*Adelaide EarthQuake* (happened a few mins ago)


Proud Member
Jul 19, 2009
Just a few minuets ago... Finding Information. Everything is ok. Just a tremor... for now.
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I have to go back to bed, but if snyone finds any news storys regarding the tremor, please post them here.

This was published a while ago;

Australian Seismological Centre director Kevin McCue says according to statistical theory, 2010 poses the highest risk for an earthquake of magnitude six or larger in SA.
"The reality is that the most probable year for a damaging earthquake is next year, according to the theory of extreme values," he said.
"Looking ahead from today, you'd say next year has a higher risk than any other subsequent year. We know it's going to happen some time."
Extreme value theory is a specialist branch of mathematics used to predict rare events such as earthquakes, hurricanes and stock market crashes by assessing probability. The last big earthquake to hit South Australia shook half the state from an epicentre near Darlington on March 1, 1954.

The magnitude 5.5 quake - considered moderate - damaged hundreds of houses across the southern suburbs, turning several into rubble.
Heavy tremors even reached the CBD, with several city buildings, including the GPO, sustaining damage. By today's standards, the total cost of the 1954 quake would be more than $70 million.
Mr McCue said it would not be unusual for a "strong" quake similar to L'Aquilla's - of magnitude six or greater - to hit SA. "In any 100-year period, Australia would expect 10 earthquakes on the scale of L'Aquilla," he said.
"You would expect about three to four of those would occur across SA and the Northern Territory."
Mr McCue signalled four earthquake hot zones in SA. He said the South-East, the Mid North, the Eyre Peninsula through to the southern part of Yorke Peninsula and the Flinders and Mount Lofty ranges were the most likely spots for tremors.
He said any shocks that occurred in the Flinders were likely to also affect Adelaide.
Mr McCue said SA was "not well prepared" for a larger earthquake.
"We don't want to see people in schools and hospitals killed in an earthquake," he said.
"Governments have a very strong responsibility to make sure those buildings are adequate. Unreinforced masonry buildings and also reinforced concrete buildings are particularly vulnerable.
"The RAH is an old hospital - these are the buildings to be looked at."
Industrial designer Michael Angerson, who specialises in earthquake-resistant building design, labelled Adelaide buildings "very unsafe". He said concrete slabs used in homes would crack and crumble.
"If you're talking of an earthquake the same size as Italy, at least 50 per cent of our modern houses would go," he said. "We'd be in worse trouble than we were in the '50s because we've insisted on these concrete slabs.
"It doesn't matter how far you sink the foundation, an earthquake will just rip it up.
"It's pretty dangerous stuff and yet councils insist on that sort of (design), which is dangerously arrogant and not very scientific."
But Primary Industries and Resources SA seismologist David Love said based on recent large earthquakes in places like Newcastle, NSW, most Adelaide buildings would "survive fairly well".
"We need to pay some attention, but we don't need to go overboard," he said.
Mr Love said while Adelaide had a higher risk of earthquakes than other capital cities, the probability of a disastrous quake in the CBD was "very low". "Having said that, we can't rule it out," he said.
Mr Love said people could prepare for earthquakes and other emergencies by keeping a torch, batteries and a battery radio near their bed.
He said home-owners should check insurance policies to ensure they were properly covered for quake damage.

http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/sa-could-have-major-earthquake/story-e6freo8c-1225700057323 (April 19, 2009 12:30AM)
More (crappy info)

AN earthquake has reportedly hit Adelaide, with several Twitter users reporting the tremor.
Early reports from Twitter users said the quake happened at approximately 12.05pm AEDT.
Twitter users reported houses shaking, while over 3000 Facebook users joined a group titled "the earthquake in adelaide!"
More to come...
- http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/...uake-in-adelaide/story-e6freonf-1225854754622

AN earth tremor has rocked Adelaide.
The tremor hit about 11.30pm, shaking multi-storey buildings in the city and felt from St Agnes to Mylor, from Munno Para to Largs Bay.
A police spokesman there were several calls to triple zero around the time of the tremor, and the Bureau of Meteorology also fielded lots of inquiries.
"There were reports as far away as Monarto and Salisbury," a spokesman said.
- http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/...rocked-by-tremor/story-e6frea83-1225854750895
Earthquake Hits Adelaide, Prelim 3.2 Shakes South Australia
Friday, April 16, 2010
By Newsolio Editor
ADELAIDE, Australia- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.2 on the Richter scale has shaken Adelaide, Australia late Friday night, disturbing thousands of people in the generally geologically stable region.
More to come….Breaking
Adelaide has been hit by an earth tremor.
Residents reported feeling the earth shake for several seconds across a wide area of the South Australian capital about 11:25pm (local time) Friday.
There were no initial reports of serious injury or damage.
Paul in Bridgewater emailed ABC News Online, saying: "Whoa! We just had what seemed like an earthquake go through our house."
Meanwhile, Steven from Moana said: "Several of my neighbours came out into the street and said that their houses shook like mine did. It lasted for about 10 to 15 seconds."
- http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/04/17/2875481.htm?section=justin
Luckily it wasn't bigger than that. Though there could be aftershakes.. be safe there!
Its been a few houres now. Its VERY odd to have an earthquake in Adelaide though. Although apparently were 'over-ue for on. More info;

A small earthquake has hit the Adelaide Hills.
The tremor registered a magnitude of about 4 and hit in the area in the city's north-east about 11.30pm (CST) on Friday, but was felt as far as 50km away from its epicentre, Geoscience Australia seismologist David Jepsen told AAP.
No one was injured and the tremor is not believed to have caused any significant damage, he said.
However emergency services received a lot of phone calls from anxious people all over Adelaide and nearby towns that had felt the tremor.
"The event would have lasted 2-3 seconds and would have been felt as strong shaking, the severity depending on what they were doing at the time," he said.
"This is the earth doing its normal stuff ... when the stress of the plates exceeds the strength of the rocks underneath it releases energy."
Friday night's tremor was strong by Adelaide's standards, but a previous earthquake in 1954 was 5.4 magnitude, occurred near the heart of the city and caused the equivalent of $6 million damage to property, Mr Jepsen said.
Earthquakes between three and four magnitude are often felt, with shaking occurring, but rarely cause serious damage.


SOUTH Australia from the Outback to the sea was rattled by the strongest earthquake in 20 years last night, the tremor rocking the Hills and sending city residents into the streets.
The 3.8 magnitude quake hit at 11.27pm, but no significant damage had been reported by 5.30am today.

UPDATE 5:30AM: Thanks to everyone who has submitted earthquake reports. Unfortunately due to a technical issue, they are not being displayed. We are working to resolve the problem.
Geoscience Australia seismologist David Jepsen told AdelaideNow the epicentre was somewhere near Mt Barker in the Adelaide Hills, but would have been felt strongest in multi-storey buildings in the CBD.
"It's located in a population centre, so expected to be felt quite widely," he said.
"If you're in a building of many floors, the shaking would be amplified, apartments or tall buildings in the city."
Start of sidebar.

However, Mr Jepsen said it was unlikely there would be any aftershocks or major damage.
"Something of this size, it's highly unlikely there would be any damage."
Nor was there any risk of a tsunami, as the epicentre was not offshore and the quake not strong enough.
It is expected normal tectonic plate movement and pressure on the plates caused the quake, which is not geologically unusual.
There is at least one small earthquake near Adelaide each year, and Primary Industries and Resources SA recorded 20 quakes, ranging from 0.6 magnitude 6km north of Nuriootpa on March 2 to 5.1 on the Richter Scale south of the southern coast on April 5.
Adelaide's 1954 earthquake measured 5.4 on the Richter Scale and was several hundred times more powerful than last night's quake.
A Facebook group, "Earthquake in Adelaide", was set up minutes after the quake struck and had nearly 2000 fans within 30 minutes and more than 3500 fans by 3am.
Police and Metropolitan Fire Service spokesmen said there had been a significant amount of calls to 000 however there were no reports of damage at 3am.

Everything is fine. Im just concerend about the one were gonna have soon, its gonna be big.
We're all gone in 2012 anyway, so enjoy these small tremors while they last. They're nothing :p
haha, then we all go on a completely unrealistic mission to get to a ship that will save us all!
Did anyone manage to sit through that whole movie? :p
We're all gone in 2012 anyway, so enjoy these small tremors while they last. They're nothing :p

Please don't say that. I don't want the world to fuck up until Sony's contract finishes :D
We're about 20 years overdue for one. Plus Adelaide is right on a fault line.
Some experts on the news tonight were saying the opposite, that we shouldnt have to worry about an earthquake hitting anytime soon. Apparently this one was 20kms underground in Mt Barker. 3.8 is the final reading.
Please don't say that. I don't want the world to fuck up until Sony's contract finishes :D

:lmao: Trust you to say something like that, I literally LOL'd when I read that. I don't want another one happening, actually I don't want it happening at all, I'm terrified of the damage they do not to mention the innocent people they kill *runs and hides*
Haiti, Chile, Baja, Indonesia, China, Adelaide, Turkey plus volcano and fireball meteorite. Mother nature is pissed off!
Haiti, Chile, Baja, Indonesia, China, Adelaide, Turkey plus volcano and fireball meteorite. Mother nature is pissed off!
Also Madeira (terrible weather and mud-slides), all European airports being closed due to the ashes from the volcano in Iceland.....

I'm really worried. Me and a friend talked about this.....I know it might sound crazy but since Michael died so much has happened. I really do believe nature is angry with humanity. Possibly because one of it's messengers died?
I'm really worried. Me and a friend talked about this.....I know it might sound crazy but since Michael died so much has happened. I really do believe nature is angry with humanity. Possibly because one of it's messengers died?

I totally agree with u on this. Like u said after michael died it just seems like the world has gone crazy! and like dangerous said MOTHER NATURE IS PISSED OFF!
Also Madeira (terrible weather and mud-slides), all European airports being closed due to the ashes from the volcano in Iceland.....

I'm really worried. Me and a friend talked about this.....I know it might sound crazy but since Michael died so much has happened. I really do believe nature is angry with humanity. Possibly because one of it's messengers died?

I am so glad that I am the only one that does think this, I was just talking about it about 10 minutes before I saw your post and was thinking the exact same thing. It's just so weird that all these disasters only start happening now since Michael has gone, coincidence I don't think so.

But seeing your post now makes me feel less sane now and not insane :lmao: