A rare glimps of Michael Jackson - The Family Man


Proud Member
Nov 30, 2007
New pictures have surfaced showing Michael at home with his family. I thought they were so beautiful and they showed just how much he loved his children and how much they loved him. I just had to post them. I have pixilated the children's faces out of respect for MJ's wishes.














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i would love to see, but there appears to be a problem with the bandwidth?
Beautiful photos and how Michael should be remembered, because he was a kind and gentle man. The photo of Michael with a Thriller era t-shirt is funny, very cool.
some things are private really. love those pics but it isn't right because they should never have been spread along with the pic when he wasn't breathing anymore. It is a shame that people now steal his stuff dealing with the press making money out of him. that is the way it goes down but i wish I wouln't have to witness this
These pics are already posted here uncensored from TMZ
Wonderful photos. Makes me feel so sad for the kids... he was a great great man.

Still, unacceptable that these photos leaked.
Those pics are beautiful, but I fear that we will be seeing a LOT more soon, rightly or wrongly :(
How pictures can say a thousand words. Beautiful! thanks for posting.
gorgeous. can't stop crying. no one deserves this.
OH god, I'm dying here.....Give him back, god, give him back, so that he can enjoy these beautiful time for longer
michael jackson is so normal, pix like this u just see him as a dad and nothing more. hard to explain. i duno :(
i think its extremely insensitive for TMZ and/or this site (if true) to be showing pictures of the kids even if they are from a while ago after all the painstaking lengths Michael went to, to make sure they were not in the public eye.
If you think about it, it was incredible that in all those years pictures were hardly ever leaked and the media never got to show them and now hes hardly been dead a few days and they are all over the media, it's extremely disrepectful to Michaels wishes, what will we see next, leaked pictures of them suffering?
the family has been corresponding w/ tmz and now exclusive pics of the kids from when they were younger have come out. so u think maybe the family did this? to sort of help normalize mj and show that he truly was a devoted father?
Please do not post the photos without covering Michael's children's faces - until we make a ruling on a possible policy change. Thank you.

Ok, policy stands. Michael asked us to protect the privacy of his children and at this time we will continue to honor his request.
I love those pictures of Mike and his children. My favorite picture is where Mike has his hand over Paris' head. You can tell he was such a loving and caring father. What a wonderful man he was. I will miss him terribly.
Katie, I'd love to think they were from the family to show what a beautiful family, Michael, Prince, Paris and Blanket were.

But, I've a strong feeling that someone that was close to Michael during that time sold these pics to TMZ. They are all taken around the same time. If the person who had the pics were still around Michael they photos would be more current. This is a shame. I may be wrong and hope I am. We got to brace ourselves people. The media is going to stomping on our hearts alot.

and Katie. LOVE your Tattoo and I am so glad that you have Zac to help you thru this time.
oh thanx cass....i think so too,vw.

it sounds so fishy. has anyone from the family corresponded w/ tmz since the photos? i don't see any posts taht say the family told us or somethin gto that effect.

how sad is it that he tried for 12 yrs to keep this private and in 2 1/2 days it was all over the internet. maybe they were sold or maybe given to show mj was a good father. maybe w/ good intentions but obviously not what mj ever wanted for his kids
what a legend. dude wears his own tshirt?! lmao!!!

I know! I love that picture and him wearing on a shirt?! done! love it! the look on his face is priceless too, like yeah, my yellow shirt photo.