I am no sure of what I want for this terrible day.
I am scared of it. Totally scared of it. But then, as a good friend tried to make me realize, it will be just another day and I can hold Michael's memory and love in my heart as usual. But then... it's terrible.
I think I will do what I did for his b-day last year: hidding away from the world, with no internet, no radio, no tv, nothing. Just me and my memories. Not only that I do not celebrate B-days, but that day was so sad
Now to think of the 25th of June... man... it really scares me to death :no:
I would love the world to stop and thik of him, his work, his legacy, his kids, his fans... but then, that's just in my private perfect world. I think there will be lots of "specials" on TV, on Radio, on tabloids and on the media, but that will make no difference. California will be pleased receiving thousands of dollars of the fans visiting FL and people will be selling their stuff... while fans gathered there (many, as far as I know) will be really sad, in pain, hopeless.
Awwww.... that is going to be so sad, so sad... :weeping: