Algebra - anyone?

Just wanted to add - I need to pass this class with an A (nothing less will do) then I can apply to Radiology Tech school....
I have to take College ALgebra - anyone take this? Can I ask some of you questions if I have any?

What would you like to know? All I gotta say it's intense..! Very time consuming....

As Always

Actually, when I progressed from Algebra to calculus, I found calculus much easier. I was surprised by that. But you must know algebra very well in order to do calculus. Ugh, I hope never to read a math formula again!
That's a dirrrrrttttyyyyy word in my eyes!! I avoid algebra like the plague! xP
Yet, somehow, I passed it. Go figure lol.
Algebra was my favorite out of all the Math classes I took in College. Shoot me a message me if you have any questions and I'll try my best to help you.
On behalf of all Arabs in this world, I sincerely apologize for bringing this horrible, HORRIBLE subject to existence! Please forgive us!!! :doh:
I loved it :) Geometry was my favorite part of math, though.
I believe that every discipline can be made fun and interesting to learn. It depends on the teacher.
Ok, I have just about had it with algebra. My dilemma? Try to set up 3 equations for the following word problem:

A basketball team sells tickets that are $10, $20 and VIP tickets that are $30. The team has sold 524 tickets overall. The team sold 191 more $20 tickets than $10 tickets. The total sales were $9370. How many tickets of each kind have been sold?

I think I need to set up 3 equations:

a = $10 tickets
b = $20 tickets
c = VIP $30 tickets

a + b + c = 524
10a + 20b + 30c = 9370

I am lost as to the third equation. Is it "a + a + 191 + c = 524"? Help me. I am stuck on this one.

After I set these up I do the 6 step solving...but I just need help knowing what the 3 equations are.


I am personally buying you a six-pack, whoever can help me out with this first!! No kidding!!!
No takers yet?? Scared ya off, did I? Got a nice pack of Coors waitin for ya, if you can help me. I'd even fly over to wherever the heck you are for your help! LOL!
maybe b - a = 191 ? :scratch:


I got
a = 148
b = 339
c = 37
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I know...I got lost on that point too Artik!!

But all is not lost!! I got almost a 90 on the test for this chapter!! WOO HOO! Thanks for your help, all of you guys!!
Ok, I have just about had it with algebra. My dilemma? Try to set up 3 equations for the following word problem:

A basketball team sells tickets that are $10, $20 and VIP tickets that are $30. The team has sold 524 tickets overall. The team sold 191 more $20 tickets than $10 tickets. The total sales were $9370. How many tickets of each kind have been sold?

I think I need to set up 3 equations:

a = $10 tickets
b = $20 tickets
c = VIP $30 tickets

a + b + c = 524
10a + 20b + 30c = 9370

I am lost as to the third equation. Is it "a + a + 191 + c = 524"? Help me. I am stuck on this one.

After I set these up I do the 6 step solving...but I just need help knowing what the 3 equations are.


I am personally buying you a six-pack, whoever can help me out with this first!! No kidding!!!

But I don't like basketball. So I can't help. :cheeky:
OMG!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! ...did I mention that I...I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! ?? I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!!
OMG!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! ...did I mention that I...I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! ?? I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!! I hate POLYNOMIALS!!!

I wholeheartedly feel YOUR pain..! ;D

As Always
I withdrew from the class. It was just too much for me. The pace was just too fast, and I didn't care for the online aspect of the course. Plus, I did very badly on my I'm out right now. I will probably take the lecture version of this in the fall....I need the rest of the summer to recuperate from this experience!
Got a 93 on my 3rd Intermediate (college) algebra exam!! That makes it an 83, 100 and 93 so far for marks!! WOO HOO!!
OMG Thank you!! I'm in Math I started 2 days ago.... I hate it. Thanks again and godbless

WORD PROBLEMS if someone can help me please....

122. Helen has 1/5 of her portfolio in U.S. stocks. 1/8 of her portfolio in European stocks, and 1/10 of her portfolio in Japanese stocks. The remainder is invested in municipal bonds. What fraction of her portfolio is invested in municipal bonds? What % is invested in municipal bonds?

So I have 1/5 + 1/8 + 1/10 If I have to find a LCD I have 40 to be the LCD. Thats all I know so far.

106. Melanie's house is worth $125,000 but she still owes $78, 422 on her mortgage. She has 21,236 in a savings account and has $9477 in credit card debt. Melanie owes $6131 to the credit union and figures that her cars and other household items are worth a total of $15,000. What is Melanie's net worth?

130. In 2006 the population of Mexico was 107.4 million. If Mexico's population continues to grow at an annual rate of 1.43%, then the population in 2008 will be 107.4 (1.0143)14 million (In the book the 14 is little and above the end parenthesis.
A. Find the predicted population in 2020 nearest tenth of a million people
B. Use the result of Exercise 129 to determine whether the U.S. or Mexico will have the greater increase in population between 2006 & 2020.

100. A forensic scientist uses the expression 72.6 + 25T to estimate the height in centimeters of a female with a tibia the length of T centimeters. If a female skeleton has has a tibia length of 32.4 cm, then what was the height of the person? Find the length of your tibia in cms and use the expression from this exercise or the previous exercise to estimate your height.

104. The expression pie r2 (square) gives the area of a circle with a radius r. How many square meters of wheat were destroyed when an alien ship made a crop circole of diameter 25 meters in the wheat field at the Southwind Ranch? Round to the nearest tenth. Find pie on your calculator.
The circle in the book says its 25 meters.

124.The value of the expression 4220+0.25 (x-30,650) is the 2006 federal income tax for a single taxpayer with taxable income of x dollars, where x is over $30, 650 but not over $74, 200.
A. Simplify expression
B. Find the amount of tax for a single taxpayer with taxable income of $40, 000.
C. Who pays more, a married couple with a joint taxable income of $80,000 or two single taxpayers with taxable incomes of $40,000 each?
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