After watching the movie, I agree...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
With Randy Phillips' statement that the movie does redeem AEG.

There is no doubt in my mind that MJ was FIT, ABLE and WILLING to complete the 50 concerts

He was to put it mildly, amazing. He was assertive, playful, HAPPY,strong and authoritative (which I did not expect)...he often get his way with Ortega.

What do you think of AEG AFTER watching This is it?

Please do not reply if you haven't seen the movie yet.
I don't think they showed a true picture of Michael's health tbh.
But his dancing and vocal abilities were very good nonetheless. I wish they showed us more!
While michael may have been fit and with it, you can see some points where he looks/sounds exhausted. around the mid point (the j5 medley especially) I have a feeling it was really hitting him, and he was getting to the point where he didn't want to be doing this anymore, but he wouldn't stop because of the fans.

i dont think AEG is redeemed at all. They pushed him and pushed him, and are partially responsible for what happened. While its clear Kenny was looking out for Michael, no one should ever have let him do a 50 show run in that time frame. 50 shows OVER a year, maybe. But 50 shows in a short few month period, never.

That said, I think kenny ortega did a fantastic job with the film.
I totally 100% disagree with everything you said to the person above. Michael jackson loved performing, performaing is a bug and u never get sick of doing it no matter who u are. For example to my cousin who is in billy elliot the musical in the west end. she says u could do 50 shows and at each show it feels like uve been born again the rush u get is amazing and makes u want to keep going.
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I haven't been a fan of those conspiracy thing about AEG and the shows and everything, so for me, they were just in this great adventure just like Michael and Kenny and the others, they were all walking in the same direction, they just the leader of the run.

I agree they most probably edited and cut some of weaker Michael's performance, but who would like to watch Michael Jackson weak and tired and feeling weird.. That would not be good for the legacy or whatever. Of course we want them to show us Michael at his best.

So, until we have proof and official judgement that they did something to Michael other than support him and helping him bringing his dream to life, I'll just say I don't have an opinion on AEG specifically. I just loved the movie and I love Michael, that's what counts for me.
So i think eveyrbody who disagrees with me is stupid because i know what im talking about and knowone else on here does.

Really? no-one? I don't want to be that guy but, I myself happen to be a performer and let me tell you, 3 shows a week, as fun as they can be, are very exhausting. And I'm a young guy. I can only imagine the stress it could be to be a 50 year old single parent with three kids to have to look after, as well as trying to put together the most incredible come-back concert series in history.

I know michael loved to perform. I know michael also hate to tour. and i while he was fantastic I think people would be lying to themselves if they think there were NO SIGNS of fatigue.

I still support him 100% and hope to see the film again and again. He looked and sounded fit. But that doesnt' mean he wasn't exhausted and nervous and scared.
AEG are not to blame.

Dr. Death is solely responsible. As for the 50 dates. Mj was ready. It's shown. The times he's exhausted are understandable for a 50 year old man. What should be the deciding factor on his health is that he sounded amazing through everything we saw.

He spoke of conserving his voice which proves he was not going to lisynch as much.
Given that AEG had a hand in making this movie do you honestly think they would show ANY footage that remotely shows Michael in a deteriorated state and puts them a position of being questioned over it? Of course not.

Without doubt, Michaels genius and involvment and passion is all over this film.

At times he appears tired imo. Either that or he is holding back in fully performing, given that they are rehearsals afterall.

AEG still remain questionable to me.
I'm not entirely blamming AEG. That would be foolish. But they have a hand in it, as do people who pushed him to do 50 shows, as do people who let his health deteriorate, as do the people who gave him medicines... we all have a part to play in what happened. Some bigger than others.

These werent dress rehearsals which explain the holding back, as well as the exhaustion (anyone who's ever done a tech rehearsal will understand... 12 hours of repeating little bits over and over again until your lights work just right and then you move onto the NEXT 30 second segment... this can go on for DAYS).
He was on fire and was singing brilliantly and was going to do 50 shows plus shows in other parts of the world. This is his profession we are talking about hes not like some cabaret singer who goes around bars singing. This is his livelyhood hes trained to do 50 shows its his job.
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Can you stop ruining a thread with your immaturity? 3 posts and your already calling people "shitheads" just because they disagree with you.
I agree that Michael looks tired sometime but he moves a lot...and yep he isnt as young as before. but overall....just one word AMAZING!
for me watching TII is like a concert....while it is just a rehearsal but its waaaayyyyy better than any other artists concerts combined

50 shows is crazy...yes and i wish that Michael could just do something like this, a movie. instead of exhausting concerts. somehow i feel that if he did it....he will be still ok now but....i also see that Michael doing it NOT because of his debt....i believe he aware that to pay his debt he could just put something like this.
TII make me feel that he did it for us...because he loves us

and yes it is a dream....its too good to be true
After watching the movie, I agree that this is a film of healing.

I just want to say that this is our day! This is our very proud day as Michael Jackson fans. To think of the heartache we went through in August its great that we have this now. I never thought i'd be (Michael Jackson) happy again. But this film has touched me in ways I didn't think it would. To read the fantastic reviews brings a shiver to my spine and a tear to my eye.

This movie a healing piece of work. Healing for us as fans. But also healing for the bad press and media that is out there. It is closing up those old wounds. This is what Michael would have wanted. Lots of positivity out there in the world. :agree:
You have to be careful in judging what you see here...It is all edited...Now we don't see many full performances, mj may have stoopped...probably not but may have

You have to remember when he was around music or dancing..he was in his element..So when he got on a stage or in a studio he was on it..He was switched on and electric because 1 he had to be to show all the others around him but mroe importantly because it was a part of him..

I question the moments we don't and never will see..A day is a long time
Bear in mind though, even the best of us would be exhausted under those conditions. Again, ITS A LONG DAY. or two. or three... or weeks.

It would get the best of any of us. Could michael handle it: absolutely. the man was a king. but to say it would have been easy for him is to take away from the great effort and strength it takes.

its not easy. not in the slightest.
I think Michael looked very fit and healthy. Although he was thin he has always been thin even back in the Jackson 5 days. Michael wanted to perform and bring us those the best show ever and he wanted to deliver those 50 shows.
I felt it was only right to give them the benefit of the doubt beforehand.

Yet of course I went in with real trepidation. I was stunned, as the movie progressed. He WANTED this, was lovin' it, was doin' it.

Perhaps another company would not have gambled on giving him such incredible resources to work with, and his excitement and pleasure in the undertaking would have been less.

I believe he would have grown in strength, not lessened, as the dates went on and his confidence increased.
He was very fit indeed!

He could no doubt have done the 50 concerts.
Jam was live and he danced the Dangerous tour version... I was stunned and amazed!

...nothing beats the stewardess thing though! The oxygen mask has to be the new dance thing!
I don't think they showed a true picture of Michael's health tbh.
But his dancing and vocal abilities were very good nonetheless. I wish they showed us more!

What true picture are you talking about? They showed that MJ was thin. They didn't hide it. How will they know since they don't live with MJ?
If MJ can rehearse for 8 hours a day, then surely he was capable of doing 2 hours concert for 50 times. They guy was healthy. Dr. Death killed Mj and he alone is solely responsible unless there is a new evidence
From what was on the big screen today, I think that Michael's show would have been immense. I feel that AEG painted a fairly accurate picture of MJ, the film was an emotional rollercoaster and I'm looking forward to seeing it again.
Can you stop ruining a thread with your immaturity? 3 posts and your already calling people "shitheads" just because they disagree with you.

This person had 12 posts last week and was sooooooo insulting.
Given that AEG had a hand in making this movie do you honestly think they would show ANY footage that remotely shows Michael in a deteriorated state and puts them a position of being questioned over it? Of course not.

Without doubt, Michaels genius and involvment and passion is all over this film.

At times he appears tired imo. Either that or he is holding back in fully performing, given that they are rehearsals afterall.

AEG still remain questionable to me.

yeah agree.and i dont think it really does anything to redeem them.ive always been of the belief from the way mj looked that i doubt he would have gotten through 50 shows that is nothing to do with being fit or healthy but from the amount of weight he loses during each performance.and the weight he was b4 the shows even mum was shocked at the effort and energy mj was putting just into rehearsals. this aint no artist who stands at the mike for 2 hrs.
While i loved it i wouldn't rush to say AEG where telling the truth, we saw 2 hours out of over 80 and did you notice how he was wearing two suits for most of the rehearsals, these wear not the stage costumes they were just what he wore in so would i be off the mark to say a large percentage of the film was just showing two different days.
i just dont no what to think i thought the film was really amazing and to think thats what it would of been like going to the concert breaks your heart as it would of been out of this world xx
Given that AEG had a hand in making this movie do you honestly think they would show ANY footage that remotely shows Michael in a deteriorated state and puts them a position of being questioned over it? Of course not.

Without doubt, Michaels genius and involvment and passion is all over this film.

At times he appears tired imo. Either that or he is holding back in fully performing, given that they are rehearsals afterall.

AEG still remain questionable to me.

I totally agree and while I loved his voice and dancing ( the Speechless bit killed me) I could definitely see how painfully thin he was, especially where he's wearing that oversized black jacket and the Ed Hardy pants ( and the Curls for my girls shirt:no:)...
I did liked the movie and I knew I would bc it was MJ but it still leaves a bitter taste in your mouth knowing he's not here anymore...
He was amazing and I was thinking all that time that he cannot be 50 years old

We'll miss him...