A letter to Michael Jackson fan's on the eve of THIS OF THIS IS, by Aphrodite Jones


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
Monday, October 26, 2009
To all Michael Jackson fans on the eve of the THIS IS IT Premiere

To all of Michael Jackson's fans, I want to say that, first, I have been overwhelmed with grief about Michael's death, as I know so many if us are. The fact that we don't have any "reasonable" answers, that he was taken from us so quickly and so shockingly, makes matters even worse. In all this time, I have pondered why Michael was taken and why his life was ended in June, of all months. It may be silly of me to think this, but I can't help seeing the slight connection for us to make about Michael passing in this particular month... After all, it was in JUNE of 2005 that Michael Jackson was fully exonerated and found to be an innocent man in a court of law in California. Yet, for the last four years of his life, and for many years prior to that, Michael was confronted will the false reputation of being a child molester. He died trying to restore his image, and in my opinion, while he planned a great comeback, Michael still suffered from a broken heart. How that label must have weighed on his very sensitive soul. The man could not seem to shake the rabid media from tying to demonize him, and he was forced to live as a "nomad" for years after that harrowing criminal trial in Santa Maria. How horrific that had to be for him, for his family, and for his children... Michael tried to shield his babes from the world, but he knew all too well that the day would come where they too, would be confronted with the specter of the ugly allegations. Now, as we reflect on the King of Pop, and pay tribute to this man of awe-inspiring talent, we must realize too, that people need to learn the truth, once and for all -- about Michael's innocence. Many of you have written from all over the world, letting me know that my book, MJC, is not available in other countries, and that MJC is not even available in bookstores in the USA. It is, as a response to your interest, that I have decided to make a few signed copies of Michael Jackson Conspiracy available. I do want the truth to win out, as I know we all do... But without having the proof to arm ourselves, well, it becomes an uphill battle against people who show no mercy or concern over the media's ability to twist facts and destroy a reputation.... I hope that any of you who decide to contact me, and request a signed copy of MJC, will also do Michael the honor of reaching out to the cynical folks around you... Do it for Michael, and remember that all this adulation about his "Greatness" comes a day late and a dollar short. People revere him now, true, as they should. But why does everyone stay away from the "elephant in the room" and leave so many minds to continue to wonder about his ethics and morals as a human being? Michael Jackson was an angel. Sent to us to heal the world and bring us all together as one color, one people. Somehow, his message got overshadowed by folks who had a mission to tear him down. Michael did not deserve this, and his fans know that. I ask you all then, KNOWING the truth, to help restore this "King" back to his rightful place. Michael Jackson deserves a solid reputation in death....even though he may have not enjoyed one in life. Please, please, spread the word... and know that you are helping people see through spoon fed media agendas, and are helping a loving soul to be paid the full RESPECT he deserves.
blahh. gotta love ppl who sit on the fence and wait to see who wins b4 supporting them
You sound rather Negative, Elusive....why?
cause i find ppl like her fickle. i doubt she would have written such a book if mj were convicted. she would have been "celebrating " with all the rest. she worked for fox she helped in the attempt to lynch mj then when he won she suddenly saw the light. she reminds me of the poem about when they came for the socialists i stood by and did nothing when they came for the jews ppl stood by and did nothing and when they came for me there was no one left to defend me.if she really had balls she would have refused to take part in the lynching and stood for the truth then not afterwards when she suddenly decided to investigate the case and low and behold thought mj was innocent afterall. fake.
Wow that was interesting. I seriously hope Michael didn't have a broken heart :cry: he knew how much he was loved. Those stupid allegations, no idea how angry I am towards them :angry:
Poor sweet Michael :( I hope he has found the right happiness and perfect peace. He deserves it. He did his best here to help everyone, but people took him for granted :( OMG I miss him :cry:
cause i find ppl like her fickle. i doubt she would have written such a book if mj were convicted. she would have been "celebrating " with all the rest. she worked for fox she helped in the attempt to lynch mj then when he won she suddenly saw the light. she reminds me of the poem about when they came for the socialists i stood by and did nothing when they came for the jews ppl stood by and did nothing and when they came for me there was no one left to defend me.if she really had balls she would have refused to take part in the lynching and stood for the truth then not afterwards when she suddenly decided to investigate the case and low and behold thought mj was innocent afterall. fake.


The guilty one is her - she was driving the lynch mob during the 2005 trial - so this is her way of expiating her sins.

The guilty one is her - she was driving the lynch mob during the 2005 trial - so this is her way of expiating her sins.

No, that was what she did when she wrote the book and published it.

I guess some people prefer that people go on thinking Michael was a pedophile. If they change their minds, you'll just call them fake.
<<<seriously hope Michael didn't have a broken heart >>>> I do not think he had a broken heart. Also, when I find interesting about June, MJ died in black music month.
cause i find ppl like her fickle. i doubt she would have written such a book if mj were convicted. she would have been "celebrating " with all the rest. she worked for fox she helped in the attempt to lynch mj then when he won she suddenly saw the light. she reminds me of the poem about when they came for the socialists i stood by and did nothing when they came for the jews ppl stood by and did nothing and when they came for me there was no one left to defend me.if she really had balls she would have refused to take part in the lynching and stood for the truth then not afterwards when she suddenly decided to investigate the case and low and behold thought mj was innocent afterall. fake.
True but at least she is trying to correct it. To me, that gives her more crediabity than a fan. For someone to change their tune makes some people think alittle more.
Meh, TMez forgave and supported her, enough to write the forward of her book; that's good enough for me. She got brainwashed like so many others; I'm gonna cut her some slack. I don't need her telling me to support getting the truth out, but her book may help for reference purposes.
No, that was what she did when she wrote the book and published it.

I guess some people prefer that people go on thinking Michael was a pedophile. If they change their minds, you'll just call them fake.

No, but she's also selling a book to MJ fans in this blogpost, which essentially is just like preaching to the choir.
cause i find ppl like her fickle. i doubt she would have written such a book if mj were convicted. she would have been "celebrating " with all the rest. she worked for fox she helped in the attempt to lynch mj then when he won she suddenly saw the light. she reminds me of the poem about when they came for the socialists i stood by and did nothing when they came for the jews ppl stood by and did nothing and when they came for me there was no one left to defend me.if she really had balls she would have refused to take part in the lynching and stood for the truth then not afterwards when she suddenly decided to investigate the case and low and behold thought mj was innocent afterall. fake.

I see where you are coming from, but still. Nobody forced her to write this book, she admits she was wrong and tries to make up for that with the book. And also by going on tv(awhile ago she was talking to that piece of crap Bill O reilly) and really defending him. Nobody forced her to write the book about Michael and tell the truth....i say good on her :)
I see where you are coming from, but still. Nobody forced her to write this book, she admits she was wrong and tries to make up for that with the book. And also by going on tv(awhile ago she was talking to that piece of crap Bill O reilly) and really defending him. Nobody forced her to write the book about Michael and tell the truth....i say good on her :)
Me too. What do they want for her to continue to say he was guilty (Like Nancy Grace) when she know he was not.
blahh. gotta love ppl who sit on the fence and wait to see who wins b4 supporting them

What? Do you know this woman was a three time NEW YORK BEST SELLING author and not one company would pubish her book that vindicated MJ, so she self published. Why are there such negitive people on a MJ site? I handly think she is sitting on the fence...

The guilty one is her - she was driving the lynch mob during the 2005 trial - so this is her way of expiating her sins.

Because she discovered the truth and stood up to everyone damaging her own career to set the record straight you condem her?? what is going on with some people in this site?
Because she discovered the truth and stood up to everyone damaging her own career to set the record straight you condem her?? what is going on with some people in this site?

Personally, i do like Aphrodite Jones a LOT and admire her for standing up to her journalistic and ethical beliefs.

I DON'T AGREE, however, with her "aw, poor Michael, I wrote about it, and psst...buy my book & get a special signed signature at no additional cost" near the end of her blog post.

