"A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations.

Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

What a wonderful read. Thanks for posting this.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

I wonder if someone from Thomas Snedden's office will step-up and spill the beans.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

I'm so glad so many of you have read it.
Please spread it to other forums and communities.
We need more people to read this.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

I wonder if someone from Thomas Snedden's office will step-up and spill the beans.

I doubt they will.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

This is great.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

You're all very welcome.
Like I said earlier, please spread this!
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

Does anyone know if Gary Dunlap was successful in suing Sneddon for 10mil? I haven't heard about that case since 05.....?
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

^ yeh id like 2 know that 2
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

Does anyone know if Gary Dunlap was successful in suing Sneddon for 10mil? I haven't heard about that case since 05.....?
dont beleive so from what i remember. last we heard years back was it was thrown out i think and never really heard anything after that
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

dont beleive so from what i remember. last we heard years back was it was thrown out i think and never really heard anything after that

REALLY? HMMMM? That would really suck if this is true....?
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

Gerladine and I have been talking again about trying to get her on Oprah. I mailed some info to Oprah's show back in 2005, yet she's still reluctant to hear anything postive about Michael. I mean, Gerladine even told me that some fans e-mailed the show constantly and even sent copies of 'Redemption.' Still though, no interest. I hope we can do something to change this, I mean, my likeness isn't that strong for Oprah now, but getting Gerladine on her show would help to answer a lot of questions the world has about what really happened. Hell, even having some fans who were in the court-room in 2005 would help... anything you know. I just wish things would move in Michael's favour.
I know, it's so frustrating! :( The media is not interested in showing anything positive about Michael.

Thank you so much for sharing, Indra!
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

Thanks for posting, that was a good read and once I stop being poor I'm definitely buying Redemption.
I'm not so sure about the second book though, where did she get her info this time? i mean, she was directly involved in the first case but how about now?
Should be good though, I wonder when it will come out.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

nice interview.it's very true Michael had an impecable life and all he did he did for children,for making the world a better place...
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

I'm so glad so many likes this page. Deb has done a great work and this page really spreads the truth about Michael and puts to rest so many media lies.
Please spread it guys!

Merry Christmas to all of you!
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

I love this page.
My favorite part is the "Fact vs Fiction" page, so great, really puts to rest so many of the false rumors that been spread around the world. We really need to make sure people sees this.

Just wish the media would see it and make it officall too, but we all know that's too much to ask.....
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

Did any one else know about this employee Michael hired she states "Those kids never slept with Michael, ever, never, and when they finally did get an opportunity to sleep in his room and in his bed, Michael, along with his hired supervisor, was on the floor."

I don't remember hearing that and why wouldn't Mike's lawyer bring him as a witness irrespective of whether Sneddon threatened to accuse him as being a perpetrator. Surely that would have knocked the case firmly on the head early on as Arvizo never made an allegation against any one else.

Good read though a bit long winded in some areas.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

I have her book "Redemption:TTBTCMA". It is well worth the read and corroborates much of what we have heard and read from various sources. Michael was always innocent and the father Evan Chandler, Barry Rothman and others cooked up this scheme to destroy Michael and his career. All over money and jealousy. Evan finally paid the price for his crime. I'm still waiting for others to go to jail behind what they did to MJ.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

Did any one else know about this employee Michael hired she states "Those kids never slept with Michael, ever, never, and when they finally did get an opportunity to sleep in his room and in his bed, Michael, along with his hired supervisor, was on the floor."

I don't remember hearing that and why wouldn't Mike's lawyer bring him as a witness irrespective of whether Sneddon threatened to accuse him as being a perpetrator. Surely that would have knocked the case firmly on the head early on as Arvizo never made an allegation against any one else.

Good read though a bit long winded in some areas.

You have to remember is that there were many, many witnesses that were available to testify on Michael Jackson's behalf. Some were never called, including Ryan White's mother. The judge refused to allow some of his witnesses to testify. Michael's civil and legal rights were violated in both cases. He always said there was a conspiracy to destroy him. It still goes a lot deeper than the FBI files that were just released.
Re: "A Witness To Extortion"... Exclusive interview with Geraldine Hughes about the 1993 allegations

You have to remember is that there were many, many witnesses that were available to testify on Michael Jackson's behalf. Some were never called, including Ryan White's mother. The judge refused to allow some of his witnesses to testify. Michael's civil and legal rights were violated in both cases. He always said there was a conspiracy to destroy him. It still goes a lot deeper than the FBI files that were just released.

All done with reason and purpose.

I salute Ms Hughes her book is excellent and was the first to tell the truth about this scam.