All the talk about Obama's birth certificate

Oh please. If Obama had produced a valid BC from the beginning, this never would have been an issue. His refusal to do so kept the fires stoked up. He brought it upon himself.

I agree that when the issues was brought up it should have been resolved right then and there. End of story. I voted for Obama. I personally don't like the fact that this seems to be turning into a "Black or White" issue. To me..I do not care what color a person is - to judge ones content by their skin tone and not their character is wrong. To borrow from Dr. Martin Luther King jr.

I've not been able to keep up with the 'news of the world or nation(s) as rapidly in the past week or more due to limited acess to internet - which is the fastest way to stay 'informed' in todays world - So in honesty reading this on the homepage of my screen does raise an eyebrow. Of course when a president of a nation is questioned - The people of that nation (and world ) will look into what is going on. What matters is Truth coming from a human being...from the President of The United States of America. The people of the nation will obviously want the truth,and to be reassured of the truth when there's a submission of a possible lie. So in reading this news today all I want as an American and for the President of my country is simply honesty.
I know that there's a great percent of the people of the USA that feel this way too. Simple truth from our nations leader.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Oh please. If Obama had produced a valid BC from the beginning, this never would have been an issue. His refusal to do so kept the fires stoked up. He brought it upon himself.

He wouldn't be in the White House, running our country if he wasn't a legal citizen, born in our country. He already did produce a BC or else he wouldn't be President. No other Pres has ever had to show their certificate. Race and bigotry is obviously the main culprit in this debacle.
This whole birth certificate issue is something I could really careless about. He could of have been born on another planet for all I care. There are far more important things going on in the world than knowing where my country's president was born at.

LMAO!! :lol: Say what you want about Obama, but he does have a sense of humour :lol:
All this talk about birth certificates started during the campaign. People were after McCain to prove his citizenship because he had been born in the PCZ. He showed his birth certificate and satisfied those interested parties. Obama, on the other hand, withheld his and relied on his rhetoric and an enabling press to 'skate through'. He also campaigned on the issue of transparency. Yet, he refused to show the official long form BC until now. And why show it now? From the official White House Blog
“The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn’t good for the country. It may have been good politics and good TV, but it was bad for the American people…”

For 2 years plus this has been an issue of gradually increasing interest. It contributed to divisiveness and name calling at the very least. Yet only now he determines that it was bad for the American people? When it served his political needs, he apparently didn't care. Only now when politically it may be a problem for him does he produce the damn thing. He is not a leader, he is a politician.
And lest anyone think that this issue of citizenship is solely owned by Obama, not only John McCain, but Barry Goldwater and even Pres. Chester Arthur had to confront those issues. Citizenship is a requirement of the Constitution. It is not an option.
I kind of hope that in the future, all candidates for president are required to show incontrovertible proof of it.
Trump is a jackass! Him, just like all the others are bunch of racist idiots. Freaking John McCain was born in Panama but nothing was said about that. If Obama were white, this would be a non-issue.

Since all previous U.S. Presidents are decendant of immigrants, I fail to see why birth place is such an issue.........

But yes.......this is's so obvious..........and I can't understand why people continue to deny it!!!

To be fair, I don't think Trump is a racist. He is just trying to win souls and he knows that statements like these will increase his popularity with a certain part of the electorate. He's a populist.

He's both a racist and a populist. He's also arrogant and ignorant!!!

If you act like one, you are one, in my book.

Yes, it IS racism. We really should be beyond this now, and it's deplorable. I worked on the Obama campaign, and while I don't agree with all he's done, the talk about his birth certificate is purely digressive, and is truly racist. Shame on those, who promote this digressive idea! Time to move forward, now.
Oh please. If Obama had produced a valid BC from the beginning, this never would have been an issue. His refusal to do so kept the fires stoked up. He brought it upon himself.
Thank you my good friend!!!!!! It's the whole fact that Obama is trying to conceal the information that makes it suspicious. 2012 better get here faSt we need a new leader ASAP
I think, unfortunately, that Obama is going to win the upcoming Presidential elections for the second time. .. And there I was back in 2009 thinking that if I had been an American citizen, I would've voted him with ten hands. ...
If Obama were to spend his existence on disproving every coward behind some anonymous screen name who makes up some nonsense- he wouldn't get past turning on his computer in the morning.

While I am fairly disappointed in a number of issues since his election, I am still amazed at the tenacity that certain people cling to his birth certificate.
Having to work with this 'no way' attitude that seems to govern politics, is not an easy feat.

I'm sure there will be something else someone will cook up.
The whole 'ineligible' was laughable with McCain, that doesn't mean other it's okay to pull these stunts continuously into the next few eternities with everyone one disagrees with.
From swiftboat veterans to birth certificate- desperation takes on different faces, I guess. And it definitely goes to show you that desperation and idiocy are limitless.

