A letter from my 6 years old son to Michael

Awww I bet you filled up when you saw it :cry:

I have two children aged 7 and 11 and Michaels death is the first death they have had to deal with and they took it so hard :cry:
It didn't help that we only got tickets for the show two days before he passed so of course we were all on a high and then woke up to the news......:cry: :cry:
It was so hard telling them.They cried on and off for days and they both still get upset at certain songs of his.
My youngest will come up to me and say Mummy why did Michael have to die?
Why were people so nasty to him?
It is just so heartbreaking :cry:
Awww I bet you filled up when you saw it :cry:

I have two children aged 7 and 11 and Michaels death is the first death they have had to deal with and they took it so hard :cry:
It didn't help that we only got tickets for the show two days before he passed so of course we were all on a high and then woke up to the news......:cry: :cry:
It was so hard telling them.They cried on and off for days and they both still get upset at certain songs of his.
My youngest will come up to me and say Mummy why did Michael have to die?
Why were people so nasty to him?

It is just so heartbreaking :cry:

:hug: to your little one

Precious children.. :cry:
I keep asking those same questions.. but find no answers.

Strenght to you and your kids!
Aww, your baby boy is precious! So sweet of him, and yeah, will you come back, please, Michael?:angel:
Go the new generation! Carry Michael's legacy into the future!
Big MWAAAAA to your boy. :)
That was a very touching letter, thanks for sharing. It is really sad that these newer and future generations didn't get to experience MJ a bit longer.
Words cannot describe how I am thankful for your warm feelings. I am sure one day I will remind him of this letter and your loving reactions as well. God bless you and bless your children.