Akon Called To Mind Jackson, Working Hard And In Pursuit Of Perfect

Yeah but its allways good just to hear his voice in any capacity.

'Live that horror' is a bit of a exaggeration don't you think? Any song that features MJ couldn't possibly be anywhere near that bad. Oh and I actually don't like the song that much. But I like to listen to it for MJ's voice.

Not really. I for one honestly do not get the mainstream music today AT ALL. I don't get the "shortys" and "falling in love at da club" and all that. There is no melody, the music is ALWAYS the same, and vocals ALWAYS consist of either repeating the SAME GODDAMN word twice or even three times as if it's gonna have some kind of an effect if he keeps forcing the chorus down our throat. (comin rude boy boy (rihanna), you know i'm gonna break break i'll break break your heart(Taio), imma be imma imma be imma imma be (BEP) and i could go on and on and on) Or an over use of sounds like "HEEEEY! (In du club, usher)" or mindless " oh oh oh oh's" (any goddamn mainstream song). IF that wasn't enough then another epidemic is hitting the mainstream market called "autotune" which, in a sense, destroys any lasting potential the song possibly had. Yes, mainstream music hit an all time low this generation.

So why is this relevant to Akon? Because Akon is the KING of mainstream music. EVERY single piece from him is just another mainstream song with absolutely no heart what so ever. And even though he doesn't use auto tune, he actually needs it because his voice is a grim reaper, it takes the soul out of EVERY SINGLE SONG he's on. The man is horrible, he doesn't know anything about making good music. In short, I was not exaggerating when I said I lived through horror when I listened to hold my hand. It is bar none the worst MJ song ever. The mere thought of MJ teaming up with such a mainstream act like Akon was baffling, disappointing, and heart breaking to see two very different worlds collide.

I'm sorry if this offended anyone, that was not my intention. Music is subjective, and I believe everyone has the right to praise or trash which ever song he/she so chooses. But in my humble opinion Mainstream music these days are not even music. They are just uninspired, cheap sounds that were created for the sole purpose is to climb charts, nothing more. I don't want MJ near any of that.
Not really. I for one honestly do not get the mainstream music today AT ALL. I don't get the "shortys" and "falling in love at da club" and all that. There is no melody, the music is ALWAYS the same, and vocals ALWAYS consist of either repeating the SAME GODDAMN word twice or even three times as if it's gonna have some kind of an effect if he keeps forcing the chorus down our throat. (comin rude boy boy (rihanna), you know i'm gonna break break i'll break break your heart(Taio), imma be imma imma be imma imma be (BEP) and i could go on and on and on) Or an over use of sounds like "HEEEEY! (In du club, usher)" or mindless " oh oh oh oh's" (any goddamn mainstream song). IF that wasn't enough then another epidemic is hitting the mainstream market called "autotune" which, in a sense, destroys any lasting potential the song possibly had. Yes, mainstream music hit an all time low this generation.

So why is this relevant to Akon? Because Akon is the KING of mainstream music. EVERY single piece from him is just another mainstream song with absolutely no heart what so ever. And even though he doesn't use auto tune, he actually needs it because his voice is a grim reaper, it takes the soul out of EVERY SINGLE SONG he's on. The man is horrible, he doesn't know anything about making good music. In short, I was not exaggerating when I said I lived through horror when I listened to hold my hand. It is bar none the worst MJ song ever. The mere thought of MJ teaming up with such a mainstream act like Akon was baffling, disappointing, and heart breaking to see two very different worlds collide.

I'm sorry if this offended anyone, that was not my intention. Music is subjective, and I believe everyone has the right to praise or trash which ever song he/she so chooses. But in my humble opinion Mainstream music these days are not even music. They are just uninspired, cheap sounds that were created for the sole purpose is to climb charts, nothing more. I don't want MJ near any of that.

I know what you are saying, its become to produced like a factory, too short term rather than long term, too business orientated rather than talent orientated. I was playing the lady in my life on the piano last night with the music channels on. I paused for a moment, to hear some absolute shit going on in the bg on the mainstream music channels, can't remember what it was now and i just rolled my eyes.

It's not all a preference thing either. If you take some sheet music out for these songs, they are just nothing at all............... the composition is insanly basic, and i understand that can sometimes be a good thing, but it's getting rediculous now, hence why people are turning their backs on pop music and looking into differen't genres nowadays.
Anything MJ did with Akon, I don't want to hear. Those songs can stay in the vault or burn in hell for all i care.
LOL i personally would love to hear anything michael rcorded, even if it was the alphabets.

Michaels as always driven for perfection but sometimes i think that hurt him.