After people die.. Then what?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
After a love one dies or a person dies.. What's next? Is there more to death? The human body returns to dust .. But what happens to our soul or spirit?
well...if you think about it...every answer to everything in life, has been challenged by debate...including the things that people regard as truth, in a knee jerk reaction. so, you are invited to explore for yourself. everyone is wired to find the answer.
I think of it this way. Are humans like any other living thing, or are they special? Humans are indeed special. We were given a brain unlike anything else and were given the ability to choose. Animals behave according to their needs and instincts. Therefore, they are not able to commit evil or do good at will. They are programmed. On the other hand, We, humans, can act according to our own wishes and desires. I can kill with no justification, just for killing. I can destroy just for the sake of destroying. Animals can't. Do you think we were given the ability to do good or evil so that when we die it will not matter? I do not think so. After we pass, we will be held accountable for our actions. Or else, what's the point of us having reason and will? Why not make humans like animals? Do you think we simply happened to have our reason and ability to choose? It can't be a coincidence. If it were, why isn't there another species with the ability to do good and evil like us? There is a God who has made us viceroys on this earth and will one day question us.

This is just my belief as a Muslim, and as Fluffy_Oz said, all you'll get are beliefs.
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Ummm, i hope they(i, and everybody) to go to a beautiful garden, where noone suffers and everything its peaceful and angels are friends, i hope there is a place after this life, i really hope so, but i dont know, i wish it to be a garden where its all beautiful and i dont want to think that there nothing after this life, but i really dont know, i always thinked of this, i always wanted it to be a garden, and to return to my childhood there, where all my beloved ones are there too. but i dont know, i wish that there is a life after this life, and i hope that that life is pure.

wow i just noticed i re- repeated almost everything i said, its cause i have always thinked of that ahahaha
Ummm, i hope they(i, and everybody) to go to a beautiful garden, where noone suffers and everything its peaceful and angels are friends, i hope there is a place after this life, i really hope so, but i dont know, i wish it to be a garden where its all beautiful and i dont want to think that there nothing after this life, but i really dont know, i always thinked of this, i always wanted it to be a garden, and to return to my childhood there, where all my beloved ones are there too. but i dont know, i wish that there is a life after this life, and i hope that that life is pure.

wow i just noticed i re- repeated almost everything i said, its cause i have always thinked of that ahahaha

Thats a beautiful thought :) Gardens, Magic, Angels and Michael!!!!:wub:
I for one do believe there is life after death. I would say more but I don't want to go into all my beliefs unless someone asks me to. ;)

Sorry if I seemed to thrust my beliefs on anybody. It is not my intention. I thought the point of the thread is for us to state our thoughts on what we think happens after death. We have already been asked to speak our minds. At least, that is what I understood.
Sorry if I seemed to thrust my beliefs on anybody. It is not my intention. I thought the point of the thread is for us to state our thoughts on what we think happens after death. We have already been asked to speak our minds. At least, that is what I understood.

No no I didn't say you did that. :)
I just said what I did because I didn't want to start rambling on in the thread...because as soon as I start talking about my beliefs I can go on for days. ;)
No no I didn't say you did that. :)
I just said what I did because I didn't want to start rambling on in the thread...because as soon as I start talking about my beliefs I can go on for days. ;)
you should write here, i mean it doesnt matter if it takes you days or seconds, just write if you feel like doing it, i think that was the point of this thread, i would like to know what you think :yes:
OK if this is long sorry. :laugh:

Well what I believe is there is an afterlife. In the afterlife there's a period of rest but also a period of growth. It's a time to learn about things that you weren't able to on earth, not so much earthly things but spiritual things. At first the spirits who have passed on reflect on their life but they are soon given things to do, tasks to do. I believe that even though the short period of life after death is a time for rest, it's also time for doing tasks. I don't know what kind of tasks, but little tasks.

