A MICHAEL JACKSON CONCERT made with HOLOGRAMS of him only(no dancers)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I always (since his passing) thought of a Concert (full concert) entirely made of Michael HOLOGRAMS, no need of no dancers, just Michael Jackson dancing and singing, his voice should be in synchro, and it would be a possibilty to believe he is alive in that concert at that moment and what most important it would give the chance to experience it to the ones who have never seen him in concerts, also for the ones who wants to see him anytime....

With all the technology of these days im sure this can be DONE, it sholuld be opened, say all Sundays on a big place, it would be MONUMENTAL, and the money will run like the speed of Light, a great business there.

What do u think??
i know this may hurt some..but..certain things were made for a certain time...and not everybody is meant to have had certain experiences.. those who had the fortune to see the real MJ in concert, do have a treasure... those who did not..it just wasn't meant to be...

trying to 'bring back Michael' in this hologram way..well...it feels hollow..
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i know this may hurt some..but..certain things were made for a certain time...and not everybody is meant to have had certain experiences.. those who had the fortune to see the real MJ in concert, do have a treasure... those who did not..it just wasn't meant to be...

trying to 'bring back Michael' in this hologram way..well...it feels hollow..

Nothing personal against the OP but..I have to agree with this post..
I've been to Michael's concerts, and I know I personally would never attend the hologrammed one. It would be too painful, and a constant reminder of what we've lost. But each to their own, of course. :)
i know this may hurt some..but..certain things were made for a certain time...and not everybody is meant to have had certain experiences.. those who had the fortune to see the real MJ in concert, do have a treasure... those who did not..it just wasn't meant to be...

trying to 'bring back Michael' in this hologram way..well...it feels hollow..

I don't think I agree with this, though. 21st century, technology moves forward, and if there are opportunities like this, why not use them?

That is to say, again - I'd never attend a hologrammed concert of Michael, but someone like... I don't know, Elvis? Someone that I had far less emotional attachment than to Michael, I might consider it. Of course it would never ever be the same as seeing the real thing, but it would be entertaining, I think.

I love technology. :)
Well i dont mean to be mean, but believe, you are just a few, but there are thounsand who think otherwise and completely agree with me, and with a technology like this, Mihcael LOVED TECHNOLOGY, he himself will say "GO! DO IT", im sooooo sure :yes: Im 1000% sure
Well i dont mean to be mean, but believe, you are just a few, but there are thounsand who think otherwise and completely agree with me, and with a technology like this, Mihcael LOVED TECHNOLOGY, he himself will say "GO! DO IT", im sooooo sure :yes: Im 1000% sure

Yes, but you asked about our opinion, so we stated it. Everyone (you included) can only speak for themselves, and I don't think any of the responders claimed to be speaking for ALL the fans. :)
What with all the holograms threads all of a sudden? lol

With a hologram, your going to get the exact same performance everytime. And the bottom line is, it isnt Michael.
Yes, but you asked about our opinion, so we stated it. Everyone (you included) can only speak for themselves, and I don't think any of the responders claimed to be speaking for ALL the fans. :)
Oh My, i was only saying my opinion, you stated yours, but i have mine, so we would have to agree to desagree, please l.o.v.e everyone :)
What with all the holograms threads all of a sudden? lol

With a hologram, your going to get the exact same performance everytime. And the bottom line is, it isnt Michael.
But there are millions who have not seen Michael Jackson LIVE IN A CONCERT, this would be like a coming back to a fabulous time, to a Michael Jackson concert!!! :yes:

im beeing positive, i mean, think it WILL happen, its a WONDERFUL IDEA, and as i said money will run like the speed of light...

And im not fighting, im tired of negativity frankly, please dont take my answers as if i was here to start a fight :no: , this is a forum.

l.o.v.e again :yes:
You know, my first thought about this idea is I wouldn't want to see a holographic MJ, but now having seen Captain EO again a few times at Disneyland, I'm starting to change my mind on that idea. The 3D effects in that film almost are like a hologram. I still think it may be too soon to start doing it now, but in the future I think I would be open to the idea.
It won't be Michael.... I think it would be better for the Estate to release Michael's concerts in good quality, so that the people could touch the magic of a real performance even if it's only through a TV screen...
It won't be Michael.... I think it would be better for the Estate to release Michael's concerts in good quality, so that the people could touch the magic of a real performance even if it's only through a TV screen...
But it doesnt have to be the estate only.... i mean it would b a big thing, and it can be done in the near future :)

And is not the same seing Michael on tv, the the whole kinda illusion of him and the fans reunited to celebrate on a concert!!! :), with holograms is like seeing the reality, is not, but is like the entire AURA OF HIS FANTASTIC GENIUS ON STAGE, LIFE SIZE.

Michael would love this, im sure, we all know how much he adored technology :yes:
No, I don't know if I could see something like that. Whilst his image may be created Michael had this aura where ever he went and it was just extra ordinary to be close to. You can't recreate that in a hologram.
But it doesnt have to be the estate only.... i mean it would b a big thing, and it can be done in the near future :)

And is not the same seing Michael on tv, the the whole kinda illusion of him and the fans reunited to celebrate on a concert!!! :), with holograms is like seeing the reality, is not, but is like the entire AURA OF HIS FANTASTIC GENIUS ON STAGE, LIFE SIZE.

Michael would love this, im sure, we all know how much he adored technology :yes:

Of course, it will be only the Estate that could authorize something like that... anyway, i stick to my opinion, no offence. I know what it's like to be at Michael Jackson concert. Michael Jackson's concerts are the best concerts I experienced in my life. Nothing will ever top that. And after he passed, my friends invite me to other concerts from time to time (like U2 etc), but I am just not interested, because nothing will ever come close.

and I don't think that this Hologram thing will bring his aura back. I think it will be just like watching a robot, which in my opinion is creepy. Probably it could work with a hologram of an actual concert from the past, but I don't see how it can be done with new material. I can't see myself cheering a hologram.......

However I think that new fans might appreciate it.
But it doesnt have to be the estate only.... i mean it would b a big thing, and it can be done in the near future :)

And is not the same seing Michael on tv, the the whole kinda illusion of him and the fans reunited to celebrate on a concert!!! :), with holograms is like seeing the reality, is not, but is like the entire AURA OF HIS FANTASTIC GENIUS ON STAGE, LIFE SIZE.

Michael would love this, im sure, we all know how much he adored technology :yes:

i know MJ said he liked technology, but we are not the ones to speak for him about specifics..we only know what we like..no matter what we hear others say...

even if you told me what you love, how would you feel if i spoke for your specific feelings?


but think about it..when an audience member looked at Michael, and the audience member came onstage and danced with Michael....the human/spiritual/love experience of that..

can a real audience member do that with a hologram?
Also, part of the joy of the concerts is the interaction between the artist and the fans. How he responded to us and how we responded to him... I would miss that. :(

And no one's thinking you're starting a fight, you started a thread and everyone just shares what they think about the idea, some like it some don't, so no need to get defensive. L.O.V.E. :)
no no no, sorry to be blunt, I dont agree with a holgram Michael concert in any way shape or form. Bring back his aura, um have you any idea how much this hurts, for those who actually FELT his aura in real life. Im sorry you never got to see him but I believe things happen for a reason. It just wasnt ment for you to see him, and you will follow a different journey to those of us who have seen him. Many of us find it to painful to listen to his music or watch footage so even the though of a hologram Michael is like a knife stabbing my heart.
^^ yes, I agree and feel the same.

:better::better: thanks.

