Ambulance Driver Drops Michael Jackson Suit

What he meant to say was that, I talked to my lawyer and he said; just drop this case, becuase you won't get any money out of Michael Jackson as he didn't have anything to do with the accident and wasn't even there when it happend. You'll only end up paying for court excpenses and probably need to apoplogize to Mr Jackson.

Personally, I'm just getting some cheap laughs at the media out of this whole process. These are the people who hounded MJ during the big trial, not to mention most of his adult LIFE and made his life about as close to a living hell as it could get, and now the best they can come up with is "uh........QUICK! Somebody's mad at MJ! GO!!" or "Hey has MJ gotten skinnier?! ZOMG! He must be dying!! GO GO GO!!!" :rofl: Come on. Really? Are you that bitter and desperate? Do you REALLY have nothing better to do or report? Last I checked we still had a huge population of homeless war veterans that haven't been helped. Still kinda waiting for that cure for cancer, too....hows THAT coming along, btw? But no. I need to know where Michael Jackson gets his facials and his nails done. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I MUST KNOW!:lmao: I say sit back, relax and enjoy the show.:popcorn: I know at the end of the day, I enjoy nothing more than watching the credibility of some of these 'people' crash and burn in a pile of spectacular failure.:heart: