AEG Chief: Rehearsal footage may become motion pic

Ok my thought is.....I love the Idea of Michaels footage being made into a movie..BUT....why is AEG trying to capitalize on Michael STILL. They are going to be as bad as everyone else. trying to make money off of him..That's what I dont like.
Ok my thought is.....I love the Idea of Michaels footage being made into a movie..BUT....why is AEG trying to capitalize on Michael STILL. They are going to be as bad as everyone else. trying to make money off of him..That's what I dont like.

'This Is It' is/was their project, they can do what they want with the footage and audio. They've lost ALOT of money, they've got employees to pay remember.
I dont think AEG are doing anything wrong, they've lost alot of money and need to recoup it, I dont see it as exploitation at all.
I really want it to be something that will standout and would be up to Michael’s standard I don’t want it to be a cheap production just for them to cut cost and make up for their losses!
'This Is It' is/was their project, they can do what they want with the footage and audio. They've lost ALOT of money, they've got employees to pay remember.

Totally agree with this. Don't be selfish guys, AEG did a hell of a lot to make this comeback for MJ huge. They can't just sit on a big loss. Whatever they do i don't mind, i will watch it!
For economic/business reasons, I think AEG will work fairly swiftly to get something in the works. The o2 centre was booked out solidly for July,Aug and some of Sept and now theres nothing to fill such a big gap.
I would have to watch it in a theatre with other people around making jokes and stuff? :\ People would go to see it who werent real fans. It would feel weird.

They should just take their time and bring out a DVD and Blu Ray.

Honey chile, apparantly you haven't seen Michael Jackson perform! I mean, even if non-fans come to the theatre to just check it out they will leave reborn as MJ fanatics. Michael has that appeal with his raw talent alone!!! C'mon now, and even the energy from the majority of the fans alone in each theatre connecting with MJ on screen adds to all his own magic. This is great!

I am a lifelong fan and I am glad that AEG is taking advantage of rehearsal footage, etc of their This Is It endeavor with Michael Jackson & Company regardless if its to reap the fruits of their loss. I have faith in them forever defending and treating Michael Jackson's full legacy.
Honey chile, apparantly you haven't seen Michael Jackson perform! I mean, even if non-fans come to the theatre to just check it out they will leave reborn as MJ fanatics. Michael has that appeal with his raw talent alone!!! C'mon now, and even the energy from the majority of the fans alone in each theatre connecting with MJ on screen adds to all his own magic. This is great!

I am a lifelong fan and I am glad that AEG is taking advantage of rehearsal footage, etc of their This Is It endeavor with Michael Jackson & Company regardless if its to reap the fruits of their loss. I have faith in them forever defending and treating Michael Jackson's full legacy.

Dont tell me I havent seen Michael Jackson perform.......I know what people are like. They will make jokes regardless of how amazing he is.
Considering how much movie ticket prices are nowadays and how bad the economy is, I don't think people will be paying to see a movie of someone they don't like.
The movie/cinema industry is probably one of the biggest survivers in times of recession, its the cheapest form of escapism and admissions are still strong.
I think it would be brilliant to have Michael's final full dress rehearsal made into a film. I think AEG should take some time to ensure it is fantastic, and not rushed.

I think it would also be good to have a documentary made from the best of the other footage captured. Maybe this too could be made into a film.

After the release of the film(s), and after what I hope would be an extended run in the theatres/cinemas both should be released on CD/DVD.

This way AEG will make the money they wish to make, and us the Michael Jackson fans, will get a glimpse of what we would have seen in London. Something that would most definately been spectacular.
give me a 100 more hours of MJ alive... but I would like to see the 100 come out in a DVD collectors set, not just a cut and paste job of the rehearsals.. I want to see MJ doing everything I don't care if he is just standing there looking at the light fixtures or chewing the hell out of some gum (see the 2minute video lol) I want all 100 hrs
This forum is getting weird, there is so much hate! Now AEG are bloodsuckers. Every week we seem to hate something/someone else. That is just weird. AEG is a company, not charity. They need to make money. I'd love to see a blu-ray of Mikes preparations of TTI and can only hope that the movie will be respectfull. If so, they can make all the money they want, they invested in mike so why not?
Dont tell me I havent seen Michael Jackson perform.......I know what people are like. They will make jokes regardless of how amazing he is.

