All Threads About Katy Perry's Challenge To Michael Jackson's Chart Record **Merged**


There are some dreams we don’t want to wake up from, and given the success of Katy Perry‘s ‘Teenage Dream’ we can certainly see why.

Since its 2010 release, the multi-Platinum set has birthed hit after hit, a trajectory the singer is hoping continues with a revised version of the album.

Details after the jump…

Set to hit stores on March 13th, the retooled set -dubbed ‘Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection’- will include new tracks. And while the name of the cuts are presently unconfirmed, ‘Dressing Up’ and ‘Part Of Me’ – two new Perry tracks which recently “surfaced” – have been wiped off Youtube in their entirety.


In a weird way, I can’t but revel in the shamelessness of this all. Indeed, it may take milking success to a whole other plateau, but it’s ingenius business. Not only does it provide Perry heightened potential to nab more #1′s from the “same” album, it’ll add more sold units to the LP’s already impressive tally.

That said, all this “milking” of one album surely creates heightened hurdles for its follow-up. I mean, take Michael Jackson, for example. Had MJ not “let go” of‘Thriller’, would the great LP’s that were ‘Bad’ and ‘Dangerous’ have had the chance to shine on their own accord?
Re: Katy Perry Readies Teenage Dream Rerelease

Looks like Sam has gotten on the KP payroll, and I don't get how he can say the album has an impressive tally. Isn't Teenage Dream's notoriety the fact that it has spawned so many hit singles but has barely gone double platinum in the US?

Well she can keep pulling theses cheap trips, her record will have asterisks all over it. Hopefully Adele will soon beat any record KP sets, doing it the old fashioned way.
Re: Katy Perry Readies Teenage Dream Rerelease

You know what? Bring on Bad 25. I have had enough of this. His comment about Michael was that meant to be good or bad what he said?

I know I sound childish but she is beginning to tick me off with what she is trying to do. Re-release Bad with some new songs and does that count as well?
Re: Katy Perry Readies Teenage Dream Rerelease

Would any number ones from a re-release still count towards the albums total though?? It's obvious they're just trying to break MJ's record with this I think and break Janet's with the top 5 hits, I think it's starting to get a bit old.
Re: Katy Perry Readies Teenage Dream Rerelease

Big deal. So what? No reason for anyone to get worked up over it. She can't touch MJ. We all know that. He did it first and did it better. Katy is taking the year off and I'm sure her record company wants to keep her name out there in the meantime. Makes sense to me. Lots of artists have done releases (Usher, Mariah, etc).

Almost every artist, especially those acts who emerged during the last 10 years, seems pitiful when compared to the enormous shadow of Michael Jackson. However, one particular act has become a favourite metaphoric punching bag of the critics who continuously seek ways to slam the younger generation. That artist is Katy Perry.

From the moment that it became clear that Perry was on the path to matching Jackson’s record of five #1 songs from a single album on the Billboard Hot 100, she automatically became the bane of every sel-proclaimed “music fan.” Of course, you could imagine the nightmares about Hello Kitty that they had when the singer not only matched the King of Pop but she launched a campaign to surpass him.

Still, what really bothered most people about Perry’s accomplishments were her numerous business tactics to achieve success. Her label, Capitol Records, slashed the prices of several of her singles and issued a series of shamelessly paltry remixes in clear attempt to give the tunes the momentum to nab the top slot of the Hot 100.

For instance, Perry’s latest single, ‘The One That Got Away’, is currently available in its original form, a remixed version that features rapper B.o.B. and acoustically. These versions of the song were once priced at 69 cents, 99 cents and 99 cents, respectively, on iTunes instead of the usual $1.29.

Issuing three discounted versions of one single could easily be termed as desperation but in 2012 when label executives are forced to go the extra mile to achieve their bottom lines, such a practice is actually a case of savvy business. In fact, we shouldn’t expect anything less from an artist who perfectly represents the iTunes generation – aside from Proactiv acne medication, of course.

Similar to Rihanna, Perry caters to the 16 to 25-year age bracket where persons rarely buy albums and they are easily satisfied by purchasing select tunes on iTunes rather than complete collections. I explained this issue in greater detail during a previous article regarding Rihanna’s slow album sales. You can read all about it here (it’s quite interesting if I do say so myself).

