Access Hollywood Alert Tomorrow

It was an interview with Jack Wishna, I've typed up the transcript:

Access Hollywood: Interview with Jack Wishna
January 08, 2010

Wishna: It was December 23rd, 2006--it was the day before Christmas eve--and we arranged it where a private jet would pick Michael Jackson up in Dublin, Ireland, and take him directly to Las Vegas.

Bush: For a comeback that was never to be. Breaking his silence for the first time...famed entertainment dealmaker Jack Wishna revealed the vision he shared with Michael.

Wishna: When he came off that plane, it was the Michael Jackson of the Bad tour, I think. The Michael Jackson that I grew up with. Honestly, never saw any drugs. Never saw any intravenous or needles, or anything like that. Never met any doctors around Michael.

Bush: Naming their project "Rock City" Michael would be required to perform just three days a month. Once settled into his new home with his children and the comeback collaboration was underway, his behavior turned erratic.

Wishna: As he stayed in Las Vegas, he started to get debilitated while he was here. And, debilitated from a mental health standpoint. Debilitated from a physical standpoint. The family starting to, you know, bother him again--his father Joe. It just saw a lot of the weirdness starting to come back.

Bush: Jack says he often had to conduct damage control, especially after one night when Michael watched a fight incognito in a wheel chair.

Wishna: My phone rings, and it's the associated press, and the person on the other end of the phone says, "Jack, what do you know about Michael being in a wheelchair last night with a coat over his head and sunglasses over the coat?" It's not, if you say, "Michael," you know, "why did you do that?" That's the way he wanted to go out. And, if he wanted to go out that way, that's the way he wanted to go out.

Bush: Eventually Wishna came to the decision that the negative publicity surrounding Michael's antics were detremental to the success of "Rock City."

Wishna: This was probably about June of 2007, and I said "Michael, I think we should shelve it. I think we should put it on a shelf, come back to it when you are mentally, physically, and vocally capable of being part of this project."

Bush: Wishna was both right, and wrong. As the world discovered in This Is It, Michael's vocals and dance moves were at the top of his game. But his drug abuse :)rolleyes:) sabotaged it all.

Wishna: I believe Michael was troubled every single day of his life. And I believe that contributed to his untimely death.

Thank you very much for this. I know transcribing can be time consuming.:yes:
thank you TSCM , as I predicted the HUNTING in 2007 had nothing to do with drugs , they wanted 'things' and when he did not deliever they went after him using the media .
I have to go in its only right…..

I just seen the chimerical for this episode I refused to watch it I can’t take it anymore if Michael was so trouble no body did any thing to save him on June 25, 2009 so “the family Insider” can’t take his bony looking crackish ass on next he would be the same cornball suing the estate next. Its sad that Michael thought these so called “friends” where really his friends.

Second if he was my brother, uncle etc I’m going in so hard body to listen to what he was trying to say he told most of these so called friends “they are trying to kill me” so you ignore because of you own misunderstandings in thinking he was such junkie? I swear there’s stories then is Michael Joseph Jackson story sadly this black man who made history story will never be heard only tabloid garbage.

No Michael wasn’t trouble he had trouble losers around him. He was killed and they still trying to put his death on him and us as fans just not having that I can't wait until people just go in and start speaking out. I personally feel no body is in his corner.

i'm done with all these bucketheads goodnite
Who is this guy and why in the world would Access Hollywood do an interview with someone who had no contact with MJ since sometime in 2007? He said nothing and what he said was so crpytic he probably pulled it straight from one of the rag tabloids. Not vocally capable? The rags have been saying that for a while.

I am glad I don't watch these types of shows. They are devoid of any pretense of journalistic integrity.
I saw it and regret watching it now. They of course referred to Michael as a druggie. Who is that guy any way? Never even heard of him. Either way, I'm done with these shows talking about Michael. I wont watch them anymore. They don't try to look for the real story or try to be balanced or fair at all. They just want to make MJ look as bad as possible. I'm sorry I wasted my time watching that.
FCK Wishna That jackass was dropped by Michael not the other way around. EFF him!
thanx for sharing , this man tell the stroy in a different way every time he talked to the press .this is i guess the third or fourth version of the press favourite bed -time story "HOW I MET MICHAEL JACKSON"
Watched this and am sorry I did.

Wishna's story is flawed. Why would he discontinue plans with Michael because of the 'disguise' incident and his alleged 'weirdness?' hello! is'nt that what the media has been feeding the public for years? If you ask me, Michael was the one who pulled out of those plans and not the other way around! And we have seen this scenario time and time again, when something does'nt go right between MJ and others, the first thing they do is to cast him as some lunatic! Pftt!

BTW.....Access Hollywood will be airing an interview Brooke Shields did with them and among other things she will be speaking for the first time about MJ's Memorial - (she was surprised the casket was there and all the time she was there she just thought MJ was gonna pop out of the casket and the show would then begin....)
Thanks, TSCM, for the transcript :) What a jackass Wishna is. Using MJ's name, talking ish to promote himself. How typical. :rolleyes2:

Mann...If i was there? :no: I know we all say this...but would something have changed if I was there? If any of his fans were there? The thing is we dont want anything from him except loving him and of course his music. I really wish I could turn back the time to the 1980's or something and warn him of ppl. that would be in his life in the future...:(

It Kills me that I was not able to do anything then and I cant do anything now to get to the root of things...:(
I know, Romi. It kills us all :( I've thought of this so many times. We fans who have loved him so dearly... if we could have been his staff... would things have been different? It all hurts so much. And oh for a time machine. MJ would be number one on my list. Hello 1983...
I saw it and regret watching it now. They of course referred to Michael as a druggie. Who is that guy any way? Never even heard of him. Either way, I'm done with these shows talking about Michael. I wont watch them anymore. They don't try to look for the real story or try to be balanced or fair at all. They just want to make MJ look as bad as possible. I'm sorry I wasted my time watching that.

Thank goodness that I haven't watched the tabloid shows since 2008. They are just stupid so I agree. I wish that there was a celeb news show that reports celeb news with accuracy, instead of tabloid bullcrap. So I agree with you. :cry:
this Wisha guy seems like he is made he didn't get a piece of MJ and now during his death...the "Michael Jackson" corp is making bank.. he was so close yet it so far..


anyways, Elvis' B-day celebration made me smile becuz... speaking of making bank.. the estate.. is making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ...with the Elvis music being played and sold..
brooke shields is on access hollywood right now talking about the funeral ..

Mann...If i was there? :no: I know we all say this...but would something have changed if I was there? If any of his fans were there? The thing is we dont want anything from him except loving him and of course his music. I really wish I could turn back the time to the 1980's or something and warn him of ppl. that would be in his life in the future...:(

It Kills me that I was not able to do anything then and I cant do anything now to get to the root of things...:(


I know, Romi. It kills us all :( I've thought of this so many times. We fans who have loved him so dearly... if we could have been his staff... would things have been different? It all hurts so much. And oh for a time machine. MJ would be number one on my list. Hello 1983...

I'm with you both! What a great idea that would have been MJBunny. Truly imagine if MJ got fed up with the people around him and hired only his true fans! Wow. I know MJ would have been healthy and strong and much happier than being around those evil leeches.

::hopes a time machine will be invented...soon::

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
Brooke Shields has broken her silence, speaking out for the first time about the emotional speech she gave during Michael Jackson’s public memorial in July.

Brooke opened up exclusively to Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush as she hosted the launch of LG’s Lotus Elite mobile phone at Las Vegas’ Palms Place Hotel and Spa.

“Did you see me shaking?” Brooke asked Billy, referring to her time on stage, which all the world witnessed over the summer at Michael’s memorial.

“That was a really riveting moment,” Billy said.

“Well, they didn’t tell us that the coffin was going to be there,” she said. “I thought — because there was a fantasy moment in my head — that he was going to jump out and start the concert.”

But fantasy quickly turned into sad reality for Brooke during her emotional seven-minute speech about her special friendship with Michael.

“They had written me something,” Brooke said. " I didn’t… I wrote my own thing and just had to do my own thing. But it was… I felt honored to be a part of it.”

Brooke explained it was someone very close to Michael’s heart who asked her to be a part of his memorial.

“His mom [asked],” Brooke told Billy.

But Brooke confirmed she and Michael hadn’t been in touch in a while.

“I had not only not spoken to him, I hadn’t seen him in years,” she said.

“There must have been many times where you wanted to pick up the phone and call him and say, ‘Can I help you? As a friend, can I come see you? Do you need someone to talk to?’” Billy asked.

“I did that, you know, 20 years ago,” Brooke said. “I mean… the rhetoric didn’t change, you know, I did that way back when, but anyway, I did my best.”

“You did a beautiful job,” Billy said of Brooke’s memorial speech.

“I hope I did a good job,” she said. “I tried.”
a "job" rather than a duty, the least she could do for an old friend !! grrrrr
She could have tried again to call him up over the years. Especially during the trial. It sounds like she gave up. I thought her speech was nice but it's sad to me that they didn't see or talk to each other for 20 years.
Yeah it is. But I guess it wasnt in the cards to be that way.
I also wondered why, if they were still friends,werent they
in contact with each other more? I'm not talkin' 24/7 either. Just occasionally?
Who knows if it would have made some sort of difference.

And Sophie, you gotta point at Billy....he used the word first. :/

Watching the show was a lot more effective for me this time around
than the article.
Brooke, in spite of not choosing her own words there, seemed
genuinely sad. She said Mrs.J asked her to speak.
I wish Elizabeth Taylor had spoken but I understand that she was too heartbroken and not strong enough to do it.

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
Brooke Shields has broken her silence, speaking out for the first time about the emotional speech she gave during Michael Jackson’s public memorial in July.

Brooke opened up exclusively to Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush as she hosted the launch of LG’s Lotus Elite mobile phone at Las Vegas’ Palms Place Hotel and Spa.

“Did you see me shaking?” Brooke asked Billy, referring to her time on stage, which all the world witnessed over the summer at Michael’s memorial.

“That was a really riveting moment,” Billy said.

“Well, they didn’t tell us that the coffin was going to be there,” she said. “I thought — because there was a fantasy moment in my head — that he was going to jump out and start the concert.”

But fantasy quickly turned into sad reality for Brooke during her emotional seven-minute speech about her special friendship with Michael.

“They had written me something,” Brooke said. " I didn’t… I wrote my own thing and just had to do my own thing. But it was… I felt honored to be a part of it.”

Brooke explained it was someone very close to Michael’s heart who asked her to be a part of his memorial.

“His mom [asked],” Brooke told Billy.

But Brooke confirmed she and Michael hadn’t been in touch in a while.

“I had not only not spoken to him, I hadn’t seen him in years,” she said.

“There must have been many times where you wanted to pick up the phone and call him and say, ‘Can I help you? As a friend, can I come see you? Do you need someone to talk to?’” Billy asked.

“I did that, you know, 20 years ago,” Brooke said. “I mean… the rhetoric didn’t change, you know, I did that way back when, but anyway, I did my best.”

“You did a beautiful job,” Billy said of Brooke’s memorial speech.

“I hope I did a good job,” she said. “I tried.”

Oh, thank you so much. Thanks for taking the time.
I wish Elizabeth Taylor had spoken but I understand that she was too heartbroken and not strong enough to do it.

Well, I agree with you when you say she was heart-broken, ten fold, yet I think the real reason why was simply b/c she was so fed-up with the world trashing him... and now suddenly they love him...she just didn't want to be a part of that spectrum. She wanted to grieve on her own, in her own way. So many folks got to go to that memorial, some if not most weren't even fans....yet just to say that they were a part of something, almost like a token of the century or something: this was heard to swallow. She also prob knew this. She probably also thougt that her words would have been taken out of context's sad when half your world dies and you can't even explain how you feel to those who wouldn't understand.
No, what she said was that they wrote something for her to read but she decided to write something herself instead.

Yeah, I know. But thats not the part I'm talking about.

This is what I was talking about:
“You did a beautiful job,” Billy said of Brooke’s memorial speech.

“I hope I did a good job,” she said. “I tried.”
Well, I agree with you when you say she was heart-broken, ten fold, yet I think the real reason why was simply b/c she was so fed-up with the world trashing him... and now suddenly they love him...she just didn't want to be a part of that spectrum. She wanted to grieve on her own, in her own way. So many folks got to go to that memorial, some if not most weren't even fans....yet just to say that they were a part of something, almost like a token of the century or something: this was heard to swallow. She also prob knew this. She probably also thougt that her words would have been taken out of context's sad when half your world dies and you can't even explain how you feel to those who wouldn't understand.

I don't blame her then. I didn't know Michael and I am just a fan but I was so fed up too with the constant bashing and I am at point where I don't want to hear praises now when Michael could have used that so badly during his toughest times when he needed the support.