Akon in another conflict with a fan

even if that had been a little dude, he shouldn't have gone and punched his fan LOL but damn people need to respect others' personal space
that girl looks very annoying. imagine her in real life.

i kind of like his no-shit-space-available-for-taking attitude though, throughout the.. interesting.. course of his tours.
of course. chances are though,,,, she loved it.
And that's the unfortunate reality of it. :mellow:

I still hate it though. It sucks when some punk/rock acts do it too. Just because it was done before doesn't mean it's alright, I don't care who you are. If you were John Lydon punching me like that, I'd sue you, f*ck that "oh I got punched by Akon!" Whatever.
i hear you, and i actually thought the fan-throwing ish was all a publicity stunt and staged but apparently Akon is just a tit that way.
i hear you, and i actually thought the fan-throwing ish was all a publicity stunt and staged but apparently Akon is just a tit that way.

:yes: I actually believed Akon was a nut after the tossing incident and the humping the girl (regardless of her age). This incident just further stabilizes that in my mind.
What's sad about this a lot of people who like Akon probably wont hear of this incident, or it will go largely unnoticed as was the case with the other two. Wow.

What does he expect?

Of course some body is probably going to try and cling to you; it happens you're having a concert for crying out loud. You don't have to like it but you don't have to punch them. Jerk.
You'd think he'd learn something from Michael.... :doh:

lol!!!! :lol:

Clearly not! Crazy man! :mello:
and i was THIS close to start liking him. after this i'm sticking to my old opinion and feelings about him. michael better keep himself and his kids away from that idiot.
he needs no more a$$holes in his life. he's had enough already.
Maybe he reacted the way he did because he was worried of being accused of having sex on stage like he was the last time when a girl jumped on him.
right marie :lol: so he punched the girl so that we wont get the wrong idea that he wants to have sex with her onstage. that makes sense :yes:
This is nasty. Akon might not have liked the girl hanging on him, But he didn't have to hit her. He could have just said "Excuse me Miss. Can you please let go?" It didn't warrant him outright punching her like that. He should know better than to put his hands on anybody, let alone a female. This is almost the same sort of mess that he got in trouble for with that dude. I thought Akon would have learned a lesson from it. But now, I guess not.
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^ yes or he could have just pulled himself away. obviously he has no control over what hes doing. he acts like a loon.
I hope he stays away from Mike...

and i agree with Roxanne, i was about to like him but i guess not!
I can't buy the excuses. Obviously his dumb ass should've thought of not going out there if that was gonna happen anyway. Like I said, dude may have a short fuse and he can't rationally think of what to do.
I find it funny. Yup.

punch a girl? :-/

how could he?

I imagine it's a lot like punching a guy. Just make a fist and swing. Probably less chance of getting your ass-kicked afterward, though. Unless you're dealing with a lesbian. Those chicks will kill your ass. That's why I stay away (also because they won't have sex with me).

I don't condone what Akon did, but if he does something like this again in the future, I'd appreciate more clips being posted. Thanks.

I have more to say but it starts to get offensive.
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He punched someone for being 'annoying'?? A Girl?!??
What a wonderful role model for young people!

"Big Man".. punching an unsuspecting female *clapping* Way to go!
What an a**..
Real offensive and not so cute. I also don't find it funny hitting anybody especially a girl when you're in the middle of the audience.
yeah no you need to keep that violent ish inside.



Disclaimer: In no way is arXter insinuating likelihood and/or level of musicianship between the two said artists, but is trying to showcase the tinge of double standards for our loved artists.