Remarkably, though, despite the fact that Perry’s fanbase comprises mindless school girls, intoxicated surfers and young gay men with attention spans lasting less than 15 seconds – hey you, stop scrolling on Tumblr and pay attention! – her ‘Teenage Dream’ album has sold relatively well. Indeed, since August 2010, the LP has sold over 2.02 million copies in the US, which is better than most other artists who appeal to a similar market. This is typified by Rihanna’s ‘Loud’, which has yet to pass the 1.6 million sales mark, despite the fact that it was released during the peak sales period of November 2010 and was surrounded by a series of scandals, such as sex and stolen ideas, to keep it in the headlines.

Honestly, is Perry really that bad, especially when compared to her peers? She writes her own songs, she is a generally competent singer and she makes great videos. Additionally, with the exception of her cut/paste remixes that could have been made with the GarageBand app on a Mac, her music is actually good! You know that you scream ‘The One That Got Away’ when you’re vacuuming the carpet and you think your neighbours can’t hear you singing horribly off-key.

“Instead of admitting that Perry’s music is enjoyable, they compare it to Jackson’s work and exaggerate the latter’s worth…”

Perhaps, critics aren’t just using Perry as their punching bag but they’re also using Jackson as their shield from reality. Instead of admitting that Perry’s music is enjoyable, they compare it to Jackson’s work and exaggerate the latter’s worth in an attempt to diminish the former’s accomplishments.

Was every Jackson song from ‘Bad’ a brilliant piece of musical tapestry? The title track alone should inspire you to answer that question with a negative response. Let me make it easy for you: write out the lyrics to that track and pay close attention to the opening line, “your butt is mine!” Yes, we should all be amazed by it’s literary genius.

In conclusion, Perry is not the silly Betty Boop character that the media enjoys attacking. Regardless of who surpasses Jackson’s chart achievement, the critics would be upset simply because such a feat represents a shift in the tide from the older generation to the younger generation. Records are meant to be broken but when they have been replaced, they make those persons who witnessed the originals feel as though they themselves are relics of the past.
Re: A Case For Katy Perry

This is basically what I've been saying all along.
Re: A Case For Katy Perry

It's amazing how so many music bloggers are supporting these cheap tactics. and claiming that Jackson's work is greatly exaggerated twice in the article? Please, "your but is mine" IS a lyrical masterpiece compared to "daisy dukes, bikinis on top".
Re: A Case For Katy Perry

All these music critics and bloggers will be laughed at when someone finds these articles in about 5-10 years and people will be like "Katy who?"

I cannot believe they really cannot see the ridiculousness of comparing Katy Parry to Michael Jackson. And to reduce the whole of the Bad album to one half-line ("your butt is mine") and say it represents the whole lyrical content of that album is laughable. It really is desperate what all these bloggers and critics are doing with this "comparation".
Almost every artist, especially those acts who emerged during the last 10 years, seems pitiful when compared to the enormous shadow of Michael Jackson

They are pitiful.....enormous "SHADOW"? pfftttt ...enormous TALENT,WORK ,ARTRISTRY, GENIUS and so on....

Was every Jackson song from ‘Bad’ a brilliant piece of musical tapestry?

Was every Jackson song from ‘Bad’ a brilliant piece of musical tapestry? The title track alone should inspire you to answer that question with a negative response. Let me make it easy for you: write out the lyrics to that track and pay close attention to the opening line, “your butt is mine!” Yes, we should all be amazed by it’s literary genius.

By the same logic I think we can conclude the Beatles are highly exaggerated too. I mean: "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah"...

It's really stupid from the author to pick half a line from the Bad album and build his argument that MJ's work is exaggerated on that.
Re: A Case For Katy Perry

People trying to compare all these bubblegum pop exponents with MJ,

I just have one word: Laughable.
People do realize it for what it it: a desperate attempt to beat MJ's record - you don't need to be an MJ fan to see that.

And I had to laugh at the "LP’s already impressive tally" claim. According to Wikipedia "Teenage Dreams" sold 5.5 million worldwide and some 2 million in the US. With that any MJ album would be considered a MAJOR flop, but Perry's album sales are somehow "impressive"? WTF?
Personally i don't really care if Katy Perry or any other arist breaks Mike's record sales. Yes, i like it that MJ has sold many records, i like it when i see his name on those "the biggest selling artists" lists but if someone does better, so be it. What i don't like is when someone is trying to compare MJ with acts that will never, ever reach him on any kind of artistic level.That i hate.
I don't mind if someone breaks one of Michael's records, but what i hate is that the media feels the need to belittle Michael if someone comes close to breaking one of his records. Can't they just congratulate that person without belittling Michael?
For me it's not about the record. There are so many records that people have so it's not that. It's the tactics being used the remixing, slashing of the price and yeah the belittling of Michael. Not necessary. I look at other artists today and you put out a song and if goes to #1 great and if it doesn't then fine too. It feels like cheating or forcing something. I don't know the right words to use here but that is what comes to mind. I am sorry if I am not expressing my thoughts right. I am sure a lot of artists would like their song to be #1. But a lot of great songs in the world didn't make it to #1 but are considered classics. Even if people see what she is doing it doesn't seem like people care and just ignoring it as long as she gets to #1. I know people have to promote their songs and go on shows etc. These tactics I am seeing just rub me the wrong way and feels like there will be no standards someday if these things continue and more people try to do.
As for that blogger's claim about the song Bad. Well, he is obviously unaware about the true meaning of that song, which is that it's about the story of a boy named Edmund Perry:

So that song actually makes a lot more sense and is a lot deeper than anything Katy Perry will ever do.
As for that blogger's claim about the song Bad. Well, he is obviously unaware about the true meaning of that song, which is that it's about the story of a boy named Edmund Perry:

So that song actually makes a lot more sense and is a lot deeper than anything Katy Perry will ever do.

Not arguing, but I think a lot of you are speaking of Katy as the person who wrote that article spoke of MJ - as someone who knows little about her. She has written some great and meaningful songs. Unfortunately, most are not released as singles. "Circle The Drain" is an example of that. It's very dark and brooding but has a message that probably many can relate to in this day and age of excess. The reality is that the only reason so many here are talking about her and attacking her is because of her getting compared to MJ (which I agree is ridiculous).
^^ You are right that I wouldn't waste a thought on Katy Perry (actually she wasn't even on my radar until her campaign to beat MJ's record) if people wouldn't write idiotic articles like the one quoted. Her music doesn't appeal to me at all and in my opinion on the long term she will be an insignificant sidenote in pop history. It's not even about the record (I think her tactics are desperate, but oh well, that's showbusiness for you), it's about the hype surrounding this MJ "record" and the comparations which are, as you too said, ridiculous. Allow us to express a little frustration when people put down MJ to lift up someone like Katy Perry.
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^^ You are right that I wouldn't waste a thought on Katy Perry (actually she wasn't even on my radar until her campaign to beat MJ's record) if people wouldn't write idiotic articles like the one quoted. Her music doesn't appeal to me at all and in my opinion on the long term she will be an insignificant sidenote in pop history. It's not even about the record (I think her tactics are desperate, but oh well, that's showbusiness for you), it's about the hype surrounding this MJ "record" and the comparations which are, as you too said, ridiculous. Allow us to express a little frustration when people put down MJ to lift up someone like Katy Perry.

You are of course allowed to vent frustration but I don't think it's fair to run someone down in the process (with little knowledge on the subject). Address the idiotic media and their constant need to belittle MJ even after he's gone. I say this because as I've said before, it's obvious most in this thread know nothing about Katy outside of her hit singles and that's absolutely not a fair assessment of her talent. I'm not asking anyone to like her, just to get to know someone before attacking.

"Before you judge me, try hard to love me"
Katy is out of the top10... so... no record breaking... so far.

Yep,and it's sure not likely to go up again.

So Michael's "Most #1 singles off one album" record is safe for now. : ) . I must admit that was a close one LOL!
I think she's done for - as far as beating Michael's record goes but I wanted to mention a discussion I had with my father the other week about this:

I got into a really heated discussion with my parents over this last week (was not intentional, they just jumped at the opportunity to discuss the 70s, 80s). My dad says that it does not matter whether Katy Perry breaks this record because regardless of the fact that she may win in numbers it is absolutely non-comparable to how music was released, bought and promoted back in the day. The sheer difference in accessibility to music today compared to 1987 is one major factor. Having to go to the record store and buy a record, or tape. The physical trip fans had to make to the mall to purchase a record, listen to it and then get the message to Billboard that the song deserves to be number one is a complete 180 from how its done today.

Katy Perry is not even in the same category because the digital era has made the comparison null and void.

My dad even went on to say that getting angry at how Katy Perry (He has no idea who she is) cheapens her music to sell more should not be the issue. The issue should be with the people who would even dare make a comparison.
Yeah, I don't think The One That Got Away has a chance of making it to #1 anymore, and Billboard has stated that any singles from the re-release of Teenage Dream will count as singles from the re-release, not the original album. So if her next single goes to #1, it won't break the record since it's not counted as a single from the Teenage Dream album. So I guess Michael and Katy will tie that record for now.

