Access Hollywood Alert Tomorrow


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
There will be a man on Access Hollywood tomorrow, he is supposed to be a Jackson family insider, he will be talking about Michael and how he was troubled everyday of his life. I don't know who this guy is. You guys can watch it if you want to tomorrow, I'll probably tune in too.
Has anyone seen the same add? Any idea who this supposed insider is?
All these insiders that make Michael look bad. I wish he would be left alone. I have a hard time believing any of these insiders.
its pointless to watch these gossip shows now because all they want to do is kick a dead man when he is down. They dont tell us anything we dont already know so there is no point.
I don't want to hear anything from those so called "insiders". The media only paid them to say "bad" things about Michael. Could you expect the truth from the person who sold other people's private life for money to satisfy his/her own greed? I just want them to leave Michael alone! Even they said good things about Michael, I still don't want to hear. During those years, we have heard/seen enough those insiders' craps from the tabloids.

I honestly don't bother watching tabloid shows...

I advice MJ fans to do the same. They're bound to trash and talk about him in a negative light no matter the topic.
There will be a man on Access Hollywood tomorrow, he is supposed to be a Jackson family insider, he will be talking about Michael and how he was troubled everyday of his life. I don't know who this guy is. You guys can watch it if you want to tomorrow, I'll probably tune in too.
Has anyone seen the same add? Any idea who this supposed insider is?

Oh boy....I hope it is not another Randy lackey, who will perpetuating the rumours that MJ was an addict. I am through with them.
I saw this announcement for the next Access Hollywood. I have no idea who this guy is. I'm intrigued (which is exactly what they want!)...but I'm sure it will amount to one more shady individual casting a bad light on Michael. How very sad.
Is it really so hard to just let the man rest in peace? For real...this is getting so tiresome. Troubled everyday of his life...sure, i'm sure the guy knows all there is to know about Michael, don't make me laugh. And if the guy is gonna talk about things concerning children...well, then we all know what time it is, then we all know he's only there for himself and a good 'juicy' BS story.
I saw this too last night and if I'm not mistaken, its that Jack Wishna guy, you know, the one who has something to promote right now? So now you see how MJ's name comes into play here. Watch him declare how he was MJ's saviour!

Another media seeking whore that MJ had the misfortune to meet.
I wish these kind of people would just shut up now. SOrry but I do not believe MJ was troubled everyday. Yes, Michael had some problems to deal with just like ALL OF US (it is called living and being human) but I do not think Michael was troubled everyday.
But everyday? :huh:
I dont think so.

Thanks for the alert.

I almost agree with this. The only thing I is, I'd say Michael WAS troubled, but certainly not everyday. Everyone is troubled in their own way.

That being said, I'm not watching that shit. I've gave up on 'insiders' a long time ago.
Haven't we heard enough negative stories from family and these "so-called" associates? I prefer to hear stories from his Motown family and his real friends. Those who have been respectful and honorable toward Michael's memory. I'm tired of hearing Michael labeled as a bad person, when in fact he was a wonderful human being. We all have faults. We are human. So was he. But I don't accept everything that's being said about him, even if it is from close relations. Just remember that we all go through ups and downs in life. But our lives are not magnified a million times over and scrutinized by the media and public on a daily basis. He was just a regular person who happened to be famous. As fans, we should uphold Michael the humanitarian and the entertainer. Not the sideshow that the media portrayed so prevalently the last 15 years of his life.
My friend just told me he read something about a woman that now claims she married Michael in the 70's..they got divorced, and now she wants money from him. If this is true...........sigh.
It sure is......

Originally Posted by Staffordshire Bullterrier
My friend just told me he read something about a woman that now claims she married Michael in the 70's..they got divorced, and now she wants money from him. If this is true...........sigh.

yea that was me... i want over a million dollars for pain and suffering.:doh:

come on everyone in the world has their sticky grubby leech fingers in Micheal's pockets. Didn't ya know?
It was an interview with Jack Wishna, I've typed up the transcript:

Access Hollywood: Interview with Jack Wishna
January 08, 2010

Wishna: It was December 23rd, 2006--it was the day before Christmas eve--and we arranged it where a private jet would pick Michael Jackson up in Dublin, Ireland, and take him directly to Las Vegas.

Bush: For a comeback that was never to be. Breaking his silence for the first time...famed entertainment dealmaker Jack Wishna revealed the vision he shared with Michael.

