A letter to Michael Jackson fan's on the eve of THIS OF THIS IS, by Aphrodite Jones

blahh. gotta love ppl who sit on the fence and wait to see who wins b4 supporting them

LOL I know that is right!LMAO, I am like Aphrodite you were the ones who thought he was guilty and then decided to switch sides at the last minute. Also I don't think you are that concerned with Mike's death as your witch hunt behavior kinda led him down the path of no return. Nevertheless,hindsight is always 20/20. Now if Geraldo would've wrote the book i would buy all of the books as Geraldo stayed true from the beginning to the end.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone ... :mello:

Shouldn't we at least be glad that her book exists at all?
Man some of you guys are weird! It's almost as if you don't want people to change their minds about Michael!
Yes she made mistakes, she obviously regrets them!
Honestly! When a person who was convinced MJ was guilty and did everything to prove it, changes their mind and admits they were wrong.. well.. it says a lot! It takes courage to do that.
Well, I like her book. It's not a negative book on Mike. She changed her mind and apologized a million times. I wish Oprah would do the same. That's all I'll say.
Would some of you rather she didn't change her mind at all and continued to bash Michael?

At least she saw the light. She apologized. Her book is great and obviously Thomas Masserau believed in her honesty as well and wrote the foreward.

Better late than never.
A lot of people that were convinced Michael was guilty then realised the truth would have just shut up and keep quiet. But she came out and openly said that she realised the truth-that Michael was innocent. She didn't have to write a book but she did. Too many people kept quiet about defending Michael when he was facing those disgusting lies.
blahh. gotta love ppl who sit on the fence and wait to see who wins b4 supporting them
When she wrote the book, how was that "sitting on the fence"? Sure, what she did during the trial was disgusting - she was one of them.
How about focusing on what she did after the trial that other journalists didn't do?

"Sitting on the fence to see who wins before supporting them"?
You and I both know that the acquittal was never a "win" for Michael as far as the media was concerned.

Writing this book was an extremely unpopular move at the time. And it's not like she wrote it after he died to cash in.
When she wrote the book, how was that "sitting on the fence"? Sure, what she did during the trial was disgusting - she was one of them.
How about focusing on what she did after the trial that other journalists didn't do?

"Sitting on the fence to see who wins before supporting them"?
You and I both know that the acquittal was never a "win" for Michael as far as the media was concerned.

Writing this book was an extremely unpopular move at the time. And it's not like she wrote it after he died to cash in.

I think what Aphrodite did was brave. Not many of us would admit we screwed up publically. She did and she did this while Mike was a live. So how is that 'sitting on a fence' is beyond me.
I like the book glad she wrote it. For those who think she is using us ;now we use her to get the message out. We need to think business like now. She is a credible journalist/author. You may not want to admit it but we need her just as much as she need us. We can ride her all the way to mainstream media same thing for Oprah. We need the viewership. We need to reach more than fans. We know the truth. It is time for payback. Let's use them now.
Aphrodite Jones realized the mistake of her errors. Stop hating on her. She changed her mind, yet she never gets forgiven? That's low. Really low.
We need more people to change their minds that is why myself and others are working hard to come with ideas to help people change their minds it is a good thing. Oh yeah, she didn't have to try the sales pitch at the end though.
I must say that I find at least a part of MJ's fanbase very strange. So much hate there. It's like, those that say negative things about him are monsters and those that say nice things about him don't really mean it but are faking it - or at the very least they have hidden agendas.

"Heal the World"? Yeah, right.
No one wanted to publish her book and she did it. Give her some credit. I am glad she wrote this book. She said that she is glad that she changed her mind and saw the wrong others were doing. She did not have to do this..she could of been like Demon and wrote a negative self centered lying book.
Remember when you go on a TV show you have to do as they say to some extent.
I understand a lot of fans are bitter towards anyone who thought falsely of Michael back then, but seriously, when someone admits they were wrong and then devotes their time to defending someone else, that's a powerful thing.

Like the poster above said, she could have easily made money off a book filled with salacious lies about MJ but she chose to spend her time defending him. How can you not appreciate that?

