I guess I'm kind of attracted to androgynous guys. I remember the first time I saw MJ on the cover of the Bad album when I was a 10-year-old little girl. I kind of found it exciting and attractive that he's different. On the other hand I was never really attracted to machos. So, yeah, I guess androgynous guys are more my type. LOL. The exciting thing about MJ is, I think, that while his looks were often androgynous, but his moves, gestures on the stage, in videos were so manly.
I don't really know if it's in or out to be androgynous in the music business now. There is Adam Lambert, but he's gay. No, it's not a problem, but I actually find it more exciting if a guy is androgynous and not gay. I find it somehow extra brave and sexy if a hetero guy puts on make-up, stretches the barriers of how a hetero male is supposed to be etc. MJ and Prince - yeah, they are my guys! LOL.