Am i the only one who doesn't want anything to happen on June 25th?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
June 25th was an extreamly sad day for the world and i would really prefer that nothing happens on that day. I just don't want to be reminded every year of the day Michael passed away. I would much rather prefer Michael's legacy to be celebrated on August 29th (his birthday). I think it's better to celebrate the day he entered to the world
Well by the looks of things, nothing official is happening. I find that very Sad. Michael deserves so much more respect.
Well something should happen, it will show respect, but whether something happens on that day or not, my saddness will remain.
I dont know if there's anything going to happen. At least global prayer will conduct as usual. I would prefer global praying than any sort of tributes or stuff like that. It's something Michael and his family and fans would need most. Knowing that Micheal is free from the sufferings on earth, that made me feel better although I'm still saddened by his death. It feels like yesterday. One year passes too fast like blinking your eyes.
I am no sure of what I want for this terrible day.
I am scared of it. Totally scared of it. But then, as a good friend tried to make me realize, it will be just another day and I can hold Michael's memory and love in my heart as usual. But then... it's terrible.
I think I will do what I did for his b-day last year: hidding away from the world, with no internet, no radio, no tv, nothing. Just me and my memories. Not only that I do not celebrate B-days, but that day was so sad :(
Now to think of the 25th of June... man... it really scares me to death :no:
I would love the world to stop and thik of him, his work, his legacy, his kids, his fans... but then, that's just in my private perfect world. I think there will be lots of "specials" on TV, on Radio, on tabloids and on the media, but that will make no difference. California will be pleased receiving thousands of dollars of the fans visiting FL and people will be selling their stuff... while fans gathered there (many, as far as I know) will be really sad, in pain, hopeless.

Awwww.... that is going to be so sad, so sad... :weeping:
Why everyone is so obsessed with this day? What is the difference whether it is past one year or one second without him? For me, no matter how much time has passed. Matters only that my world without him orphaned and does not concern me is whether 1 or 10 months or 1 year. Pain remains the same.:(
i would love to be involved in something with yall... even just to show his family we still thinking about him and not letting any part of his legacy die.
I don't want to do anything special. I prefer to celebrate his life then the day of his death. All I know is it came up way to soon..

i think even a fan meetup would be good, we do celebrate michaels life every day when we play a record or whatever, so why not do it together on that day?!
I'm sure this is a strong opinionated topic but you are more then welcome to celebrate this, but I will not be.. I want to remember the good days and every time I think of June 25th images flash into my head of newspaper covers, images of ambulances and other inappropriate images, videos of helicopters transporting him, and photos/videos of his grieving children.. All too much too soon to relive that day again..

I will be celebrating his life like I do everyday not the day of his death :)
I dont know if there's anything going to happen. At least global prayer will conduct as usual. I would prefer global praying than any sort of tributes or stuff like that. It's something Michael and his family and fans would need most. Knowing that Micheal is free from the sufferings on earth, that made me feel better although I'm still saddened by his death. It feels like yesterday. One year passes too fast like blinking your eyes.

I totally agree ! :cry::cry:
June 25th was an extreamly sad day for the world and i would really prefer that nothing happens on that day. I just don't want to be reminded every year of the day Michael passed away. I would much rather prefer Michael's legacy to be celebrated on August 29th (his birthday). I think it's better to celebrate the day he entered to the world

I agree.
i think even a fan meetup would be good, we do celebrate michaels life every day when we play a record or whatever, so why not do it together on that day?!

What part of Manchester are you from?. I live in Middleton, M/cr. Would be great to
organise a fan meetup up north. PM me if you wanna meet?.

Many thanks,

What part of Manchester are you from?. I live in Middleton, M/cr. Would be great to
organise a fan meetup up north. PM me if you wanna meet?.

Many thanks,


little hulton, walkden. and i dont dont know many from here, how bout you?
you have a facebook account?
I just know, it's gonna be very sad day... There will be news on tv, everywhere, remaining what happened. It'll be devastating to realize, that it's been a year and no one took the responsibility for what happened and we still know only that what tmz has published.
I do understand fans, who wants to be with others on that day, so it's ok for me, if there'll be some events. I know the fans will celebrate this day in best way, I personally would rather be alone.
It's heartbreaking, time runs so fast... I never thought you can live without air... now we all do, for almost a year :(
Am I the only one who wishes that June 25th never happened?

I know it's cool to thing that we can celebrate on August but we can't skip June 25th. :(
whether something organised happens or not, im gonna feel just the same.
Most tributes done by celebs feel fake to me anyways. I prefer fans to come together and pray, to visit FL etc.
Ditto. If anything televised gets planned, I wouldn't watch it. I'm going to spend the day at Neverland and Forest Lawn.
I'm not 100% sure if ANYTHING will happen on this day because Michael is free now in Heaven and no one else can hurt him. But I'll be listening to his music all day so I won't be sad! Something SHOULD happen on August 29th because that was the day he came into this world 50 years ago. Although I'm sure it won't but still, there's hope...
well you not the only one, I'm is too is because june 25th is going to be a special sad day for all of micheal jackson fans & for myself 'cause I want him to see what he has done for me & the fans for many years to come!
We all wish June 25th never happened :(

I so totally agree. :boohoo:

I am trying very hard not to even think about June 25th. But that is like really impossible to do that. Hopefully I will try and spend that day asleep so I don't have to think about that horrible day. I know I will be a real mess when 6:30 pm comes on that date. Because that was the time I had heard the worst news in my entire life. And I will never get over it. Not when I am still deeply mourning for him. And I will always forever will be. :weeping: :boohoo:
No one wanted that day to happen. I still hate thinking about it but it just pops back in there from time to time :( We've gotta cope with what we've got and with the immensely strong friendship bonds we've created here I feel we can get through anything...even this :cry:
I will not be watching TV or listening to the radio just having a moment alone i still very upset about his lost it was to soon. But every June 25th the world will be in morning we lost one of the greatest entertainers and person of all times. I will not be on this forum because reading a thread about that day will make me break down but what i will do is write a poem for him from me to you all.
No, you're not the only one. I'm still healing from Michael's passing. I can't believe a whole year just flew by like that. Unbelievable. I don't need to feel the sting again... so all media will be shut off.
June 25th was an extreamly sad day for the world and i would really prefer that nothing happens on that day. I just don't want to be reminded every year of the day Michael passed away. I would much rather prefer Michael's legacy to be celebrated on August 29th (his birthday). I think it's better to celebrate the day he entered to the world

I feel the same way. On June 25 I want to hide from the world and be on my own. I'll go to church to pray,light a candle and give a small gift to someone.And I'll spend the rest of the day shrunk in my thoughts and memories.
...I'm with you

...I'm sorry but I don't want to be reminded of that day
it was one of the worst and darkest days of my life....I don't want to remember it.