Al Sharpton is kicking ass...............

don't get me started about that doctor. If I go to L.A. I am raisin' hell in that city. Mama Jackson doesn't need to get her blood pressure up cuz she is almost 80yrs old, but @31yrs of age I will go to whomever will listen and act a F'n donkey. I will do my best to be interviewed by someone and put all these imposters on blast. Cuz these damn news anchors aren't asking the right question..

However Sanjay Gupta did put the doctor on blast when he was talking to Wolf Blitzer. They had just finished playing the 911 tapes, and Wolf asked Sanjay for his opinion.. Well the first thing Sanjay said was "I want to know why didn't the doctor answer the guy on the phone question. *the question was "Was the doctor in the room when the person stopped breathing?"*.. I stopped crying and started clapping like I was in church.. FOR ONCE SOMEONE ASKED AN IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!

Another doctor on Faux News stated that had they called the EMTs when they first found him, then MJ would or could possibly still be alive.. When I heard that I was trying to email Al Sharpton right then and there.. The damn tears came back and my face swole up again.
One of those news anchors on Faux news was making some valid points, I will have to take a moment to recall them all, but believe me, he was saying stuff that was going against the norm and really putting many ppl on blast..
oh i only mentioned oprah cuz that's where he said it.

and did u see miko brando on larry king? he could barely talk. it was horrible. he and his daughter prudence were gonna go to london. he said he could barely tell her what happened. it was so hard to watch
I highly doubt michael saw himself going out like this and right NOW. The man was finally geared up and ready to go for TII shows. I just know folk want to look good and act like they truely cared but when you had the time to help you didn't. Oh that's right michael wouldn't listen ok...whatever. I really don't want to hear it. Even brook shield left a statement on cnn. I saw her name come up and didn't read that quote. Next. Talk smack and then backtrack. whatever. No time for fake ones.

Now what is this about aeg and a doctor to monitor him??? There is some serious splaining to do around here. Where is randy at?
u guys. i hate to be so just ugh but a cardiac arrest is serious. u don't just bounce back from it. if they got their faster, if they caught it sooner, it just still wasn't good odds.

something set this off b/c there was no stroke and no heart disease so we'll find out.
Now what is this about aeg and a doctor to monitor him??? There is some serious splaining to do around here. Where is randy at?
see, tmz is saying mj and the dr. go way back.

this dr was supposed to be paid by aeg to keep track of mj and to watch over him so he doesn't try to bail on the shows. he was being paid by phillips
don't get me started about that doctor. If I go to L.A. I am raisin' hell in that city. Mama Jackson doesn't need to get her blood pressure up cuz she is almost 80yrs old, but @31yrs of age I will go to whomever will listen and act a F'n donkey. I will do my best to be interviewed by someone and put all these imposters on blast. Cuz these damn news anchors aren't asking the right question..

However Sanjay Gupta did put the doctor on blast when he was talking to Wolf Blitzer. They had just finished playing the 911 tapes, and Wolf asked Sanjay for his opinion.. Well the first thing Sanjay said was "I want to know why didn't the doctor answer the guy on the phone question. *the question was "Was the doctor in the room when the person stopped breathing?"*.. I stopped crying and started clapping like I was in church.. FOR ONCE SOMEONE ASKED AN IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!

Another doctor on Faux News stated that had they called the EMTs when they first found him, then MJ would or could possibly still be alive.. When I heard that I was trying to email Al Sharpton right then and there.. The damn tears came back and my face swole up again.
One of those news anchors on Faux news was making some valid points, I will have to take a moment to recall them all, but believe me, he was saying stuff that was going against the norm and really putting many ppl on blast..
i saw sanjay. He did so well at explaining things. Also about the fact that if they had of found him quick enough and call for help then maybe...ugh
It seems like to me that it took LONG for them to even ring up 911. And cpr on the bed. what doctor is that dumb. I refuse to believe it. Then you got the supposed injections and what not. Lord. I just want to know what happen to my baby, sweet michael. Who found him? when? If the doctor found him WHEN was he gonna call for help, why did it take an unknown staff member to call. Man something just don't seem right. I hope this toxicology report shows something.

yet got the media and oxman :doh: spinning that michael was this big ol base head pumping himself full of meds. They so quick to right him off and taint his name some more. They can't leave do him right for one second even after he's gone. I didn't see fox news i don't trust them. but that's good to hear someone put the doc on blast.

I want to go to the funeral so bad for closure but I don't know.
i think they want to make it seem like his staff balked and didn't call right away when in reality, there was nothing anyone could do.

i would say if u could go, go. you won't want to live w/ the regret of not going and this could help u w/ closure
Soso I feel you on your comment about cardiac arrest. Sometimes doctors can miss things but damn I want to know why would the doctors would allow him to rehearse 6hrs a day knowing damn well he hasn't toured in 12yr plus him rehearsing 6hrs a day at the age of 30 is not the same as him doing it at 50yrs of age.

MikeJoe, someone dropped the ball and someone will have to answer for something. Yes we all know MJ was grown and no one forced him to take the meds but just the same, the doctor is grown and no one forced him to fill presciptions for MJ..