It's definitely hilarious to observer outcry over a birth certificate when the majority of US citizens considers identification when crossing a border (say, Canada) some kind of undue burden and harassment. That double standard is amazing.

Reminds me a lot of the Rapture Talk here in the US. :D
If you followed some of the conspiracy "FEMA is out to kill us one by one" stuff since he was campaigning- you'd think some people might have realized that just like the rapture, somehow the commies didn't come to get them just yet either.

Amazing that on an MJ board this is even an issue. Politics are a dirty game. Whenever you don't like someone, just make up some cr*p and then force the accused to disprove the nonsense. Awesome. I hope those that engage in these kind of tactics will never have to find out for themselves what it is like when someone insists on you disproving nonsense issues, just because they can't stand your guts.
If Obama were to spend his existence on disproving every coward behind some anonymous screen name who makes up some nonsense- he wouldn't get past turning on his computer in the morning.

While I am fairly disappointed in a number of issues since his election, I am still amazed at the tenacity that certain people cling to his birth certificate.
Having to work with this 'no way' attitude that seems to govern politics, is not an easy feat.

I'm sure there will be something else someone will cook up.
The whole 'ineligible' was laughable with McCain, that doesn't mean other it's okay to pull these stunts continuously into the next few eternities with everyone one disagrees with.
From swiftboat veterans to birth certificate- desperation takes on different faces, I guess. And it definitely goes to show you that desperation and idiocy are limitless.

It's definitely hilarious to observer outcry over a birth certificate when the majority of US citizens considers identification when crossing a border (say, Canada) some kind of undue burden and harassment. That double standard is amazing.

Reminds me a lot of the Rapture Talk here in the US. :D
If you followed some of the conspiracy "FEMA is out to kill us one by one" stuff since he was campaigning- you'd think some people might have realized that just like the rapture, somehow the commies didn't come to get them just yet either.

Amazing that on an MJ board this is even an issue. Politics are a dirty game. Whenever you don't like someone, just make up some cr*p and then force the accused to disprove the nonsense. Awesome. I hope those that engage in these kind of tactics will never have to find out for themselves what it is like when someone insists on you disproving nonsense issues, just because they can't stand your guts.

Personally, wasn't even including this whole birth certificate issue in my comment above, though, it was a general statement engulfing many seethingly unsolved and aggravated issues during his presidential mandate. And boy, are they many. This document non-clarification in question is a minor inconvenient compared to this yet active mandate of his - but this not being a thread debating that, I just wanted to make my point clearer.
I think, unfortunately, that Obama is going to win the upcoming Presidential elections for the second time. .. And there I was back in 2009 thinking that if I had been an American citizen, I would've voted him with ten hands. ...

Well he's better then any of the republicans................

And he gave his people free health............

He might not be a brilliant president...........but he's better then the rest!!!!
Obambi has been one of the most devisive presidents during my time on this earth. One hesitates to speak ill of the man for fear of being labelled a racist. Even here, on this board, discussion about this birth certificate is always looped around by the term: racist. And we are told to get over it, or move on or some such thing. So much for trying to have a discussion.
I remember seeing, in the run up to the elections, enough coverage of people saying they were voting for him because of his color (whatever that might really be since he is, after all, half white and half black). Not the issues but the color of the candidate mattered... Wouldn't that be termed a racist approach?
In complete honesty, I have no issue with anyone's color. It is the way the person conducts him or herself that matters to me. I agree that politics is a dirty business. We have all too many politicians and virtually no statesmen any more. It has become unfashionable to put country first.
I wish we didn't have any political topics on this board at all. It can only cause pain.

And there is no such thing as free health care. Where does the money come from to pay for it? The moon? No, of course not. From the taxpayers of course. So let's not talk about "free". However, perhaps if we didn't expend so many resources for care and treatment and schooling for illegal immigrants, or eliminated foreign aid, we'd have more money to spend at home for the citizens and legal residents.
Obambi has been one of the most devisive presidents during my time on this earth. One hesitates to speak ill of the man for fear of being labelled a racist. Even here, on this board, discussion about this birth certificate is always looped around by the term: racist. And we are told to get over it, or move on or some such thing. So much for trying to have a discussion.
I remember seeing, in the run up to the elections, enough coverage of people saying they were voting for him because of his color (whatever that might really be since he is, after all, half white and half black). Not the issues but the color of the candidate mattered... Wouldn't that be termed a racist approach?
In complete honesty, I have no issue with anyone's color. It is the way the person conducts him or herself that matters to me. I agree that politics is a dirty business. We have all too many politicians and virtually no statesmen any more. It has become unfashionable to put country first.
I wish we didn't have any political topics on this board at all. It can only cause pain.

