Access Hollywood Exclusive Piece on MJ Auction > MONDAY

Geee, some thimgs are so personal and I've seen just a couple of pics. Michael is definately not agreeing with all of this as some fans have already stated, otherwise MJ wouldn't have sued them.

On the other hand I agree with the fact that Nverland preserves horrible memories for MJ and that he is better off with this stuff being sold, BUT I desperately hope that not some idiot is buying any of this pieces it would be a shame. A museum would be a far better alternative. Very difficult.

Hope MJ gets everything straight so he is ok with his belongings being sold.

Here are some pics, don't know if this link has been posted already:
Some fans are way too emotional... Neverland is a curse for Michael, don't you get it?

This is probably an emotional thing for Michael too. After all, these are his personal items. And Neverland is NOT a curse. It was a blessing to a lot of people. A blessing that some people just couldn't see for being blinded by the lies of the media.
Some of ya'll fans are bunch of SOFTES...LOL I want to know who are the CELEBRITES that already bidded???
Hi Everyone,
this is my first time posting.
I was looking at the catalogs for the online bidding at juliensauctions and noticed that they did not seem to have the "driving ms. daisy" car or the painting with little Prince michael anymore.
Do you think this means that MJ was successful in retrieving some of the things that he did not want to sell, or did I just overlook these items somehow.
Great news!!

Some fans are way too emotional... Neverland is a curse for Michael, don't you get it?

Neverland is not a curse, it's the media that is a curse. They take pleasure in seeing what someone has built up being ruined.

They know MJ loves Neverland. They hate him, so they try to destroy what he loves. That doesn't make the place a curse. It's like saying his projects are a curse because whatever project he comes out with, the media tries to destroy.

There are also those who have never wanted to see MJ with something that can equate or surpass Graceland. If MJ was to build another home, it would be the same thing. Why do you think he's not built another home in the US, and instead he just rents out?

He could easily build a new home with the millions he's spending on leasing.
Just caught the videos (thanks for the links!) and it sounded like at one point they actually had Michael's bed and his people came back to get it. So... imo it sounds like MJ got back all the stuff that he wanted, and Julien was even alluding to that fact. And that bit about it being only 10% of what he actually has... HOLY CRAP!! I'd be terrified to see the number of storage units that man has... LOL
Hi guys! I'm desperately looking for someone who's going to visit this exhibition. I can't go as I live in France and I really, really need to check an item in particular (see if it is exhibited and how) : can someone pleeeeeease help me???
the fact that Michael is showing up at the BelAir hotel where the auction is taking place next week...........tells me there is some participation from him about this auction..

I see him smiling in those pictures... so I am not stressing about the lawsuit because I don't see Michael stressing about it...
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the fact that Michael is showing up at the BelAir hotel where the auction is taking place next week...........tells me there is some participation from him about this auction..

I see him smiling in those pictures... so I am not stressing about this because I don't see Michael stressing about it...

I'm totally with you!

I mean, in those pictures from the BelAir Hotel where MJ is rocking the Balmain tee-shirt (LOL), he looks downright giddy, if you ask me.

Happy and relaxed, enjoying the day and the weather, in my opinion.
Hi guys! I'm desperately looking for someone who's going to visit this exhibition. I can't go as I live in France and I really, really need to check an item in particular (see if it is exhibited and how) : can someone pleeeeeease help me???

Crafty Sprite I will be visiting the exhibition on Thursday and I would be more than willing to check an item for you.

Thanks for posting the links and yes it's hard to know what we're suppose to feel like.
I feel the oposite to many of you. It's good sometimes to clean house, "throw" away things that clutter or burden you. All though I don't think I need a museum there's seems to be tons of stuff left. I don't need to look at a bed thats been in a guest house. Hope you get a lot of money Michael and then donate some of it. You feel alot better.
1.IF Michael don't want this, it's stupid of Julien's auction team.
2. IF Michael is fine with it, then what's sad? Like they said it's 10% of everything he has.
3. I'm sure MJ would have money enough though to win his MOST prescious things back (yes I know this is NOT the way it should be, I'm juuuust saying)..

I even thought it would be cool to win something and get it back to Michael.. but then thought if it was really --really important stuff MJ would win it back himself.probably.
1.IF Michael don't want this, it's stupid of Julien's auction team.
2. IF Michael is fine with it, then what's sad? Like they said it's 10% of everything he has.
3. I'm sure MJ would have money enough though to win his MOST prescious things back (yes I know this is NOT the way it should be, I'm juuuust saying)..

I even thought it would be cool to win something and get it back to Michael.. but then thought if it was really --really important stuff MJ would win it back himself.probably.

how is it stupid if Mj himself signed over the items?
how is it stupid if Mj himself signed over the items?


oh you mean stupid of JULIEN's auction.
I thought u meant Michael..I was confused.

Because there's been such a FUSS about it!
things being taken for the auction that MJ did not agree on(so he says)
THAT is stupid, if it's true. but who knows what kind of deal they had.
that's why i said if MJ doesn't like it.. (talking about the things he didn't want to get auctioned)
I have signed up for the auction. I hope to buy at least something from Neverland. Preferably a jacket, but I realize this will be very hard to get especially with my budget. I think Michael is fine with the auction now. He may even show up who knows!
Hi guys! I'm desperately looking for someone who's going to visit this exhibition. I can't go as I live in France and I really, really need to check an item in particular (see if it is exhibited and how) : can someone pleeeeeease help me???

This one?
(pic taken yesterday)
I feel very nervous about this auction for some reason!

Hope you guys take care of whatever you buy