all things 1983💜

@zinniabooklover thank you so much for sharing this, and for contributing to this thread in general 💜 these are very rare indeed. it’s interesting to see how little has changed in comparison with the final outcome. though I do wonder if the girlfriend portrayed here was jennifer beals as originally conceived, and not ola🤔I think it’s funny that they deliberately planned for her to start running only after she watched the dance routine 🤣I hope these storyboards and items like these are preserved.
@zinniabooklover thank you so much for sharing this, and for contributing to this thread in general
I adore this thread. I only wish we could all find more stuff for it. I found an advert from 1984 based around Thriller (Michael wasn't in the ad) but, bc it's 1984, I wasn't sure about posting it here, it's really only of peripheral interest. Anyway, my point is, I love the thread. :)

these are very rare indeed.
I was beyond excited to see them.

it’s interesting to see how little has changed in comparison with the final outcome. though I do wonder if the girlfriend portrayed here was jennifer beals as originally conceived, and not ola
I don't think I even knew that about Jennifer Beals. Bc I did notice that the woman in the storyboard was clearly Caucasian and not Black. Which is fine, not making an issue of it, just noticed it as an interesting - if unexpected - detail.

I think it’s funny that they deliberately planned for her to start running only after she watched the dance routine
Gotta make sure Michael's dancing is the star of the show, lol. 🥳 ✨

🤣I hope these storyboards and items like these are preserved.
I really hope so. You'd be wanting to see them in a museum or as part of an exhibition. I'm interested in how large they are. I'd love to see more of them. It's great that we can see these four but there must be others, obviously. I'd love to see those, also.
I adore this thread. I only wish we could all find more stuff for it. I found an advert from 1984 based around Thriller (Michael wasn't in the ad) but, bc it's 1984, I wasn't sure about posting it here, it's really only of peripheral interest. Anyway, my point is, I love the thread. :)

I was beyond excited to see them.

I don't think I even knew that about Jennifer Beals. Bc I did notice that the woman in the storyboard was clearly Caucasian and not Black. Which is fine, not making an issue of it, just noticed it as an interesting - if unexpected - detail.

Gotta make sure Michael's dancing is the star of the show, lol. 🥳 ✨

I really hope so. You'd be wanting to see them in a museum or as part of an exhibition. I'm interested in how large they are. I'd love to see more of them. It's great that we can see these four but there must be others, obviously. I'd love to see those, also.
it’s so nice that you enjoy this thread💜it’s a special interest of mine. I’m inspired to keep going. I welcome all contributions ☺️

apparently jennifer beals turned down the role. I wonder why that was, and whose idea it was in the first place? I can imagine it would have caused some controversy back then. especially since it it would have been michael’s first onscreen love interest, besides latoya in ‘say say say’, who also claimed that she was up for the role of brother michael’s girlfriend 😱I’m so glad mother katherine (allegedly) put a stop to that.. michael was generous to give latoya acting opportunities in his short films.

the dancing in ‘thriller’ for me is the centrepiece. I wouldn’t enjoy it as much if it wasn’t there. in fact, I mainly watch the shortened version which focuses on that. it’s my favourite routine. people claim it’s simple, but that’s only because they’re doing the modified flash mob version. I’ve never seen anyone move the way that michael did in that video.
it’s so nice that you enjoy this thread💜it’s a special interest of mine. I’m inspired to keep going. I welcome all contributions

apparently jennifer beals turned down the role.
I just popped back on to correct my earlier comment. Film is not really my thing and I've never paid any interest in Jennifer Beals (I know she was in a dance film). I checked her on Wiki. Turns out she is mixed race. Her father is African American, her mother is Irish American. So, my bad.

I wonder why that was, and whose idea it was in the first place?
I'm intrigued. Was she working on another project? Was she too busy or was the project not interesting to her? I'm not criticising her and I'm sure she had a good reason but I'm curious to know more.

I can imagine it would have caused some controversy back then. especially since it it would have been michael’s first onscreen love interest, besides latoya in ‘say say say’, who also claimed that she was up for the role of brother michael’s girlfriend
oh god, LaToya! Just, no!

I’m so glad mother katherine (allegedly) put a stop to that.. michael was generous to give latoya acting opportunities in his short films.
I would say he was too generous but perhaps that would be mean so I'm absolutely not saying that. 😶

the dancing in ‘thriller’ for me is the centrepiece.
It is everything. The dance routines from Beat It and Thriller are rubies and diamonds and pearls, for me.

