A MICHAEL JACKSON CONCERT made with HOLOGRAMS of him only(no dancers)

I wouldn't want to see it. It's 'fake'. You maybe can see him, but you can't feel his energy and see his interaction with the fans. I rather watch older footage of the real him, the real performer, the real person.
I never saw him for real and I can only dream and imagine of how it would have been.
And I do, in my dreams.
I would think for me,, it would be the same as watching a Michael dvd with my really good headphones in.. it wouldn't be the same :( a great idea.. but just I dunno :/ :( i want HIM not a computerised one
No, I don't know if I could see something like that. Whilst his image may be created Michael had this aura where ever he went and it was just extra ordinary to be close to. You can't recreate that in a hologram.

my exact feelings....:D
is would be a reproduction of him, like a moving museum, for those who have not seen him ON STAGE, i think there would be liek thos e who would say " OH no, no way" but other would say "Oh! I would love to go" so its all good
my exact feelings....:D
Lucky!!!!... i want to see it, even if there is no interaction, and it wont be the same, it would be like a trip to time imagining that for a while he is alive and doing his thing, and that im in one of his concerts. :angel:
Lucky!!!!... i want to see it, even if there is no interaction, and it wont be the same, it would be like a trip to time imagining that for a while he is alive and doing his thing, and that im in one of his concerts. :angel:

I can share your excitement about the idea...i think it's great! it just wouldn't have that feeling...that all encompassing Michael presence....
What about the option of buying your own hologram concert with Michael. You could like have a lifesize Michael dancing and shouting on the wall in your house. Wouldnt that be cool! :D Maybe its the future, but with blu-ray we could make Michael extremely clear. I dont feel like going with lots of fans at a theater and watching him alone in a hologram. But at home it would be different.
What about the option of buying your own hologram concert with Michael. You could like have a lifesize Michael dancing and shouting on the wall in your house. Wouldnt that be cool! :D Maybe its the future, but with blu-ray we could make Michael extremely clear. I dont feel like going with lots of fans at a theater and watching him alone in a hologram. But at home it would be different.
I love that TOOO, the concert and my own Michael hologram!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wild: :wild: :wild: :clapping:
I love that TOOO, the concert and my own Michael hologram!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wild: :wild: :wild: :clapping:

why stop at that, why not have a scratch and sniff Tom Ford Black Orchid card, that way you get the whole experience :puke:
I could never sit through a hologram concert...part of me would be waiting for Michael to come popping out and start singing and dancing...no no ...way to sad to think about..:boohoo:
Lucky!!!!... i want to see it, even if there is no interaction, and it wont be the same, it would be like a trip to time imagining that for a while he is alive and doing his thing, and that im in one of his concerts. :angel:

yeah, and then it's over and the reality comes crashing down on you - he's gone, forever, it wasn't real, it wasn't him. no, I'd rather save myself the heartache.:(
one thing is for sure, this raises some awareness, of quite a bit to think about. it's not really about fault, here, or guilt, but, it reminds us of how selfish we all really are....

hasn't every artist dreamed of being eternally desirable? i don't know..but i would venture, so..because everybody wants to be loved, forever. you dream of being a hollywood star, you don't want it to be just fifteen minutes of fame. Elton John said that the average artist has a five year run. it's very unusual for an artist to not have an expiration date, as far as fan desire is concerned. i know Elton John is a great artist, but he must feel like he was temporary, if he said that..

but, is eternal desirability, a double edged sword? i mean, the artist is human. what would it be like if you had a job, but people demanded that you NEVER retire? wouldn't it kill you?

but nobody chooses whether or not, they become the person who is eternally desirable, as an artist, or employee of another field.

would we feel to blame, if we drove an artist into the ground, because that artist is eternally desirable? after all, we didn't choose for that artist to be eternally desirable, and, like i said, neither did the artist. but, would we still feel guilty?

it's obvious, we can't get enough of Michael. this thread confirmed that. that's not wrong, to not be able to get enough of greatness. but, the artist is still human...

truly a double edged sword.

it might teach us to be careful of what we desire...

but, if the media desired to end Michael's desirability(and they did)..well..they failed.

MJ is the first artist, to be kept going, on the desirability scale, by his fans, without media help. i remember stories of other artists, who were kept going, by the media, and would have been forgotten, if the media didn't campaign for them, to stay in the front of the world's collective mind.

i guess, one thing about a hologram, is, that people can desire to see the hologram, as often as they want, without fear of guilt of running the hologram into the ground...

desirability is a scary thing.

perhaps, we could hope, that..we could just leave it at..whatever we are meant to be, it's the kind of thing that protects us, and doesn't do us in...

after all..who wants to desire to be so eternally desirable that they get run into the ground? at the same time, who wants to desire to only have 15 minutes of fame? and no matter how long or short that 15 minutes is, it will always feel like only 15 minutes, if it expires.
and who wants to desire to run an artist into the ground, by wishing for that artist to be desirable, without time for that artist to be with his chidren, truly, for the rest of his life, by retiring? and who desires to be a fan of an artist, that they can stop being a fan of, after 15 minutes?

i assume..nobody. but i could be wrong. is the definition of success, being able to retire? or is it, not being able to retire? i know it makes me re examine the definition of success.

at least..that's how i feel...

