Annual declining album sales


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Eminem, Justin Bieber Are Rare Exceptions As Album Sales Fall
Sales are down 11 percent over same period last year.
By Gil Kaufman

Thanks to Eminem, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Lady Antebellum, record sales for the first half of 2010 weren't totally in the toilet. But strong sellers from those artists only helped slow the bleeding of an industry that has suffered declining annual sales for much of the past decade.

According to midyear figures provided by Nielsen SoundScan on Thursday, overall U.S. album sales fell 11 percent in the first six months of the year to 213.7 million, down from the 232.8 million in sales during the same period in 2009. Between January 4 and July 4 physical album sales fell to 154 million, down from the 172.9 million over the same 26-week period in 2009.

But while CD sales were sliding again, digital album sales were up by 13.7 million to 42 million. Sales of digital tracks were mostly flat, down .2 percent to 597 million.

"Strong releases in 2010 have helped to slow the decline of new album sales," said David Bakula, senior VP of analytics at Nielsen Entertainment, in a statement. "Albums by Eminem, Justin Bieber, Lady [Antebellum], Lady Gaga and Sade have each sold more than a million copies so far this year, and Lady A's Need You Now has sold more than 2.3 million albums, surpassing last year's best seller of this time period by a million units."

Eminem's Recovery quickly passed the 1 million mark in two weeks and Drake's Thank Me Later appears poised to reach that watermark within the month. Things are likely to be even more grim in the second half of the year in light of 2009's second-half sales boost in the wake of Michael Jackson's June 2009 death. After the King of Pop's passing, fans snatched up millions of his solo and Jackson 5 CDs and digital tracks, boosting sales figures in an otherwise flat period.

Jackson could help out again in the fall if a promised album of previously unreleased material hits shelves in time for the holidays. That LP, along with albums from T.I., Kanye West and Katy Perry in the coming months, could help boost the industry's bottom line.

they knew this, and they knew Michael would sell more than everyone else.
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These figures are in the US, correct?

I haven't even heard of Lady Antebellum before, and I'm pretty sure Justin Bieber, although popular, isn't shifting anywhere near as many records here in the UK as he is in the US. Correct me if I'm wrong, but neither his album nor any of his singles have got to #1 in the UK, right?
The state of the Music Industry is depressing to say the least!!!!!
Thats the funny thing about this world. When Mike gave them lists of songs, they go ahead and say his album was not that good...and when they dont have a damn thing from Michael, they say they wanna save the Mu$ic industry... Two faced Much?

Mike has been helping them for over...what...40 years? and they dare to question his music or talent? :lol: now thats what I call twisted!

I swear if anyone tells me it's due to downloading purely I'll slap them round the ears. Try some real talent and you might have some better sales. Y'know, not the crap you've been releasing for 25 years and calling it 'music'. More so noise.

Personally I couldn't give a stuff about the labels. They failed, if they crash and burn it's their own fault. They had plenty of chances, blew the lot so they deserve what they get. The quicker the record industry falls flat on its own fatcat heydays, then they'll whinge about it ''Oh it's the downloading!'', I'll be happier for the artists treat like utter crap.
Too many artists with little to no talent getting record deals. Nobody being original. What more is there to say?
I second that, there is so much trash out thats is supposedly called music. I have found myself listening to the old classic.

I totally agree. The only music that I really prefer listening to anymore. Is either Michael Jackson, 80s music, Bollywood, Blackmore's Night, and classical, polka, and opera music. Is what I prefer listening to now. Though I will admit that I do like that Lady Gaga's song Poker Face. But other than that I really do hate today's music.
I second that, there is so much trash out thats is supposedly called music. I have found myself listening to the old classic.

Thank You for understanding!!!!!!!!!!

At the end of the day, Music Sales will not increase until Quality increases!!!!!!

Stopping illegal downloads won't make a difference!!!!!!!!
I used to buy CDs all the time (I used to like buying singles with remixes). But the quality of music has gotten so bad I rarely buy them anymore. And I don't download either.
I feel like most of todays producers/singers are lazy. I think songs are just slapped together like a burger at McDonalds. Nobody spends the time to work on songs, they just want the quick cash. Whatever happened to the days of using real instruments? Whatever happened to originality?
It first started to decline in the 80s but this guy saved it several times, i can't remember his name, michael jackson or something not sure.


