A rare glimps of Michael Jackson - The Family Man

They are beautiful photographs, but should be kept private. I have emailed TMZ asking that they dont show the kids faces. I dont like how the media seem to think that with no MJ around it suddenly gives them free reign to print pics of his kids when he really wouldnt want that. I've seen a few of them lately.
i think its extremely insensitive for TMZ and/or this site (if true) to be showing pictures of the kids even if they are from a while ago after all the painstaking lengths Michael went to, to make sure they were not in the public eye.
If you think about it, it was incredible that in all those years pictures were hardly ever leaked and the media never got to show them and now hes hardly been dead a few days and they are all over the media, it's extremely disrepectful to Michaels wishes, what will we see next, leaked pictures of them suffering?

I've heard that pictures of at least 1 (but I think it was 2) of the children crying after visiting the hospital have been published... so yes, the media are way ahead of you. It's pretty sick how they completely disregard the lengths MJ went to to protect the kids' identities now that he's gone, as if they don't matter.
I've heard that pictures of at least 1 (but I think it was 2) of the children crying after visiting the hospital have been published... so yes, the media are way ahead of you. It's pretty sick how they completely disregard the lengths MJ went to to protect the kids' identities now that he's gone, as if they don't matter.

I've seen it now, the Paris picture in the car, absolutely horrible of them (NOTW) but I've noticed all the murdoch papers are now reprinting all the old crap as well with all the Terry George/Chandler bullshit etc, we fans are used to this crap and know it would have been reprinted as soon as he started the london shows anyway so I think we can block it out, but the kids NO.

It's eerily similar to Princess Di and the rush to get the pictures of her in the car which Michael warned so much about.

Nothing changes with them people so all we can do is stop buying the papers (I don't know about anyone else but I haven't bought a Newspaper in about 8 years) and never click on the ads on their websites this should be an unwritten rule for all MJ fans
At this point, it really doesnt matter what Ruport and his spin machine do to hurt Michael. The people all over the world are not listening to them. They are celebrating Michael's legacy. And we are only witnessing the beginning. So far, Michael is bigger than Elvis already. Wait until Sony starts releasing never heard of recordings. You aint seen nothing yet!
I wonder why the black community in hollywood doesn't come togeether to stop this nonsense like the white hollywood community did with Heath Ledger. They stop those pics from being shown.
I wonder why the black community in hollywood doesn't come togeether to stop this nonsense like the white hollywood community did with Heath Ledger. They stop those pics from being shown.

I noticed on the BET Awards alot of sympathy and condolences to the Jackson family, namely Katherine and Joseph. But what about the kids. That's Michael immediate family now! They are owed the most sympathy and respect.
No offense, but pix like these dispell all of the harshness the media spins with Mike. They make him look like a monster, but photos like this show exactly how much of a normal, real person he was, and how much his children meant to him, as well as how much they loved him. You can see it in the way they're holding each other.

Martin Bashir made him look like he was a horrible parent. Photos like these tell a different story. I think they're charming, and they do him no harm...they do him credit. I'd love to see more of them, because for once, they're simple...sweet...innocent...positive. Something that MJ's paparazzi photos usually lack.

They make me love Mike even more...