The thing that bothered me about the whole "Katy is going to break MJ's record!" thing wasn't the idea that Michael's record could be broken. That's just how records work, somebody makes a record and later somebody else breaks it. Michael will always be a legend whether he holds a particular record or not. I just hope if/when someone breaks his record it will be without cheap tricks like remixes, discounts and acoustic versions. I don't think discounts or different versions of the song are necessarily bad, it can be smart marketing tactics too, but what they did with TOTGA came across as really desperate, imo. It was obvious to me they were just doing everything they could to break the record. In a way I guess I can understand that, but at the same time I have to wonder, do you really deserve the record if you have to use cheap tricks to get it?
I think she's done for - as far as beating Michael's record goes but I wanted to mention a discussion I had with my father the other week about this:

I got into a really heated discussion with my parents over this last week (was not intentional, they just jumped at the opportunity to discuss the 70s, 80s). My dad says that it does not matter whether Katy Perry breaks this record because regardless of the fact that she may win in numbers it is absolutely non-comparable to how music was released, bought and promoted back in the day. The sheer difference in accessibility to music today compared to 1987 is one major factor. Having to go to the record store and buy a record, or tape. The physical trip fans had to make to the mall to purchase a record, listen to it and then get the message to Billboard that the song deserves to be number one is a complete 180 from how its done today.

Katy Perry is not even in the same category because the digital era has made the comparison null and void.

My dad even went on to say that getting angry at how Katy Perry (He has no idea who she is) cheapens her music to sell more should not be the issue. The issue should be with the people who would even dare make a comparison.

Yeah, I don't think The One That Got Away has a chance of making it to #1 anymore, and Billboard has stated that any singles from the re-release of Teenage Dream will count as singles from the re-release, not the original album. So if her next single goes to #1, it won't break the record since it's not counted as a single from the Teenage Dream album. So I guess Michael and Katy will tie that record for now.

The thing that bothered me about the whole "Katy is going to break MJ's record!" thing wasn't the idea that Michael's record could be broken. That's just how records work, somebody makes a record and later somebody else breaks it. Michael will always be a legend whether he holds a particular record or not. I just hope if/when someone breaks his record it will be without cheap tricks like remixes, discounts and acoustic versions. I don't think discounts or different versions of the song are necessarily bad, it can be smart marketing tactics too, but what they did with TOTGA came across as really desperate, imo. It was obvious to me they were just doing everything they could to break the record. In a way I guess I can understand that, but at the same time I have to wonder, do you really deserve the record if you have to use cheap tricks to get it?

Totally agree with both of you.Couldn't have expressed it better.Very well said!!!!!!!!! : )
I'm just happy that everyone can let go of their weaves and relax a bit.

Katy Perry to Release 'Teenage Dream' Special Edition in March

"Teenage Dream," Katy Perry's sophomore album which spawned a record-tying five No. 1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100, will be rereleased as a special edition on March 27. "Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection" will feature three new songs, as well as four re-workings of her "Dream" hits, along with the entirety of the original album.

"Confection" will include the Kanye West-assisted version of Perry's single "E.T.," the remix of "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" featuring Missy Elliott, a Jon Brion-produced acoustic version of "The One That Got Away," and a 7-minute Tommie Sunshine mega-mix of the album's six singles. The three new songs do not yet have announced titles, although two Perry tracks, "Dressing Up" and "Part of Me," surfaced online last month before being hastily removed.

"This is the complete story of 'Teenage Dream,'" says Perry -- who tied Michael Jackson's "Bad" last year by scoring five Hot 100 No. 1 singles from a single album -- in a press release. "It was an incredible honor to tie the King of Pop's Billboard Hot 100 record, but I'm moving forward and had a few things left to get off my chest. So this is the complete special edition of my album for my fans."

(Perry and Jackson will remain tied for the most Hot 100 toppers from any album regardless of the performance of any singles from "Confection." Should any song released from "Confection" reach No. 1, it would count as a Hot 100 No. 1 from "Confection" and not "Dream").

Perry is scheduled to perform at the Grammy Awards ceremony for the second straight year this Sunday (Feb. 12). The pop star is nominated for Record of the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance for "Firework," one year after earning six nominations, including Album of the Year for "Teenage Dream."
[h=1]Ask Billboard: Can Katy Perry Top Michael Jackson's Hot 100 Record? [/h]
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