"After this we're doing films"

You may have lost an ''icon'' but I was suicidal after his death, don't reduce and minimize the pain some fans felt and still feel like that just because your doesn't measure up.
Michael had a different kind of relationship with his fans, he actually cared I guess that's why the majority of his fans sticked to him..

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying that sometimes I forget what his family must go through because I'm just thinking about how much it hurts me.
I don't think I said anything about reducing your or anyone elses pain....
You may have lost an ''icon'' but I was suicidal after his death, don't reduce and minimize the pain some fans felt and still feel like that just because your doesn't measure up.
Michael had a different kind of relationship with his fans, he actually cared I guess that's why the majority of his fans sticked to him..

Wow, that was harsh. It's pretty clear that that's not what she ment.
Keep it clean y'all. not a good thread to start with negativity...



I agree but it's just one person who have started something.
I don't see what was wrong with what Indra wrote to have someone write that to her and yet it seems like this is for all of us.
I agree but it's just one person who have started something.
I don't see what was wrong with what Indra wrote to have someone write that to her and yet it seems like this is for all of us.

I wrote it just in general hun (not only for what has been said, but also for what might be said)...didnt want to gang up on only one person, and if one started it then others will have opposite opinion and thats how argument starts and it will get nasty and we'll then end up with a closed thread so if you feel its wrong...make your voice heard...:D Just leave my comment as it meant to be...I dont want an argument started that is the only reason...

Tnx! :)

wow, thanks for posting :cry:

truth is,Michael wanted to stop touring, and start making films, years ago.

i know they say Ortega directed This Is It, but the real director is Michael. after all, that film is about his creative process.


That's an incredibly sweet story about Michael and Taj. I love hearing these good moments about Michael. It shows how human he is, how loved. I cannot imagine what all of Michael's family must still be feeling. Michael's loss has to have left a huge hole in their lives. It's sad. :(

Ditto that

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying that sometimes I forget what his family must go through because I'm just thinking about how much it hurts me.
I don't think I said anything about reducing your or anyone elses pain....

I understand what you mean :)

You may have lost an ''icon'' but I was suicidal after his death, don't reduce and minimize the pain some fans felt and still feel like that just because your doesn't measure up.
Michael had a different kind of relationship with his fans, he actually cared I guess that's why the majority of his fans sticked to him..

we ALL lost an icon....but he was our family, in a way..as in like a fan family..ya know,...I feel like I lost my soulmate...since 1983 Michael was my life, so I grew up with Michaels music, all my life from age 4 til now..I felt like he was part of me....

but it's different when it's blood relatives//his siblings, parents, kids. Their sorrow must be unbearable...it's just so tragic :cry:

we feel like we feel the same...I know my heart broke into bits, I couldn't breathe and felt like I had lost a direct member of my family...it hurt so so much, I can't describe it.

Honestly twinklEE, she wasn't trying to put you down or anything like that :hug: ...and I know it's hard to keep a clear mind and be reasonable... it's been nearly 7 months but the pain is the same :cry: I just learned to deal with it...I have to..

/thread hijack
His dream has not died with him.

I read Prince is a huge film fanatic. Ortega said he always had a camera in hand and is very curious about the process of making a movie.

Who knows, Prince might make this one come through for him.

Excellent point. Michael realized his father's dream. Prince may realize his father's.

From everything I've read about Prince, he certainly has the intellect to be whatever he wants. If he has the passion for directing his dad had for his art, he could be the next Speilberg, Tarantino, Lucas, Scorcese, etc. And if he truly is as gifted as his dad, he could be all of them all rolled up into one!

What if Prince (Mike Jr.) wants to be a scientist versus what his dad wanted him to do????

We can't put that kind of pressure on MJ's kids. If he likes film, fine. But what if he likes it, but really wants to to something else?

Let's let them be , PLEASE.

What if Prince (Mike Jr.) wants to be a scientist versus what his dad wanted him to do????

We can't put that kind of pressure on MJ's kids. If he likes film, fine. But what if he likes it, but really wants to to something else?

Let's let them be , PLEASE.

No pressure whatsoever. If his passion is films or turtles, no one wants anything for any of MJ's kids but their happiness...be it professionally, personally, and in every other conceivable way.
As a person majoring in film, reading this makes me want to tear up. :cry:

*sigh* Life isn't fair... :(
I feel so bad for michael that he never got the chance to make more films :(
Just wish he had more time.

But het u neva know, he maybe making films in heaven! :)

Fantasia echos the sentiment of "dammit, why did he have to go before his time???"


wow..that's what she is referring to? where was that? i can certainly understand what i am seeing, there.

I don't know what Fantasia was singing then ... I found this gif on ONTD's blog (which has the best gifs, ever!)

I love this Fantasia gif because she's in the middle of a song, just killing it and does this random "I just can't take it no more!" arm-wavy thing & it visually represents how I feel.

MJ coulda/shoulda been here still to fulfill all his plans & dreams - and isn't.

wow..that's what she is referring to? where was that? i can certainly understand what i am seeing, there.

Sirena, that was so freakin' funny.....and so true...sigh*

Why Michael, why?!?!?!? Damn!
The most touching words I've seen in months...
Taj thank you, you are a gentle soul just like your uncle!!
God bless you.
So sweet and so sad at the same time.


Life is so unfair sometimes.
Thanks for posting so sad. :(

All the best to Taj he sounds like a great guy just like Michael.

Susannah xx
This is truly heartbreaking :cry:
He was so loved...And he had still so lot to do. It's just so unacceptable what happened, I still can't believe it :no: