Adam Lambert's 'Time For Miracles' Video To Debut Before 'This Is It'

Can't wait for next week. I've been trying to disconnect myself from everything MJ related so I wouldn't get anxious, but it's too hard. I wish I had a time machine and fast forward to wednesday October 28. . . . .
It looks pretty cool aswell though, I think. A bit like Day after Tomorrow - I'm quite looking forward to it now :D
Yeeeeah. I'm always a sucker for a new Roland Emmerich disaster flick! Definitely gotta see.
I don't like this at all. They'll be playing the whole music video during the previews? Not cool. A snippet would be fine, but not an entire 4 + minute music video from another singer before an MJ concert/movie.

Well at least I know a good time to go get some popcorn. Even if I lose my seat I don't care. I'm not sitting through someone else's music video. This is about MJ and MJ only for me.
Im going to buy popcorn too, Michael loved popcorn :)

I'll pretend hes sitting next to me and we'll share it lol
Thanks so much!! me too I love when he wears these silky shirts. And the teal color is amazing :wub: