After THIS IS IT what should be released next?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So what happens next? After THIS IS IT is released around the world over the next couple of months what should be released next?

Personally i would like to see 1010 focus on 'new' MJ material being released..obviously THIS IS IT is coming out soon but i would also like to see a brand new album (perhaps on his birthday) with songs he had finished or almost finished over the past few years (possibly songs from 2005-2009).

After this year, perhaps even a couple of years from now after all the hype and talk about THIS IS IT and the new album has died down i would like to see his concert tours released on DVD in true high definition (particularly the Victory and Bad tours) and from there more unreleased music (albums) MJ had worked on throughout the years.

After THIS IS IT what would you like to see released next, and when?
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Re: After THIS IS IT is released, what happens next??

I'd say, First I want to see JUSTICE Being served to "you know who", and every one involved.

Then I'd like to see What Mike was working at. You know, even his Demos are SOOOO much better than the music out today...:yes:

Then God knows what happens...but until TII Is released, I'm gonna be anxious...

ok (hey nice thread!)
First- as u said: Justice ofcourse. and Truth also. But I wanna know EVERYTHING! and I believe we all deserve it. Even if we're talking about invastigations up to 20 years ago-
i dont care.
I want truth.

Secondly- the new album I believe.. In any condition..

and next? not so sure.. perhaps more private movies from Neverland? i dont know, this place is so sad BEACUSE (and only because) michael isn't there and thinking of all the fun that used to be there...

but for now im focusing on the DVD naturally.. :D
Well- it would be nice if they released Triumph, Destiny, Victory and Bad tour oficially in a nice pretty package.

That would create a bigger anticipation for the new album...

But I agree, the most important thing is to get justice for Michael first.
Next things to release?
It'd be great, if they release some live shows, which I'm sure they've got dozens of (those, we've got as a bootlegs but poor quality and those we don't have at all ;)) Then, there are sooooo many demos - I checked @ new edition of "For the record" - there are so many songs Michael worked on and I'm curious - especially those recorded in last few years. Gee, I miss, you know, the real good sound in music today, and knowing Michael... It'd be it:)
FIRST OF ALL an album of unreleased music,

could be a Dvd of interviews of him

Dvd's of MJ recording sessions,

SO MANY THINGS, some writing like books with short stories, drawings he may have done, anything Michael Jackson.

I want to know about HIM.
Well- it would be nice if they released Triumph, Destiny, Victory and Bad tour oficially in a nice pretty package.

That would create a bigger anticipation for the new album...

But I agree, the most important thing is to get justice for Michael first.
Oh that would e awesome too!!, but i rather unreleased music first.
I would like JUSTICE for MJ..for everything that he has been through..I would like for him to have a national holiday on August 29..which would be AWESOME..and of course new music and some music videos..maybe of unseen footage or maybe something animated of him..
Well- it would be nice if they released Triumph, Destiny, Victory and Bad tour oficially in a nice pretty package.

That would create a bigger anticipation for the new album...

But I agree, the most important thing is to get justice for Michael first.

yes,yes..yes! :clapping:

I would like JUSTICE for MJ..for everything that he has been through..I would like for him to have a national holiday on August 29..which would be AWESOME..and of course new music and some music videos..maybe of unseen footage or maybe something animated of him..
Yeah of course justice for Michael and his KIDS

Wonderful idea!!!!!! August 29 a day to remember Michael Jackson and to keep his message ALIVE, to HEAL THE WORLD for our children, for the future.

Wow, something animated, i love that, thats a WONDERFUL IDEA
I'd rather see Michael's name being cleared by the tabloids, make it front page, tell everyone the facts that we (the fans) already know...

...but that's not going to happen...ever.

So I'll settle for albums of unreleased content and older tours officially released on DVD / Blu-ray.
In a way, this make me sad. Just this morning on my way to my office, this idea came to my mind, just before getting to the metro station: "Murray has been arrested!!!!"... how I wish I could post that someday soon.... but so far, this really seems to be far, far away.. if ever.

I am not even that excited about TII BR-DVD :( Sad, I should be, but I am not. Maybe because I am that dissapointed about the promises about Opus and all the memorabilia hype everywhere.

But going back to topic. Yes, please, release the unreleased song once and for all. Then DVD-BR with concerts Victory, Bad, HIStory, more Dangerous...

... oh my.... this is so sad... things... that's all we have to wait for now :cry:

I'm not in a good mood this morning.... shame on me :no:
Nice thread!
I agree with others, justice for Michael and his children and the truth out there about what really happened. Then unreleased music, concert DVDs in HQ, and a lot of stuff that is now on YouTube I would love to have on DVD in HQ so I can watch it over and over again in a good quality on a large screen.
Another Opus, based on his concerts, with preparation info, rehearsal pics, background info that we don't know yet, stuff like that.

More books, that show who he really was
Another Dancing the Dream type of book
Another Opus...


Please no!!! Don't put me under this Opus-mess again!!!!!!
Being today January 22nd 2010 I AM STILL WAITING FOR MINE!!!!!

I see your point, but I think if ever done, Kraken should not be the ones to handle the project. No!!!!!

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I would LOVE Neverland to be converted into a Michael Jackson Museum

That would profit us , his fans and the Jackson family, specially Prince, Paris, and Prince Michael ll :)

Michael once said, "Neverland is me, it represents me"
I know everything around Michael was documented by his personal cameraman. His camera was followed him around the world, and recorded all his happiness, special events, his whole life. I want to see the Michael Jackson Documentary(all the videos in his personal library)
BAD tour offically released on Blu-ray this summer, that would be nice. Together with Thriller video re-mastered into Blu-ray.

Would like a new single to be released. I think its too early for new album, maybe following year or this Christmas.
I know everything around Michael was documented by his personal cameraman. His camera was followed him around the world, and recorded all his happiness, special events, his whole life. I want to see the Michael Jackson Documentary(all the videos in his personal library)

Yeah, me too!!!
The first thing I would like to be released is definitely Triumph, Victory and Bad tour!!!!!! :)
I know everything around Michael was documented by his personal cameraman. His camera was followed him around the world, and recorded all his happiness, special events, his whole life. I want to see the Michael Jackson Documentary(all the videos in his personal library)

Yes, I heard on that too.
It would be AMAZING to see all that.. :(

but first... I wish only Justice for Michael, nothing more.
Does anyone here has any idea of the way ISRAEL treats 2 Michael?
I dont think so...
The attitude is terrible, the press and media is simply poisoned against him, and it seems as though nothing can ever change their minds.
It's terrible.. terrible ingorance of people and it makes me so sad...
What should be next?.....JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL! first and foremost and that includes all the damn lies from the past 15 years being brought to light and squashed! God knows how long I've waited for Mike's name to be cleared and then June 25th happened! If there's justice in this world, Michael Joesph Jackson has to get his.

Music and whatnot can come after......
well Justice as others have said then in this order:
Victory Tour with making of and rehearsals
BAD tour Wembley with documentory including MJ meeting the royal family and rehearsals.
New album
As for as MJ's career is concerned, well hopefully concert dvd's of MJ on his solo tours and one's with his brothers as well will be released some time soon. I'd also like a dvd of all his television appearences. Would also love to hear some more unreleased music of course.