Don't you guys have the ability to forgive, don't you believe in redemption?

I like AJ. I respect her for her writing and appreciate her for continuing to defend Michael.
I understand a lot of fans are bitter towards anyone who thought falsely of Michael back then, but seriously, when someone admits they were wrong and then devotes their time to defending someone else, that's a powerful thing.

Like the poster above said, she could have easily made money off a book filled with salacious lies about MJ but she chose to spend her time defending him. How can you not appreciate that?

Don't you guys have the ability to forgive, don't you believe in redemption?

I like AJ. I respect her for her writing and appreciate her for continuing to defend Michael.

Would some of you rather she didn't change her mind at all and continued to bash Michael?

At least she saw the light. She apologized. Her book is great and obviously Thomas Masserau believed in her honesty as well and wrote the foreward.

Better late than never.


A lot of people that were convinced Michael was guilty then realised the truth would have just shut up and keep quiet. But she came out and openly said that she realised the truth-that Michael was innocent. She didn't have to write a book but she did. Too many people kept quiet about defending Michael when he was facing those disgusting lies.

And this.
After all, it was in JUNE of 2005 that Michael Jackson was fully exonerated and found to be an innocent man in a court of law in California. Yet, for the last four years of his life, and for many years prior to that, Michael was confronted will the false reputation of being a child molester. He died trying to restore his image, and in my opinion, while he planned a great comeback, Michael still suffered from a broken heart. How that label must have weighed on his very sensitive soul.

and remember that all this adulation about his "Greatness" comes a day late and a dollar short. People revere him now, true, as they should. But why does everyone stay away from the "elephant in the room"

I know. 4 years, just 4 years. Thank you for making it plain, sister Aphrodite
cause i find ppl like her fickle. i doubt she would have written such a book if mj were convicted. she would have been "celebrating " with all the rest. she worked for fox she helped in the attempt to lynch mj then when he won she suddenly saw the light. she reminds me of the poem about when they came for the socialists i stood by and did nothing when they came for the jews ppl stood by and did nothing and when they came for me there was no one left to defend me.if she really had balls she would have refused to take part in the lynching and stood for the truth then not afterwards when she suddenly decided to investigate the case and low and behold thought mj was innocent afterall. fake.

Exactly! :)
She's better than most people who suddenly fell in love with MJ after he died. :rolleyes:
Thank you, Aphrodite!

cause i find ppl like her fickle. i doubt she would have written such a book if mj were convicted. she would have been "celebrating " with all the rest. she worked for fox she helped in the attempt to lynch mj then when he won she suddenly saw the light. she reminds me of the poem about when they came for the socialists i stood by and did nothing when they came for the jews ppl stood by and did nothing and when they came for me there was no one left to defend me.if she really had balls she would have refused to take part in the lynching and stood for the truth then not afterwards when she suddenly decided to investigate the case and low and behold thought mj was innocent afterall. fake.

I disagree with you. I have the book and have read it. True Aphrodite Jones was just like all the other media people in convicting Michael without any real evidence. This was from 2003-2005. However, after the trial she did have a change of heart. She researched her information including the past accusations, the trial evidence and testimony and other sources. The Michael Jackson Conspiracy just states the facts surrounding the case. There is no opinion as to innocence or guilt. But after reading the book, I think most people that oppose MJ would change their minds and see that he was the real victim of a media and corporate conspiracy. Aphrodite took a lot of flack for this book. Many outlets refused to promote the book or even offer it for sale. Had they done so, maybe the truth about Michael would have come sooner and he would not have had to endure the hell he went through the last 4 years of his life. Even that big phoney Oprah Winfrey, who is now trying to use the Michael bandwagon to again get ratings, did not come to Michael's defense in any fashion. She too had convicted him without hearing the real evidence. The only major media person who stood by Michael was Geraldo Rivera. I'm not even a fan of his. But at least he had the guts to go against the grain. He believed in his heart this man was innocent. And he was right!
And by the way, his lawyer Tom Mesereau wrote the forward for this book. He initially had refused to have anything to do with Ms. Jones.