Adam Lambert's 'Time For Miracles' Video To Debut Before 'This Is It'


Adam Lambert's 'Time For Miracles' Video To Debut Before 'This Is It'

A '2012' trailer that includes the 'American Idol' runner-up's music video will be shown before Michael Jackson documentary.

In addition to putting the finishing touches on his major-label debut and announcing the nominees for the 2009 American Music Awards, where he will be performing, Adam Lambert just finished shooting the music video for "Time for Miracles," a song recorded for the upcoming end-of-the-world blockbuster "2012."
"[The video] was really performance-driven. It was really about the lyric content and the emotional guts of the song," Lambert told MTV News on Tuesday (October 13) in Los Angeles.

But given that the tune is being used in a Roland Emmerich-helmed disaster flick, fans should expect a doomsday element to the clip as well. "There were a ton of extras on the set. What they were doing is they were staging scenes reminiscent of what happens in '2012,' " Lambert said.
Specifically, the "American Idol" rocker pointed to one sequence in the video where he sings calmly while chaos surrounds him. "I'm just walking through looking straight at the camera singing the song, and there's a riot going on around me — people being tossed in front of me, looting, you know, people being arrested," Lambert described. "That was pretty wild, to try to stay focused on the song while that was happening. But we had fun. It was a good day."
Recording the song was perhaps more of a challenge. Lambert explained that working with producer Rob Cavallo on the power ballad was fairly intense. "[He] pushed me to the limit," Lambert said. "I sang for my life. It was quite a day of recording, but it turned out great." Cavallo and Lambert went on to work together on several tracks that might end up on Lambert's CD come November 24. (Cavallo spilled three song titles to Yahoo! Music on Tuesday, including "Suburban Decay," "Winners" and "Music Again.")
A small snippet of "Time for Miracles" leaked late last week, but Lambert told us to expect the full song later this week. "I believe on the 18th [Saturday], 'Time for Miracles' will be released. ... I'm really happy about it."
Lambert is especially happy about where fans will be able to see the "Time for Miracles" video: the big screen. "The '2012' trailer that we put together with the ['Time for Miracles' music video] will be premiering at the Michael Jackson film," Lambert revealed to MTV News, referring to a special trailer that will run before the upcoming documentary "Michael Jackson's This Is It."
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video of Paula Abdul, Snoop Dogg and Adam talking about MJ

I could not be happier about this...
I love Adam he is a HUGE MJ fan.. so Im so excited for him!!!! :wub:
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I hate American Idol and anything associated with it...
I just am happy for him because I know how much he loves Michael too.
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As long as it's a trailer and brief, I'm all for it. But I am way to anxious to see TII to have to sit through a lot of previews, no matter who's in it, even though I really like Adam.
He is so overhyped it's not funny. I don't get it and I also don't get Taylor swift either. Whatever both of their 15 minutes will be up soon. All the american idols are forgotten at some point except for the good ones like Jennifer hudson
I know Adam is a huge Michael Jackson fan, so I am happy for him. I am not much of an AI watcher, but I caught some of Adam's performances on youtube and he really is a wonderful signer and performer. He did an awesome rendition of 'Black or White' during Michael Jackson week.
dont like AI. It is good when someone tries to better themselves. I may see 2012 as well. didn't Michael say something about the year 2012 somewhere?

It is Cloumbia Pictures? It is $ony of course that is why the song will debut with This Is It. I change my mind I am not going to see the movie. Sony dont care for Michael they only care for Money..
dont like AI. It is good when someone tries to better themselves. I may see 2012 as well. didn't Michael say something about the year 2012 somewhere?

It is Cloumbia Pictures? It is $ony of course that is why the song will debut with This Is It. I change my mind I am not going to see the movie. Sony dont care for Michael they only care for Money..

I read somewhere that Michael thinks the world would end in 2012. I cant remember where I read it.
I gotta say I'm extremely proud of Adam.
They couldn't have found a better way to promote him. I'm really excited about it.
I sent him a MJ in bucharest DVD a few months ago and also an MJ bracelet which he wears sometimes on talk shows. it means so much to me :wub:
I just am happy for him because I know how much he loves Michael too.
wow, that's pretty cool. I wanna seeeee him wearing it! Do you have any snap shots?
Michaele.. I will send you a PM its kind of personal
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I read somewhere that Michael thinks the world would end in 2012. I cant remember where I read it.

Yeah, it's that Mayan Calendar thing - it doesn't surprise me that Michael believes in it, he seemed to be into all that kind of stuff. Maybe that's got something to do with the name 'This Is It'?
Not too pleased about this... just seems a bit wrong, This Is It should be all MJ and nothing else...
^^ DUH!! They ALWAYS shows other movies trailers be4 the Main Movie...
I read somewhere that Michael thinks the world would end in 2012. I cant remember where I read it.

Well, JW probably got into this 2012 thing.. just like they said the end of the world would be in 1914.. then 193* something, then in 197* something....

But even if I don't believe these things, I so wish it would be true.. just 3 years to go.. yeah!
While I never watched AI or Adam Lambert except for the last show, from other research and findings Adam's much more creative than we all think. Aside from his voice, he knows what sounds good in composition for a hit tune. I am disappointed Sony wants him to back up this 2012 movie, but whatever works to get one's name out there these days I guess.

I look forward to see what he does in the future. Hopefully he'll stray away from the pop norm these days. He seems rebelistic to me. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll rebel against the old farts in the record industry who think they know what their doing...
Well, JW probably got into this 2012 thing.. just like they said the end of the world would be in 1914.. then 193* something, then in 197* something....

But even if I don't believe these things, I so wish it would be true.. just 3 years to go.. yeah!
2012 has nothing to do with the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's the Mayan civilization from long ago.
I love Adam and everything he stands for. He's no faker like Clay Aiken. He says it like it is...and I love him for that.

Rock on adam :clap:
hmm! shouldn't we be discussing Adam Lambert and 2010 in another thread? I thought this is about This Is It and Michael? :) I guess $ony has brainwash us here!