For Michael, I believe he is at peace. He's surrounded by beauty,and he can see things more clearly now because some things like the true definition of color or sound can't be seen or heard by humans. I think he was confused at first but I believe he's happy now and has the support and comfort he needs when he needs it. I believe he was shown or told what would happen with his children as they grow up and it would have comforted him and let him know that yes he can still miss them and want to be with them but that he doesn't have to dwell on it and can move on with his progression.
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OK if this is long sorry. :laugh:

Well what I believe is there is an afterlife. In the afterlife there's a period of rest but also a period of growth. It's a time to learn about things that you weren't able to on earth, not so much earthly things but spiritual things. At first the spirits who have passed on reflect on their life but they are soon given things to do, tasks to do. I believe that even though the short period of life after death is a time for rest, it's also time for doing tasks. I don't know what kind of tasks, but little tasks.

For Michael, I believe he is at peace. He's surrounded by beauty,and he can see things more clearly now because some things like the true definition of color or sound can't be seen or heard by humans. I think he was confused at first but I believe he's happy now and has the support and comfort he needs when he needs it. I believe he was shown or told what would happen with his children as they grow up and it would have comforted him and let him know that yes he can still miss them and want to be with him but that he doesn't have to dwell on it and can move on with his progression.
that was really beautiful, i mean you are so right about how humans cant know about things for a fact on this life, thats a real good point, and i think you have a point about the tasks too, i hope you are right about the existance of the afterlife, what would it be to simply not exist anymore, and it was not long explanation at all, thanks for sharing:yes:

oh and i love the part i bolded, thats comforting
that was really beautiful, i mean you are so right about how humans cant know about things for a fact on this life, thats a real good point, and i think you have a point about the tasks too, i hope you are right about the existance of the afterlife, what would it be to simply not exist anymore, and it was not long explanation at all, thanks for sharing:yes:

oh and i love the part i bolded, thats comforting

Thank you. :)
I've always been interested in the after life and I've read two really good books about near death experiences. In one of them what really struck me was when it said that there was music in the afterlife, wonderful music. I've always believed there was music but I liked how it says the streets were golden and there were magnificent buildings. I always thought the afterlife just looked like a huge field of flowers but I believe now that it's like earth you can see buildings and streets and all these different things except they are so much more beautiful in the after life than on earth.
I honestly don't know what to believe. I'm not religious but lead my life as good as I can possibly can. I look at the world and think how complex it is and how every is designed so perfectly and think this just can't be a by product of some big bang. We have free will unlike animals-why has that happened if its just some explosion? I have a lot of questions but obviously no one can answer them. I like to believe there is something after death. I just don't see the point of being here, living your life, and then when you die that's it. We are the only species to have the ability to think-how can death just be it?
I honestly don't know what to believe. I'm not religious but lead my life as good as I can possibly can. I look at the world and think how complex it is and how every is designed so perfectly and think this just can't be a by product of some big bang. We have free will unlike animals-why has that happened if its just some explosion? I have a lot of questions but obviously no one can answer them. I like to believe there is something after death. I just don't see the point of being here, living your life, and then when you die that's it. We are the only species to have the ability to think-how can death just be it?

I would be very happy to answer your questions! :D

If that's OK with you.:)
I honestly don't know what to believe. I'm not religious but lead my life as good as I can possibly can. I look at the world and think how complex it is and how every is designed so perfectly and think this just can't be a by product of some big bang. We have free will unlike animals-why has that happened if its just some explosion? I have a lot of questions but obviously no one can answer them. I like to believe there is something after death. I just don't see the point of being here, living your life, and then when you die that's it. We are the only species to have the ability to think-how can death just be it?

