abc reissued an interview made to Michael an year ago when he was about to turn 50

When I hear Mj talk about the planet I wonder if its really on a superficial level. I remember seeinng him in los angelos after his 45 bday and he was driving away in this big white long vehichle almost looked like a hummer. I mean i doubt he was really livin green. he was so extravagant. I doubt he was conserving energy too by turning of all unused lights in his house and that kinda stuff. I mean just look at Neverland. Whatever Michael.
When I hear Mj talk about the planet I wonder if its really on a superficial level. I remember seeinng him in los angelos after his 45 bday and he was driving away in this big white long vehichle almost looked like a hummer. I mean i doubt he was really livin green. he was so extravagant. I doubt he was conserving energy too by turning of all unused lights in his house and that kinda stuff. I mean just look at Neverland. Whatever Michael.

How petty. Michael did care about the planet and wrote songs about it to raise awareness. While you're sitting here condeming him, I wonder, what are you doing to conserve energy or raise awareness? Give me a break.
When I hear Mj talk about the planet I wonder if its really on a superficial level. I remember seeinng him in los angelos after his 45 bday and he was driving away in this big white long vehichle almost looked like a hummer. I mean i doubt he was really livin green. he was so extravagant. I doubt he was conserving energy too by turning of all unused lights in his house and that kinda stuff. I mean just look at Neverland. Whatever Michael.

I really don't think its right to come out with stuff like that... If you don't like him why comment at all??
When I hear Mj talk about the planet I wonder if its really on a superficial level. I remember seeinng him in los angelos after his 45 bday and he was driving away in this big white long vehichle almost looked like a hummer. I mean i doubt he was really livin green. he was so extravagant. I doubt he was conserving energy too by turning of all unused lights in his house and that kinda stuff. I mean just look at Neverland. Whatever Michael.

Oh did you live with him? & Neverland wasn't exactly the same after 2005, was it? He left it all. And I think he had a hybrid car.
Thanks for posting this! I'm looking for the audio as was nice to read this again, now I want to hear his happy voice. :)

On a negative note, did you guys notice that idiotic caption beneath the video feed? It reads, "Anti-anxiety medications and marijuana may have caused Jackson's death." I mean, COME ON! That's not even CLOSE to being accurate. How ridiculous. I swear, I know members of the media are jackals and cruel, but this is just plain dumb. Sheesh.
I knew it Michael loved Off the Wall and Thriller the most- my two favourite MJ albums
I knew it Michael loved Off the Wall and Thriller the most- my two favourite MJ albums

Of course he did. That was before too much shit started happening to him :(. It was mostly about the music.
Of course he did. That was before too much shit started happening to him :(. It was mostly about the music.

Not only that but on Off the Wall and Thriller Michael was on Topform everything was perfect. His voice is just magic on both albums!
Not only that but on Off the Wall and Thriller Michael was on Topform everything was perfect. His voice is just magic on both albums!

Wait...have I talked to you before in some other thread? About HIStory album? Because some critic called MJ soulless after Thriller?

edit: Oh it IS you hehehe. I checked the thread. I knew you sounded familiar.
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Michael is a perfectionist. He knows that his voice was the best from 1978 to 1984.That´s why he loved the albums from that peroid.His voice is very good in every period but 78-84 -the best!
Thanks for posting this. It made me cry .. the best is yet to come. Aww Michael, I miss you.
Michael is a perfectionist. He knows that his voice was the best from 1978 to 1984.That´s why he loved the albums from that peroid.His voice is very good in every period but 78-84 -the best!
I don't agree with you, and I don't think Michael would agree with you. IMO Michael's voice got better with age, his songs were more meaningful after Thriller, and you could hear his beautiful voice better.
makes me sad to read this cos he was so optimistic about the future. Little did he know he only had 10 months left!!

I am so depressed today!
Thanks for posting.Michael still had so much to do he was looking forward to the future.So Sad.

Susannah xx