Wishna: When he came off that plane, it was the Michael Jackson of the Bad tour, I think. The Michael Jackson that I grew up with. Honestly, never saw any drugs. Never saw any intravenous or needles, or anything like that. Never met any doctors around Michael.

Bush: Naming their project "Rock City" Michael would be required to perform just three days a month. Once settled into his new home with his children and the comeback collaboration was underway, his behavior turned erratic.

Wishna: As he stayed in Las Vegas, he started to get debilitated while he was here. And, debilitated from a mental health standpoint. Debilitated from a physical standpoint. The family starting to, you know, bother him again--his father Joe. It just saw a lot of the weirdness starting to come back.

Bush: Jack says he often had to conduct damage control, especially after one night when Michael watched a fight incognito in a wheel chair.

Wishna: My phone rings, and it's the associated press, and the person on the other end of the phone says, "Jack, what do you know about Michael being in a wheelchair last night with a coat over his head and sunglasses over the coat?" It's not, if you say, "Michael," you know, "why did you do that?" That's the way he wanted to go out. And, if he wanted to go out that way, that's the way he wanted to go out.

Bush: Eventually Wishna came to the decision that the negative publicity surrounding Michael's antics were detremental to the success of "Rock City."

Wishna: This was probably about June of 2007, and I said "Michael, I think we should shelve it. I think we should put it on a shelf, come back to it when you are mentally, physically, and vocally capable of being part of this project."

Bush: Wishna was both right, and wrong. As the world discovered in This Is It, Michael's vocals and dance moves were at the top of his game. But his drug abuse :)rolleyes:) sabotaged it all.

Wishna: I believe Michael was troubled every single day of his life. And I believe that contributed to his untimely death.
It was an interview with Jack Wishna, I've typed up the transcript:

Access Hollywood: Interview with Jack Wishna
January 08, 2010

Wishna: It was December 23rd, 2006--it was the day before Christmas eve--and we arranged it where a private jet would pick Michael Jackson up in Dublin, Ireland, and take him directly to Las Vegas.

Bush: For a comeback that was never to be. Breaking his silence for the first time...famed entertainment dealmaker Jack Wishna revealed the vision he shared with Michael.

Wishna: When he came off that plane, it was the Michael Jackson of the Bad tour, I think. The Michael Jackson that I grew up with. Honestly, never saw any drugs. Never saw any intravenous or needles, or anything like that. Never met any doctors around Michael.

Bush: Naming their project "Rock City" Michael would be required to perform just three days a month. Once settled into his new home with his children and the comeback collaboration was underway, his behavior turned erratic.

Wishna: As he stayed in Las Vegas, he started to get debilitated while he was here. And, debilitated from a mental health standpoint. Debilitated from a physical standpoint. The family starting to, you know, bother him again--his father Joe. It just saw a lot of the weirdness starting to come back.

Bush: Jack says he often had to conduct damage control, especially after one night when Michael watched a fight incognito in a wheel chair.

Wishna: My phone rings, and it's the associated press, and the person on the other end of the phone says, "Jack, what do you know about Michael being in a wheelchair last night with a coat over his head and sunglasses over the coat?" It's not, if you say, "Michael," you know, "why did you do that?" That's the way he wanted to go out. And, if he wanted to go out that way, that's the way he wanted to go out.

Bush: Eventually Wishna came to the decision that the negative publicity surrounding Michael's antics were detremental to the success of "Rock City."

Wishna: This was probably about June of 2007, and I said "Michael, I think we should shelve it. I think we should put it on a shelf, come back to it when you are mentally, physically, and vocally capable of being part of this project."

Bush: Wishna was both right, and wrong. As the world discovered in This Is It, Michael's vocals and dance moves were at the top of his game. But his drug abuse :)rolleyes:) sabotaged it all.

Wishna: I believe Michael was troubled every single day of his life. And I believe that contributed to his untimely death.

Thankyou for this...

hmmm Not troubled...more like tired of the same SH!T that went on around him concerning $$ and power/control.

Mann...If i was there? :no: I know we all say this...but would something have changed if I was there? If any of his fans were there? The thing is we dont want anything from him except loving him and of course his music. I really wish I could turn back the time to the 1980's or something and warn him of ppl. that would be in his life in the future...:(

It Kills me that I was not able to do anything then and I cant do anything now to get to the root of things...:(