...just more rambling by me...
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good point 144,000.
Michael wanted to be remembered forever. he stated so on many occasions. to live forever. to be here forever. to be remembered as a great artist. he wanted his art to live. that was the artist in him.

but he also said that he wanted to retire at some point. he didn't want to be like James Brown, still touring at 70... he wanted to sit back, and enjoy what he accomplished, relish in it. that was the human in him.

did we run him to the ground? this bothers me. i don't like to think we did, because we loved him - and he knew we loved him, and he wanted to say thank you... and died in the process. we would still love him, even without the shows - i hope he knew that. but he decided to come back regardless - so... are we the ones to blame? no, i think he succumbed to a different kind of pressure. from other people, not fans as such.

we'll never know, but personally i think, even if he retired at some stage, we would've heard about Michael Jackson - at least every now and then. he wouldn't retire COMPLETELY. he would do movies, or whatever, less physically demanding stuff as he got older. that's what i think.

personally, i don't think he would've been averse to the idea of a hologram. he loves these kinds of things. i think he would've liked it if he could still bring entertainment to people, even after he's gone.
it's ME who's averse to the thought - because of how i feel about him, because of my past experiences with him. i'm not protesting the idea itself - i just would never go and see it, because of what it would do to me. but Michael - both the artist and the human - would've liked it. that's what i think. he wanted to be immortal. and he is. he'll always be desireable. he'll live forever.
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why stop at that, why not have a scratch and sniff Tom Ford Black Orchid card, that way you get the whole experience :puke:
All the other posters said something on favor or against or with doubt, but with CONTENT, but you, i mean, you are... well, lets just let it there....:puke:
why stop at that, why not have a scratch and sniff Tom Ford Black Orchid card, that way you get the whole experience :puke:
ONE MORE THING, i would KNOW (everyone would know) its A HOLOGRAM; we are talking about a RECREATION, nothing more nothing lesss, i never said it was REAL, its an illusion, but is something i would like to experience beeing a fan at least ONCE, always knowing is not real...but trying to feel it is, i mean some of you are (some people just mix up everything) make it sound like im saying "lets take his body" and disgusting stuff like that, thats stupid.....
While I think this is a possibility in the future and I think that someday, somebody might attempt this, I don't know if I would go see this or not. Part of me says yes and another part says no.

I say yes because it will be similar to seeing Michael and I will never ever get my chance to see him in concert. Ever. And I truly wish I could have but I was far too young or not even born yet. My chances of ever seeing him weren't close to possible even when he was alive.

But then I would say no because, even though it would be like seeing him in concert, it won't be the same because it won't be Michael. Michael won't be there performing, it won't be real although it would seem real. It just wouldn't be.

I don't know. I can definitely see this happening in the future and I actually think Michael would support something like this. But if he were here, it wouldn't have to happen anyway. I don't know. I think it's a really good idea, but as for me seeing it...I'd have to think long and hard about it. It might be too painful for some fans and others just want that experience to fill in the void. For me it's both: Very painful, but I really want that experience, even though it won't be the same experience others got when Michael actually performed. It will be close enough and it's all we have now.

Of course it won't be the real deal, Michael Jackson but there's nothing we do now. If a hologram concert is the closest it can get. Then so be it. There's nothing we can do. Of course it won't be "real" but it will be close enough and I think it would be worth it. Although, it's something I'd still have to think about whether or not I'm ready for it. However, I'm leaning more towards a "yes" to seeing it, if it ever were to happen.
I would definitely go to a concert that used hologram footage of MJ. I never got the chance to see him live so this would be ideal for me. Obviously it wouldn't be the same but it's the closest we can get to seeing him live now.
no way. i wouldnt waste my time or money to see Michael Holograms in concert. it wouldnt feel right and it would just be way too painful to watch. i wouldnt like the fact to be reminded of someone we all loved dearly that he's gone and this what we have left nothing but a computer generated image of someone that is irresplaceable. not even a impersinater would be any better. i never got to see Michael perform live and seeing a hologram wouldnt do it for me at all. just wouldnt be the same.
No, I don't know if I could see something like that. Whilst his image may be created Michael had this aura where ever he went and it was just extra ordinary to be close to. You can't recreate that in a hologram.

I totally agree that it would not be Michael and you can't bring him back and have this moment of seeing him there only few meters away from you breathing with the same air and performing for you, because you've got a ticket.

But think about this: 100 years ago people couldn't believe that their apparences, looks and moves can be recorded and watched in a silly looking box called tv. Today we can record and re-watch nearly everything in a very good quality. We know it's not real (well it is real, but not in the same moment of time and not for the person who is being watched). But for many of us this is real, because emotions we feel are real.

Today we can re-watch Michael on his concerts or any other video eve in 3D or just see him smiling to us from the photo. And it's also not real. It's just a captured moment of time. Actually it's a 4th dimention. So why not? It's just a better technology and higher quality of re-watching. And we are already re-watching. Why don't let the KOP to be re-watced in the best technology ever :)

Ans as for the dancers: I would keep them. I would keep things and idea of performance they way it was done originaly. Out of respect to the artist. Do not desintegrate his art :mellow:
one thing is for sure, this raises some awareness, of quite a bit to think about. it's not really about fault, here, or guilt, but, it reminds us of how selfish we all really are....

hasn't every artist dreamed of being eternally desirable? i don't know..but i would venture, so..because everybody wants to be loved, forever. you dream of being a hollywood star, you don't want it to be just fifteen minutes of fame. Elton John said that the average artist has a five year run. it's very unusual for an artist to not have an expiration date, as far as fan desire is concerned. i know Elton John is a great artist, but he must feel like he was temporary, if he said that..

but, is eternal desirability, a double edged sword? i mean, the artist is human. what would it be like if you had a job, but people demanded that you NEVER retire? wouldn't it kill you?

but nobody chooses whether or not, they become the person who is eternally desirable, as an artist, or employee of another field.

would we feel to blame, if we drove an artist into the ground, because that artist is eternally desirable? after all, we didn't choose for that artist to be eternally desirable, and, like i said, neither did the artist. but, would we still feel guilty?

it's obvious, we can't get enough of Michael. this thread confirmed that. that's not wrong, to not be able to get enough of greatness. but, the artist is still human...

truly a double edged sword.

it might teach us to be careful of what we desire...

but, if the media desired to end Michael's desirability(and they did)..well..they failed.

MJ is the first artist, to be kept going, on the desirability scale, by his fans, without media help. i remember stories of other artists, who were kept going, by the media, and would have been forgotten, if the media didn't campaign for them, to stay in the front of the world's collective mind.

i guess, one thing about a hologram, is, that people can desire to see the hologram, as often as they want, without fear of guilt of running the hologram into the ground...

desirability is a scary thing.

perhaps, we could hope, that..we could just leave it at..whatever we are meant to be, it's the kind of thing that protects us, and doesn't do us in...

after all..who wants to desire to be so eternally desirable that they get run into the ground? at the same time, who wants to desire to only have 15 minutes of fame? and no matter how long or short that 15 minutes is, it will always feel like only 15 minutes, if it expires.
and who wants to desire to run an artist into the ground, by wishing for that artist to be desirable, without time for that artist to be with his chidren, truly, for the rest of his life, by retiring? and who desires to be a fan of an artist, that they can stop being a fan of, after 15 minutes?

i assume..nobody. but i could be wrong. is the definition of success, being able to retire? or is it, not being able to retire? i know it makes me re examine the definition of success.

at least..that's how i feel...

...just more rambling by me...

wow, please forgive me for being random, but I just love the way you speak! I really do! Makes me all happy and :jump:-y like.
I mean I love the way you are creating questions and not giving one answer. You must be a very openminded person :huh: I like that :)
:lol: I am laughing at myself but this topic it's very interesting for me so I will post a 3rd post in a row! :lol: but I still hope that someone will answer :)

I have a question:

How many of us can actually say we don't watch the footage from Michael's concerts? huh? :huh: I do understand that some of us don't watch it, because it's very painful for them and I respect that. But the thing is - we are the fans. Being a fan is all about loving, adoring, admiring the idol and being happy to do that, right? I know many of us feel they have a personal relationship with Michael, but it's a different thing. My questions is: how many of us don't watch the footage of him during his concerts?

I would say - 99% watch it :mellow:

And we are all happy to see him in his best, during his incredible performances.
And we are all sad and devastated to think he is now gone and we will never see him again in the real life.
And we all hope he is in a better place and none can hurt him now.

The thing is: we know we watch just and only a recorded footage. But in the same time we experience those great incredibly strong feelings. Something that can make us feel as if he was really there. Something that allow us to admire and love him even more, that inspires us to do things fans normally do. And this is what we truly are. We are his fans.

There is nothing wrong with that.

