After watching the movie, I agree...

He was more than able to keep up with those young dancers. I'd think they'd say they were trying to keep up with MJ.

I still think 50 dates was too much. As one fan said over a year maybe, but not in a few months.
more than 2day & i go see it too , i can't wait !!!
is there more real live session or playback session ?
I really think wether youre MJ or not, you get extremely tired, stressed and maybe even sick cause your a HUMAN. They did cover up the truth, but that was so you can see he wasnt like that ALL the time. I mean come on. And his voice thouhg, I've never heard him like that! :bugeyed bless you Mike, bless you.
While michael may have been fit and with it, you can see some points where he looks/sounds exhausted. around the mid point (the j5 medley especially) I have a feeling it was really hitting him, and he was getting to the point where he didn't want to be doing this anymore, but he wouldn't stop because of the fans.

i dont think AEG is redeemed at all. They pushed him and pushed him, and are partially responsible for what happened. While its clear Kenny was looking out for Michael, no one should ever have let him do a 50 show run in that time frame. 50 shows OVER a year, maybe. But 50 shows in a short few month period, never.

That said, I think kenny ortega did a fantastic job with the film.
please! If they didn't want to show that at some points was breathless and sweating, they could have deleted those parts, more proof for me that movie wants to be honest.
And did you try it, to dance with this engagement and power Michael did, I think you will come to some points too, when you will be exhausted, my dear.
With Randy Phillips' statement that the movie does redeem AEG.

There is no doubt in my mind that MJ was FIT, ABLE and WILLING to complete the 50 concerts

He was to put it mildly, amazing. He was assertive, playful, HAPPY,strong and authoritative (which I did not expect)...he often get his way with Ortega.

What do you think of AEG AFTER watching This is it?

Please do not reply if you haven't seen the movie yet.

I agree 110%.

People will be skeptical, and say the movie was edited to make you believe that, but you can't edit what we saw on the screen. It is what it was. And when he was wearing different outfits, his weight seemed to be fine. He didn't seem weak, frail, etc. And I think it re-enforces the autopsy results.

This re-enforces my opinion that when you are born with as much natural talent as he had, it never goes anywhere. I went in the theater a pessimist. I am a jaded fan. I didn't know if this movie would be tons of lip-synching, or tons of crappy interviews or focus on his past or whatever. But as soon as Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' came on, it was non-stop singing, dancing and entertainment until the end.

I'm very pleased with the route they went with the movie, and I definitely agree that nobody was pushing this man beyond his limits. AEG, Kenny Ortega, his band members... they were doing their jobs. And I think this movie is a fitting tribute to the musical and professional talents of Michael Jackson.
I have just come back from watching 'This Is IT' at the O2. It was very emotional but the film inspired me and has helped me to get a clear head. Whilst I do feel that Kenny Ortega displays genuine love for Michael, I still believe that the circumstances surrounding Michael's death goes a lot deeper than just Dr Murray and AEG have a lot to answer for. It was nice to see Michael's talent shining once again and most importantly him enjoying himself, sharing his humour and that adorable laugh :) The movie is definitely worth seeing for that. However, having worked in the film and TV industry myself I do know the power of editing and how easy it is to manipulate the audience into seeing something from a certain view point. Considering there was at least 80 hours of rehearsal footage, it is quite clear that only a few rehearsals were shown in the Movie (you can tell from what Michael is wearing in each clip). I'm not saying I wish they had shown Michael in a bad light, of course no one would want that but AEG are doing everything they can to protect themselves right now and they are certainly doing a good job of winning over the public and a lot of fans. They are also making a lot more money now than they would have if he was still alive - that is a fact and it cannot be over looked.
They are also making a lot more money now than they would have if he was still alive - that is a fact and it cannot be over looked.

I disagree wholeheartedly. I have never believed the "worth more dead than alive" argument. He may be worth more right NOW than he would if alive, but there was so much unharvested money with MJ. That is why whenever people said he was broke, I always said "if he is, its by his own choice". This tour, possible live album, live DVD, TV special, new studio album, merchandise... everything that there is now they could have had if he was alive, and then some.
At no point did I ever feel anything negative or vibes through the film that had me wondering about AEG.
Michael was 50 and he rocked his rehearsals like he was 30 or younger. I've never seen that in my life. He really worked himself up. And if he did take medication that had a hand in killing him, well, then I can see why everyone's looking at the doc as the responsible one. But still...
Regarding AEG, nope. Don't feel bad vibes towards them. Probably didn't bother myself to focus on AEG in the film to be honest with you. I just had my eyes on MJ.
I'm not entirely blamming AEG. That would be foolish. But they have a hand in it, as do people who pushed him to do 50 shows, as do people who let his health deteriorate, as do the people who gave him medicines... we all have a part to play in what happened. Some bigger than others.

These werent dress rehearsals which explain the holding back, as well as the exhaustion (anyone who's ever done a tech rehearsal will understand... 12 hours of repeating little bits over and over again until your lights work just right and then you move onto the NEXT 30 second segment... this can go on for DAYS).

I don't agree with what your saying, who pushed Michael to do 50 shows? Your talking like some media idiot. If you've seen the film, how the hell can you say this, that his health detoriated. You find me a man of 50 years old who can perform Beat It like Michael can. I've just turned 40, and there is no way I could keep up with him. This show did not kill him, why do prats like you think this. Dr Murray killed him, simple as that, ok maybe not intentionally but he administered a powerful sleeping drug, and was careless, a big big mistake, that will live with him forever. I have difficulty in sleeping, sometimes upto 48 hours with no sleep, its part of being a artist, you sleep, eat, live ideas all the time, your mind is constantly producing creative ideas, the more you try to sleep the less chance you have in sleeping, its a horrible continuing cycle. And you'll do any thing, any thing to sleep, and Michael just went a step too far, by asking Murray for help. So stop these blinkered comments about his health. I saw the film and was so glad he looked in great shape, there was no health issue here at all.
I really don't believe he was pushed into doing 50 shows. Not after I saw the movie.

MJ was in command, he was the boss. If he had not wanted to do the concerts, he wouldn't have.
Michael was in control. I do not think anyone could get away with pushing him around. He was caught up in the show and his New Album, that is why he could not sleep. I do not want to blame others because they will live with guilt all their lives. If things did happen then we will know soon.
Michael never got over those false allegations. So let us not blame others after all they read these posts.