I wouldn’t enjoy it as much if it wasn’t there. in fact, I mainly watch the shortened version which focuses on that.
Absolutely. Couldn't even say when was the last time I watched the long version. Short version, every time!

it’s my favourite routine. people claim it’s simple, but that’s only because they’re doing the modified flash mob version.
People don't understand dance. They underestimate dancers all the time. Drives me nuts. The genius of a dancer like Michael - or any gifted dancer, tbf - is that they make it all look so easy. They make you think, 'oh I could do that! No disrespect to the MJ impersonators, I'm talking in general terms.

The flash mobs are great and I've seen some really good ones but, let's be real ... they are not in the same class. Not for me, anyway.

I’ve never seen anyone move the way that michael did in that video.
Beat It, Thriller. I would add SC but that's for a different thread, lol.

oh god, sorry, mate! I'm going to have to post one of my all time fave Thriller photos. I know it's not a picture thread but this is going to happen, lol.
I haven't read the entire interview, only the bit about Thriller.

Of Hollywood & Heroes​

Rocketeer creator Dave Stevens on his life as an artist​

Conducted by Jon B. Cooke
Transcribed by Sam Gafford​

CBA: Cool. You did some storyboard work for motion pictures?

Dave: Here and there, but I really don't care for it. It's mostly all think-work; just a job. You don't have to be able to draw well at all to do storyboards. And I'm more interested in putting my energies toward images that require a lot more skill and sensitivity. It's a much more satisfying investment of my time and talents, these days.

CBA: Though you worked on some notable pictures like Raiders of the Lost Ark, correct?

Dave: Yeah, the first one. I also boarded Michael Jackson's Thriller video, and there was a Godzilla in 3-D, a feature film that Steve Miner was developing with Doug Wildey and Bill Stout-it was actually Stout's gig and Doug and I just helped out on it, with a lot of presentation boards. And I did lots of storyboards for television commercials in the '70s.

CBA: What did you do on Thriller?

Dave: Shot-for-shot boards.

CBA: For the entire video?

Dave: Yeah.

CBA: Did you get a chance to meet Jackson?

Dave: I was only hired because Michael liked my work. If he hadn't, there's no way I would have gotten on.

CBA: He liked The Rocketeer?

Dave: I brought in my portfolio because John Landis had called and asked me to come in. He and I had known each other previously, and while I was there showing him what I had been working on, Michael stopped by and before I knew it he was on the floor, poring through the drawings on his hands and knees, like a little kid. He was more impressed with the more Disneyesque cartoon work I'd done because he loved animation.

CBA: He's not necessarily a comics fan?

Dave: No, not really.

CBA: Did you contribute any specific designs or was it all storyboards?

Dave: All storyboards. John's very descriptive, and he went through the whole thing with me in his office, shot-by-shot, so I knew what he wanted to see.
That very funny interview from Dave Stevens because Michael liked comics too.

You can see some french words in some pictures, that because that from a french documentary, La Story de Michael Jackson:

I have seen this documentary, and weirdly, it was very good, and that extremely rare for a french doc about him, it was very simple but they were abble to meet lot of peoples who know or have worked him, with lot of fun anecdotes, for example according one of his friends, sorry I can't remember who, an old guy, Michael was very present during the Studio54 and already made in front of everybody the moonwalk in late 70's.

There are also a very portion of the documentary about his infuences for his music videos for Thriller, I should to see again the doc, but I remember that one his influence for Beat it was the movie "the Warriors"by Walter Hill, he was apparently very aware of everything involving pop culture, and the best part was of course these story board for "Thriller".

I really love Ola Ray, but that would have been fun to see Jennifer Beal, I really like Flashdance, but the chemistry between Ola and Michael was so amazing.
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That very funny interview from Dave Stevens because Michael liked comics too.
Agreed. I think what happened there is, Michael might not have been familiar with whatever comic work Dave Stevens had done at that point. Or it wasn't to his taste. Afaik, he liked the classic stuff, Superman etc. He didn't necessarily read every comic that was out there. And it definitely makes sense that he would be more interested in the animation style drawings that Dave had in his portfolio.

You can see some french words in some pictures, that because that from a french documentary, La Story de Michael Jackson:
oh, I wondered why the French text was there.

I really love Ola Ray, but that would have been fun to see Jennifer Beal, I really like Flashdance.
Jennifer Beals would have been good in the short film. It's a very simple role, nothing difficult. And no dancing! Jennifer didn't do her own dancing in Flashdance, that was someone else. But Ola Ray was great so it all worked out just fine. Michael and Ola look great together.
The Thriller dance routine is my favorite because it looks creepy and otherworldly. The idea was dancing zombies and the dancers move accordingly. It is a great choreography . Especially the opening with the shoulder nods looks fantastic in combination with that tudu sound. Michael only starts to dance as himself once he stops being a zombie.

