A thread for the ladies.

Which do you prefer?

  • Introverted

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • Extroverted

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Don't mind

    Votes: 10 38.5%

  • Total voters
First of all...that guy with the muscles! :puke:

When I first saw the question I thought I don't mind but thinking about it I do prefer introverted men. I can't stand it when men brag about sex and women and all that kind of thing. It's such a turn off for me. I prefer deeper, thinkers. I honestly think I'm better off alone, men only ever seem to let me down, well not just me, but all my friends and all the women I've ever known. I know men say the same about women, but if I like a guy I'm not gonna play games and lead someone on, then act all freaked out when the relationship starts getting too 'serious'. I mean, what is all that about? Nobody's perfect of course, but everyday I start believing less and less in love. Sad, but painfully true. There's nothing I would like more than to have it happen to me, someone who treats me right and has love to give without all the hidden agenda's...I kind of feel like that's a fantasy though. I've yet to meet a man that wouldn't be unfaithful at the drop of a hat. Of course there are exceptions, and if you're one of those guys, or you're with a guy like that hold onto it, because it doesn't come along very often. Still hoping for that fairytale to come and sweep me off my feet though. :ninja:

Sorry for the morbidity. :bugeyed It's just something I think a lot about.
Same. Not much to add, haha. :huggy:
Yes, I'm one of those guys and will always be like that. I do feel like I'm the only one like that in my area, pretty much everyone else is like how you mentioned, even the girls. I think I'll find the girl when I least expect it.

And your post reminds me of this thread. :)

Yes, I thought about Nar's post aswell and we know what happened with him :) Don't give up the hope girls :huggy: There's still a few gentlemen left in this world for us to discover :yes:
I want a guy like Mike of course! :heart: haha But i know no one will ever come close!

Im a shy person, i like shy guys! They have to make me laugh! I dont like conventionally attractive, i kind of like goofy guys! And they have to be able to handle my Michael addiction! I am yet to find that guy! :lol:
Here you go:

lol lol

that was cruel of you!!!! :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed I don't want muscles anymore!!:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

Now I will remember THIS when I listen to that song. :blink:

Tbh, it all depends on any given situation for me, to know and react appropriately.

It's one thing if a guy is with his buddies, fraternity brothers, etc, and plays along with whatever is the topic of conversation, within reason and respectful boundaries to some degree.

Too quiet and not contributing to any conversation does get rather boring after awhile.

Too loud, too boastful, getting too drunk, losing control too often, definately not appealing as well.

A definite sense of humor, a respect for the company one is in, respectful honesty rather than bragging, a certain level of comparable intelligence, compassion for others- humans as well as animals (a BIG one for me), easy going, committed to one's beliefs but open to respecting other's beliefs and LISTENING.

Irregardless of personal physical qualities, I would have to go with compassion, self confidence but with an equal dose of humility, humor, reasonably comparable intelligence, and "fairly" similar political and religious views/tolerances but with an open mind to discussion without ridicule or excessive judgement.
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A gentleman.

Intelligent and well-educated.
Good manners.
Good heart.
Good career.(no, I'm not a gold digga lol)
Good sense of humour.
Good sense of responsibility.
Is serious about love and would make a good father.
Tbh, it all depends on any given situation for me, to know and react appropriately.

It's one thing if a guy is with his buddies, fraternity brothers, etc, and plays along with whatever is the topic of conversation, within reason and respectful boundaries to some degree.

Too quiet and not contributing to any conversation does get rather boring after awhile.

Too loud, too boastful, getting too drunk, losing control too often, definately not appealing as well.

A definite sense of humor, a respect for the company one is in, respectful honesty rather than bragging, a certain level of comparable intelligence, compassion for others- humans as well as animals (a BIG one for me), easy going, committed to one's beliefs but open to respecting other's beliefs and LISTENING.

Irregardless of personal physical qualities, I would have to go with compassion, self confidence but with an equal dose of humility, humor, reasonably comparable intelligence, and "fairly" similar political and religious views/tolerances but with an open mind to discussion without ridicule or excessive judgement.

Great post, I agree with all you said too. :)

Surprised at how many people have said 'introverted'! I dislike arrogance intensely, but too much shyness can be hard work. A balance would be good :)

True about the shyness, but I'm really shy myself and once I get to know people I can be outgoing no probs. Shyness can cripple a person, seriously, it really makes things hard. So I'm drawn to that, because underneath that there's almost always a great person wanting to come out of it.
I thought my kind of guy was a Funny, Sarcastic, Smart one..
I would always say thats the kind of man I want.. HOWEVER - In 08 I started dating my "dream man" and all those things were awesome at first but the funny got annoying, the sarcastic got old, and the smart thing well sometimes he would use all these big words and I'd be like Huh?? He would try to be funny all the time, everyone else thought he was hilarious I thought it was just annoying and not funny maybe cause I heard it all the time.

So i dont know what my kind of guy is now . Be careful what you wish for.
I think saying "the kind of man I like it...." I guess that means nothing. Why love happens unexpectedly in people's lives and most of the time people always fall for people who are completely different... the opposites attract. So, it's hard to tell what kind of man. The right man is one who is going to touch your soul and reach your heart.
True about the shyness, but I'm really shy myself and once I get to know people I can be outgoing no probs. Shyness can cripple a person, seriously, it really makes things hard. So I'm drawn to that, because underneath that there's almost always a great person wanting to come out of it.

Yes shyness can be crippling, speaking from experience. I am very shy and quiet. Been like that since I was a child. But if a person takes the time to get to know me and if I begin to trust a person then I start to relax and open up and my true personality and sense of humor emerges. But most of the time I really don't trust people very easily so they only see my quiet side. My internet persona is somewhat different from my real persona. I'm much more vocal on internet message boards because nobody sees me and I can think about what I say before I say it. Whereas in real life I'm not that quick of a thinker and I just end up stammering if I try. That's why I participate so much on forums. I like the relative anonymity while still being able to express myself.