Anderson Cooper's 360: Doctor found from History tour who helped Michael get sleep


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Edited again for further clarity as to who said what:

Did anyone just see this??!

His name is Dr. Ratner. He was one of 2 doctors who travelled with MJ on the History Tour. Someone saw the nurse's story and remembered MJ having sleeping issues or having doctors with him on HIstory tour This person called Dr. Sanjay Gupta. The person claims that Dr. Ratner claimed to be a doctor whose job was to help MJ get sleep at night. I missed some of it cuz I got distracted. Dr. Ratner didn't want to answer questions about the tour BUT, according to the person who talked to Sanjay about this, it was said that the doctor claimed, in the past, that he would allegedly "take him (Michael) down and bring him back up" deal with his sleeping problem.

I hope that was clearer.
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Watching Cooper360 now...
CNN did a very interesting interview with Uri Geller earlier today, I hope they show it again.
im watching it now and they are saying they will be playing the full tape?! did that reg with anyone else?
I saw that and I caught that they were going to show the full tape but I don't know what they meant by that.
They just tried to interview him and he is wonderful in respecting Michael and not saying anything right now. I think that's so great and respectful of him. He also seemed so sad talking to the reporter about Michael, saying he "lost a dear friend". I'm glad he chose to not say anything right now. He doesn't look like he will say much in the future either.
I can't believe they actually found his arse.


What I remember from the report was that a mini clinic had been set up either in MJ's room or the doctor's. The source claimed they saw an I.V. pole and some kind of monitoring equipment inside the room.

My note: One of the things Diprivan is most used for is to put ppl under right away and once the meds are stopped, they wake up almost immediately. It's known to be what they call an "on and off" drug becuz of how quickly it works and stops working once you stop using it.
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just watching this right now!

How could Mj have passed AEG medical examination if he was constantly using these types of drugs ?
just watching this right now!

How could Mj have passed AEG medical examination if he was constantly using these types of drugs ?

The tests may not have been looking for all drugs, probably just stuff like marijuana, cocaine, etc. and maybe more widely-abused prescription drugs like xanax, prescribed tylenol, etc.
They just tried to interview him and he is wonderful in respecting Michael and not saying anything right now. I think that's so great and respectful of him. He also seemed so sad talking to the reporter about Michael, saying he "lost a dear friend". I'm glad he chose to not say anything right now. He doesn't look like he will say much in the future either.

You're right about that. At the same time, if he broke the law in any way, his silence may have more to do with that than being respectful. There's no way to know. Either way, I think it's only a matter of time before all the dots connect.
When reporting these media segments it is very important to specify who said what and who did what etc. Don't report that he had IV poles etc as if it were facts. Who was the source of this info? Did he/show his face? I thnk what we can take from this report is that the dr. in question did not at all support this story. And Anderson didn't need to report this mess if the dr. didn't even co-operate. They are all just trash reporting; doesn't matter if it is CNN, FOX, TMZ or the Enquirer; they are all on one accord.
just watching this right now!

How could Mj have passed AEG medical examination if he was constantly using these types of drugs ?

Well, I don't believe he was constantly on them. I think there were periods when he wasn't using them. And when he was on a big tour, he started having major sleep problems again, and these idiot doctors said "sure you can use this drug, dur dur dur!"

It's not too surprising to me that he has brought such medical equipment on tour. Joseph, in his book, claimed to have tried to see Michael on his Dangerous tour, and Michael refused to see him. Finally Joseph got to his door, knocked on it, and found MIchael on his bed with an IV and other medical equipment surrounding him after a concert. It's in his book (which is sadly only in German, but a long time ago it was translated here on this forum in the Jackson Family thread).

Poor Michael, all he wanted was some sleep so he could get some energy and rest....

I still don't know what to think about all of this. We just have to be patient and wait for the tox report to come back. We'll make our decision then.
just watching this right now!

How could Mj have passed AEG medical examination if he was constantly using these types of drugs ?

When there's huge money involved sometimes "things work out" anyway.
That's why Randy must no matter what be 100% positive in his interviews that Michael didn't take any drugs even if he don't know about nothing.
Because if it will come out that Michael did use drugs and the drug test was a hoax then AEG will probably not get insurance money.

There are so much things happening behind closed doors, we don't know half.

Me personally don't know what to think about anything no more - I'm just sad that people like Uri Geller, Deepak Chopra and others talk about this long going drug abuse.
It's too fucking late now to point fingers.
I know that if I was a friend of Michael and knew about his drug addiction then I'd go through fire to help him.