Yeah, we can't just have this ability to choose for nothing. What's the point of living a decent life if you're gonna die and not be rewarded. If this life is it, I would just pleasure myself in every way by any means possible before I die, but it is not right that I do whatever with no regard to morality and ethics. It can't be just this simple.
Thank you. :)
I've always been interested in the after life and I've read two really good books about near death experiences. In one of them what really struck me was when it said that there was music in the afterlife, wonderful music. I've always believed there was music but I liked how it says the streets were golden and there were magnificent buildings. I always thought the afterlife just looked like a huge field of flowers but I believe now that it's like earth you can see buildings and streets and all these different things except they are so much more beautiful in the after life than on earth.
wow, that is beautiful
who knows. only gonna find out when it happens to you
you know..a lot of peoples' wishes expressed here look like reminders of stuff that some religious people talk about...yet..they seem to be the expressions and wishes of non religious least, it sure looks a little similar..

and...why shouldn't it be taken into account, the earthly experiences that are unexplained, in this a mother lifting a car to save her baby. there have been more than one account like that.

in other words....the unexplained...the stuff that is bigger than us, has been reported by many people...are they all untrue accounts, just because you didn't see them? or are all these people, reporting these accounts, missing something mentally?

and for those who are into calculations, and 'proof' and what they call 'scentific fact' that they need to see proof has to be asked, why many of their theories are called theories...and..why for every answer they get, there is another question to replace it..

are we all missing something in the brain, if our reported accounts cannot be fitted into a nice neat little box? is there anyone here, who hasn't experienced something in their life that cannot be explained? isn't there something, in your lives that you encountered, that simply cannot be explained away into a neat little box of 'proof'?

and so...can't these questions be applied to the idea of an afterlife?
As a Christian, I believe in Heaven, so when I die, I believe I am going there to join my loved ones who have gone on before me.
As a Brethren this is what we believe will happen after death:

What Happens Immediately After Death?
By Harold S. Martin

The Bible is primarily a book about life. It tells us how to experience everlasting life, and also how to enjoy an abundant life here on earth. Even John 3:16 talks about “life.” The writer says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The Bible is not primarily a book about death, yet it treats the subject of death many times because death is part of the cycle of life in God’s plan

All of us, barring the return of Christ, are going to die. Some will grow old and die; some will die at an earlier age. We fade like flowers and wither like grass (Psalm 103:15). We all experience aging and illness and frailties of some kind. And although we can be thankful for the wonders of modern medicine and for the skills of dedicated doctors-the fact still remains that death will come to all of us. And at death, the body will return to the dust of the earth, and the soul will be carried immediately–either into the presence of Christ (for those who die in Christ), or, it will enter into a place called “Hades” (for those who die in their sins).

Following death, there is an intermediate state-the time between death and the final judgment. And there is also a final state-the eternal destiny which will last forever. In this study, we want to look at the intermediate state-what happens during the interval between death and the final judgment.


Jesus told about the self-centered ungodly rich man (in Luke 16). The ungodly man died, “and in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments” (Luke 16:23/KJV). The word translated “hell” is “Hades,” a word which in the New Testament is used to describe the place where the unsaved dead go immediately upon death.

The Greek word for “hell” as a final destiny, is a different word. The word “gehenna” was used to describe the Valley of Hinnom, the garbage dump on the south side of Jerusalem. It was the place where wild dogs gnashed their teeth as they fought over the garbage of the dump. Gehenna is the final place of punishment; Hades is the intermediate place of the dead.

Jesus (in Luke 16) says the souls of the wicked go to “Hades” after death, but in Matthew 10:28 Jesus speaks about hell also. There, He says that both soul and body are cast into “gehenna” after the resurrection and final judgment. In Matthew 10 Jesus is talking about final judgment, but in Luke 16 He is talking about what happens immediately after death.

Hades is like a county jail (a temporary prison), until the sentence is determined. The Lake of Fire (gehenna) is like a state penitentiary, a permanent place of punishment.

While “Hades” is not the final destiny of the wicked, it is a place of conscious suffering and of despair place of torment. The man in Luke 16 wanted someone to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool his tongue (Luke 16:24). At another place, the Bible says that “the Lord knows how to … reserve the unjust under punishment for (until) the day of judgment” (2 Peter 2:9). Hades is a temporary prison where the wicked dead are kept under punishment until the day of judgment and the final sentence is named.

The purpose of the Judgment is not so much to determine who is saved and who is lost. The matter of salvation has been determined by our decision regarding Jesus Christ here in this life. For example, John 6:47 says, “He who believes in me has everlasting life.” The word “believes” is a strong word: It means “to embrace,” and “to cling to;” it includes repentance and obedience. Those who sincerely receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of their lives, are assured of eternal life. By way of contrast, those who do not know God, and who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ “shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord” (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9).

And so the final Judgment is not so much designed to determine who is saved and who is lost, as it is to determine the degree of punishment and the degree of reward. Every human being will some day stand before the judgment bar of God. There will be rewards and there will be appropriate punishment. Exactly when and how God will accomplish all this, is not really important for us to know. But in Revelation 20:1314, the word translated “hell” (KJV) is “Hades.” And so when the text says that “death and Hades” will deliver up the dead who were in them, those in Hades (the temporary prison) will be judged, and then cast into the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire will be the eternal destiny of the unsaved.


The Bible teaches that those who are saved, having embraced the blood of Jesus on the cross (11 Peter 1:18-19), will at death go to be with Christ, in a state of conscious bliss–and are immediately in fellowship with Christ.

The Apostle Paul declared that “to be absent from the body” is to be “present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8). And later, he says that to die, is “to depart and be with Christ, which is far better’ (Philippians 1:23).

Jesus speaks of the immediate abode of the saved dead, as “Paradise.” He said to the thief on the cross, “Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). The righteous dead are in the presence of Christ, in a place called Paradise, awaiting the resurrection of the body the judgment, the final reward-and the future lif6 in Heaven.

It might be helpful to explain that before the death and resurrection of Jesus, “Hades” had two regions, one for the righteous and the other for the unrighteous. Not only were the wicked in Hades, but so were the righteous in Old Testament times. In the account of the rich man and Lazarus (in Luke 16), before the death and resurrection of Jesus, there was a “great gulf” (Luke 16:26) between the two regions. But they were close enough to each other that the self-centered rich man could communicate with the patriarch Abraham.

In the later parts of the New Testament, the abode of the saved is described with the word “paradise.” The Apostle Paul was “caught up into Paradise” (2 Corinthians 12:4). Our Lord Jesus says that those who overcome shall “eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God” (Revelation 2:7).

The Scriptures indicate that Christ descended into Hades before He went back to the Father, at the time of His crucifixion and resurrection and ascension. Acts 2:27 says that His soul was not left in Hades and that His body did not see corruption. Acts 2:32-33 says that Jesus was raised up and exalted at the right hand of the Father. And Ephesians 4:8-10 says that when Christ “ascended on high, He led captivity captive.” It is the belief of many evangelical Bible teachers that it was at this time that those in the righteous portion of Hades were led into the place called Paradise in New Testament times. Jesus descended into Hades, set the Old Testament saints free, and took them to Paradise to be with Him. And now, when saved persons die, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8).

If the above Scriptures are properly interpreted, then immediately after death, the saved find themselves in Paradise and the lost find themselves in Hades. Exactly what activities will take place during the time between death and judgment (in these temporary abodes) is not revealed in Scripture. The Bible is restrained in what it says about life immediately following death. There are many questions about life after death that go beyond the limits of our understanding. Now we see through a glass darkly, but a marvelous day is coming when those mysteries will be completely unveiled.

We do know two major facts. Unbelievers will be in a state of anguish and torment (Luke 16:2328; 2 Peter 2:9). The saved will be resting from their labors in joyful satisfaction (Revelation 14:13; Acts 7:59; Philippians 1:23; 2 Corinthians 5:8). The spirits of those who die in their sins will be ushered immediately in Hades, and after the Judgment, both body and soul will be delivered into the Lake of Fire. The spirits of those who die in Christ will be ushered immediately into the

Paradise of God, and upon receiving new bodies, eventually will be transported into the final heavenly home, which Jesus says He is preparing for His people (John 14:1-3).


Christ achieved victory over death when He arose from the grave, and His followers have the promise of an afterlife in Paradise and eventually in the heavenly Home. However, death is still associated with sadness even for the Christian, because of the trauma of separation. But death is no longer oppressive for us because we have the assurance of entering Christ’s presence when we die-and that is far better than life here on earth (Philippians 1:23). Still, death is a time of grief and sadness.

There are three observations about dying victoriously:

1) While as believers, we prepare for death, death is not the central focus of our lives.

The central focus for us is the resurrection. Philippians 3:9-10 expresses the truth that we aim to be found in Christ, and that our goal is to know “the power of his resurrection.” We look to the day when Jesus will appear and abolish death, and transform our lowly bodies to be like His glorious body (Philippians 3:21). We look at death in light of Christ’s great triumph–His return as King of kings–raising the dead and bringing life here on earth to a conclusion. While we prepare for death, death is not the central focus of our lives. Our focus is on the resurrection.

2) While we are burdened for those we love and leave behind at death, we recognize that our dying will be great gain.

When we approach the borders of death, we are mindful of the fact that those we leave behind will be lonel and will grieve at our passing. Letting our friends behind is always painful. Hearing the news about a sudden death, or standing by the bedside of one who is dying, is always distressful. But when we arrive in the Paradise of God, the mysteries in our lives will become clear, and God will demonstrate the marvels of His grace that saved us. We are told in Ephesians 2:7 that “in the ages to come” Christ Jesus will “show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us. Even the hard times which we face in this life are products of the kindness of God.

3) While we enjoy life here on earth, it is enjoyed only temporarily, because we are ready to depart from it.

Berdene was ready to depart from this life. Only days before entering into a coma, I had finished reading portions from the Bible and praying with her. She was unable to speak audibly, but wrote this note: “I thought I would go (in death) after we read and prayed; I wanted so much to go. Mother was holding my hand. I’m not afraid. I just want so much to go, but God knows the timing.”

People of the world are not ready to depart from this life. They try and crack funny jokes, and kid around with each other. If they do talk about the afterlife, it is mostly about Saint Peter with a bunch of keys. Sometimes it seems that such conduct is engaged in to hide some of the deep feelings of fear and uncertainty that worldlings are living with. Those who are genuinely committed to serving Christ can truly enjoy life because death is not a constant dread. We think about it. It is an enemy. It brings sadness. We are not anxious for it. But deep down within we know that “to die is gain.” For the Christian, it means “to depart and to be with Christ which is far better.”

Our reparation for death begins with faith in Jesus Christ, repentance for sin, and receiving Christian baptism. It continues with believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and the work He did for us on the cross. It issues into a life that moment by moment seeks to walk in obedience to God’s Word, and to live in fellowship with His church, and to move day by day under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

For the genuine disciple of Christ, death is faced with a sense of anticipation. We look at death-like a prisoner, awaiting release from prison; like a schoolchild, when the end of the term is near; like a migrant bird, ready to fly south; and like a person in the hospital, ready to go home.

Medical science can help people die relatively painlessly, but only the Christian message of hope through Christ can help us die victoriously. Let us make it a point to avoid foolish ways of living, and seek to live wisely, skillfully, and according to God’s pattern. None of us knows how soon our lives will be snuffed out. The uncertainty of life and the certainty of death should cause us to make commitments to follow the Lord more carefully, and to bring the unsaved into a right relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
There are so many theories...

Maybe they're all right. Maybe it depends on what you believe and that's what happens?
Or maybe we all think wrong.
Well I guess we don't know. I searched for answers after Michael's death.. obviously I knew that nobody actually knows. We have our beliefs but we don't know for sure.

I found stories from people who had near death experiences or who had actually died for a few seconds and been brought back to life. They were quite interesting. There were studies done where they found people described areas of the room like they were looking down from above, describing things which they wouldn't have seen from any other perspective. This was on the internet, and we don't know how much of stuff on the internet is real though.
No one can know the answer to that question until they die themselves. I believe in life after death myself. Why? There was a time when I was on the fence about this, but I've had personal experiences that lead me to believe in it. And I think that's really your best source for uncovering your own inner truth, is personal experience. It can't always come from facts or rationalization sometimes.