All the talk about Obama's birth certificate


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Now let me be straight, I'm no Obama supporter (used to be one), I'm rather disappointed by his governance, but can't people just let this nonsense issue about his place of birth be? The White House even released his birth certificate to 'prove' he was born in the U.S. Who else is annoyed by this ungoing debate/conspiracy/nonsense? I mean why focus on something like this when the world, and U.S itself has bigger issues to be concerned about? Donald Trump is getting on my nerves as well as far as this whole Obama issue is concerned. There is so much more important stuff that needs attention, yet all some people are concerned about is whether Barrack Hussein Obama was born in the States or not. Are we still in 2008?! :mello:
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I thought this issue had been "resolved" but I notice the closer we get to elections, it is starting to creep up again. I have my reasons why I think they are asking for a BC, but whatever. I really do wish this would die.
Just saw trump moaning on the news. What an embarrassment he is. What would mj think
I thought this issue had been "resolved" but I notice the closer we get to elections, it is starting to creep up again. I have my reasons why I think they are asking for a BC, but whatever. I really do wish this would die.
yeah same here, I was under the same impression.. but like you said the closer the elections get, certain stuff is being brought back up again, I wonder what will be next, - edit, I know what will be next.
Did see the newscast but I did read a news story on the net about Trump questioning where Obama was born. Trump has gradually lost supprot for Obama it seems. He wasn't happy with the amount of spending Obama was doing when I saw an interview he did w/Larry King a while back. Yeah, the birth certificate debate seems so silly. There is no way he'd have been elected if he wasn't born American.

Just saw trump moaning on the news. What an embarrassment he is. What would mj think
Well, they certainly weren't demmanding to see George Bush's birth certificate. I just find it all pathetic really in this day and age. And Donald Trump is an idiot.
Well, they certainly weren't demmanding to see George Bush's birth certificate. I just find it all pathetic really in this day and age. And Donald Trump is an idiot.
Word, to add imho Trump is overating himself by thinking of running for president, now Trump is a lot of things but not president.
The whole thing is just rediculous and notice how it just never seems to go away, with Trump re-igniting the "issue". It's sad that President Obama had to take time to address this issue with a news conference today. Donald Trump is just making a fool of himself (joining the Sarah Palin make a fool of yourself club). Now he's questioning Obama's school grades. It's like some people just can't seem to accept that a black man is president or that a black man could be smart. Bush was a C student but did I hear anyone complain? He was still allowed to become president and severely damage this country for 8 looooooong years.
The whole thing is just rediculous and notice how it just never seems to go away, with Trump re-igniting the "issue". It's sad that President Obama had to take time to address this issue with a news conference today. Donald Trump is just making a fool of himself (joining the Sarah Palin make a fool of yourself club). Now he's questioning Obama's school grades. It's like some people just can't seem to accept that a black man is president or that a black man could be smart. Bush was a C student but did I hear anyone complain? He was still allowed to become president and severely damage this country for 8 looooooong years.
And oh boy the damages he's caused in those eight years are still so severe that they're even an issue now. It's just a shame to see the double standards and hypocrisy people (Trump included) have, I hope he falls flat on his face like Palin did three years ago
Oh please. If Obama had produced a valid BC from the beginning, this never would have been an issue. His refusal to do so kept the fires stoked up. He brought it upon himself.
Why should he have to produce a BC? Has that been asked of anyone else who became president? SMH at how people can just think they can demeand whatever they want. I am going to flat out say it right now, if Obama was white and named Jim no one would be even questioning where he is from or his religion. But take a black man named Obama Hussein and he has to be Muslim from another country. Please with all of that. It is demeaning. And, I am glad he did not bow to the RACIST, hypocritical fools in this country.

Some things make me sick. I just can't stomach these double standards people still have based on color in the 21rst century. Take that back alley thinking back to Hicksville, USA and keep it there!
Oh please. If Obama had produced a valid BC from the beginning, this never would have been an issue. His refusal to do so kept the fires stoked up. He brought it upon himself.

I'm by no means an Obama supporter, but why should he have to produce a birth certificate when the rest of the presidents in modern history have not done so? I believe he was making a statement by not giving in to the demands of a bunch of racist lunatics.

This wouldn't even be an issue if he were white. There, I said it. The harsh reality of the still-racist Amerika.

P.S. Just no, Trump... :no:
it is just very sad that the President of the Untied States was called out by Donald Trump...that is just wrong and I think that Trump has made an ass out of himself....I was not an Obama supporter...BUT since he did become President I think he has done a good job..the best job that he could possibly do seeing as he was left to clean up the mess that Bush got us into. It sickens me in this day and age that people are still so damn need in being like that...and if people cannot deal with a Black man being president of the United States..then that is their problem...THEY need to get over themselves and move into the current century. I will say it here and now..if Trump ever runs for President...I for one will not vote for him....Obama will surly get my vote..I think he is what this country has needed for quite some time now.
Donald Trump as president.:puke: I cannot even fathom the idea. I was frightened by the thought of Sarah Palin becoming president...or vice president...or president of anything, lol. But Trump? If he's even so much as nominated I think I will have to be sedated.

I also cannot believe he is now taking credit for making Obama produce his original birth certificate. Yeah, he gets credit for forcing Obama to waste time producing something most sane people already knew existed. LOL Trump's senseless babbling in his own press conference was cutoff mid-sentence by the networks cutting to Obama's press conference. Good!
I'm by no means an Obama supporter, but why should he have to produce a birth certificate when the rest of the presidents in modern history have not done so? I believe he was making a statement by not giving in to the demands of a bunch of racist lunatics.

