Akon Called To Mind Jackson, Working Hard And In Pursuit Of Perfect


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Jul 25, 2011
Akon Called To Mind Jackson, Working Hard And In Pursuit Of Perfect

In the past few years, the hip hop celebrity Akon once had a chance to work with the late King of Pop Michael Jackson. Attention! bags Rank the First in the List of Prettiest Gifts for OL The two recorded many songs together, which were supposed to appear in MJ's incoming new album. Akon said that it was a joyful thing to work with Michael Jackson, because this king is not selfish, but he is a perfectionist.Have a Look at Most Good-Looking tote bags in Fresno

"In studio many memories we have are about work, because he focuses too much on finding proper materials to have no time relaxing ourselves." For example, we would chat but we rarely joked because at that kind of moment, whatever we were doing, the state was always let's be serious and do what we come here for. That the state is let's do what a serious reason why we come here to do it.

The co-operation of Akon with Jackson was to write a memoriable song for the king. There were many sparkles between the two. "Every thing carried on around the music, we are both the guy paying much attention on music. We would hum the rhythm and then made some adjustments for it." Expressed Akon.

However, discrepency happened between them about whether the song was good enough to meet the fans. As for this, Jackson was slightly critical although Akon knew these songs were absolutely great masterpieces as usual; nonetheless, Jackson did not seem to get the new songs released. "He was never satisfied. For instance, if we missed something that must be popular, he would say, 'no, no, we would meet something much better than this.'

We would never achieve the better things he said, for he expected too much; We almost can't publish the album forever, because he always believes we can do better.
Anything Michael sings is amazing to me :wub:
God I hope we get to hear the "new" songs soon.. before they become old.
Anything MJ did with Akon, I don't want to hear. Those songs can stay in the vault or burn in hell for all i care.
Well, i guess now we know, why was it taking so long with this album he was working on.
Anything MJ did with Akon, I don't want to hear. Those songs can stay in the vault or burn in hell for all i care.

What are you judging this on? One song? Surely you just want to hear his voice no matter what?
Anything MJ did with Akon, I don't want to hear. Those songs can stay in the vault or burn in hell for all i care.

I dont want any of MJs songs or him singing to burn itn hell
I think many of MJs colaborations would be awesome just for
the fact he helped create it _ "Hold My Hand" was a beautiful song.
and would have been a # hit had it been released ..

I would love to hear any of MJs work even unfinished works.
They should all be archived at least for posperity
There are also some recordings with Barry Gibbs from the Beegees
I want it all ... ALL :wub:
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He knew what was needed. The media were waiting to bash his comeback attempt. He was there with this is it, in terms of creativity. People expected so much of him, he had to put out an incredible album, it had to take over the world, with the dip in success of invincible, if this one wasn't an absolute smash, he would be ridiculed and labeld a has been. This is why, im sorry if this offends people, but akon is easily pleased, he's a little simple lol no offence, i don't think he really truely understood what was at stake. He needed another thriller, something thats amazing, but it's also going to connect with everyday people and take over the world. People just didn't get some of his work, it was too much for them, it still had the brilliance of his biggest hits, but it was too much for them, this i why he was always talking about melodys. He could satisfy himself with his musical genius, but also sell to the masses with his killer melodys.

He needed a perfect album, and he knew it. It wasn't about proving himself to us, cause he's already done that countless times, but sadly the masses are too ignorant and just forget that he past ever happend and want him to do that over and over again, it hurt him when people hated his work you could tell. Like i said, there was so much at stake, akon didn't understand this.
why does it take death for people to want to, without a rudder, hear anything MJ put out? i remember, how, before June 25, people were surprisingly, and remarkably critical of MJ's music. i've always felt the same way about an artist's music, before and after they died. as much as i appreciated Aliyah, i wasn't too big on her music. and nothing changed, about my feelings for her music, after she died. and, with MJ, i always loved anything he put out. but i knew he was around to oversee it. nothing has changed about my feelings for his music, since June 25. so, the fact that i know he's not around to oversee things, makes me apprehensive about anything sony is about to do. if i had a seer's ability, and i knew MJ didn't want a certain song released, i wouldn't want to hear it, now. that is how much i appreciate his judgment of songs. and i do think he stands out from the others, when it comes to judgment of songs. the fact that sony fought the King of Pop, every step of the way, in his decision making, after all he has achieved, is deplorable, and i would've never imagined it, if i didn't wake up and actually see it happening. the idea would just seem unimaginable to me. yet MJ's judgement survived. so, why in the world would i trust sony's judgement, now, post June 25? and i appreciate Akon's respect for MJ, but i don't trust Akon's judgment, either, since he was so gung ho to release stuff, against MJ's better judgment.

i'll never understand the issue of death changing the value of art. art has to stand on its own merit, IMO. and nothing..including death, can change that.

by the way, that article was written as if it was brought to you by a bag company, and they were subliminally trying to get me to buy a bag. that was weird. advertising in the midst of an article like that..

well...it didn't peak my interest in buying a bag.
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Akon says mj ‘was never satisfied’


In the past few years, the hip hop celebrity Akon once had a chance to work with the late King of Pop Michael Jackson. The two recorded many songs together, which were supposed to appear in Michael Jackson's upcoming new album. Akon said that it was a joyful thing to work with Michael Jackson, because this king is not selfish, but he is a perfectionist.
"In studio many memories we have are about work, because he focuses too much on finding proper materials to have no time relaxing ourselves." For example, we would chat but we rarely joked because at that kind of moment, whatever we were doing, the state was always let's be serious and do what we come here for. That the state is let's do what a serious reason why we come here to do it.
The co-operation of Akon with Jackson was to write a memorable song for the king. There were many sparkles between the two. "Every thing carried on around the music, we are both the guy paying much attention on music. We would hum the rhythm and then made some adjustments for it." Expressed Akon.
However, discrepancy happened between them about whether the song was good enough to meet the fans. As for this, Michael was slightly critical although Akon knew these songs were absolutely great masterpieces as usual; nonetheless, Michael did not seem to get the new songs released. "He was never satisfied. For instance, if we missed something that must be popular, he would say, 'no, no, we would meet something much better than this.'
“We would never achieve the better things he said, for he expected too much; We almost can't publish the album forever, because he always believes we can do better.”
Source: http://www.facebook.com/l/66e0b;hautetfort.com

He knew what was needed. The media were waiting to bash his comeback attempt. He was there with this is it, in terms of creativity. People expected so much of him, he had to put out an incredible album, it had to take over the world, with the dip in success of invincible, if this one wasn't an absolute smash, he would be ridiculed and labeld a has been. This is why, im sorry if this offends people, but akon is easily pleased, he's a little simple lol no offence, i don't think he really truely understood what was at stake. He needed another thriller, something thats amazing, but it's also going to connect with everyday people and take over the world. People just didn't get some of his work, it was too much for them, it still had the brilliance of his biggest hits, but it was too much for them, this i why he was always talking about melodys. He could satisfy himself with his musical genius, but also sell to the masses with his killer melodys.

He needed a perfect album, and he knew it. It wasn't about proving himself to us, cause he's already done that countless times, but sadly the masses are too ignorant and just forget that he past ever happend and want him to do that over and over again, it hurt him when people hated his work you could tell. Like i said, there was so much at stake, akon didn't understand this.

i agree with some of what you are saying, but not all. what i don't agree with is the tendancy to value the masses' judgement as being above that of MJ fans. MJ fans outnumber the masses. people from all over the world know who MJ is. always have. and not all those, are just haters. from the interviews he did, MJ sounded satisfied with Invincible. the album went number 1 all over the world, and sold in excess of ten million copies...and the tendency to judge success by the status of the star, takes away from the objectivity of judging the music, and sales success. there are so many people who consider Invincible's success to be a dream, if they were the ones to achieve it. also..if MJ had gotten another Thriller count in sales of Invincible, it would make no difference on how the detractors felt about MJ. his long success put him at the point where people were envious of him, and felt that it was time to tear him down, no matter what. of course, that is very shameful and a sad statement about the human race. glory be to the people who don't fall into that category.

and, by the way, MJ was alone in his promotion of Invincible, so what happened with that album shouldn't even count. nevertheless, it did well. that kind of maltreatment, by a label, of an artist of that caliber, who could write their own songs, and had that kind of success with their own songs, in the past, had never been done, before.
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i agree with some of what you are saying, but not all. what i don't agree with is the tendancy to value the masses' judgement as being above that of MJ fans. MJ fans outnumber the masses. people from all over the world know who MJ is. always have. and not all those, are just haters. from the interviews he did, MJ sounded satisfied with Invincible. the album went number 1 all over the world, and sold in excess of ten million copies...and the tendency to judge success by the status of the star, takes away from the objectivity of judging the music, and sales success. there are so many people who consider Invincible's success to be a dream, if they were the ones to achieve it. also..if MJ had gotten another Thriller count in sales of Invincible, it would make no difference on how the detractors felt about MJ. his long success put him at the point where people were envious of him, and felt that it was time to tear him down, no matter what. of course, that is very shameful and a sad statement about the human race. glory be to the people who don't fall into that category.

and, by the way, MJ was alone in his promotion of Invincible, so what happened with that album shouldn't even count. nevertheless, it did well. that kind of maltreatment, by a label, of an artist of that caliber, who could write their own songs, and had that kind of success with their own songs, in the past, had never been done, before.

yes :) some of it's just down to the old principle of sods law though sadly.
What are you judging this on? One song? Surely you just want to hear his voice no matter what?

I don't like Akon's style of music, his voice, or his arrangements. Hold My Hand was extremely disappointing, I'd rather not listen to the songs at all then live that horror again just to find one "okay" song.

I'd much rather have the songs from other producers.
i loved Hold My Hand. but then, Michael was still here...so..even if it looked like he was not in control, as long as he was here, it's hard not to correlate it with him being in control.
i loved Hold My Hand. but then, Michael was still here...so..even if it looked like he was not in control, as long as he was here, it's hard not to correlate it with him being in control.

No offense, but I hated hold my hand. A major reason for the hate is the fact that MJ really didn't have anything to add to that song. It was ALL Akon. I mean yes, MJ's vocals were good (i'll say that much) but that was just it, vocals. Michael always had complete creative control with his music regardless of who he's collaborating with. Another day, for example, is ALL MJ, Lenny Kravits has almost no influence on that song. Hold my hand, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. MJ really didn't take any creative control there. And i'd really rather not hear anymore from his collaborations with Akon. I don't like the artist, and it seemed his influence was too strong with MJ.. I'd just rather not.
Agree with Asis on Hold My Hand. It was Akon ft Michael. MJ's vocals will add to any song, but what makes MJ's songs great is the combination of his vocals and artistic sense in the music he makes. Now, if the two made anything that was predominantly Michael, then it will be fantastic.
Anything with Michael's voice or touch I would like to hear. I hope we get to hear these songs.
Thanks for posting.
I am going to agree with ASIS as well. "Hold My Hand" was nothing special. The only good thing about that song was Michael. I can't stand Akon's voice..it's repetative and mindnumbing..kind of like daytime television.:mello:

Michael's voice is amazing and I love to listen to him any chance I get. I like it when Michael makes the songs "his". I am still DYING to hear "Another Day"..IF we ever get to hear it that is. I like the fact that Akon was always good and true to Michael though. I respect him so much for that.

Let's face it music just ain't the same anymore. Music died on the 25th of June.:(
I am going to agree with ASIS as well. "Hold My Hand" was nothing special. The only good thing about that song was Michael. I can't stand Akon's voice..it's repetative and mindnumbing..kind of like daytime television.:mello:

Michael's voice is amazing and I love to listen to him any chance I get. I like it when Michael makes the songs "his". I am still DYING to hear "Another Day"..IF we ever get to hear it that is. I like the fact that Akon was always good and true to Michael though. I respect him so much for that.

Let's face it music just ain't the same anymore. Music died on the 25th of June.:(

I always thought HMH was MJ making a guest appearance on an Akon son. I don't get the impression it was HIS song at all. I think the person who leaked put MJ's name ahead of Akon's to create hype. But really, it should read Akon ft MJ.

:clapping::clapping: at the bolded part.
I don't like Akon's style of music, his voice, or his arrangements. Hold My Hand was extremely disappointing, I'd rather not listen to the songs at all then live that horror again just to find one "okay" song.

I'd much rather have the songs from other producers.

Yeah but its allways good just to hear his voice in any capacity.

'Live that horror' is a bit of a exaggeration don't you think? Any song that features MJ couldn't possibly be anywhere near that bad. Oh and I actually don't like the song that much. But I like to listen to it for MJ's voice.
I see what your all saying about the vocals. But for me that wasn't the only problem, the track itself was a little dull for me with a boring melody, sure it was nice, but it wasn't gonna set the world alight. I think midtempo boring naff things like that should have been seriously avoided on this new album. It should be uptempo with a few beautifull stunning ballads, i hate mid tempo with a passion.