showed an interest in after all lol.

Arrogant, uninspiring, uncharismatic artists are usually either the untalented ones or talented but too arrogant to actually get humble and work hard to give birth to great music.
I also think that another problem is websites like YouTube that give complete access to the whole history of Music and Era that has passed.........

........People are discovering these and wondering why Today's stuff isn't as good as this (or as genuine)!!!!!!
I also think that another problem is websites like YouTube that give complete access to the whole history of Music and Era that has passed.........

........People are discovering these and wondering why Today's stuff isn't as good as this (or as genuine)!!!!!!

Youtube is giving re-birth to true art.
Artists that get famous aren't that creative or won't spend time to produce something great. It's not about the music itself anymore. Damn, you even don't have to be able to sing anymore to be successful. God, look at the composition of Mike's Ghosts for instance. On another level and that was produced what 16 years ago! It wasn't just genius, but dedication for the craft, respect for himself and his fans and not being afraid of trying something different and new. That's why Mike is who he is today. What a total hardworking genius. When artists start respecting the craft again and aspire to producing something different, only then will music recover.
Artists that get famous aren't that creative or won't spend time to produce something great. It's not about the music itself anymore. Damn, you even don't have to be able to sing anymore to be successful. God, look at the composition of Mike's Ghosts for instance. On another level and that was produced what 16 years ago! It wasn't just genius, but dedication for the craft, respect for himself and his fans and not being afraid of trying something different and new. That's why Mike is who he is today. What a total hardworking genius. When artists start respecting the craft again and aspire to producing something different, only then will music recover.

Thats the truth, couldnt of put it better myself :)
Mainstream music isn't as good as it used to be, but chalking it all up to lack of quality is just idealistic and untrue. I know for a fact that aside from a couple artists that I have a fanboy loyalty to, I am NOT going to buy CDs no matter how good they are because I have everything at my fingertips. I generally am not really that concerned about whether or not I am helping out a record label or a singer. This is true for a lot of people with Internet access, if not most of them.