So why wouldn't we want to expirience it more, with a better technology. Always in the back of our heads knowing it's not for real?... just think about that.
I always (since his passing) thought of a Concert (full concert) entirely made of Michael HOLOGRAMS, no need of no dancers, just Michael Jackson dancing and singing, his voice should be in synchro, and it would be a possibilty to believe he is alive in that concert at that moment and what most important it would give the chance to experience it to the ones who have never seen him in concerts, also for the ones who wants to see him anytime....

With all the technology of these days im sure this can be DONE, it sholuld be opened, say all Sundays on a big place, it would be MONUMENTAL, and the money will run like the speed of Light, a great business there.

What do u think??
i feel like crying
i disagree with you it would be bad idea to try to bring michael back from the dead
speaking of technology i guess my want to scare me or something
my brother play a funny joke on me back in 1990's i ask my brother to buy me michael music
( im not sure where my brother find a hologram of michael)
my brother made me think that michael was dancing/singing my room
back in 1990's it was unheard of and hard to get technology to get a hologram
back then i thougt music only come on cd/dvd's
but i got more then i ask for
i still have michael in heart next time i feel like crying
i will just play with my michael hologram
I have a question:

How many of us can actually say we don't watch the footage from Michael's concerts? huh? :huh: .

I bought the TII dvds on the day of release, but I havent opened them, they are still sealed, I got a new mp3 player which has no Michael music, I havnt switched on my other MP3 player since June 24 2009, I havent watched ANY dvd since before June 24/ 25 2009, all my dvds and cds are in a box under my bed, I dont watch footage on youtube, I dont have any Michael music in my spotify playlists, I dont download stuff from MJJC, when I hear his music in shops I walk out, when I see or hear him on tv I turn the tv off. Does that answer your question!!!
i feel like crying
i disagree with you it would be bad idea to try to bring michael back from the dead
speaking of technology i guess my want to scare me or something
my brother play a funny joke on me back in 1990's i ask my brother to buy me michael music
( im not sure where my brother find a hologram of michael)
my brother made me think that michael was dancing/singing my room
back in 1990's it was unheard of and hard to get technology to get a hologram
back then i thougt music only come on cd/dvd's
but i got more then i ask for
i still have michael in heart next time i feel like crying
i will just play with my michael hologram

What are you saying???
:bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed bring Michael from the dead!!!???:bugeyed im talking about HOLOGRAMS.....i dont know what are YOU talking about.... good GOD, help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smilerolleyes:
What are you saying??? :bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed bring Michael from the dead!!!???:bugeyed im talking about HOLOGRAMS.....i dont know what are YOU talking about.... good GOD, help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smilerolleyes:

Why the hell are you even on this forum? You're very rude and VERY dim.
Well i dont mean to be mean, but believe, you are just a few, but there are thounsand who think otherwise and completely agree with me, and with a technology like this, Mihcael LOVED TECHNOLOGY, he himself will say "GO! DO IT", im sooooo sure :yes: Im 1000% sure

There has been talk of doing this for the Cirque concerts. And I personally think it would be amazing. I have seen Michael during the Bad Tour, but I would still love to see him as a hologram - like you mentioned Michael loooved technology and I have a feeling he would be in favor of it.
I bought the TII dvds on the day of release, but I havent opened them, they are still sealed, I got a new mp3 player which has no Michael music, I havnt switched on my other MP3 player since June 24 2009, I havent watched ANY dvd since before June 24/ 25 2009, all my dvds and cds are in a box under my bed, I dont watch footage on youtube, I dont have any Michael music in my spotify playlists, I dont download stuff from MJJC, when I hear his music in shops I walk out, when I see or hear him on tv I turn the tv off. Does that answer your question!!!

I guess you are the 1% that doesn't. I play his music in my shop every time I work there. It makes me feel so good to listen to him- it's as though he is with me giving me a hug. Ihave customers coming in from 7 year olds - 20's and 60's singing along while shopping- it's a joy to see- that's the magic of Michael as plain as day.

I would love to see him in hologram form- I love Michael so much and I feel he is alive and will always live forever. I guess we all have our way of dealing with this tragedy.

I really hope though, that one day you will be able to hear his music and his magic and have a smile on your face, I know Michael would love it if you would. He worked all his life to help ppl all around the world feel happiness and joy through his talents, it would be ashame if he failed with you . L.O.VE.
I always (since his passing) thought of a Concert (full concert) entirely made of Michael HOLOGRAMS, no need of no dancers, just Michael Jackson dancing and singing, his voice should be in synchro, and it would be a possibilty to believe he is alive in that concert at that moment and what most important it would give the chance to experience it to the ones who have never seen him in concerts, also for the ones who wants to see him anytime....

With all the technology of these days im sure this can be DONE, it sholuld be opened, say all Sundays on a big place, it would be MONUMENTAL, and the money will run like the speed of Light, a great business there.

What do u think??
That would be cool but it's very bitter sweet. The cirque soleil shows might use holograms.