This wouldn't even be an issue if he were white. There, I said it. The harsh reality of the still-racist Amerika.

P.S. Just no, Trump... :no:

Why should he have to produce a BC? Has that been asked of anyone else who became president? SMH at how people can just think they can demeand whatever they want. I am going to flat out say it right now, if Obama was white and named Jim no one would be even questioning where he is from or his religion. But take a black man named Obama Hussein and he has to be Muslim from another country. Please with all of that. It is demeaning. And, I am glad he did not bow to the RACIST, hypocritical fools in this country.

Some things make me sick. I just can't stomach these double standards people still have based on color in the 21rst century. Take that back alley thinking back to Hicksville, USA and keep it there!

Exactly, why should he have to produce a BC in the first place? How many presidents in the last century had to produce one to prove their American/born in America. It's a shame to see that people haven't moved on at all, haven't we learned anything? The society claims to be oh so tolerant (look at us we got a black man for president) yet the mindset hasn't changed one bit. What's next to be claimed about Obama? That he's an alien from a Muslim planet of another solar system sent to destroy America?! Neither his place of birth nor his religion would have been questioned if he was a white man.
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Trump is not running for president. It's all about the Trump Brand. The Donald knows how to work the Media for Publicity. He is playing to the Birther crowd that will never accept that the son of an African is their President. Trump is a Republican.
Can't believe Obama needed to prove his birth location. I don't remember seeing W's birth certificate or Clintons or any other American president. Did these people actually believe that that sort of formality would not have been fulfilled when he announced that he was going to run as president? And as for Trump, how can he come out and say he got a "victory" when the birth certificate shows that his claims of Obama being non-american were proven false? The fact that the birth certificate issue even got this far emphasizes that America perhaps haven't made the huge leaps and bounds concerning race relations that we had hoped it had. Obama's use of the word "silliness" just sums it up.
When John McCain was running for President, there were 'media concerns' regarding his eligibility. As a result of this 'birther' movement hearings were held in the Senate and he had to show his long form birth certificate. I guess the fact that he had served over 2 decades in the Senate, fought for his country and been a POW for years counted for nothing. So indeed there is a bit of a double stand.
I don't understand all this discussion over Obama's birth place. It seems Mr. Trump wants publicity.
This racism and hipocrisy has made the USA the laughing stock of the World...............

I still wait for the day for a Native American to become president of his/her own country!!!!

Until that day comes, they have no right to talk about equality and freedom!!!
This racism and hipocrisy has made the USA the laughing stock of the World...............

I still wait for the day for a Native American to become president of his/her own country!!!!

Until that day comes, they have no right to talk about equality and freedom!!!

To be fair to America I don't think it's anymore racist than some European countries, or Europe as a whole.
At least Obama became president in the U.S, I highly doubt a non white person's will be ever (at least not in the coming 50 years) able to run European countries such as France, Hungary, England, Germany, Netherlands etc etc.
If he was white and named John Smith then I bet this never would of come up. America has shown it's racist side once again & embarassed itself. It figures people would keep it going after he showed his birth certificate. These people are showing what they really want. They just want him gone. They don't really care where he was born. People like Trump don't give a crap about it either. They need fuel for the elections.
When John McCain was running for President, there were 'media concerns' regarding his eligibility. As a result of this 'birther' movement hearings were held in the Senate and he had to show his long form birth certificate. I guess the fact that he had served over 2 decades in the Senate, fought for his country and been a POW for years counted for nothing. So indeed there is a bit of a double stand.

But with Obama it's not just that they question his citizenship. This man just can't get a break. Even before he was even sworn into office "they" were attacking him. They question everything about this man. His religion. His education. His name. Even the color of his skin. On and on one thing after the other. They are never satisfied. They...the right wing who so conveniently forgot or are in denial about the person they put into office before Obama who got the ball rolling in destroying this country. I don't agree with every decision Obama has made but he's doing a good job. He's actually WORKING for this country, which is more than I can say for his predecessor.
Why should he have to produce a BC? Has that been asked of anyone else who became president? SMH at how people can just think they can demeand whatever they want. I am going to flat out say it right now, if Obama was white and named Jim no one would be even questioning where he is from or his religion. But take a black man named Obama Hussein and he has to be Muslim from another country. Please with all of that. It is demeaning. And, I am glad he did not bow to the RACIST, hypocritical fools in this country.

Some things make me sick. I just can't stomach these double standards people still have based on color in the 21rst century. Take that back alley thinking back to Hicksville, USA and keep it there!


Now this idiot is asking for Obama's school transcripts because he "heard" that Obama was a bad student, and didn't deserve to get into an Ivy League school.
I can't take that man seriously..
To be fair to America I don't think it's anymore racist than some European countries, or Europe as a whole.
At least Obama became president in the U.S, I highly doubt a non white person's will be ever (at least not in the coming 50 years) able to run European countries such as France, Hungary, England, Germany, Netherlands etc etc.

But you can say the same about China, India and Japan..............and loads of other countries.......
Trump is a jackass! Him, just like all the others are bunch of racist idiots. Freaking John McCain was born in Panama but nothing was said about that. If Obama were white, this would be a non-issue.
Trump is a jackass! Him, just like all the others are bunch of racist idiots. Freaking John McCain was born in Panama but nothing was said about that. If Obama were white, this would be a non-issue.

To be fair, I don't think Trump is a racist. He is just trying to win souls and he knows that statements like these will increase his popularity with a certain part of the electorate. He's a populist.
To be fair, I don't think Trump is a racist. He is just trying to win souls and he knows that statements like these will increase his popularity with a certain part of the electorate. He's a populist.

If you act like one, you are one, in my book.