Fun fact my sister performed it as a teenager in full zombie make up at a fashion show with other amateurs. I remember it vaguely as I was only a kid but I believe it was in 1990. 6 years after the video debuted it was still very much being talked about.
My uncle had bought the making of video and we all went over to watch it together, it was an event that brought people and families together. I still vaguely remember the laughs and shrieks of the adults watching it while I probably became a fan right there on that day. It also scared the hell out of me and it took me many years to not get shivers anymore hearing Vincent Price’s diabolical laughing or the werewolf howling and transformation scenes.

Also the video doesn’t make any sense but it is exactly that unpredictability that makes it successful. Forget about the plot, just make it exciting and surprising. All the dancers involved clearly loved what they were doing. The idea of a song being accompanied by an almost 15 minutes video was outlandish but it worked and till this day it remains a rarity. Michael took the risk and I’m glad he did.
He was so persistent and confident in the 80s. He wanted to make Thriller, he was the only performer allowed to do a new song at Motown 25 and he wanted Thriller to be the greatest album of all time and he succeeded with all his goals. Legendary artists like McCartney, Jagger and Mercury couldn’t wait to be in the studio with him.

PS I forgot to add that he practically effortlessly upstaged his idol James Brown on stage in 1984, talk about being cool And confident yet humble!
The Thriller dance routine is my favorite because it looks creepy and otherworldly. The idea was dancing zombies and the dancers move accordingly. It is a great choreography . Especially the opening with the shoulder nods looks fantastic in combination with that tudu sound. Michael only starts to dance as himself once he stops being a zombie.

Fun fact my sister performed it as a teenager in full zombie make up at a fashion show with other amateurs. I remember it vaguely as I was only a kid but I believe it was in 1990. 6 years after the video debuted it was still very much being talked about.
My uncle had bought the making of video and we all went over to watch it together, it was an event that brought people and families together. I still vaguely remember the laughs and shrieks of the adults watching it while I probably became a fan right there on that day. It also scared the hell out of me and it took me many years to not get shivers anymore hearing Vincent Price’s diabolical laughing or the werewolf howling and transformation scenes.

Also the video doesn’t make any sense but it is exactly that unpredictability that makes it successful. Forget about the plot, just make it exciting and surprising. All the dancers involved clearly loved what they were doing. The idea of a song being accompanied by an almost 15 minutes video was outlandish but it worked and till this day it remains a rarity. Michael took the risk and I’m glad he did.
He was so persistent and confident in the 80s. He wanted to make Thriller, he was the only performer allowed to do a new song at Motown 25 and he wanted Thriller to be the greatest album of all time and he succeeded with all his goals. Legendary artists like McCartney, Jagger and Mercury couldn’t wait to be in the studio with him.

PS I forgot to add that he practically effortlessly upstaged his idol James Brown on stage in 1984, talk about being cool And confident yet humble!
that’s a great perspective on Michael’s character shift during the ‘thriller’ dance. I never looked at it that way before. the moves are more of a traditional broadway style when he starts singing.

the james brown concert was actually in ‘83. it may have even taken place a couple of days before motown 25 was broadcast in the states. which means that the people in that audience were seeing him moonwalk for the first time - even though he did it months prior. I’m not sure about upstaging james brown (I didn’t see the rest of his show), but he certainly upstaged the person who followed him..

this is what makes the year even more special 🤩it’s an example of what I meant by the work speaking for itself to create the hype. in that year we had; the ‘billie jean’ & ‘beat it’ videos (and singles), motown 25, james brown concert, ‘wanna be startin’ somethin’ & ‘human nature’ singles, ‘say say say’ short film, and the ‘thriller’ short film 💜

to think that motown 25 and the ‘thriller’ film almost never happened. much of michael’s success was organic as much as it was orchestrated.
the james brown concert was actually in ‘83. it may have even taken place a couple of days before motown 25 was broadcast in the states. which means that the people in that audience were seeing him moonwalk for the first time - even though he did it months prior.
oh this is interesting. We should find out the exact date of that show!
I personally have no idea when this concert took place. unfortunately, just like the motown 25 performance, there have been many uploads in various standards of quality that have since been removed. due to copyright, and there being no official upload.

I remember one I had which stated that it took place on may 14th 1983 at the beverly theatre. however, I’ve just come across this source which states that it was august 20th of that same year. it shows the set list, and precisely when michael showed up.
oh this is interesting. We should find out the exact date of that show!
According to Far Out magazine it was 20 August 1983.

[...] I’m not sure about upstaging james brown (I didn’t see the rest of his show), but he certainly upstaged the person who followed him.. [...]
For me, he didn't upstage James but, oh my! ... Michael's vocals! 😲
All I know is Motown 25 aired on May 16 (which is my birthday). I was born exactly 25 years later.