Soso, Shaun said you all were going out to LA, I hope to get a chance to meet you all (wish it was under better circumstances)
see, tmz is saying mj and the dr. go way back.

this dr was supposed to be paid by aeg to keep track of mj and to watch over him so he doesn't try to bail on the shows. he was being paid by phillips
so he was paid by aeg to make so mike didn't run but he was yet a friend or went back with michael. ok:*****: Friend or foe. :scratch:I really don't know anymore. once again where is randy? why is he so quiet now?
yea we going. i'll pm u my number in case u go.

um...they said he passed the physical. so if he was all good, and by all indications there was nothing that showed it was a stroke or something that caused it, the tox. report will have to be the next best guess.

they wanted him ot rehears cuz thy were greedy
i think they want to make it seem like his staff balked and didn't call right away when in reality, there was nothing anyone could do.

i would say if u could go, go. you won't want to live w/ the regret of not going and this could help u w/ closure
I want to go so bad but money is low although I expect a refund soon so I could wing it. but then my sis was like they not gonna let me view his body anyway and it will mostly be on tv with a better view. If the plane wasn't so high I would defo go. I need to know the date though and i want to see his body. If I can't then I might as well stay home and see it on tv like she said. I just don't know.
Soso I feel you on your comment about cardiac arrest. Sometimes doctors can miss things but damn I want to know why would the doctors would allow him to rehearse 6hrs a day knowing damn well he hasn't toured in 12yr plus him rehearsing 6hrs a day at the age of 30 is not the same as him doing it at 50yrs of age.

MikeJoe, someone dropped the ball and someone will have to answer for something. Yes we all know MJ was grown and no one forced him to take the meds but just the same, the doctor is grown and no one forced him to fill presciptions for MJ..

Soso, Shaun said you all were going out to LA, I hope to get a chance to meet you all (wish it was under better circumstances)
excellent points...why was he rehearsing so much? Oh man and reading about how amazing he was in rehearsal is just ....**** we miss out on a great thing. Once again we've ben robbed he's been robbed.

I have this feeling that they didn't call until after the doctor couldn't do anything. but what was he trying to do with michael on the bed. Tell me that. I feel like the family suspect something aswell. yes michael is gown but any good doctor wouldn't have gave him the meds. if aeg was paying him so watch michael, to protect their investment then he fail mesirably. :(:( Run some test check his heart do your job.
they wanted him ot rehears cuz thy were greedy

Girl that is the quote of the century. :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

That quote just made me think about how many times the big wigs from AEG said that they made MJ take tons of physicals to make sure he was in good health. Now as soon as they got the ok, they drove that man into the ground along with the media. In my mind MJ felt he had to prove something to AEG and the media. *crying once again* If only MJ would've known that he didn't have to prove nothing to no damn body, all we (fans) wanted was to see him walk out out on stage. He didn't even have to dance all that hard or at all for that matter. I could've spent 65gbp watching MJ fix a damn peanut butter and jelly sammich (lol)

Now I am reading up on this damn docotor on the tmz website.. Sweet baby Jesus, I may need to stay in Atlanta cuz I see right now I will get real ignant (ignorant for you non ebonics speakers,lol) on someone out there in LA if they don't sanction this man or damn it put his ass in jail. I want someone to pay for taking the love of my life away..
You are right Al. Jackson came first. Love you and Jesse for keep standing up. You have witnessed so much.

"A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened.
The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy." It is a shame that many people just realize what they've got 'till it's gone: That won't Michael help; much too late. Lisa M. should have known better.

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone

I watched tv all night.

Did you see Larry King? The statements of esp. Liza Minnelli and Miko were overwhelming: very moving.

There was an other show where Marcel Avram called MJ his friend although he at the same time didn't bother to say something positive: I really don't know whether his statement was cut that way from the programme director to make MJ look bad: embarrassing he better should have been quiet.
It is right that you can't resurrect when someone is lying on the bed.
Why on earth didn't they lay him on the floor? It's not that Michael was too heavy to move, he had no weight. They murdered him. First Malcolm, Martin and his mother, now Michael.
"became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him."

^^ain't it funny? LMP herself was complaining a few months ago about that she had to pay BIG bucks to false friends because she trusted others and was so naive to let them manage her things
Speak on it Dr.F. Michael was not in a peculiar position. It happened to Elvis. It happened to The Beatles. IT HAPPENS TO FAMOUS PEOPLE. What makes Michael different is that the stakes were higher. NO-ONE had ever reached his level. That made people greedier to cash in. It is a sad and unfortunate part of human nature.
the host didn't even realize he was that famous...but Sharpton schooled him on Michael

I think he wanted to pretend he wasn't that famous, hater have always tried to downplay his popularity. Sharpton didn't let him get away with it.

Yesterday I had to check a guy a work. He commented that Mj used to have peoplego down the aisle at concert with wheelbarrels of money and give mont ey out to the fans and
that he would be there too if he could get some money.


I told him I have seen him twice and in the front row at one time and he never had to give out any money. People came to see MJ because they wanted to not to get money. People are always trying to downplay his career and financial success anf popularity.