EDIT: Didn't think about that the drug test was sent by the insurance company and not AEG - hence it would be unlikely that they would approve the insurance if Michael would been an addict.
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MJ might also have been getting fluids etc.

It is a dangerous thing when facts are distorted and information is given and taken OUT of context.
The tests may not have been looking for all drugs, probably just stuff like marijuana, cocaine, etc. and maybe more widely-abused prescription drugs like xanax, prescribed tylenol, etc.

Exactly. Plus, we don't really know whether Michael was "constantly" taking anything for all these years. To be fair, lots off ppl have tons of meds in their medicine cabinet. It doesn't mean they're taking them all at the same time or everyday. It could mean at some point they needed a particular medication and then when they didn't, they stopped using it...based on whatever their medical needs required.

This is why I'm GLAD that nurse spoke out. I felt it could lead down a road no one would have ever guessed to travel, or rather check for in tox tests.
just watching this right now!

How could Mj have passed AEG medical examination if he was constantly using these types of drugs ?
I've never thought about this before until all of this talk about MJ, but how did people like Ozzy Osbourne, Led Zepplin, Keith Richards, Elvis Presley, Carlos Santana, Motley Crue, Marvin Gaye, The Go-Gos, etc get tour approval in the past? I assume they had to get insurance also.
Brucewayne, let me help you. Don't for ONE SECOND believe Uri Geller. Not ONE!!

And Deepak, listen to him in the context of what he promotes; complimentary, naturalistic cures. I think he is anti-medicine (Someone correct me if I am wrong).

Also something to remember is that these folks connected with MJ on different levels. So Chopra and MJ were connected by the environment and other cultural stuff. Uri wasn't even But this doesn't mean they knew the half of what was going on, especially with MJ's health which he held so closely to his heart (as well he should).

They are just seeking some air time.

Context is key.
Brucewayne, let me help you. Don't for ONE SECOND believe Uri Geller. Not ONE!!

And Deepak, listen to him in the context of what he promotes; complimentary, naturalistic cures. I think he is anti-medicine (Someone correct me if I am wrong).

Also something to remember is that these folks connected with MJ on different levels. So Chopra and MJ were connected by the environment and other cultural stuff. Uri wasn't even But this doesn't mean they knew the half of what was going on, especially with MJ's health which he held so closely to his heart (as well he should).

They are just seeking some air time.

Context is key.

Yeah I stand neutral to this all, but the same time I can't ignore that these two are people that were connected with Michael.

I hope the autopsy will give us all the answer on what happened.
I've never thought about this before until all of this talk about MJ, but how did people like Ozzy Osbourne, Led Zepplin, Keith Richards, Elvis Presley, Carlos Santana, Motley Crue, Marvin Gaye, The Go-Gos, etc get tour approval in the past? I assume they had to get insurance also.

Now that you mention it, that's a good question. ESPECIALLY Keith Richards. :ph34r:

Let me just say I don't believe this whole "sleep medication" thing should be put into the same context as someone being a druggie. MJ, himself, has talked about having trouble relaxing after concerts so this isn't a case of someone abusing meds for the sake of a high as much as it sounds like a case of someone simply trying to keep himself in good condition to perform on schedule.

Did anyone just see this??!

His name is Dr. Ratner. He was one of 2 doctors who travelled with MJ on the History Tour. Someone saw the nurse's story and remembered MJ having sleeping issues or having doctors with him on HIstory tour. One was said to have been the doctor whose job was to help MJ get sleep at night. I missed some of it cuz I got distracted. He didn't want to asnwer questions about the tour but his job was to allegedly "take him (Michael) down and bring him back up".

Anyone else see this?

Well, that's one way of putting it...:smilerolleyes:

How did Cooper find this guy? Now thats what I call some investigative journalism!

It looks like alot of people went out of their way to make sure Mike kept working and making (them) money.
Now that you mention it, that's a good question. ESPECIALLY Keith Richards. :ph34r:

Let me just say I don't believe this whole "sleep medication" thing should be put into the same context as someone being a druggie. MJ, himself, has talked about having trouble relaxing after concerts so this isn't a case of someone abusing meds for the sake of a high as much as it sounds like a case of someone simply trying to keep himself in good condition to perform on schedule.

I'm not saying Mike is a druggie. But since the media is insinuating this, it just made me wonder about how the "Sex, drugs, & rock n roll" era acts got insurance and sponsors. They obviously couldn't have passed anybody's drug test. They could overdose at anytime like Jimi Hendrix.
Now that you mention it, that's a good question. ESPECIALLY Keith Richards. :ph34r:

Let me just say I don't believe this whole "sleep medication" thing should be put into the same context as someone being a druggie. MJ, himself, has talked about having trouble relaxing after concerts so this isn't a case of someone abusing meds for the sake of a high as much as it sounds like a case of someone simply trying to keep himself in good condition to perform on schedule.

Exactly!!! But just as importantly there are so many actors involved who didn't 2 cents about his health as long as he was working and making them the bucks!

Its my personal belief that his family in some way tried to help. On the one hand he had his family telling him to get help, and on the other he had money hungry fools singing sweet nothings into his ear to make sure he didn't stop working. :mat:
Okay, just heard the report again as it repeated. Ratner DID confirm with Dr. Sanjay Gupta (via phone) that he helped MJ with a sleeping disorder in the past. And his first name is Neil. Dr. Ratner said he didn't want to talk about all this "now" becuz MJ hasn't had a funeral or anything yet. He seems like a nice guy. :( He lost his medical license in 2002 tho so that could be a reason why he wasn't available for TII.

Edit: the doctor's license was suspended in 2002 for 3 years due to insurance fraud.
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lost his medical liscence. everybody sounds 'nice' right now. like i'm supposed to believe MJ had a disorder this long and survived this long and had that much energy on stage this long.

it's just as easy for me to believe that these 'doctors' are being paid by the media. the ardent effort to paint MJ as someone with a drug problem, continues. like i'm supposed to believe that MJ felt safe enough to rely on someone enough to put his life in their wake him up every single time. it's a fantastic story. and i don't believe it. one of those times a doc had to slip up and MJ shoulda lost his life long ago, if i am to believe this. i've learned in my life that doctors are not as reliable as they would have us to believe they are. you have to be damn near God to get it right every time over all these wake MJ up, that many times over these many years. i might as well be one sided. it's no different from believing these outlandish stories. why shouldn't i believe that the dea will 'find' MJ to have been toxic...but because i don't have knowledge, and i can't see the inside of MJ's body..i'm supposed to take their word for it? why shouldn't i believe there is a mass conspiracy? after all, a goverment mass conspiracy was plotted against Malcolm X. and there are enough people out there that think that MJ was too talented and too successful for his own good.

yea...there is no law that says i am crossing a line when i can say that the government and doctors are not above reproach. even if there was a law, they still are not above reporach. they can lie. and they can be wrong. and they can be paid off. and, of course, the media is not above paying them off.
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All this 'drugs' stuff is pissing me off for real! I'm mourning this man right now and it keeps getting interrupted by all these allegations! I think its best I stop watching these programmes until the toxicology results are back and then I'm sure rouind 2 will begin......

I'm gonna remember Michael the way I want to and not what the media is trying to portray
I dont really think there is anything sinister here. I dont think there was any kind of major drug abuse or anything like that. I think probably what happened is that Michael had a sleeping problem and he would use certain methods to sleep that were probably not too safe and this time things just went horribly wrong. Thats my thoughts.
I dont really think there is anything sinister here. I dont think there was any kind of major drug abuse or anything like that. I think probably what happened is that Michael had a sleeping problem and he would use certain methods to sleep that were probably not too safe and this time things just went horribly wrong. Thats my thoughts.

I think that's probably the most accurate analysis.

Michael Jackson was not a drug addict. He suffered from insomnia, and was full of pressure to be able to tour and make music. Like he said, his body was the fuel that drove the industry, and he didn't want to go on stage and screw up. He wanted to get a good night's sleep.

What happened here was a tragedy. Someone gave him drugs, didn't tell him what they actually did, and he overdosed. And then the doctor who was supposed to save him botched it. This was a tragedy all around.
I dont really think there is anything sinister here. I dont think there was any kind of major drug abuse or anything like that. I think probably what happened is that Michael had a sleeping problem and he would use certain methods to sleep that were probably not too safe and this time things just went horribly wrong. Thats my thoughts.

Michael, himself never said he had a sleeping problem. he just said he is so creative, he doesn't sleep a lot. that's two different things. wanting to wake up because of a song, and not being able to sleep, are two different things. right now, MJ is silent. and the campaign of speaking for him continues. and they all lied reason for me to believe they don't lie, now.
so did they actually speak to the doctor or is this coming from Uri and second hand sources?
Michael, himself never said he had a sleeping problem. he just said he is so creative, he doesn't sleep a lot. that's two different things. wanting to wake up because of a song, and not being able to sleep, are two different things. right now, MJ is silent. and the campaign of speaking for him continues. and they all lied reason for me to believe they don't lie, now.

I'm pretty sure he said he had a very hard time sleeping after concerts, because of adrenaline pumping and so on...