Amy Winehouse said she was visited by Michaels spirit


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
pretty old article, probably already posted, but is nice to know real original artists are also kind obsessed with Michael:cheeky:, so here is the article, (to me she is a talented singer, i love her work)

Michael Jackson Ghost Visits Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse And The Ghost Of Pop Stars Past….
Amy Winehouse is determined to put her past as a drug-addicted adultress behind her after receiving a visit from the ghost of Michael Jackson.

We don’t make this stuff up, people.

Amy was always a huge MJ fan. She once said: “I could never decide whether I wanted to be Michael Jackson or marry him. I don’t care what people say because he’s a fucking genius.”

The 25-year-old singer — who regularly saw a clairvoyant to help her straighten up during her eight month stay on the Caribbean isle of St Lucia — has been telling friends that she heard the late superstar telling her to clean up her act in a recent outer limits-like experience.
A source tells Britain’s The PEOPLE: “…She heard Michael’s voice telling her if she didn’t sort herself out she’d lose everything.”

I THINK ITS PRETTY COOL, but she may have heard it in her mind only:D. i dont know amy makes me happy for some reason, she quite crazy, but in a good way
I like Amy, but I don't know if i should believe her ghost story. But cool nonetheless, shows she's a real fan.
thank you I didn't see that before
and I think it was the drugs talking not Micheal
I think Micheal's spirit has better things to do than telling Amy Winhouse to clean up lol
i love Amy and hope she can get all the help and support she needs.
it would be awful to lose another great talent because no one helped.i know she has been like on self destruct but she needs to be pulled up hard for her own good.
not sure about this ghost storey though.
lol is spirit the name of a new drug?? jk jk i like her, but i can't believe the story
i love Amy and hope she can get all the help and support she needs.
it would be awful to lose another great talent because no one helped.i know she has been like on self destruct but she needs to be pulled up hard for her own good.
not sure about this ghost storey though.
yes i hope they do take care of her, about the Michael ghost probably the drugs, but anyway, she's a talented artist, not Disney invent or anything
thank you I didn't see that before
and I think it was the drugs talking not Micheal
I think Micheal's spirit has better things to do than telling Amy Winhouse to clean up lol

Haha, I was about to say the same :lol:
I think is not cool to make fun of her, drug addiction (either prescription ones or illegal) is not fun, i think we all know that, yes she can be funny on how she acts or what she says so was Michael sometims, but adicction is a problem, it is
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I'm sorry, but the title of this thread is funny. Unbelievable really. If Amy really said this then I believe she imagined this in her head, but it's cool that she's an MJ fan. Amy is talented though for sure but troubled. I hope she finds a way to overcome her problems, in whatever way possible. If Michael is the inspiration for her than that's great. I just hope that she's doing whatever she can to take care of herself. I think she's a nice person really and talented. I would hate to hear of anything bad happening to her.
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I like her too, shes very unique. Cool that shes a fan, she should get a MJ tattoo
Only a celebrity gossip site would address someone as a "drug-addicted adultress" :smilerolleyes:. As far as MJ visiting her, IDK if it's true or not, but I hope that the message she feels MJ said to her will help her straighten herself out. I hope she gets herself cleaned because she is talented and I want to hear more music from her and not negative things that the media loves to discuss.
Well regardless, the best way to look at it is thanks to Mike, one way or another, she's cleaning herself up right? :D
hmm yeh, dn't think so. but whatever.. if it'll make her clean up then its good.
Well regardless, the best way to look at it is thanks to Mike, one way or another, she's cleaning herself up right? :D

I agree, in a roundabout way Michael's inspiring her to clean up. I don't really know why that's so funny. :unsure:
makes more sense that michael visited her than half of these unknown phychics
Poor Amy is a little off her rocker. But if her hallucination gets her off drugs and cleaned up that's a good thing. She is young and talented and I would hate for things to end badly for her.
She was visited by a spirit alright, the spirit of Hennessey.

hahahaha funny! but u know what, i liked her comment "i dont know if i wanted to be michael jackson or marry him...." I have totally felt this way. I will include even being one of his siblings because i would have loved to watch him when hes got pj's & rehearsing his ass off. I LOVE to WATCH and join along too...i aint shy hahahaha. Im still working on my monnwalk
IDK if MJ really visited her, it may have been her own imagination hearing him... But who knows though we aren't in her mind. But if she thinks its MJ and it helps her battle her addiction then good for her.