And there is no such thing as free health care. Where does the money come from to pay for it? The moon? No, of course not. From the taxpayers of course. So let's not talk about "free". However, perhaps if we didn't expend so many resources for care and treatment and schooling for illegal immigrants, or eliminated foreign aid, we'd have more money to spend at home for the citizens and legal residents.

Isn't it...?

.. But like you said, when you're labeled a racist from the get-go or a hypocrite (when that's not even the case, eveb biologically speaking it's not), so much for your argumentation and valid points.

*Sigh*... I too think politics shouldn't be allowed for debate to public forums, but that's stifling freedom of speech and, eventually, the other sides of the story being blocked. So, up until the governments will handle this freedom of speech tenet 'accordingly', us as free humans, or what is left of us shouldn't be cenzored. And we won't.
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Obama is the best choice when u look at the alternative. Some ignorant looney neo con who has the nuculer button at the finger tips.

Yeah of cause it could be deemed racist if thats the intent behind it just to vote for him cause hes mixed race. Thats the same with all ppl.jews muslims could be said u are supporting one of your own and basing your
vote on who the person is rather than there polices.but its hardly surprising.its gone on in white america for 100's of years

Interms of free health care its called that cause its free at the point of purchase so to speak.of course its paid for via taxes.but when u need it for whatever ailment its free whether u need a bandage on a broken finger or major heart surgery.america is built on capatalisim (sp) survival of the fittest so the one society for all doesnt excist.dont have the money u dont get anything but the basic.its nothing to do with blaming ilegal inmigrants etc its the way america has always been has no intrest in being a society.illegal immigrants etc arent just found in the usa.europe seems to pretty we with health care.yet has major immigration issues. Yet it always so much easier to blame a scape goat

Its not surprising that many deem the whole birth issue as racist u only have to look at how its reported by those like fox etc.
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Well, of course, since I don't live in the UK, I can only refer to what I can see about health care there: something about waiting lists and waiting times?

"Doctors are blaming financial pressures on the NHS for an increase in the number of patients who are not being treated within the 18 weeks that the government recommends.

New NHS performance data reveal that the number of people in England who are being forced to wait more than 18 weeks has risen by 26% in the last year, while the number who had to wait longer than six months has shot up by 43%.

In March this year, 34,639 people, or 11% of the total, waited more than that time to receive inpatient treatment, compared with 27,534, or 8.3%, in March 2010 – an increase of 26% – Department of Health statistics show.

Similarly, in March this year some 11,243 patients who underwent treatment had waited for more than six months, compared with 7,841 in the same month in 2010 – a 43% rise.

Despite rising demand for healthcare caused by the increasingly elderly population and growing numbers of people with long-term conditions, the NHS treated 16,201 fewer people as inpatients in March 2011 compared to March 2010, the latest Referral To Treatment data disclose.

The British Medical Association said the longer waits and fewer treatments were inevitable: "Given the massive financial pressures on the NHS, it was always likely that hospital activity would decrease and waiting times would increase," said a spokesperson."

.What if you don't want to wait or feel you can't wait...what is the alternative there? Must you wait or can you pay to see a private doctor?
^ Just thought I'd post this here ;) It's from 2000 so some things may have changed but I think the tendency is clear.

World Health Organization's ranking of world health care systems (source):

1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom
19 Ireland
20 Switzerland
21 Belgium
22 Colombia
23 Sweden
24 Cyprus
25 Germany
26 Saudi Arabia
27 United Arab Emirates
28 Israel
29 Morocco
30 Canada
31 Finland
32 Australia
33 Chile
34 Denmark
35 Dominica
36 Costa Rica
37 United States of America
38 Slovenia
39 Cuba
40 Brunei

The U. S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of gross domestic product (GDP) on health services, ranks 18th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy.
.What if you don't want to wait or feel you can't wait...what is the alternative there? Must you wait or can you pay to see a private doctor?
u pay to go private or wait it out. and have the same dr do it who u would have to wait months/years to see on the NHS. the uk health service is basically like the ER show type hospitials.the problem with the uk is we have old victorian hospitals that need re building or knocking down but obviously there isnt the money. and to many drs working in the private sector making more money when they should be in the public hospitals. the uk health services is good for emergency situations but interms of getting treating for other issues its a lottery depending on where u live as each area has their own rules on what treatment/drugs they use. but interms of the basics ie seeing a dr in a surgery (free) turning up to A&E after breaking something to being brought in with a heart attack everyone gets treated the same. no one is refused cause your insurance wont pay out. which to me is as bizarre as it gets in a western country
...However, perhaps if we didn't expend so many resources for care and treatment and schooling for illegal immigrants, or eliminated foreign aid, we'd have more money to spend at home for the citizens and legal residents.


I chose this graph from 2004 specifically to demonstrate the percentage of 'developmental aid' under a certain administration.

The drop in the bucket coming percentage wise from the US doesn't even warrant a conclusion on the US healthcare system should the foreign aid numbers change.

However, it would be nice to compare 'foreign aid" with the taxable profits coming from the largest corporations in the US who make good use of their tax breaks.

Blaming the least fortunate of any society for an inhumane medical system might work short term- but will never change the facts that those often blamed 'illegals bringing down the wages' are not the culprit- they're the victims and the symptom. US citizens and legal residents are equally victims of an unfair healthcare system that lets many slave along in 2 jobs- and STILL not being able to afford decent healthcare.

Anybody who has to suffer from insufficient medical care deserves better, no matter the color of his passport.

It's amazing when the poorest of any given society are being blamed for downing an entire society, it becomes rather ridiculous when US corporations (usually the same ones that love to outsource their last breath to cheaper labor abroad) with magnificent profits have to virtually be forced to offer some kind of healthcare insurance to their employees.

There's no excuse for one of the wealthiest nations on this planet to NOT come up with an idea of universal health care. Long overdue. Nothing pays for itself, that is no new knowledge, but I as legal resident gladly pay taxes for healthcare, simply because all humans deserve a minimum of healthcare in such a wealthy nation.

I'm still not entirely sure how Obama's birth certificate fits in here, but when one quotes foreign aid as a huge sum downing the US infrastructure as a whole- then some numbers might be beneficial.

Obambi has been one of the most devisive presidents during my time on this earth. One hesitates to speak ill of the man for fear of being labelled a racist. ...

If opponents of Barack Obama don't want fall into the trap of being dismissed as 'racist' (I have quite an amount of things I oppose, I am 'caucasian' myself- opposing his politics is not racism per se), they would do well from abstaining from behavior that looks like racism to many.
It's amazing to read 'Obambi' on a Michael Jackson board, where its members vehemently fight for the right of a deceased artist not to be called "J*cko", but by his actual name! I'll just grab my head. "Obambi" seems to appear on the same horrifying websites where one finds such enlightening slurs as "jewish f*gs are greedy b*tches".

I would figure that the same people who rightly demand for MJ to be called by his name and a not a denigrating insult, would extend the same courtesy to an officially elected president- otherwise MJ fans will come off as hypocritical lunatics who can't see past the magnificent personal charisma of Mr. Jackson, but can't practice what they preach.

Secondly, "most divisive" is a rather subjective statement. From which angle? Glenn Beck's?
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Our NHS is only suffering because these health bosses just put all the money in their pockets while cutting back on staff.........

but back to Obama...........

the Democrats would of won the last election regardless of who was running..............Bush had screwed up everything and people has lost support for the republicans................

..............But since an African American (a descendant of the slaves) was running for President the question was now:

Has America changed enough for it to be possible for this person to become President???

This previous election was more then an election, it was HIStory............

...........African Americans could now believe they are finally free and that nothing can stop them from achieving their goals.........
Obambi has been one of the most devisive presidents during my time on this earth. One hesitates to speak ill of the man for fear of being labelled a racist. Even here, on this board, discussion about this birth certificate is always looped around by the term: racist. And we are told to get over it, or move on or some such thing. So much for trying to have a discussion.
I remember seeing, in the run up to the elections, enough coverage of people saying they were voting for him because of his color (whatever that might really be since he is, after all, half white and half black). Not the issues but the color of the candidate mattered... Wouldn't that be termed a racist approach?
In complete honesty, I have no issue with anyone's color. It is the way the person conducts him or herself that matters to me. I agree that politics is a dirty business. We have all too many politicians and virtually no statesmen any more. It has become unfashionable to put country first.
I wish we didn't have any political topics on this board at all. It can only cause pain.

And there is no such thing as free health care. Where does the money come from to pay for it? The moon? No, of course not. From the taxpayers of course. So let's not talk about "free". However, perhaps if we didn't expend so many resources for care and treatment and schooling for illegal immigrants, or eliminated foreign aid, we'd have more money to spend at home for the citizens and legal residents.

Good luck living in your world.!!!
Our NHS is only suffering because these health bosses just put all the money in their pockets while cutting back on staff.........

but back to Obama...........

the Democrats would of won the last election regardless of who was running..............Bush had screwed up everything and people has lost support for the republicans................

..............But since an African American (a descendant of the slaves) was running for President the question was now:

Has America changed enough for it to be possible for this person to become President???

This previous election was more then an election, it was HIStory............

...........African Americans could now believe they are finally free and that nothing can stop them from achieving t

heir goals.........

yes the uk is in a mess cause theres to many public sector workers ie jobs for the boys.the nhs is a great example of that

but obama is not a decendent of slaves so
that argument cant be used.his father is kenyan