Anderson Cooper breaking news: Family had funeral tonight


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Anderson Cooper did a breaking news report at around 12:30am saying the family were seen at the cemetary tonight and had a private funeral. They showed a black hearse and they also showed Latoya. Did anyone else see it? It all happened so fast I wasn't sure what I was seeing.
It was a viewing, not an actual funeral. I'm guessing more like a wake. They'll probably have a service in the morning before heading over to the Staples Center.

The REAL breaking news I'm getting is that Michael's body WILL be on STAGE at the Staples Center!

I'm conflicted at this, personally. It makes it too real, somehow. I'm not sure how I'll feel seeing that. God I miss him so much. :( How am I going to sleep now?
It was a viewing, not an actual funeral. I'm guessing more like a wake. They'll probably have a service in the morning before heading over to the Staples Center.

The REAL breaking news I'm getting is that Michael's body WILL be on STAGE at the Staples Center!

I'm conflicted at this, personally. It makes it too real, somehow. I'm not sure how I'll feel seeing that. God I miss him so much. :( How am I going to sleep now?

oh no... :(
It was a viewing, not an actual funeral. I'm guessing more like a wake. They'll probably have a service in the morning before heading over to the Staples Center.
Oh ok, I wasn't sure if I was hearing right or not.

The REAL breaking news I'm getting is that Michael's body WILL be on STAGE at the Staples Center!
I know that I would not be able to take it, to see him like that. It's hard enough as it is for me to come to grips with the whole thing. It would be even harder and more real for me if I was there to see him.

I'm conflicted at this, personally. It makes it too real, somehow. I'm not sure how I'll feel seeing that. God I miss him so much. :( How am I going to sleep now?
omg i know how you feel about not being able to sleep. It's 1:34 here and i'm no where near going to sleep. i'm to nervous and sad about tomorrow.
The casket better be closed.

I have a feeling it won't be. Otherwise what is the point of bringing him into the venue in the first place?

I'm still shaken up about this. I wasn't expecting it, honestly. I was secretly hoping after all the "secrecy" vibes Miko Brando was putting out that the Forest Lawn hoopla was a media-trap and that Michael was already resting peacefully at Neverland or somewhere else. Now those hopes are gone. I respect whatever the family chooses to do, of course, I just honestly wasn't expecting them to do this in front of millions - maybe billions - of people.

If anyone wants to double check me, is the source. Sketchy, I know ... but they are proving to be truly reliable these days. This is one instance in which I'm hoping they might be mistaken, or led astray ...
the last thing i need in my life is to see a dead michael jackson

by the way, today the casket was closed when the family viewed him...this gives me hope that it will be closed tomorrow
Yeah i think it will be closed, nobody wants to remember him that way. Lets all pray that its gonna be closed.
I was secretly hoping after all the "secrecy" vibes Miko Brando was putting out that the Forest Lawn hoopla was a media-trap

now that michael is gone you will no longer see manipulations like that...he was the force behind it

the family isnt going to play games
X17 is saying they won't be bringing him to the Staples Center and will just bury him instead, I dunno what to believe.
i really really hope the casket will be closed at least
I couldnt take seeing him that way
Its tough as it is. :(
its going to be a tough day for us all
i have a feeling if theres a funeral first in the morning..he would be buried right then and it wont be at the staples center..i guess.
I guess we'll have to wait and see cause I'm reading conflicting reports now on different websites.
I heard that 1000 people were to be present tonight... I don't think so...
I also know Paris and her brothers attended but Debbie nor LMP went to this wake.. So they must be going in the morning.
it's weird some reports are calling tomorrow a private funeral and others are calling it a private memorial/gathering. Which depending on what way you take it could mean two different things. Cause my mom said with memorials there isn't usually a casket or atleast the ones she's been to.
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hmmm that is interesting... but I know there weren't 1000 people present.. and the cameras only saw Randy, Latoya and the kids.. I know if this was very important more people would have shown up including the ex -wives..
It was a viewing, not an actual funeral. I'm guessing more like a wake. They'll probably have a service in the morning before heading over to the Staples Center.

The REAL breaking news I'm getting is that Michael's body WILL be on STAGE at the Staples Center!

I'm conflicted at this, personally. It makes it too real, somehow. I'm not sure how I'll feel seeing that. God I miss him so much. :( How am I going to sleep now?

If the place is going to be full of folk there for a joke, this isn't right at all.
The burial is supposed to be before the memorial, how would they then have the casket there? I really don't think he will be taken to staples center.
It would cause too much mahem for the casket to be there. I mean, can you imagine it.

If the funeral has been scheduled for the am, as you say, "he" can't be present on stage.
For the love of God I hope that there will be on coffin of any kind on stage at Staples..
it can not be there
I hear Karen Faye has made Michael look the best when he is laid to rest.

That must be the most heartbreaking thing she has had to do. She thought the world of him.
I think it was in one of the newspapers in the UK (I know...don't believe the press) - but I can imagine this one beong true as she works for Michael.

She would want to make sure he looks his best I'm sure