Am i the only one who doesn't want anything to happen on June 25th?

By coincidence, my therapist called me a few days ago and asked me if I would be able to make a June 25th appointment. Knowing what day that was, I immediately said yes. That's what's keeping me from agonizing right now. I can agonize to her all day during our session. LOL, she'll be getting her paycheck's worth this week, that's for sure.
I just don't want the day to come at all. :( Everyday that goes by is one more day without Michael. I just want to stop time and go back. Go back to when Michael was full of life, smiling with his children.
It's a week from tomorrow and I really am dreading it. I hope the next week goes by extremely slow. I just can't deal with it...I don't know what I'll do that day..
I just don't want the day to come at all. :( Everyday that goes by is one more day without Michael. I just want to stop time and go back. Go back to when Michael was full of life, smiling with his children.
It's a week from tomorrow and I really am dreading it. I hope the next week goes by extremely slow. I just can't deal with it...I don't know what I'll do that day..

Same here and what is making this coming week worst is those MJ type specials that CNN, Animal Planet, and TLC are going to be showing. I will be taping them but I won't be watching them. I just really can't handle it. :sad: :boohoo:
I don't celebrate anything on the 25th. My itinerary for that day is: sit in the dark and cry. I miss him so much every day of the year, but on this day especially--knowing it's been one year... I am just prepared to cry when it comes. I cry thinking about it sometimes, how long it's been and how much darker the whole planet seems to be without him here.

I prefer to celebrate the happy times on Aug. 29. Last year, my friend and I baked him a cake and watched MJ marathons all day. A beautiful rainbow even came out after our party was over. I took a picture of it with my cell phone. :)
I want to do something like that this year too.
I'm travelling all day on the 25th because my sister is getting married on the 26th. Michael will of course be in my thoughts, but I've spent the best part of the last year obsessing over what's happened. I'm not going to use the anniversary as an excuse to dwell on matters anymore than I already have.
My heart aches whenever i saw ads about the tv specials on that day.i just don't want anyone to mention's still very hurtful.
i think i'll spend that day alone.not sure if i'll do anything though...:(
I don't want anything to happen either...I don't watch news as it is and I definitely wont watch on that day. I wish I could just be alone all day on June 25 but I will have to work. Are there any people in Sacramento planning a gathering?

I'm with the rest of you who would rather celebrate August 29.
June is just a bad month for me. Two people that I really, truly loved died during this month, not far apart at all, either. My cousin, Joseph (I know, odd) who died when I was only 12 years old. Murdered by his own gang on June 22, 1991. He was only 16 years old. And of course, Michael. LORD, help me get through this. I'll be thinking and praying for the both of them probably for the next couple of weeks at least. *sigh*