Sorry, it came across as too much of a sales pitch.

Another thing: We already know Mj is innocent, so she should concentrate on selling her book to people who were/are on the fence just like she was.
This is just my opinion..I will gladly take the heat but there are certain people on this website that really should know what the hell they are talking about before they comment..She is looking for nothing more than clearing MJ's name. She published this book out of her own pocket. Her peers have turned against her and her career was damaged. Why would you sit in Judgement of someone who has taken great lenghts at her own personal expense to help him!! Can anyone explain to me why and only on this site do there seem to be so many negitive people???
I have respect for her coming forward saying I was wrong and I did not report the truth and writing it.
The fact is sensationalism sells and false stories sell, we know this its the greed of money, she is one of a few who has written the TRUTH about michael and she had to fund it herself.
hat? Do you know this woman was a three time NEW YORK BEST SELLING author and not one company would pubish her book that vindicated MJ, so she self published. Why are there such negitive people on a MJ site? I handly think she is sitting on the fence...
i couldnt careless how many best sellers she had. i dont like her motive/ agenda.and yes she didnt sit on the fence she was a member of the lynch mob until it it didnt go their way. id have respect for her if she took a stand during the trial instead of waiting till the end after mj won. all so easy to do it then. "all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to stand by and do nothing"
I DON'T AGREE, however, with her "aw, poor Michael, I wrote about it, and psst...buy my book & get a special signed signature at no additional cost" near the end of her blog post.

Sorry, it came across as too much of a sales pitch.

Another thing: We already know Mj is innocent, so she should concentrate on selling her book to people who were/are on the fence just like she was.
exactly.theres a sucker born every minute
To me, that gives her more crediabity than a fan. For someone to change their tune makes some people think alittle more.
yes that is true but when it comes to mj its all about agenda. would she have written the book if mj had been convicted. she waited till the end and then saw the light.guilt trip or whatever i dont know but the damage was already done and she was apart of it.so now i not gonna kiss her ass like some fans cause they are just gratefull someones now supporting mj.actions speak louder than words back in 03-05. ontop of the buy my book routine at the end of her blogg.
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By a court order, she requested that all trial transcripts be turned over to her and at that time after she review all the evidence. Some of which made it to trial and some that didn't..she ask TM for his help. He decided she was genuine and really was trying to set the recond straight. With no financial gain he has been trying to help her so the truth is brought to the light.. but if some MJ fans would like to keep the truth buried like so many others in this world, than I guess that what we should do.. NOT! You are in the minority and I don't even know why I am wasting my time trying to explain this to you...have at it my friends..
By a court order, she requested that all trial transcripts be turned over to her and at that time after she review all the evidence. Some of which made it to trial and some that didn't..she ask TM for his help. He decided she was genuine and really was trying to set the recond straight. With no financial gain he has been trying to help her so the truth is brought to the light.. but if some MJ fans would like to keep the truth buried like so many others in this world, than I guess that what we should do.. NOT! You are in the minority and I don't even know why I am wasting my time trying to explain this to you...have at it my friends..

Again, I LIKE AND RESPECT Aphrodite Jones.

I just didn't like the tone of this particular blogpost, because it sounds like a sales pitch to me.
im intrested in ppl motives for their actions as they are important as the actions themselves. shame she didnt bother getting access to the court transcripts while she was apart of the lynch mob. fans had no problems reading them.if she had took a stand b4 hand instead of waiting till the end there would be respect instead of going along with the lynch mob for a $. its all to easy to see the light at the end much harder to take a stand for the truth when it goes against the majority.

great if non fans get to read this and see the truth but as i said the motives and timing are just as important
I have bought and read Aphrodite Jones' book and it is a very good read, despite the legal mumbo-jumbo, which is clearly explained in her book.
She 'saw'the light and wrote this book and financed it herself, well I say kudos to Aphrodite Jones who is trying to get the world to know the truth. For that I am grateful to her.