american idol .com best theme

The two most powerful forces in the universe are hydrogen... and Michael Jackson fans! ;)

MJ ahead at 44%, rock at 42%. Voting more now...
MJ 45% Rock 41%

I voted over 600 times.. Just click vote again and vote.. over and over.. U don't have to wait for the results.. It takes alot to get it up by 1%.
46% now :) (lol, we posted at the same time, basically). Yeah, I want "rock" to at least be under 40% now...
I've voted so many times....I lost track and my arm feels like is going to fall off... :lol:


If you put your mouse really close to the left edge of the "vote" button you won't have to click back and forth between the two....all you need to do is click a couple hundred times!

Sorry if I'm stating the obvious :p
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Whoohoo! MJ at 50%! We did it! (I don't know either when the poll ends. Guess we keep voting to keep him over 50% now, lol)
When I posted last it was MJ at 50% with something like 99,000 votes. Five hours later the poll was gone/closed. Unless some crazed 'rock' contingency managed to get over 900 votes in within those 5 hours, MJ could not have even dropped a measly 1 percent, lolol. Don't worry... MJ won! :)