Exactly. I'm not keen on the idea of sitting in a cinema surrounded by people cracking 'jokes'. And you just know the media will pick it apart, call it 'lackluster' or whatever, because no one not even Michael Jackson puts 150% into a rehearsal. It's just a run-through. You save the good stuff for the show!
Considering how much movie ticket prices are nowadays and how bad the economy is, I don't think people will be paying to see a movie of someone they don't like.

You'd be surprised. And I'm sure lots of kids will ask their parents to take them, too.
Sidewalk of course they have a right to get money back..but as im sure you will agree, the way and method of going about this has to be honourable and right..i think it was a disgrace to try and attempt money back by issuing money or the ticket..that was a desperate underhanded tactic and i just hope more of these scheme aren't pulled with regards to the rehersal footage simply for the selfish corporate gains of a company whose main concern is recoupping their losses..thats all
tAh man, I hope NOT Pay-Per-View! We can't even get that. Our building has building-wide basic cable, so we can't order it and just free satellite stuff only. No P-P-V!!

The theater I could imagine, but I think I'd rather watch at home because I'll get so emotional ... although might have to find someone with a big screen and blu-ray...

Wait... could you imagine a 3D movie...???
for those concerned about AEG making too much money... whatever money making ventures they endeavor with regard to Michael Jackson, the Michael Jackson Trust will make money also.

Movie vs. DVD or payperview ...

i have never seen a movie in a theater, that has not been made available on DVD within a year. The most money would be made releasing it to theaters/payperview first and then on DVD.
Business's don't work on a emotional state like fans. They have lost six months of profit and they are kinda stuffed at the moment. This would give some profits to make up the lost. Remember the 02 is going to empty for a while now. This is their best chance to make some great works and get them out there when the concert was supposed to start.
:no:I hope it's not pay per view too. Michael hated pay per view. I think it should come out in a volumed dvd series. That's the way Michael would have done it. After all, he is he King of Videos. :yes:

I can't resist....

Michael is probably somewhere in heaven looking down on this thread and thinking "Short Film". haha :p

give me a 100 more hours of MJ alive... but I would like to see the 100 come out in a DVD collectors set, not just a cut and paste job of the rehearsals.. I want to see MJ doing everything I don't care if he is just standing there looking at the light fixtures or chewing the hell out of some gum (see the 2minute video lol) I want all 100 hrs


This forum is getting weird, there is so much hate! Now AEG are bloodsuckers. Every week we seem to hate something/someone else. That is just weird. AEG is a company, not charity. They need to make money. I'd love to see a blu-ray of Mikes preparations of TTI and can only hope that the movie will be respectfull. If so, they can make all the money they want, they invested in mike so why not?

Everyone's on edge. It's an emotional time. MJ fans are an emotional and passionate bunch from the start and Michael's death has only heightened things for a lot of us...especially since there are still a lot of loose ends on a lot of issues. I think it's important for us all to try and be patient with one another in the coming weeks.

for those concerned about AEG making too much money... whatever money making ventures they endeavor with regard to Michael Jackson, the Michael Jackson Trust will make money also.

Movie vs. DVD or payperview ...

i have never seen a movie in a theater, that has not been made available on DVD within a year. The most money would be made releasing it to theaters/payperview first and then on DVD.

I agree with your point about the MJ Trust.

As for the options, I like the DVD idea best. I wanna be able to watch it at home that first time cuz I know it's going to be emotional to watch. If I need to pause it and take a moment, I can do that whereas I couldn't at the theater. And then I can watch it as many times as I want afterwards. Plus, I'm afraid if they try and make this a motion picture it's going to take longer to release. I would love to see this footage sooner rather than later.
Releasing in movie theatres is good idea but its good enough if its released in every single country around the globe.Just releasing it in U.S/U.K will be like betraying fans from other countries.MJ fan are like one big family and if it has to be released then release it in theatres in every single country or release it on DVD worldwide.

Ofcourse AEG need to make money,they have lost millions plus this way if AEG makes money then obviously MJ's kids will be benefitted too.So it's the fare deal,we want MJ footage,AEG needs to compensate their losses and kids will have their future secured financially.

But I really want them to release the whole footage in 4-5 editions like Vol.1 Vol.2 and more.This way AEG will have their losses compensated and we will have much MJ footage.

I hope they release it within few days:angel:
guys AEG arent trying to milk Michael for all he is worth, they invested a lot of money in him with a lot of risk on their part and have done everything to try and be accommodating to both Michael and the fans so stop all that stuff about them taking advantage of him to recoup money. They got really close to him over the last few months too and wanted to take care of him.