Absolute MADONNA - Achievements + Awards

i love madonna. cant wait for her new greatest hits release. i just wish she would come to australia again!
Well then, how about we just shut down the "music makes the world go round" section altogether. :smilerolleyes:

Stop whining.

I don't think anyone's whining, I just don't see the significance in posting a thread about all of Madonna's achievements on a Michael Jackson site. Who cares honestly? This is something Madonna fans get excited about and want to know, I don't see why most MJ fans would care about this. I mean yeah it's great and all but really, I'm not that interested. A thread about a new Madonna album or song I understand, that i'd be interested in, but I don't see fans of other artists posting all their achievements on here.

I don't know, I just don't see the point, but whatever. Obviously there are some die hard Madonna fans on here so I guess that's who this thread is for.
I don't know, I just don't see the point, but whatever. Obviously there are some die hard Madonna fans on here so I guess that's who this thread is for.

You've just answered your own question :lol: I'm not a madonna fan and even I go into her threads every now and then. But this thread was 2 pages long already, so I don't understand the "ok everyone stop talking about her and close this thread! I don't like her." :mello:
TEOM outsold COAD. Get over it lol. And let's not exclude US sales, because last time I check the US is part of the world.

And if you want to use Mediatraffic, can you tell me what album is at #4 and what album is at #10 please.


There's nothing to get over and there's really no need for such snarky attitude when posting. As you stated yourself, Mariah and Madonna's 2005 albums sold about the same in the end (Madonna selling more outside the US and Mariah selling more in US) so I really find your "point" moot. My information came from that era so I actually appreciate the update. It's nice to know.

Also, you made a remark about the site I provided a link to as far as rankings go... Since you brought that up, did you notice the "Most Successful Artists" section and who was at #3 (behind only Elvis and The Beatles) and who wasn't even listed at all?

**since you're so keen on providing links to make a "point"**


Did you also notice who was at #9 on the year end charts with their last album and who was at #24?


I guess I'll never understand the hostility often displayed towards Madonna at this forum. I don't know if it's envy or what??? I really don't. Is it because Madonna is an incredibly strong woman and has never been a victim? Does the recognition she gets as the Queen of Pop and the fact that she has always remained active and relevant irritate? I don't get it. If someone doesn't like her- fine, but there is no denying her legend/icon status or her impact on popular culture. You can debate talent all you want but she wouldn't be where she is without it (+ incredible work ethic). You'd think there would be some camaraderie amongst fans being that MJ and Madonna ruled the planet together and are easily the two biggest icons/legends since the days of Elvis and The Beatles. We lost one the most incredible legends but we still have one left with us and she's kicking ass and paying her respects.

Anyhoo, I don't want to argue over all this jazz anymore. It's really not important. I extend an olive branch and hope there aren't any hard feelings. I certainly am not holding any grudges. It's all good.

And as far as discussing Madonna and her achievements?.... Why not? MJ fans who happen to be Madonna fans too have every right to discuss her and her success. I don't understand the issue. It brings me back to earlier about not understanding MJ fans issues with her.
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Well then, how about we just shut down the "music makes the world go round" section altogether. :smilerolleyes:

Stop whining.

Nobody is whining... its called common sense and ur missing the whole point.... why is there a thread about Madonna devoted to her awards and achievements? It should be in the MADONNA thread not its seperate own thread...
madonna is the queen of pop!mariah can be the queen's hairdresser if she want... LOL
I've left my "Madonna queen of pop opinion" in the queen of pop topic so I won't post it here again.
But she really needs to retire now or at least start acting her age, it's pathetic to see a 52 year old jumping around dressed like a 16 year old singing about going to the disco getting surrounded bij young boys.
I've left my "Madonna queen of pop opinion" in the queen of pop topic so I won't post it here again.
But she really needs to retire now or at least start acting her age, it's pathetic to see a 52 year old jumping around dressed like a 16 year old singing about going to the disco getting surrounded bij young boys.

You're comment is wrong on so many levels. First, Madonna is 51 years old. Two, how sexist of you. Three, so it is okay for Michael to act like a child (literally) and "jump" around on stage with young ladies dancing???

I am in no way trying to insult Michael Jackson but for an MJ fan to tell someone to "act their age" is absurd. There is nothing wrong with how he acted or how Madonna acts. She's still got it so why not flaunt it?
There's nothing to get over and there's really no need for such snarky attitude when posting. As you stated yourself, Mariah and Madonna's 2005 albums sold about the same in the end (Madonna selling more outside the US and Mariah selling more in US) so I really find your "point" moot. My information came from that era so I actually appreciate the update. It's nice to know.

Also, you made a remark about the site I provided a link to as far as rankings go... Since you brought that up, did you notice the "Most Successful Artists" section and who was at #3 (behind only Elvis and The Beatles) and who wasn't even listed at all?

**since you're so keen on providing links to make a "point"**


Did you also notice who was at #9 on the year end charts with their last album and who was at #24?


I guess I'll never understand the hostility often displayed towards Madonna at this forum. I don't know if it's envy or what??? I really don't. Is it because Madonna is an incredibly strong woman and has never been a victim? Does the recognition she gets as the Queen of Pop and the fact that she has always remained active and relevant irritate? I don't get it. If someone doesn't like her- fine, but there is no denying her legend/icon status or her impact on popular culture. You can debate talent all you want but she wouldn't be where she is without it (+ incredible work ethic). You'd think there would be some camaraderie amongst fans being that MJ and Madonna ruled the planet together and are easily the two biggest icons/legends since the days of Elvis and The Beatles. We lost one the most incredible legends but we still have one left with us and she's kicking ass and paying her respects.

Anyhoo, I don't want to argue over all this jazz anymore. It's really not important. I extend an olive branch and hope there aren't any hard feelings. I certainly am not holding any grudges. It's all good.

And as far as discussing Madonna and her achievements?.... Why not? MJ fans who happen to be Madonna fans too have every right to discuss her and her success. I don't understand the issue. It brings me back to earlier about not understanding MJ fans issues with her.

The point is that it really doesn't have much relevance on an MJ site. Again, what other artists fans are posting achievements about their idols on here? No one. I've never seen a thread like this on here about anyone that wasn't MJ.

And I know you're not talking about MJ fans having an issue with Madonna when Madonna fans are some of the nastiest, jealous, bitter, vile people i've ever come across in my entire life. On Madonnanation and other Madonna sites, they are horrible to MJ and show him absolutely no respect for the most part. Some are okay, but most talk about him like a dog.

I just hope you defend him when her fans talk trash about him like you always defend Madonna on here.

Nobody is whining... its called common sense and ur missing the whole point.... why is there a thread about Madonna devoted to her awards and achievements? It should be in the MADONNA thread not its seperate own thread...

Exactly. Put it in her official thread where it belongs.
You're comment is wrong on so many levels. First, Madonna is 51 years old. Two, how sexist of you. Three, so it is okay for Michael to act like a child (literally) and "jump" around on stage with young ladies dancing???

I am in no way trying to insult Michael Jackson but for an MJ fan to tell someone to "act their age" is absurd. There is nothing wrong with how he acted or how Madonna acts. She's still got it so why not flaunt it?

Fair enough, that's your opinion I can agree with some points of it.
But it doesn't changes mine, when I see a video like "sorry" or "hung up" I'm like: wow where's the remote!!!
The point is that it really doesn't have much relevance on an MJ site. Again, what other artists fans are posting achievements about their idols on here? No one. I've never seen a thread like this on here about anyone that wasn't MJ.

And I know you're not talking about MJ fans having an issue with Madonna when Madonna fans are some of the nastiest, jealous, bitter, vile people i've ever come across in my entire life. On Madonnanation and other Madonna sites, they are horrible to MJ and show him absolutely no respect for the most part. Some are okay, but most talk about him like a dog.

I just hope you defend him when her fans talk trash about him like you always defend Madonna on here.

Exactly. Put it in her official thread where it belongs.

I can understand what you are saying but at the same time Madonna fans feel the same about MJ's fans- that they are so hostile towards all other artists. That they have a God complex when it comes to MJ. And yes, I most certainly do defend MJ against the mean ones- I've been banned because of it a time or two.
What does Michael have to do with this?

A Michael fan saying that artist X's achievements are "mind-boggling" (?)...shouldn't the fan be used?

That ranking is based on singles success. Doesn't mean much.

and are easily the two biggest icons/legends since the days of Elvis and The Beatles.

I disagree.

Jona, you are clearly an intelligent person. You make your point, you say whatever you have to say with class, without insulting anyone. It's also clear that you LOVE Madonna, but you seem to- at times- defend her without arguments that support what you state.
Sometimes being realistic sucks. It's too damn painful: it's hard, for any MJ fan, to accept the baby dangling or the "I-sleep-with-children" episodes. It's hard to accept the "nose" (notice the "") and the surgical mask. It seems that it is also hard- this time for Madonna fans- to accept the fact that she is not an outstanding natural talent. Her talents as a singer/song-writer/dancer/musician are modest. That doesn't mean that she isn't an icon. She is intelligent enough to keep reinventing herself. She is brave enough to show that- in the music world- women shoud also be as well treated as men or that women can also be as successuful as men. She is not afraid of saying what's on her mind, even if that includes being rude to fans, talking about sex, etc.. Madonna is such a star! I would pay to see her perform, despite the fact that I am not a fan. She is different: she's a sexual force by nature and guess what? 90% of today's female popstars copy that aspect of her career/personna. She is definitely an icon. She knows her art better than anyone. She (her personna) is copied though never duplicated. But comparing her talent to Michael's, Wonder's or Prince's is a heresy, don't you think?
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When a Michael fan says artist X's achievements are "mind-boggling"...shouldn't the fan be used?

That ranking is based on singles success. Doesn't mean much.

I disagree.

Jona, you are clearly an intelligent person. You make your point, you say whatever you have to say with class, without insulting anyone. It's also clear that you LOVE Madonna, but you seem to- at times- defend her without arguments that support what you state.
Sometimes being realistic sucks. It's too damn painful: it's hard, for any MJ fan, to accept the baby dangling or the "I-sleep-with-children" episodes. It's hard to accept the "nose" (notice the "") and the surgical mask. It seems that it is also hard- this time for Madonna fans- to accept the fact that she is not an outstanding natural talent. Her talents as a singer/song-writer/dancer/musician are modest. That doesn't mean that she isn't an icon. She is intelligent enough to keep reinventing herself. She is brave enough to show that- in the music world- women shoud also be as well treated as men or that women can also be as successuful as men. She is not afraid of saying what's on her mind, even if that includes being rude to fans, talking about sex, etc. She is definitely an icon. But comparing her talent to Michael's, Wonder's, Prince's is a heresy, don't you think?

I appreciate your respectful approach very much but it seems to be you who can't accept that I can and DO find Madonna to be very talented in many areas as an artist and entertainer. I'm not sure why that is such a hard concept for someone to grasp. I'm a fan for a reason, much of why we are MJ fans, I think she's the best at what she does. You're trying to tell me to stop finding her to be the dynamic talent I find her to be and that just isn't going to happen. Yes, I do love Madonna, just as I love MJ and I'm proud of it. He's the King and always will be and Madonna is the Queen and always will be. It doesn't matter who comes along or what they achieve, they won't do it the same way these two legends did it.

Sue me.
Pretty Impressive. But I have to question this one.

Madonna has had more music videos played more often on MTV than any other artist.

I highly doubt this. Considering MJ's Thriller and Black Or White were aired at record breaking rates.

I remember reading that Black Or White is MTV's most ever played music video ever. I doubt this record is valid considering MJ virtually made MTV what it is.
Even though I think Madonna is VERY overrated, she has accomplished so much in her career!!
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2759043 said:
Even though I think Madonna is VERY overrated, she has accomplished so much in her career!!

Accomplishments dont mean anything to me if you are overrated because it means you didnt DESERVE any of it and that it was just given to you.... so its not really alll of that to be honest or change the fact she is overrated. It really only supports the the fact.
Accomplishments dont mean anything to me if you are overrated because it means you didnt DESERVE any of it and that it was just given to you.... so its not really alll of that to be honest or change the fact she is overrated. It really only supports the the fact.

Madonna has earned everything she has ever had in her life. She works harder than almost any other artist out there that is half her age and deserves every good thing that comes her way. Who are you to say Madonna doesn't deserve all that she has worked so hard for? What a silly thing to say.
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Accomplishments dont mean anything to me if you are overrated because it means you didnt DESERVE any of it and that it was just given to you.... so its not really alll of that to be honest or change the fact she is overrated. It really only supports the the fact.

but her accomplishments are something that you can't take away from her, no matter if you think they are deserved or not..it's what it is!
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