I read that record sales in the early 80's were declining and when Thriller came out, other albums boosted from all the people who flocked record stores again because of Thriller.
That's really sad but like you've all said if there was decent music to buy I'm sure itd pick up a little. I don't download illegally, occasionally if there's a song I like I will download from itunes, but that is getting rare. Its a real shame, especially as the potential is so there!
Yeah if music was better I would buy it, the most recent album I bought was This Is It by MJ.
I think another problem for me is that some new music is only available for MP3 download from places like iTunes and Amazon and I don't want to buy it because I like CD or vinyl. I don't know if anyone else is like that? I don't illegally download either.
the music industry ruined its self by creating 15 minute fame acts and groups. who dont have any real talent and dont bring anything new. the record companies just care about makng as much $ in as short amount of time as possible.then moving on to the next big thing and going through the cycle again.the groups and artists are normally clones of each other
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they can't clone Michael, that's for sure.

if they could, i think they would've done it already.
i know artist would be happy to sell over a million these days, i mean there are lots of artist who put out good music , but not many people bought their album for instance toni braxton's new album only sold 100,000 copies to date and her cd is better than most of these mainstream artist on the radio
I feel like most of todays producers/singers are lazy. I think songs are just slapped together like a burger at McDonalds. Nobody spends the time to work on songs, they just want the quick cash. Whatever happened to the days of using real instruments? Whatever happened to originality?


but your right..................

Almost all of today's acts seem like something that's come off the conveyor belt from a factory.............and probably from China (where the majority of mass production is done).

And it looks like they are there for the attention and not for the music itself.
Cough, Lady, Cough, Gaga, Cough, Cough, Cough...........
Eminem, Justin Bieber Are Rare Exceptions As Album Sales Fall
Sales are down 11 percent over same period last year.
By Gil Kaufman

Thanks to Eminem, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Lady Antebellum, record sales for the first half of 2010 weren't totally in the toilet. But strong sellers from those artists only helped slow the bleeding of an industry that has suffered declining annual sales for much of the past decade.

According to midyear figures provided by Nielsen SoundScan on Thursday, overall U.S. album sales fell 11 percent in the first six months of the year to 213.7 million, down from the 232.8 million in sales during the same period in 2009. Between January 4 and July 4 physical album sales fell to 154 million, down from the 172.9 million over the same 26-week period in 2009.

But while CD sales were sliding again, digital album sales were up by 13.7 million to 42 million. Sales of digital tracks were mostly flat, down .2 percent to 597 million.

"Strong releases in 2010 have helped to slow the decline of new album sales," said David Bakula, senior VP of analytics at Nielsen Entertainment, in a statement. "Albums by Eminem, Justin Bieber, Lady [Antebellum], Lady Gaga and Sade have each sold more than a million copies so far this year, and Lady A's Need You Now has sold more than 2.3 million albums, surpassing last year's best seller of this time period by a million units."

Eminem's Recovery quickly passed the 1 million mark in two weeks and Drake's Thank Me Later appears poised to reach that watermark within the month. Things are likely to be even more grim in the second half of the year in light of 2009's second-half sales boost in the wake of Michael Jackson's June 2009 death. After the King of Pop's passing, fans snatched up millions of his solo and Jackson 5 CDs and digital tracks, boosting sales figures in an otherwise flat period.

Jackson could help out again in the fall if a promised album of previously unreleased material hits shelves in time for the holidays. That LP, along with albums from T.I., Kanye West and Katy Perry in the coming months, could help boost the industry's bottom line.

they knew this, and they knew Michael would sell more than everyone else.

despite them being insiders, nobody can predict what will sell, in the future. so, for them to say that MJ will sell, because of his death, is just as insulting as when they were saying MJ would do badly, while he was alive.
I have to laugh about the article stating that Justin Bieber is the exception right now in terms with sales.

That goes to show just how many 14 year olds are buying his records. Give it a couple years and lets see how JB sales are doing.
The continued hype surrounding Justin Bieber is a great example of how the major labels have failed the music buying public. Actual music talent takes a backseat to youth and marketability with today's manufactured pop tart. Once there is a mere glimmer of success with one of these artists, the other labels roll out their clones. There use to be a time when an artist earned his/her reputation on the road/on the stage. They would have to prove themselves with talent and longevity and it would take years before music critics would "annoint" them. No critic would dare label a new artist the next Elvis or the Beatles yet there's a new King of Pop every few years. Most people (including myself) couldn't name one Bieber song yet the media has been force feeding us that he's the new KOP. How many cd's has this young man released, yet we are to believe he is comparable to an artist with over 40 years of contribution to music? I guess this is just one Justin (Bieber) replacing the old Justin (Timberlake) as the "new" KOP, lol.
Justin Timberlake does have talent. He can sing. He's a good dancer. He does have some good songs. I do own his albums. But you can't compare him to Michael Jackson. The media proclaiming Timberlake as the next KOP is just laughable.
There use to be a time when an artist earned his/her reputation on the road/on the stage. They would have to prove themselves with talent and longevity and it would take years before music critics would "annoint" them.

He did this by talent shows and puting them on youtube. He had millions of fans months before he even had a record contract and an album. It's the same principal as the past, but with a twist.