Anderson Cooper breaking news: Family had funeral tonight

all reports are conflicting, we just going to have to wait and see, prays for a closed casket
I hear Karen Faye has made Michael look the best when he is laid to rest.

That must be the most heartbreaking thing she has had to do. She thought the world of him.

Yes, according to Jennifer Batten, she also did it for Liza Minnelli's father at Liza's request and Michael Bush and Dennis Thompkins supposedly dressed him for the last time, he wrote something about it on his Myspace! Seriously, that has to be the worst thing one could be asked to do! Jeez... I couldn't to that! Just the thought of it...
i have a feeling if theres a funeral first in the morning..he would be buried right then and it wont be at the staples center..i guess.

lol, I thought that would be it? So it wasn't? Can someone PLEASE clear this up?!
Please dear god let mj be laid to rest and not be at staples center :pray:
i kinda want to see him tbh
its a way of closure for me
whenever a friend dies i always go visit them and talk with them to say goodbye properly although ive never met mike i still need this kinda closure but i respect whatever the family decide to do.... :mello:

it is confirmed his bodys gonna be at the staples center and that he will be buried tomorrow at 8 am