Sometimes I feel that those who didnt get to see Michael or are new to the fan communites are over compensating for missing out. Stop trying to recreate the past and find your story, your unique journey. Going to concerts, seeing Michael in real life, that was our story, our journey. We lived though it, experienced it first hand. Now its your time, to find your path. Our journey of seeing Michael, of feeling the magic is over, all we have is memories. Yours is just starting. Create your own HIStory, leave us ours. The concert experience was special and unique, a moment in time which has now gone. To relive it, to bring back some hologram of Michael is not right and is far too distressing for those of us haunted by memories of him holding our hands, looking into our eyes....
:better::better: thanks.

Sometimes I feel that those who didnt get to see Michael or are new to the fan communites are over compensating for missing out. Stop trying to recreate the past and find your story, your unique journey. Going to concerts, seeing Michael in real life, that was our story, our journey. We lived though it, experienced it first hand. Now its your time, to find your path. Our journey of seeing Michael, of feeling the magic is over, all we have is memories. Yours is just starting. Create your own HIStory, leave us ours. The concert experience was special and unique, a moment in time which has now gone. To relive it, to bring back some hologram of Michael is not right and is far too distressing for those of us haunted by memories of him holding our hands, looking into our eyes....

But isn't that a bit selfish?

I know I'm lucky that I saw Mike live 4 times from Bad through to HIStory so I wouldn't see a hologram concert probably, but others don't have that choice. They can't see him live anymore and many were days away from doing so.

This may be the next best thing so is part of 'their journey'.

If it's too distressing, don't go.
:better::better: thanks.

Sometimes I feel that those who didnt get to see Michael or are new to the fan communites are over compensating for missing out. Stop trying to recreate the past and find your story, your unique journey. Going to concerts, seeing Michael in real life, that was our story, our journey. We lived though it, experienced it first hand. Now its your time, to find your path. Our journey of seeing Michael, of feeling the magic is over, all we have is memories. Yours is just starting. Create your own HIStory, leave us ours. The concert experience was special and unique, a moment in time which has now gone. To relive it, to bring back some hologram of Michael is not right and is far too distressing for those of us haunted by memories of him holding our hands, looking into our eyes....
Im from Argentina, i was too young when he came here, i could NOT experience anything unlike some of you...
And there are soooo many YOUNG FANS.... ITS a wonderful idea!

and sorry but dont you think you are pretty selfish, you dont know, Michael only came to my country ONCE
I have never seen Michael in my life before so I would attend the holo thing. Seeing the Star Wars Movie, I've always wanted that to happen. It's great owning or seeing something as cool as Star Wars you know.
But isn't that a bit selfish?

I know I'm lucky that I saw Mike live 4 times from Bad through to HIStory so I wouldn't see a hologram concert probably, but others don't have that choice. They can't see him live anymore and many were days away from doing so.

This may be the next best thing so is part of 'their journey'.

If it's too distressing, don't go.

and even Prince, Paris and Blanket have not seen him live in concert, remember Michael wanted to do the concerts for them cause they were OLD ENOUGH to enjoy :yes:
I have never seen Michael in my life before so I would attend the holo thing. Seeing the Star Wars Movie, I've always wanted that to happen. It's great owning or seeing something as cool as Star Wars you know.
imagine Holograms are better than movies... so it would be awesome

and even Prince, Paris and Blanket have not seen him live in concert, remember Michael wanted to do the concerts for them cause they were OLD ENOUGH to enjoy :yes:

That was a bit of an embelishment. Prince and Paris were at the 30th anniversary concerts but obviously too young to remember it and appreciate it.
I would probably cry my eyes out during it, wondering what the TII concert I was ment to go to would have been like, but I would go. I never got the chance to see him and this could kind of be closure to me
I would probably cry my eyes out during it, wondering what the TII concert I was ment to go to would have been like, but I would go. I never got the chance to see him and this could kind of be closure to me
yes, and like you and me there are MILLIONS who would go, young fans, and of course some of the ones who have seen him before.

And Prince, Paris and Blanket would apreciate it, specially knowing Michael's desire was for them to SEE HIM, HIS FATHER ON STAGE!!!!! :yes: